
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Lambow, the Mysterious Wookiee
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

11 ABY

Physical Description





1.9 Meters


Mixture of light and dark brown


Dark brown

Personal Information

Anarya Elvendar, Arania Lawakiro Palpatine, Tra'an Reith



Chronology & Political Information




[ Source ]

Lambow, the Mysterious Wookiee, is relatively new to the general Brotherhood membership. Trained by unknown mentors in the Force, he was requested to come assist the Brotherhood by one of the more prominent members they have, Arania Lawakiro Palpatine.

Exactly how they met and if she was his mentor in the ways of the Force are still unknown, as the Wookiee rarely talks about himself. In fact, his reluctance to say anything about the time before he started working with the Brotherhood earned him the Mysterious Wookiee moniker.

Character History

Childhood and Early Life

Nothing is known about Lambow's early life and childhood, except for the fact that he was born on Kashyyyk. He didn't stay there long, as it is clear he had moved about the galaxy very often.

Young Adult Events

Nothing is known, other than he successfully completed his coming-of-age Hrrtayyk ceremony.

Initial entry with the Brotherhood

Lambow quietly entered the Brotherhood scene after the events of the Ninth Great Jedi War during 30 ABY. His obvious advanced knowledge of the Force earned him the rank of a Krath Epis, which someone objected to. The Wookiee immediately demanded a duel, and if the Wookiee won, he'd get to keep his rank and no one could further say anything. The challenger agreed.

The Wookiee ripped of his challenger's face off in less than thirty seconds, and tore his torso into shreds within twenty more.

No one since then has challenged the Wookiee.

Service with Revan

Once his initial "trial" was passed, the Wookiee received word that a new House was in the process of coming together. This proposed House caused a commotion within the Brotherhood, as it was the first House to have been created in quite some time. Their shadowy methods of operation suited the Wookie, as he preferred to be by himself. Thus their usual methods of solitary agents carrying out the will of the House was perfectly suited to him.

Obviously the big Wookiee has been extremely tight-lipped about his assignments. Besides them, there was one event that really stood out.

Upon receiving news that an ancient Sith ship had been discovered in deep space, Revan and two other Brotherhood units rushed to claim as much salvage as they could from the ship. With orders to secure and prioritize information more than physical items, several House agents sprang into action.

They quickly got way more than they bargained for. The ship's artificial intelligence activated thousands of combat droids, and in the process of combat a mad member of Scholae Palpatinae awoke and became a willing host to an ancient Sith Lord. The resulting fight seriously wounded the Wookiee, and made him reconsider the path he was taking in his life. The constant life of possible betrayal by the Sith way of life proved to him that there could be more accomplished by rejecting that philosophy.

Although he couldn't say that he had "redeemed" himself to the Light Side of the Force, he rejected the claims of the Dark Side on him. Unsure if this means that he was a Light Sider or a Gray Jedi, he nonetheless started to look for ways to improve his own life as well as his few close friends.

A New Life with Odan-Urr

At the end of the Tenth Great Jedi War (During which the Wookiee was recovering from his wounds), a decree was handed down from the Dark Council that House Revan was too weak to continue. Its' assets were seized, and it's territory given over to Council administrators.

Now without a unit and with a new outlook on life, he knew that he couldn't join any of the usual Brotherhood Houses and Clans, despite several friends that extended invitations. However, although initially not taken seriously by him, he began to gravitate towards House Odan-Urr and their philosophies on the Force. He requested a transfer to the unit, and upon his discharge from the infirmary, made his way to his new Housemates, eager to begin his life anew once again.

The Wookiee quietly tried to fit in, many of his thoughts and emotions still in an uproar, and attempting to embrace the Light Side of the Force. He found that it was true, once you were part of the Dark Side forever would it dominate your destiny. He constantly fights with the proddings and the urges that comes from the Dark Side, fighting the seduction to go back. This internal conflict has kept him grounded and isolated from his peers in the House. However, during the events of the invasion of New Tython in which he was given a leadership role in the assault he found during the crucible of combat that he finally had accepted himself and his past actions, and from that point on he would just have to go on doing what was right. The fight was fierce but went off without a hitch, in which his squad was critical in the capture of enemy artillery positions that were pounding the beachheads. The rest of the conflict saw him in a more of a support role, which he filled without complaint.

Partially in recognition for this action, Seraphol Ceartas had asked Lambow to join the Knights of Allusis, Odan-Urr's premiere special operations strike team. Ceartas pointed out that Lambow's obvious experience and conduct during the invasion marked him as a steady and reliable member of the House, and the team sorely needed someone of his particular skill set. Lambow uncharacteristically made a snap judgement call and accepted, feeling the prodding of the Force to do so. With his acceptance Ceartas asked for his help with a particularly tricky assignment, one that would possibly uncover a traitor within the Dark Council itself....

Service with The Chosen

With the invasion of New Tython over, Lambow thought back on how things could improve. Much of the assault done by The Chosen, which he had led, was done by troops that weren't exactly ready nor prepared for the special operations missions that they were called for to do. The unit was far more trained for the direct assault mission, but casualties were higher than he expected simply because of lack of training, especially in the room clearing business. Lambow had spoken to Liika, the day-to-day leader of the unit, and expressed his concerns over a stepped up training regimen and a desire to expand their skill set. Liika readily agreed, and they took their plan up to the Clan council as well as the K.U.D.F. leadership.

They had expressed interest in the plan, but noted they were already taking steps to fulfill several roles they had wanted to possibly take over, but assured the Wookiees that their service was still needed and were indeed going to expand, that they just needed time to allocate the right troops to the right mission. Satisfied that the leadership knew what they were doing, they returned with a new passion to train the unit up, preparing for the next battle.



Lambow looks like your average Wookiee, with no real distinguishing features. About the only thing out of the ordinary to the sharp observer is that the Wookiee has careful, economical movements. The Wookiee also is constantly looking about, and aware of everything that is going around him. The Wookiee is also usually heavily armed.

Oddly enough, the Wookiee has had a cybernetic vocator put into his throat. This allows him to speak Basic and other similar languages, although oddly accented by the vocator.

If the vocator is shorted out by an ion pulse, he can still talk, but only his native Shyriiwook.


The Wookiee really hasn't socialized with many, and few can claim him as a friend. He also doesn't attend many social functions, and if he does show, he normally is quietly nursing drinks. Any attempts to talk to him are frustrated since he tends to ignore the person speaking.

Hobbies, Penchants and Talents

The only real talent that has been exhibited by the Wookiee is a natural talent as a mechanic, which obviously had provided him before with a living.


It's been extremely rare for the Wookiee to be seen with companionship, preferring to be alone or simply in the company of those few he called friends, but rumor had it that he may have been pursuing a certain young Lieutenant Commander Dolomar, which is very unusual as when the few times they have been seen together they're usually in extremely detailed conversations about the finer points of capital ship gunnery, capital ship warfare tactics and strategy. The extremely few delicate inquiries on the matter have been met with the usual stony silence, so it may just be hearsay and/or rumors.

Other than the above, Lambow has not disclosed any previous relationships or family ties at all.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

None as yet.

Outstanding Achievements

None that the Wookiee has been willing to share with anyone.


  • The "Lambow" name came about through sheer chance. It was actually created by using an online Random Star Wars name generator. The name sounded amusing, so it was chosen.
  • The "Mysterious Wookiee" business is mainly because this is a new character. There had to be some explanation as to where this Wookiee came from as a full-blown Epis, so it was best left as a mystery to be fleshed out as the character is used more often in official DJB business.

External Links

For more information, check out his dossier or ACC Character Sheet.
