
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

Between 19 BBY

Physical Description












Personal Information
Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
Personal Ship:


[ Source ]

"I will seek them out. These vassals of the Force"
― Quejo

Character History

Love and Politics

Born nineteen years before the battle of Yavin in the outer rim territories, during the rise of the Empire. Quejo Drakai was the product of forbidden love. His Father, Drago Drakai, was a hard nosed politician and military man who served as a spokesman for the Government of Eriadu. He would fall for the daughter of a Smuggler turned administrator, Vulk Nova. Drago and Vulk had numerous scuffles and trade disputes and could not come to terms on nearly anything. In fact, they loathed one another. The Hydian Way would begin to suffer, until the much older Drago would meet Vulk's daughter, Serah. He was enamored by her beauty and would use her as a bargaining chip. If Vulk were to agree to the marriage, he would in turn lighten up and allow Nova Industries to operate free of the Eriadu Government. The Seswanna Sector would rejoice and celebrate the potential free trade. Reluctantly, Vulk agreed. For a number of years things would run smoothly until the rise of the Imperial machine which would rewrite the trade routes and enforce its own economic laws. Vulk, being in a bind, begged for aid from Eriadu and reached out to his now pregnant daughter. She would speak to Drago, but the patriarch became bitter, power hungry, and increasingly dutiful to the new Empire. To prove his worth and loyalty, he would plot to assassinate Vulka and would succeed the same year his daughter gave birth to their son.

Imperial Academy

The year was 1 BBY and Quejo was ready to join the Empire. He yearned to make his father proud and grew up learning how to be diplomatic yet manipulative. He learned how to weave his words and how to fight if those words were to fail. He impressed his father with his mind and his mother with a strange luck that she could not explain. She always knew he was destined for great things. After all, the birth was seemingly supernatural. As if it was meant to be. There was something special about her son but she could never put her finger on it. Drago, seeing his sons potential, was anxious for the day his son would leave for the Naval Academy. That day came and nothing made him more pleased than watching his boy grow into a man, ascending through the ranks at a staggering rate. Quejo would serve the Imperial Navy until 5 ABY where everything he had helped build would begin to crumble and the walls would close in around him. At Least for a time

Siren's Call

The Rebel Alliance had delivered a fatal blow to the Empire. The Emperor and Vader were dead. The Imperials that were alive had either fled to remote systems or tried to regroup. Quejo, participated in the latter. He refused to let a group of farmers and wannabe flyboys one-up his Empire. With an (Imperial Assault Ship) known as the Siren's call, he would pick up his most trusted allies. His best friend and Academic equal, Sho-lu, whom he nicknamed Waar was the first to join his cause. Where Quejo was more privy to Tactics, Piloting, and Command. Waar was a weapons specialist, who at the time, served the Imperial Special Forces. He was a Kiffar, but was human enough that Quejo and the Empire didnt care. The next being on his passenger list was an up and coming Naval Officer who had tremendous potential and his inherent Leadership skills impressed everyone he came into contact with. His name was Villinus Hex and his aspirations reminded everyone of a young Wilhuff Tarkin. Together they would fight back against the Rebel Alliance, however, they resembled Mercenaries more than they did Imperials. After a serious dog fight which rendered the Siren's Call inoperable, the three men were left for dead, adrift in the abyss of space in an unknown system they later discovered was called Antei. They were hailed by a strange ship piloted by an even stranger man who called himself Ktulu Mizheray Xyler. The man was very interested in Quejo and explained, that ironically, something within the Siren's Call had awakened and called out to him. The whisper of the Force was heard and Quejo was the catalyst. This obviously had them confused as they had not seen a Jedi or even heard of one until the fall of their Empire took them by surprise. They all studied Order-66 and like everyone else assumed the purge had been thorough. Ktulu would assure them that he was no Jedi but something far more powerful. A Krath Priest.

Personal Profile

Powers and Abilities


Demeanor/Battle Tactics

Personal Fighter

DJB Facts




