Ronovi Tavisaen

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

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"I endure only the worst to achieve only the best."
―Ronovi Tavisaen

Ronovi Tavisaen is currently a Guardian residing in House Gladius in Clan Tarentum and the present Obelisk Sergeant of Gladius's training battle team, Arcano Signum. She is an Epicanthix who hails from Yridia IX from a tightly knit family of mechanics. While Ronovi may appear to be a blunt, brutal, and slightly irrational character, she is very much devoted to her clan and her house and exhibits impressive strength due to her heritage and her skill.

Character History


Ronovi's father was a prominent spacer in the Outer Rims and had a strong affiliation with the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. However, he had made no effort to join the Brotherhood himself, as he believed he had no chance as a Dark Jedi despite his warrior blood. After many years of working, he returned to his home planet, Panatha, where he met and fell in love with his future wife. The two married in Tree City before traveling to Yridia IX, where they temporarily resided in its metropolis, Eden City.

When his wife became pregnant, Ronovi's father decided that the best thing to do was move outside of the city despite the planet's barren landscape. They moved into a small house on the outskirts of Eden City in 7 ABY, where Ronovi's mother gave birth to the couple's first child, a son. Three years later, she gave birth to Ronovi.

The Warrior Within

"Is that all you've got? Pathetic! "
―Ronovi Tavisaen, to her brother

Ronovi was raised on strong family values and taught to cherish being with her parents and her siblings as much as possible. Unlike the other Epicanthix, who were notorious for conquering other planets in the Outer Rims, Ronovi's father wished for a quieter life. He seemed happy enough to raise his children to work on ships like he did, as he was now a mechanic busily repairing the ships of citizens from Eden City.

While her brother began to follow in the footsteps of his father and her younger sister immersed herself in books and philosophical studies, Ronovi did not try to restrain the desire for conquest and challenge boiling in her blood. She believed that if she was an Epicanthix, she was a warrior, and therefore she must act like a warrior. When her brother was not working with their father, she would challenge him to a fistfight or a duel with sticks that she had whittled in her spare time. Most of the time, she would win.

When her father finally noticed his daughter's desire to be a fighter, he taught himself to embrace this fact and aided her in learning various fighting techniques and arts, as he himself had done training as a warrior when he was a young boy. While becoming well practiced in martial arts and sparring with her bare hands, Ronovi also favored using a short staff or a dagger. She preferred close combat because, as she claimed, it got her heart pounding and her adrenaline rushing, and because of this, she felt alive. Ronovi's mother disapproved of her father's support in her interests, saying that she would go out looking for trouble, but Ronovi wasn't looking back. She was certainly the black sheep of the family.

By the time Ronovi was thirteen, her father made the decision to move back to Eden City so that his business as a mechanic would become more successful. While her brother and sister needed time to adapt to the big city, Ronovi was quick to acquaint herself with various others wishing to work as pilots or brawlers. It was in Eden City that she learned about the Dark Jedi, first from her father, then from various colleagues. As her family expressed anti-sentiment toward the New Republic, Ronovi believed that the path of darkness held the true source of power.

Life in the City

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A portrait of Ronovi at age eighteen, a few months before leaving for the Brotherhood.

Ronovi's notoriety as a strong fighter would soon spread in the certain borough of the city where she lived, and soon she went to search for work. At the age of sixteen, she landed a job in a small tavern known for its customers' rambunctious behavior. Though she was first hired as a waitress because of the fact that she was a girl, Ronovi began to impose her strength on various obnoxious and troublemaking patrons. After separating two large, squabbling Bothans with a swift move of her arm, Ronovi demonstrated her inherited capability as a warrior. The owner of the tavern, impressed, swiftly selected her to be one of the bouncers.

Customers first walking into the tavern were often confused at the sight of a young, female Epicanthix standing by the door, dressed in a bouncer's uniform with her arms folded. However, the fact that she was an Epicanthix, which were rarely found in Eden City, added to her imposing persona, as she shared the species' impressive height, dark features and hair, and piercing eyes. While patrons would drunkenly screech for a fight along with another drink, her ability to calmly hoist the perpetrator up and out of the tavern would occasionally stun the entire bar into silence.

When not working, Ronovi continued to train in close combat fighting with her father until he claimed that he could only give her the basics. By the time she was about to turn eighteen, her father informed her that a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood had spoken to him after witnessing Ronovi's feats as a bouncer. Ronovi's father claimed that the member of the Brotherhood insisted that she was extremely Force-sensitive and a perfect candidate for the Obelisk Order. As Ronovi's dream was not only to fight, but also to fight for something, she quickly agreed.

A few days later, Ronovi's father handed her over to the member of the Dark Brotherhood. After becoming a member of Clan Tarentum, Ronovi was then transported to the House of Gladius, located in the Sword's Sheath on the Itaana belt, shortly after her initiation.

New Blood in the Brotherhood

"Well, this is all rather overwhelming."
―Ronovi Tavisaen

Ronovi was at first disoriented after her transfer to Gladius. Being in a completely different environment, though exciting, also frightened her, as this was the first time that she had been so far away from home. However, she quickly began her academic studies once she arrived on the Sword's Sheath so she could be distracted and therefore avoid the dreadful feeling of loneliness. This, of course, also began her complete dedication to becoming a Dark Jedi.

While partaking in Krath studies such as history and lore, Ronovi also began learning tactics as an Obelisk, including marksmanship and core tactics. She also took time to interact with various lower-ranks and higher-ups so she could be seen as a strong participant in the Brotherhood. As a result, she was assigned to tasks other than being instructed academically shortly after she showed success in her studies.

After her first mission, Ronovi was initiated into Arcano Signum and shortly after became Dark Side Adept Doni Tzu Tarentae's first apprentice. Ronovi highly respected her master despite his reputation for being ruthless in battle and even more so when confronting his colleagues. Even after Doni Tzu decided to leave Clan Tarentum to embark on an exodus, Ronovi still maintained contact with him through the Force so that he could continue to teach her even from a distance. Also, despite her initial resistance to the idea, Ronovi began to take an interest in flying and piloting.

Gaining Prominence

By the time she reached the Journeyman class, Ronovi found herself in a sorry state. A sudden illness had left her incapable of partaking in several missions, and even as she recovered, she would succumb to frailty and weariness. With her strength gradually returning, the Epicanthix slowed down in her studies and found herself meditating most of the time in hopes of maintaining an inner balance. While it sometimes worked, Ronovi found herself to be clumsy and disoriented when battling or exploring.

It was the departure of her master from Clan Tarentum that drove Ronovi out of her mental and physical ennui. While Doni Tzu's mind and body were going through an intense metamorphosis, Ronovi would have to mature in order to become a more independent Dark Jedi. With her master's help, Ronovi was encouraged to return to her academic studies and take on new objectives with a better attitude and state of mind. She was also aided by several allies, including her Quaestor, Apollo and her friend Dralin Hakh'khar, who had recently been named the new Aedile of House Gladius.

In time, Ronovi occasionally found herself in a leadership position while on missions. This especially was noticed during an entire Clan strike on Prakith, which was done in hopes of finding new technology that could aid Tarentum. Her work and participation so impressed her Quaestor, Aedile, and Rollmaster Scion Altera that they decided to appoint her the new battle team leader of Arcano Signum. With her new position, she worked to make the team a suitable organization for newer House members so they could train and receive instructions from their superiors. In this way, the concept of the Praxeum, as started by Windos and continued by Kazarelth Talismarr, was reintroduced.

While being a battle team leader pleased her, Ronovi's desire to partake in larger, grander battles was growing stronger, and she began studying military strategy and combat as part of her academics. At the same time, Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae, Marshal of the Armies of Tarentum, was re-formatting the structure of the Clan Tarentum Military. As he needed new officers for the Tarentum Army, he requested that Ronovi, along with several other clan members, try out for open positions. He was impressed with Ronovi's strategic knowledge and appointed her Lieutenant Colonel of the Clan Tarentum I Corps, which gave her command over the Second Brigade of the Second Division.

With new responsibilities being placed upon her, Ronovi embraced the fact that she would have to work diligently and diplomatically as a commander and a leader. It was only a matter of time, however, before she would truly be put to the test in the face of conflict and struggle.


"It is never the way of the Dark Jedi to do what is easy."
―Ronovi Tavisaen
File:Ronovi Rifle.jpg
Ronovi as a Protector in her Obelisk robes, holding a blaster rifle.

Physical Appearance

Ronovi holds the typical Epicanthix appearance, being tall, muscular, and dark-haired. She is an impressive two meters in height, which is actually the average height among Epicanthix, and enjoys it due to the fact that she appears intimidating. She is not a person of fashion, mainly wearing her Obelisk robes or worn out, patched civilian clothing when she's out and about. There is nothing particularly distinct about her appearance, save for a few scattered scars that she has received in combat and in her past career as a bouncer.


Ronovi is a frequent wielder of heavy blaster pistols, normally carrying two within her robes during strikes or battles. While she prefers using blasters in the style of an SSK-7, she will sometimes resort to using hold-out blasters as back-up. Although she is not a sniper, Ronovi has occasionally been equipped with a blaster rifle, and at least once she has specifically used a Stouker concussion rifle in combat.

As she is high enough in rank, Ronovi also owns a lightsaber. However, she finds herself obligated to use it only in emergencies, as her blade is weaker than most. Also, while in hand to hand combat, Ronovi is quick to use the martial arts form Stava, preferring its aggressive tactics over the assassin-like movements of Close Quarters Battle.

The Force

As she is more physically skilled than mentally, Ronovi can be considered a minimalist of the Force. This is partially due to her Force powers being much more feeble than those of other clan members, and she does not feel confident using them. However, her one redeeming quality is her sharp use of Force senses, as she is able to easily detect and observe various occurrences within a large square area. While occasionally she is overwhelmed by the information that she subsequently receives, she is able to channel such readings into proper use more and more easily as she progresses in rank.


Ronovi is an aggressive, impatient character. When fighting, she resorts to hand to hand combat multiple times when she feels the urge boiling in her blood. While practicing these arts proves her strength, Ronovi has a true brawler's personality and therefore can become incredibly irrational in battle. This can result in potential harm to herself or her comrades. However, Ronovi's ability to cooperate grants her respect from other members.

Although she is a fighter at heart, Ronovi prefers that conflict stay on the battlefield rather than within the clan. While she is not soft-spoken, she knows when to become the mediator or back down from an argument. She is someone who believes in unity at all costs, no matter what the disagreements are.

DJB Facts


N/A Apprentice to Doni Tzu Tarentae
28 ABY - Present
Dralin Hakh'khar Obelisk Sergeant of Arcano Signum
29 ABY - Present
N/A Lieutenant Colonel of the Clan Tarentum Military
29 ABY - Present

Outstanding Achievements

  • Ronovi was the lowest-ranked member of a fifteen-member strike team that raided Karideph, participating at the rank of Novice.
  • Ronovi worked alongside her Quaestor, Aedile, and Rollmaster to make Arcano Signum into a training team in order to teach and empower their newer House members.


  • Ronovi was requested to become Doni Tzu Tarentae's apprentice after she saved his life on Karideph; he had been held captive and tortured by the Yuuzhan Vong, and the two developed a Force connection while they were both being treated in medical facilities on Yridia II.
  • Despite the fact that she is not incredibly academic, Ronovi is very well read in biology, and her information on Droch aided Gladius against the parasites.