- "Here in Darkness, I know myself..."
- ―Sephiroth Shamshan Kali
Template:Krath charinfo
Character History
Sephiroth Shamshan Kali is a male human Dark Jedi from the planet Dromund Kaas. A feared and revered leader, Krath Priest Sephiroth Shamshan Kali belives in his destiny: to lead the Brotherhood, with Tarentum at the helm, to the Culmination of the Final Way.
Birth and Upbringing ( 900 BBY to Unknown Year / 0 years old )
- "I see great Darkness in his future. I fear for any who cross him."
- ―Kali'Ray
Sephiroth is the child of Kali' Ray, a Dathomiri Nightsister who trained at the Sith Academy on Dathomir before it was abandoned, and an unknown male. Before the Brotherhood of Darkness was sent to Russan, she fled to the planet Dromund Kaas.
Young Life ( 88.5 BBY to Unknown Year / ? years old )
- "You will be a Prophet. I have forseen it."
- ―Unnamed Prophet
Sephiroth Shamshan Kali grew up on Dromund Kaas and not much is known about his early years. It is known that his mother brought to the Prophets of the Dark Side in the Dark Force Temple. He was found to be Force Sensitive. He recieved training there and later left to join the Imperial Navy's Special Services Division, where he became a Field Grade officer.
Adulthood ( 18 ABY to Current / ? years old )
- "Do you fear the Dark Side youg one? You should."
- ―Pyralis
Kali had a short sprint on Antei during the reign of the Emperor's Hammer, before the Exodus. Disgusted with the leadership he left for regions unknown. He later returned, ready to take his rightful place within the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi.
Career of a Legend: The Begining
Upon Sephiroth's second entry into the Brotherhood, he took the name of Sephiroth Storm. He was greeted by his House Envoy, then Dark Jedi Knight Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir. He became the Dark Knight's Apprentice. Under Ma'ar's tutalage, Sephiroth created and led the Battleteam Prophets, serving twice as Tetrarch.
Upon Ma'ar's sudden transfer to Acrona, Sephiroth drifted alone in the void until he came upon Former Headmaster, Dark Jedi Master Anshar Kahn Tarentae. Anshar saw the raw potential of the man and took him as his Apprentice, and training him to Knighthood. They remain close friends and allies.
A Vision of the Future?
After recent travels throught the Galaxy, Sephiroth returned to Clan Tarentumand has been seen scouring Brotherhood locations for knowledge. Many have rumored that he has found the Lost Chronicle of Dark Souls, and has taken an interest in the Marked of the Wanderer.
Physical description
Sephiroth is tall and intimidating to most he meets. Others have a hard time discerning his species, as his dark skin is bronzed to a near golden hue and his long silver hair increases the effect of his eyes on you. When you look into his eyes, you realize that they are slanted and the pupils are shaped like pyramids. The reasoning behind this is a closely guarded secret to those outside of Tarentum, Sephiroth has placed a spell on his eyes, so that he sees the Force abilities of anyone he gazes upon. He also has a lightning shaped scar over his right eye.
Sephiroth is very loyal to those he considers to be his allies. At the current time, his first loyalty is to the Brotherhood, then his Clan and House, then his Order. Sephiroth is very devout when it comes to his Order, to which he takes a religious view in his studies. Sephiroth delves very deeply into histories and the nature of the dark side. Personally, he considers himself to be adept, within his class of course.
Sephiroth has several possessions which are very important to him.
File:SephSaber.gifKali's Lightsaber
- Lightsaber- Sephiroth owns a curved hilt duelist saber. Inside the casing lay two crystals both corrupted by intense use of the Dark Side of the Force, a Nextor and a Sigil Crystal. Kali currently fights using the Makashi, Soresu, and Vaapad saber styles. He next intends to then master Vapaad, then Shien. Either way it is best to avoid the wrath of the Krath Priest when he draws his blade.
- Force Pike- A wicked weapon, Sephiroth nearly always carries on of his favorite melee weapons, the legendary Force Pike. Capeable of torturous electrical shocks, severing limbs, or overloading a victim's nervous system, Kali loves to use the Pike in one on one combat.
File:Forcepike.jpgA force pike.
File:Staff.jpgThe Staff of Kahn
- The Staff of Khan- Formed by techniques long forgotten, Sephiroth's forays into the deep archives of the Brotherhood and other sourses enabled him to create this weapon. The Staff was created from unknown materials and it increases his connection to the Dark Side of the Force. He often uses it in Dark Rituals to focus his connection to the Force and to direct energy. Other uses of this tool are unknown as of now. The Staff is named after Darth Kahn, a little known Sith Lord.
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- Ship- Sephiroth owns a personalised Imperial Sentinel-Class Landing Craft. Maximized for combat, It carries a small contengent of security forces, a Pilot, and a sensor tech. It also contains a small meditation chamber in the middle of the ship.It has modified weaponry, 3 laser cannons, 3 concussion missiles launchers, 2 retractable ion cannon, 4 Void-7 Seismic Charges w/ launcher and 2 rotating repeating blasters. The vehicles wings are emblazoned with the Clan Tarentum seal
DJB Facts
Current Possitions
Krath Tyro- Qua's team, House Tridens of Clan Tarentum
Past Positions
- Aedile of House Tridens 2/11/2008- 3/25/2008
- Knight First Class Envoy, Clan Envoy for Clan Tarentum 9/8/2007- 3/8/2008 (dissolution of KSOE)
- Tetrarch of Battleteam Prophets 5/18/2005-6/21/2005 & 10/17/2005- 6/6/2006
- Rollmaster for House Tridens 1/1/2007- 7/11/2007
- House Envoy for House Tridens February 2006- June 2006 & January 2007 - 09/12/2007
Outstanding Achievements
- Dark Maven- History
- Sephiroth and the Tarentum Envoy Team have twice recieved accolades from the Society of Envoys, beating out thier fellow Envoys.
- Last of the Knight First Class Envoys
- Founder of Battleteam Prophets
- Former Grand Master of the reformed Dark Brotherhood of Spam
Sephiroth can proudly boast that he has killed a Grand Master. One day Sephiroth challened GM Jac Cotelin in Jedi Academy and killed him. Twice. Then he was PWN'ed by the power of the GM.