Template:Krath charinfo
Vorion is generally a quiet and reserved individual; as a rule, he speaks only when spoken to and in as brief and direct a fashion as possible. His peers have described him as ominous and deep, others as stoic and 'emotionally muted'. When he speaks his tone is eerily clinical and detached, as if the narrator of a holovid documentary.
If he speaks for more than a moment, any more than answering a simple question or making a brief statement, it tends to take the form of a narrative of some sort. Ubese, a people with little remaining by way of written history or tradition, instead have roots in oral storytelling as a way of retaining valuable information, and tend to relate to events in tales.
A byproduct of a harsh upbringing, the young man disdains many recreations and pastimes as frivolous and empty; if he can not derive some sort of practical use from an activity it tends to have little meaning to him. His mastery of card games such as Liar's Cut and Schickele is justified by the healthy gambling appetites of many manual laborers from his home world Uba IV, where he made a large portion of his income in card sharking those foolish enough to gamble with the 'kid with the sixth sense.'
Vorion circa 26 ABY, Amphor Six mining colony
In the year since he first arrived at the Shadow Academy, Vorion has, however, developed an appreciation for more esoteric pursuits as he has come to understand that there is no insight that is useless. He tends to focus more on conventional academics than on the secrets of the Force, insisting that a thorough understanding of the mundane world, particularly physics, is essential for any would-be student of the Force. His dogged pursuit and appreciation of higher learning has awakened in him a desire to likewise see every member of every strata and class of galactic society offered the chance to pursue academia. He maintains that he is a dedicated, selfless altruist, and that his pursuit of power is inherently superior to that of other Dark Jedi because he only wishes to ultimately better the lives of every living being in the galaxy. While he himself admits that this notion is largely an ideal, to Vorion that does not invalidate it's worthiness as an ultimate aspiration.
Vorion is notorious for his hot temper, itself the reason for his presence in the Brotherhood. His anger often clouds his rational judgment, although the self-discipline that comes with the rigorous training of a Dark Jedi has shown him when and how to curb his wrath if necessary. His rage stems from his perception of the social injustices dealt to both his indigenous and adopted people by the Republic. He also finds the Dark Jedi Brotherhood a source of growing irritation for him because he sees many talented and powerful individuals wasting their resources and abilities on petty strife and internal quibbles. In his opinion the Brotherhood has every resource needed to halt the onslaught of Yuuzhan Vong invasion and liberate and enlighten the galaxy if they chose to do so, rather than hiding behind their veil of secrecy and retreating from the inevitable conflict that will follow the development of a superpower such as the Brotherhood has the potential to become.
File:Nhshuttle.jpgVengeance Rising, a shuttle designed for the Night Hawks by Vorion with the Dlarit Navy
Early Career
The fleet engagement at the Battle of Telos was the young prodigy's first combat operation and he survived only due to good luck and excellent coordination with the his peers during the conflict, when they descended to the very heart of the Yuuzhan Vong worldship to sabotage the massive organism from within. During the operation, Vorion drew the ominous scrutiny of the twisted Darth Vexatus when he willingly allowed a piece of the Vong biotechnology – vonduun crab armor - to latch onto himself in an effort to better defend himself against the various poisons the Vong utilized.
With the battle's close and his return to the Orian system he spent several days in bacta immersion to treat the grievous wounds he had been dealt by Vong weapons, making a full recovery in just under two weeks, which he spent studying Vong tissue samples collected from the worldship. Upon further study and reflection and many long hours spent poring through the archives of the Shadow Academy, Vorion determined that the restrictive constraints required of those adhering to the Sith traditions would ultimately impede his development and quest for knowledge and understanding of the Dark Side. In his writings, Vorion would often muse at the similarities between Lord Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness and the Sith Order of the Dark Brotherhood; he privately felt that the very creed of the Sith at it's core required they maintain nothing less than a state of constant warfare - subtle or overt - on each other, until only one Sith remained.
While he realized the value of the myriad Sith powers and techniques he also felt that all Sith, be they his predecessors or contemporaries, had sown only chaos in the galaxy because they had lost themselves in the throes of whatever power they wielded, and that ultimately it would take a Dark Jedi, more reserved and disciplined with the deepest wisdom and farthest vision to be a true arbitrator of galactic order. Thus he departed the Sith Order, favoring in it's stead the auspices and learnedness of the Krath. He promptly sought out his Aedile, the Krath Priest Tyren Atema, to whom he apprenticed himself after Tyren's engaging test of wits. It was indeed the ingenious Priest's training techniques which enabled Vorion to begin working towards mastery over his autonomous bodily functions. Combined with intense cardiovascular conditioning, Vorion slowly became capable of breathing unaided and without the assistance of his helmet's breath mask.
File:Voriontraining.jpgVorion circa 29 ABY during lightsaber training drills on Tarthos
Servant of Madness
There would be more dire consequences yet for the new Krath; shortly after his return from his first training sessions under Tyren, Darth Vexatus ensnared Vorion in his grim plot and manipulated the Guardian into sneaking into Vexatus's private laboratory in pursuit of data relating to Vong biot, an obsession of Vorion's since his return from Telos. The Sith Lord watched as the inexperienced Dark Jedi played right into his hands, and easily trapped and incapacitated the Ubese before subjecting him to violent and traumatic experimentation and outright torture in the Falleen's efforts to better understand his Vong implants. The outcome of the experiments are unclear; the lasting repercussions would weigh heavily on Vorion despite his utter inability to even recall the event. He would suffer from frightening and surreal flashbacks that were hazy and muddled, the products of his own dim, feverish recollection mixed with his own subconsciousness adding bizarre and esoteric symbolism of the Dark Side.
Embrace of the Dark Brethren
File:Vorionholo.jpgA holovid of Vorion as Dark Librarian circa 29 ABY, preparing to give a lecture at Ragnos Cathedral
Soon thereafter the young Krath met Governor Ashura Isradia and was impressed by the Quaestor's prowess and vision for the Brotherhood. After several long and dissembling philosophical discussions in the Governor's office, Vorion accepted the Sith's offer to join House Marka Ragnos and the visionary cult known as the Disciples of Ragnos, on the belief that his 'visions' had guided him to the cult to fulfill a role as messiah and harbinger of the Final Way. It was here that he would immerse himself fully in the study of the Dark Side's esoteric elements. His academic prowess and willingness to guide his peers led to many rapid advances in his training.
His zealousness and idealism came to a final and inevitable head when a heated discussion with his master Tyren Atema, devolved into a vicious duel in the Entertainment District of Kar Alabrek. After cursing the Krath Priest for what Vorion saw as Tyren's “complacency in the face of the coming convergence” and skepticism about the authenticity of his apprentice's 'visions', Tyren dismissed the infuriated Guardian. The duel was bought to a halt at the intervention of Dlarit Security forces, and the younger man was incarcerated and awaiting expulsion and likely execution for the assault of his superior and millions of credits worth of damage their inhuman rampage had caused.
Sensing the eddies in the Force, Rollmaster Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu of Clan Naga Sadow made his way quickly to the stockade where Vorion was imprisoned and impressed with the younger man's idealism and passion, arranged the acquittal of the brash and hotheaded scholar, who promptly swore his fealty to Tsainetomo as the Keibatsu's apprentice.
Fade To Black
Upon the deployment for the engagement on Selen, where his Clan bought aid to the beleaguered forces of Clan Arcona, the Night Hawks moved swiftly, deploying in the experimental shuttled Vengeance Rising, which allowed for their undetected insertion behind enemy lines of Estle City. It was here that the young prodigy led the Night Hawks to their finest hour in recent history; under the command of Jades "Imperial" Atema with Vorion as her tactical officer, the Night Hawks single-handedly liberated Huascar Temple in the heart of Estle City. However, this momentous victory was soon grimly overshadowed; the renegade Governor Ylith Atema commandeered the RSD Final Way and ordered the vessel to open fire on their Arconan allies. Faced with a rapidly-destablizing situation, the Night Hawks were left with no choice but to stage a full retreat along with the remainder of the Dlarit Navy.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Ravana Squadron Battleteam Leader
Outstanding Achievements
House Marka Ragnos House Champion (March 2008) and
Certified PIMP
Vorion Before the DB
File:Vorionscrap.jpgVorion circa 18 ABY, scouting for carbon scrap with guildmates on Uba IV