Taldryan Expansionary Force
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Taldryan Expansionary Force | |
General information | |
Founder(s): | |
Leader(s): |
Headquarters: |
Location, Karufr |
Historical information | |
Formed from: | |
Founding: | |
Reorganization: | |
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Affiliation: | |
Era(s): | |
[ Source ] |
The Taldryan Expansionary Forces (TalEx) is the unified military branches of House Taldryan. This unified institution consists of the Taldryan Army, Taldryan Navy, Taldryan Intelligence Directorate, and Taldryan Logistics Division. The Expansionary Forces are overseen by the Taldryan Strategic Operations Council, chaired by the reigning leaders of Taldryan Template:TalQUA and Template:TalAED.
Brief overview of the previous iteration, the first formal army created by Kir Katarn in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong attack. Later reorganized after the return to Independent House status. Fluff to explain what it was and how it came to be fictionally (rather than a whole huge history outline) and to push the table under the infobox. Also, images are placeholders until we get some graphic stuff going.
Strategic Operations Council
The Strategic Operations Council is the governing body for all of Taldryan's military assets. It is a joint council of both members from the Brotherhood Community, who act as civilian advisers in both times of peace and war, as well some of the best and most loyal military minds that the leaders of Taldryan could find. The council is led by the current leaders of Taldryan, Template:TalQUA and Template:TalAED, along with their War Marshal, the highest ranking military officer in Taldryan.
Taldryan Strategic Operations Council (TalSOC) | |||||
Supreme Commander Template:TalQUA | |||||
Deputy Commander Template:TalAED | |||||
War Marshal Lee Starr | |||||
Admiral of the Fleet
(TBA) |
Air Marshal
(TBA) |
Field Marshal
(TBA) |
Shadow General
(TBA) |
Captain-General of the Marines
(TBA) |
Director of Intelligence
(TBA) |
High Admiral | Air General | Marshal | Commando General | Deputy Director of TalSIS
(TBA) |
Deputy Director of TalSEC
(TBA) |
History of Taldryan's Armed Forces
Taldryan Security Service
In 22 ABY, Consul Kir Katarn initiated the first general call to form a military force, unique to Taldryan. Whereas previously much of the burden of leading conscripted troops, and flying into battle had fallen onto the shoulders of the dark brethren, Katarn envisioned a proper military force. This force would be commanded and controlled by regular soldiers, drawn from local populations, and by luring the best talents he could from around the galaxy. It was Kir's most inspired creation, the Taldryan Intelligence Service, the first such independent intelligence service in the Brotherhood, that would allow Taldryan operatives to identify, and make contact with stellar individual talents, and convince them to serve Taldryan.
Along with the Intelligence Service, Kir oversaw the creation of the Naval, Army, and Logistics services, enabling Taldryan to field, and operate a completely independent armed forces, that would answer only to Taldryan. Despite the growing trust between Taldryan and the Dark Council, Kir ensured that if ever there were a time when Taldryan was abandoned by her allies, she would not be defenseless. As the years wore on, and Taldryan's influence and power began to wane, the Security Service began to fall into disrepute. With the casual conveyance of Dark Jedi flitting into the ranks, and collecting ranks, and inserting themselves into power over the regular forces, the service's command structures became bloated with ceremonial appointees and bureaucrats.
In 36 ABY, in an effort to cut down the institutional rot, and once again organize Taldryan's military into a formidable force, Quaestor Rian Aslar decided to bring about a change in the Taldryan Military. He appointed long standing Taldryan veteran, and former Admiral of the Emperor's Hammer Keirdagh Cantor to revamp and modernize the forces available to Taldryan. Following the devastating losses suffered in the Brotherhood by the Horizon's Plague, and the attack of two crazed former Grand Masters, it became increasingly necessary to be able to field a well trained, and independent force, devoid of undue influence from the Jedi whom it served.
No longer would the forces be loyal to individual Dark Jedi commanders who were often elsewhere following their own dark paths, the new military would be focused on one goal, serving Taldryan, and Taldryan alone. By appointing full time, non-force-sensitive commanders, veterans who has been seasoned in wars and campaigns throughout the galaxy, Taldryan could be sure that their military forces would not be appropriated by any rogue Dark Jedi. It could ensure that their troops would adhere to a strict chain of command, answering to a joint council of Dark Jedi appointees, and career military men, all under the command of the Template:TalQUA and Template:TalAED.
In an effort to move away from the perception of Taldryan's military forces as a defensive, policing force like CorSec and redefine it as what it is, a primarily offensive based strike force, intent on enforcing Taldryan's will to the galaxy at large.
Interaction between Dark Jedi and the Military
Taldryan’s military runs as a largely autonomous entity, outside of any influence from its Dark Jedi overseers, with the notable exception of the Dark Jedi serving on as advisers within the Strategic Operations Council. In order to ensure a strict command authority, the rulers of Taldryan decided that the military should act as an added weapon, to work in conjunction with the might of the Dark Jedi who it supported, rather than directly under them.
While it is customary for young Jedi of Taldryan to rotate into and out of combat units to help with their training and leadership, it largely only done with the lowest ranks, and never in a permanent capacity. The reasons behind this are twofold. One: Dark Jedi are constantly called away for special missions, and training, this actively hinders the unit cohesion that Taldryan’s military commanders are seeking. Two: By limiting a Dark Jedi’s role to that of simple infantry, their combat effectiveness would be reduced, forcing them to either endanger the lives of those they’re grouped with, or blunting their own abilities.
It is not unheard of, in times of great crises and war, that members from Taldryan’s Dark Jedi will join with their armed forces in combat. In these special circumstances, it is customary for Dark Jedi members to be granted a Brevet rank, one rank below that of the Unit Commander to which they are attached, so that they may lend their expertise to the Unit, but not bog down well drilled troops with an inexperienced and unfamiliar commander.
Branches of Taldryan's Military
- Main article: [[Taldryan Navy|Taldryan Navy]]
The Taldryan Navy is the backbone of the Taldryan Expansionary Force. Given the distances traveled, and the objectives required, no feat of martial strength is even possible without the might of Taldryan's fleet to ensure the safety of the operation. The Navy is responsible for system defense, planetary assault, space superiority as well as transport of our forces, and the interdiction of enemy forces. The Navy's day to day operations function independently of Taldryan as a whole, requiring little to no oversight from TalSOC. The Navy is also the home to the Taldryan Starfighter Corps, and the Taldryan Marine Corps. Both of these units are exist within the Navy's ranks, but have their own command structure and chain of command.
Taldryan Army
- Main article: [[Taldryan Army|Taldryan Army]]
Taldryan's Army makes up one of the most significant pieces of the Taldryan Expansionary Forces, being responsible for ground-based military operations, and occupying enemy territory. The Ground forces of Taldryan are generally considered to be the least glamorous of the military branches, but respected as one of the most integral. The Army consists of multiple units divided by their strengths, consisting of infantry, mechanized infantry and reconnaissance Regiments. Taldryan's Army is also home to it's elite Special Forces the Darkfire Battalion.
Taldryan Intelligence Directorate
- Main article: [[Taldryan Intelligence Directorate|Taldryan Intelligence Directorate]]
The Taldryan Intelligence Directorate was the first of it's kind within the Dark Brotherhood. The Directorate is responsible for keeping Taldryan's Leaders, both Military and Jedi, appraised of developments within the Brotherhood and the galaxy at large. The Directorate is divided into three divisions, TalSIG: The Signals Intelligence Division; focusing on observing, intercepting and analyzing communications from throughout the galaxy and Taldryan's own agents. TalSEC: The Counter-Intelligence and Domestic Security Division; focusing on ferreting out enemy infiltrations and seditionists within our borders. And finally TalSIS: The Secret Intelligence Service; focusing on infiltrating enemy organizations within the Brotherhood, various pirate and criminal organizations, and galactic governments.
Taldryan Quartermaster Corps
The old adage that an Army runs on it's stomach is as true now, as anywhere in history. The Quartermaster Corps is Taldryan's answer to that universal truth; ensuring that the flow of required resources and supplies to our troops is maintained, and that our fighting troops have access to the best possible equipment that money can buy. The Quartermaster Corps is made up of trained officers and recruits from across Taldryan's territory, who work with house equipment and pair with private business to ensure the supply of Taldryan's combat units.
Training and Officer Prep
- Main article: [[Taldryan Military Institute|Taldryan Military Institute]]
Part of building and maintaining a successful armed forces, is in the training and selection of the Leaders and Officers within it. An Officer is entrusted to lead his charges into the worst situations possible, and back out again. He is entrusted to make sacrifices for the greater good, to know when he has to send someone to their death and when he has to risk everyone's lives in order to secure and objective; and it is the forces job to make sure that nobody unworthy of such a burden is given a command.
This kind of responsibility does not come lightly, nor should it. That is why legendary Taldryan Consul Kir Katarn saw fit to commission the Taldryan Military Institute (TMI), modelling it after some of the most successful military institutions throughout the known galaxy. Implementing courses in tactics, leadership, weapons and even ethics, the TMI is Taldryan's best hope for the future of it's military, and the well-being of all its forces.