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Farrin Xies is currently a member of Battle Team Jen Kaari, House Tarentum. He holds the rank of Jedi Hunter, is an Initiate in the Antei Combat Center, and is a Senior in the Shadow Academy Society. Previously, he went under the alias Nassin Zye. His personal motto is Audentes Fortuna Iuvat - Fortune favors the bold.
Character History
Birth (4 ABY) Through Childhood
Farrin was born to Cristobal and Irena Xies in Coronet, the capital city of Corellia. An only child, his younger years were very happy as his parents constantly strove to provide the best of everything and, as fairly high-ranking Corellian Security Force (or CorSec) officers, there were certainly credits to spare for the task. His early childhood was filled with toys and playdates with other children that lived in their apartment complex.
Teen (16 ABY)
Farrin's teen life was one of comfort. He attended some of the better public schools, was fairly popular amongst his peers, and continued to be well provided for by his parents. Farrin was a rather ambivalent member of the Sub-Adult Group, a division of the COMPNOR during his childhood and continuing on during his teen years. When CorSec was dismantled in 7 ABY, his parents both joined its successor, the Public Safety Service.
Adulthood (21 ABY)
Example of uniform worn during courier missions for the ISB.
Due to his membership in the Sub-Adult Group, unenthusiastic as it was, as well as his stellar marks in school, the Imperial Security Bureau sought Farrin to join their ranks. Due to the impressive signing bonus as well as the esteem he felt that they were held in, the decision was an easy one of Farrin's part. He eventually rose to become one of the most trusted couriers of ISB Central Command, later followed by the Council of Moffs.
It was on a routine run for the Council of Moffs that Farrin's unmarked shuttle was disabled by New Republic forces an hour's flight outside Theed on the planet of Naboo. The flight crew and the four stormtroopers assigned to guard him were killed in front of him, but Farrin was taken for questioning, where he was tortured. After four days of this horrible treatment, trying to gain the information safely ensconced in his head, Farrin reached his breaking point. Using The Force for the first time, he broke his bonds and lashed out at his attackers before fleeing.
The Emperor's Hammer (21 ABY - 29 ABY)
Logo of the Emperor's Hammer
On the run and attempting to teach himself the ways of the Dark Side of the Force, Farrin ran afoul of the Intelligence Directorate of an Imperial breakaway fleet known as the Emperor's Hammer. Because of his budding Force powers, instead of being tortured yet again Farrin instead enrolled in the Shadow Academy of the (Emperor's Hammer) Dark Brotherhood - he did not know at this time of the distinction between it and the post-Exodus Dark Brotherhood. He quickly grew in power and prestige, eventually rising to lead this Dark Brotherhood's Shadow Academy as it's Headmaster and obtaining the rank of Dark Side Adept. Additionally, using the Dark Side to aid him along the way, he took on various positions within the Emperor's Hammer Directorate that oversaw the various planetary holdings within the Strike Fleet, rising rapidly through the ranks of this organization as well to become a Duke and lead it as its Grand Moff. Because of his station, he was also given the honorary rank of Admiral within the Emperor's Hammer. For someone who had previously served as a simple courier for Moffs, to command entire systems was a heady task, especially for someone who had not yet seen thirty.
After serving with distinction as the leader of the Emperor's Hammer Directorate for some time, Farrin grew disillusioned with politics and sought to deepen his study of the Dark Side. The Dark Brotherhood of the Emperor's Hammer, however, was on the decline, and it was for that reason that when he heard reports that the "rebel" Dark Brotherhood was thriving after the "Split" (their term for the Exodus), he secretly boarded his private shuttle and piloted it himself to Antei
Joining the Brethren and Exile (29 ABY-38 ABY)
Once he reached Antei, Farrin assumed the name of Nassin Zye to mask who he was - relations between the Emperor's Hammer and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood at this time were still uneasy. He made the decision early on to treat this as a chance to start his life anew, and so began working his way up from the ranks of Apprentice just as any "normal" new recruit would. As a member of House Marka Ragnos of Clan Naga Sadow, he moved swiftly through the ranks to Jedi Hunter, serving along the way briefly as a Battleteam Sergeant of the Shadow's Bane Battleteam and also as a Battleteam Leader of the now-defunct Night Falcons Battleteam. In late 31 ABY, Farrin resigned his positions and left his House and Clan, exiling himself to the swamp planet of Dagobah. He had received the troubling news of the death of his beloved parents on Corellia, and in his mourning he felt it necessary to make a break from everything which he knew. Dagobah, most famous for being the former home of the exiled Jedi Grand Master Yoda, served as a welcome place for Farrin to come to terms with his losses and where he was in his life.
Return from Exile (38 ABY-Present)
After nine years on Dagobah, a leaner and wiser Farrin decided that it was time to rejoin the galaxy, and so he took passage on a freighter that had set down on the planet for emergency repairs. Finding his way back to Antei, he petitioned the Master at Arms for readmittance into the Brotherhood to renew his training. Accepted back, he threw off the mantle of his assumed name and joined the former Clan, now House Tarentum. Farrin began attacking his studies with a gusto in an effort to make up for the time lost on his Trials of Knighthood and worked hard to become a valuable member of his House.
DJB Facts
Shadow Academy Courses Completed
- Debate II: Refutation
- Wiki Basics
- Markdown 101
- HTML Primer
- Debate I: Argumentation
- Krath Core
- Obelisk Core
- Dark Brotherhood Basics
- Sith Core
- Leadership Fundamentals
- Leadership Studies
- IRC Basics
- Philosophy I: Views
- Philosophy II: Cults
- Hand-to-Hand Combat
- Advanced Lightsaber Studies
- Lightsaber Studies
- Combat Tactics I
- Old Republic History
- History of the Sith Empire II
- History of the Sith Empire III
- History of the Sith Empire I
- Pre-Republic History
- Writing Studies
- Test of Wisdom
- Grammar Studies
- Poetry Studies
- Runon Studies
- Essentials 5: Organization
- Advancement Survey
- Vendetta 1: Foundation
- DJBWiki: An Introduction
- Essentials 1: History
- Essentials 2: Departments
- Essentials 3: Paths & Orders
- Essentials 4: Ranks
- Essentials 6: Medals
- Vendetta 2: Submission
- Vendetta 3: Fiction and Graphics Tips
- Chamber of Justice I
- Naga Sadow History
- Conflict Mediation
- Safe Computing
- HTML Basics
- ACC Basics
- Test of Lore
- Training Saber Basics
- Starfighter Studies
- Freighters/Transports
- Capital Starship Studies
- Astronomy Studies
- Chamber of Justice II
- ACC Qualification
- Planets and Stars
- IRC Operator Studies
- ACC Fundamentals
Shadow Academy Degrees Held
- Dark Maven - Writing
- Dark Pundit - Essentials
- Dark Pundit - Vendetta
- Dark Maven - Combat
- Dark Maven - Philosophy
- Dark Maven - General History
- Dark Savant - Writing and Philosophy
- Dark Maven - Flight
Positions Held