Ghon was a male Gungan from Naboo. A thug from a young age, he fell in with a rough crowd, killing someone during a robbery that went seriously wrong and left him with one eye, earning him the nickname One Eye. The murder resulted in the teenager being banished from Otoh Gunga. Ostracised by his own family, the Gung exile became simply "Ghon", forgetting all about his former background. Ghon quickly turned to a life of crime, accepting whatever work came his way, from smuggling to bounty hunting. His work brought him to the Phare system where he met Sylus Vega, the mayor of Jurass-Kur. In Ghon, Vega saw a malleable young mind and offered him a job as his personal "fixer", which the Gung readily accepted.
When the Dlarit Corporation migrated to the Orian system, Ghon followed Vega's lead, continuing to supply whatever services--legal and otherwise-- the mayor required. Bribery, extortion and harassment became tools of the trade for the young Gung. Later, when in 27 ABY Vega threw his hand in with the True Brotherhood, believing the Sith witch Anaxela their best chance to weather the invasion of the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong, Ghon once more deferred to his boss's better judgment. But when the Dlarit Navy returned, having survived where Vega had been certain of their deaths, the mayor of Seng Karash was forced to head underground, disappearing into the jungles of Aeotheran.
Loyal to the end, Ghon remained by Vega's side as his boss set up "Vega Incorporated" and built up a private stronghold, hidden in one of the old mines which had been abandoned shortly after the mining crew punched through into an unstable underground cavern, rendering further mining work infeasible. Ghon continued to act as Vega's chief operative in Seng Karash, overseeing numerous deals in the Undercity. In late 30 ABY, strange events started occurring after Ghon obtained a crate of black membrosia from one of Vega's men inside the Dlarit Police. Ghon found the membrosia addictive, keeping it from Vega for himself. But unknown to Ghon, the pheromones hidden in the drink slowly began to change his brain structure, absorbing him into a secret hive mind of Killik Joiners that had infiltrated the system.
Ghon, "One Eye", the Gungan maverick and bounty hunter.Ghon continued his work for Vega, but all the while he was now helping smuggle Killik eggs into the system. Absorbed into the hive, Ghon barely even knew what he was doing, let alone could he hope to understand. He kept Vega in the dark, using the unstable lower levels of the abandoned mine to set up a hidden nest underneath the stronghold of Vega Incorporated in the upper levels. Despite his ongoing activities as a Joiner, Ghon continued to help Vega with his own conspiracy: Vega had signed up with the Peace Brigade and started working with the local Vong remnants who sought to take revenge on the Dlarit Corporation--a goal the crime lord had more than readily supported.
Ghon will feature in an upcoming Clan Naga Sadow event later in Summer 2009.