Rian Taldrya
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Rian Aslar | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: | |
Date of Birth: |
5.6 ABY |
Date of Death: |
n/a |
Physical Description | |
Species: | |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
1.89 m |
Weight: |
93.4 kg |
Hair: |
Fiery |
Eyes: |
dark amber |
Cybernetics: |
none since his rebirth |
Personal Information | |
Lightsaber Color(s): |
Purple |
Lightsaber Form(s): | |
Fighting Style(s): | |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
Centurion |
Position: |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Personal Ship: |
Reaper |
Known masters: | |
Known apprentices: | |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
- "My soul, corrupted by vengeance, hath endured torment to find the end of the journey, in my own salvation and your eternal slumber."
- ― Rian Aslar
Rian a highly trained Wroonian/Karanan half-breed with a pale blue skin, fiery hair and well defined muscles. An irrepressible, young man who dives headfirst into combat using almost nothing than his powerful physique and extreme reflexes as weapon He joined the Dark Brotherhood in 31 ABY, after being a slave and gladiator for most of his life.
Character History
For the main part of my life he thought that his parents lived a life as slaves like he did before the Brotherhood. But after intensive Researches about his origins he found out that his father was a Jedi General during the Clone Wars, who managed to survive the Order 66 and lived for several years on Tython before he died defending his former Padawan on Mustafar. While he is still on his researches he yet didn’t know anything about his mother or why she gave him to an orphanage shortly after his birth. Growing up in an orphanage wasn’t an easy life. To claim himself, he became a ruthless roughneck. At the age of 13, a Neimoidian named Rune Durjes became his owner.
Teen Years
After he became a slave to Durjes, he started to be trained as gladiator by a mid age Rattataki in the different forms of melee combat. As time passed by, his muscles became hardened, in the many arena fights he fought, against many different enemies like other gladiators, animals and even droids. At the age of 17 he lost his eyes in a battle with a Nexu in the arena of Geonosis. His eyes were replaced with ocular implants after the end of that battle.
Adult life
As time passed by, Rian become a formidable Gladiator, winning nearly all of his fights in the arenas. In 31 ABY Durjes offered Rian a deal; that the Rattataki and Rian would be released from slavery, but only if Rian won one more arena fight. He agreed, after he had talked with the Rattataki. One week later Rian stood in the arena of Teth, waiting for the last one who stood between him and his liberty. The door on the other side of the arena slid off and a young Rancor entered the arena. He didn’t know how he managed to kill the Rancor, but managed it.
Back at Durjes' ship, Rian was ordered to visit Durjes in his room. Durjes had told Rian that the deal had been cancelled because he lost much credits due to the fact that Rian won the battle. He called 2 Weequay in to kill the Rattataki and Rian in their room. In their room, Rian and the Rattataki unarmed the Weequay and managed to escape. During their escape, the Rattataki was shot by one of the several guards above Durjes' ship. After the escape-pod crashed on, Teth the Rattataki died telling his final words to Rian.
- "Rian, I want you to go to Antei. It's the only place where you can fufill your destiny, only there will you be able to become a Sith..."
- ―The Rattataki's final words
Thinking of the last words from his former mentor, Rian was interrupted by some of Durjes' henchmen, lead by a Twi’lek called Nawera. Lead by the Force itself, he killed the most of the henchmen; only Nawera was able to escape Rian’s powerful rage. After that, a man by the name of Brent helped him to find a ship that would take him to the recently liberated world of Antei, where he joined the Brotherhood.
Within the Brotherhood
A Brotherhood within a Brotherhood
After he passed the Test of Lore Rian was send to Taruma to join up in House Ektrosis one of the two houses of Clan Taldryan. In the following months he started his studies of the Force. During the first few months of his studies he spent much of his time studying in the Library of Lears. But soon he learned the hard lesson that reading old stories about the Force and its users wasn’t the way that would ensure him to be one of the mightiest Dark Siders known to the Galaxy. Soon after he started to spent more of his time in the actual events of the House outside the dusty rooms of the Library his Summit immediately became very impressed by his achievements and placed him into the Battleteam of Ektrosis, Phoenix Phyle.
Spoils of War
Spoils of War was a Rite of Supremacy initiated by Grand Master Muz Ashen to determine which clan was strong enough to survive the eradication of the creatures on Salas V. This conflict, which occurred in the year 32 ABY involved all of the clans pitted against each other for dominance, and to determine which Clan, or House, would carry out his orders on Salas V. As part of House Ektrosis Battleteam Phoenix Phyle Guardian Rian Aslar took part in nearly all Events where Clan Taldryan was involved, including various Special Operations for which he received a field Promotion to the Rank of a Jedi Hunter.
Rules of Tyranny

Soon after the Events on Salas V where Clan Taldryan was beaten in a fierce Battle by Independent House Revan Rian became the Tetrach of Phoenix Phyle.
Encounter on Fearpoint Station

In early 33 ABY his Girlfriend Saria was kidnapped by a Nawera, a henchman of his former owner Rune Durjes. In a Holo-message Nawera left for him, he told him that he would wait with her on a Planet called Burcana, a barren world of icy rock, located in the Inner Rim, was the location of a small Smugglers Hideout, named Fearpoint Station. During the flight to Burcana the young Sith saw a vision about a Wroonian Jedi and his Death on a fiery Lava-world. After Rian arrived the hold out Nawera offered him a deal arranged by Durjes to leave him and his Girlfriend in peace if he was able to find her inside and escape the station alive. Nawera also told him that if his Companion, a nameless Nikto, remained more than 15 minutes outside the Hideout a bomb inside of it will detonate. Seeing no other chance to save her Rian agreed and entered the Hideout. The Hideout itself was secured by various droids, such as Sentry-droids, Grapple-Droidekas and B1-Battledroids. It was also equipped with numerous deadly traps, like Dart-shooters and Trapdoors. Unfortunately soon after he entered the Hideout he stepped directly into one of these traps and got poisoned. From inside an office he was able to locate Saria on the lowest level of the Hideout, but the power to the lift that would be able to bring him to this level was cut off. Fighting his way up to the Power Supply Room, located in an exterior section of it, he reactivated the Main-Power of the Hideout. Directly after he reactivated he got in a skirmish with Nawera on the Connection Bridge between the Power Supply Room and the Main-part of the Hideout. The battle ended after Rian disabled Naweras Jetpack and let him fall down from the Bridge. Back inside the Hideout Rian met up with the Nikto for the first time. The Nikto himself was a fearless enemy, who no matter why mentioned Rians father at the beginning of their fight, but he wasn’t force sensitive and so he was no match for the Jedi Hunters abilities and within seconds the battle turned out to Rians advantage. After he buried the Nikto under tons of debris he finally could make his way down to the lowest level where he found Saria in on of the many research laboratories all over the level. While they tried to get to the exit hatch of the Hideout the Nikto freed him self out of the debris and restarted his hunt for Rian and Saria. As closer the got to the exit hatch as harder the poison effected Rians reactions. Deciding to grant her boyfriend some time to heal his wound she helped him into a small accommodation, where the two hide for a rest. After a meditation to decontaminate his body from the poison a small utility droid overrun the controls of the door and entered the room. They quickly figured out that the droid once belonged to Rians father and that he still contents data files that Rian could tell more about his origins. Due to this fact they decided to take the droid with them. And not a moment to early they left the room and headed for the exit. With the Nikto in their neck they reached the exit hatch. To grant his girlfriend and the droid more time to safely call her Co-pilot to pick them up. While Saria outside the Station faced Nawera, Rian faced the Nikto inside the Hideout. In this final battle the Nikto made use of a staff-like weapon with a plasma blade protruding from one edge, similar to a lightsaber. Rians surprise didn’t last for long but with this weapon the fight was more balanced but again through his connection to the Force Rian took away the victory after he crushed the Nikto between a wall and a gigantic device. Outside the Hideout Saria and the droid were caught up behind a rock while Nawera shot a missile after them. Seeing the young Sith he turned and offered to him that all of this have been a game from Durjes and that he had been betrayed or another time by his former owner, who just wanted to kill him this way. Nawera who - by his own - thought that this would be done through the Nikto was no in the position to take on Rian personally. Fully driven by anger over this betrayal he drilled the blade of his Armory Saber through Naweras chest. After killing Nawera and said goodbye to Saria. He took the droid and went over to Naweras B-Wing/E2 and headed for the last known Hideout of his father: Tython.
Trials from the Past
Throughout the flight to Tython Rian had another Vision of this Wroonian Jedi but this time he was actually a part of it being another Jedi fighting alongside the Wroonian, of which he now was sure it was his father. After he saw his father die another time he heard the familiar voice of his old friend the Rattataki telling him that he should have told him long ago about his origins and that he once was the Padawan of Keagan Aslar.
- ""Rian, I am sorry, I should have told you this much earlier. The Jedi Master in your vision was your father and he also was my master."
"Does that mean you have been a Jedi too?""
He also told him about the location of the necropolis where the mortal body of his father have been buried by him. After Rian settled down the ship near to the entry to the necropolis he immediately felt the strength of the Force near the necropolis. The necropolis itself was divided into several Sub-Levels connected via stairways and as deeper Rian got into it as harder the challenges become. But the Challenges wasn’t the only obstacle thwarting him, K’lor’slugs have somehow found their way into this holy tomb and served now the spirits of the long dead Jedi to protect their graves from Desecrators and Raiders. When he finally came to the lowest Level he saw himself in front of a gigantic Stone-Door, leading to the Inner Sanctum of the necropolis. He tried to open it with both his physical Strength and the Force but it didn’t move a tiny millimetre. After a couple of tries several Spirits showed up around him in stone seats and for the first time he saw the similarity between this antechamber and the Jedi High Council. When the first Spirit started to talk another Spirit showed up besides him, it was his father.
- ""He is full of the Dark Side, we can’t offer him the chance to take on our trials."
"That is just the same view you once had about me."
"But your case was different, you’ve gone through the Jedi Educations, you learned how to withstand your emotions."
"All he knows came from the dark Side."
"But you must see that inside his heart there is a place of light and compassion, something that guides his judgement, I please you my masters grant him the chance to pass the trials."
"Well Master Aslar if this is your wish…""
- ―Some of the Spirits from long dead Jedi
The Spirits vanished and the door to the Inner Sanctum opened unhanded. Inside the Inner Sanctum the surface was completely different; the ground was polished and photo-luminescent trees and flowers were aligned along the way with only a few Sarcophaguses between them. Suddenly 3 almost invisible walls appeared from different directions and crossed the way with varying speed. Stretching out to the Force Rian was able to pass them before they were able to cut him into pieces. The next trial was supposed to be a bit trickier. Right after he passed the door Rian found himself on a chunk of debris floating with other parts of debris floating around him. Like a big life-size puzzle he had to connect the debris to form out a bridge to the other side. The circle repeated with two more rooms where Rians capabilities in using the force have been tested. Then he came to the last trial, the last room was similar to the first one but a lot bigger and in the distance he could hear the familiar sound of lightsaber-blades clashing against each other. Guided by the Force he sensed two shadows fighting each other. As sooner he got the shadows became more distinct. One of the shadows was his father and the other was… It was his Quaestor, Shaz’air Taldrya Rathden. Stunned by what he saw the young Sith heard the voice from one of the Spirits talking to him.
- "To pass the trial you have to choose your path. Whom you want to follow."
- ―A Spirit from the Inner Sanctum talking to Rian
As Rian watched the battle expanded into his heart, whom should he follow? His Quaestor whom he swore loyalty into his own death?, or the father who once sent the Rattataki to watch over him? The fight continued until the young Sith finally came to a conclusion. Determinedly he stepped in between them pair as they charge at each other, blocking their blades with his own emerald colored. Then he casted a telekinetic blow pushing them both apart to end the fight.
- "Enough!"
- ―Rian engaging against Shaz’airs image and his father
The battle ended and all around him vanished in a wave of pure bright light. After the light was gone he was again standing in front of the open Stone-door leading into the Inner Sanctum. But now it looked completely different. Now it was nearly like all the other rooms he had passed a corridor with alcoves on both sides holding highly decorated Sarcophaguses of the masters he faced in the antechamber inclusive the one holding the mortal body of his father. Kneeling beside the sarcophagus of his father he hesitated before he started to excuse his failure in the trial. Suddenly he felt the warmth of a hand on his shoulder. His father appeared beside him telling him how proud he is about him and that he didn’t failed the trial but passed it to his greatest satisfaction. Rian understood in the Trial that there can’t be any Light without Darkness nor otherwise and he now with this knowledge is able to become one of the most powerful Jedi ever known to the Galaxy. A mental tingle pulled his attention to a hidden compartment sliding out from the side of the sarcophagus revealing a small sachet that his Father gifted him for passing the trial.
- "These crystals will serve your purpose well, use them carefully when you think the time is right."
- ―Keagan Aslar gifting a small sachet with lightsaber-crystals to Rian
With the mighty words …may the Force be with you… his fathers Spirit vanished and he was alone in the Necropolis. The young Sith sheathed the sachet to his belt and made his way back out of the Necropolis to his ship.
Past Imperfect
The moment Rian was back on Taruma he changed his Order to Obelisk since he felt himself more comfortable with this Order than with the Order he had chosen when he joined up to the Brotherhood. It was to the same time when he felt himself strong enough in the Force to end up his personal vendetta with his former owner the Neimoidian Rune Durjes. After talking to his Summit he got the Agreement to go to Cato Neimoidia and chase after the one who caused his greatest Loss and betrayed him time after time. With the help of his Girlfriend Saria and her Co-Pilot Aleema he flew to Cato and arranged a meeting at Durjes Mansion. During this meeting the young Obelisk was stroked down by Nawera from whom he thought he had killed him on starwars:Burcana. One month later he woke up in a small Med bay without any memory of what has happened in the last 2 years. Durjes told him that he was still his slave and works as a Gladiator for him. In the following days he started to believe what was told to him and got back into the life he was told to have. But somehow he felt that something wasn’t like it was supposed to be and this strange feeling was additionally underscored by occasionally visions of him being a Jedi. Although he wasn’t sure about the meaning of this visions he didn’t gave into it until he unconsciously summoned the Force to defeat his opponent in the arena on Cato Neimoidia. Back in the mansion of Durjes he found a young slave girl, in which he saw something like a little sister, over and over littered with bruises. Nawera who was responsible for that tried to provoke him but due to another slave Rian was able to withstand the provocations and stayed cool. Later at night he used the starwars:Force again unconsciously as he telekinetically lifted several small objects in his room while he tried to fall asleep. It was that time that the other slave came to him and told him the truth about the last two years.
- "Well I think I have to tell you the truth. It’s been slightly more than 2 years ago since you escaped your slavery along with the olde man. It happened on Teth. You two managed to escape Nawera and Durjes henchmen but actually the olde man was struck down by a blaster during your escape. You have beaten Naweras nose heavily during your escape. They said you hired up to an Organisation called Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Then about one month ago you came back to take on revenge for the olde man. Man seriously, you went through his guards like a herd of hungry rancors, no one could stop you except Nawera, he stunned you and they brought you to the med bay, then they told us that they would kill any of us if we tell you about the last 2 years."
- ―Riccs (another slave of Durjes) to Rian
Now with the knowledge that his visions have been memories it was relatively easy for him to feed his power with the anger about Durjes and Nawera. Driven by this anger he walked upstairs blasting the sealed door that leads into the main section of the mansion. Searching for them to bring them to justice he faced a group of Weequays. Within seconds he had unarmed and killed them. The noise from the battle remained not unheard and soon he faced Nawera, again the two met in a fight to the death.
The fight soon resumed its violent form. Nawera was able to knock Rian’s blade out of his hand, but before he could capitalize on this opportunity for a killing blow, the young Wroonian responded by catching him by the wrists. Drawing upon his anger, he crushed his right wrist with his force altered strength, causing him to drop his own Blade he held much to his own abject shock. Taking up his blade, Rian continued to strike at him with vicious slashing attacks and power lunges, driving him back over the floor. He struck harder and harder until the force from the attacks made the stone he was standing on crumble, causing him to fall back into another room where he was buried under the debris. To make sure that Nawera was really dead he stepped over the debris and lifted Naweras body. Crimson ran down from multiple cuts brought to him by the Jedi Hunters swords-play. Sure that Nawera was dead he turned and proceeded to Durjes private room in the mansion.
He finally found Durjes. He sat behind his desk and the Jedi Hunters Armory saber laid in a display stand in front of him. Spreading out in the Force his lightsaber was instantly snap-hissed in his hand, the emerald colored blade facing Durjes. It was only because of a tingle in his neck that allowed him to dodge a slash from a Vibro-blade held by Nawera. Again he was facing Nawera and for the first time he recognized that it wasn’t blood tickling down the scars of his body but reddish servo-fluid.
- "So I have really killed you on Burcana."
- ―Rian to Nawera before their final battle
The Twi’leks reply came in fast with a set of violent devastating strokes. But the Vibrosword was no match for the Hunters lightsaber. Piece by piece he cut off the blade until only the grip remained in the Twi’leks hand. Rian lunged forward, to end this up. With one heavy stroke he sheered off the cyborgs head. Now he had only one thing left to do.
With the knowledge that Nawera finally was dead he strolled back to Durjes to offer him his deal for a last time but regrettably the gutless Neimoidian has decided to end up his own life by poisoning himself instead of accepting Rians judgment. The moment Rian went down to tell Riccs and the others that Durjes and Nawera being dead the main door was blasted and Saria and her Co-pilot entered the manor. For a single moment there were only the two of them in the universe. One single moment in which no one has to say anything to assure their feelings. But this moment couldn’t last for ever and so after a brief greeting the three went down to the slave’s accommodations. After talking to the slaves the question came up for the slaves where to go and what to do now and soon they all knew that the best would be to follow Rian to Taruma and start a new life.
Powers and Abilities
Like his father, Rian showed an instinctive understanding of how to use a lightsaber, being able to wield the traditional weapon with great precision, instinctively switching between his known Lightsaber-forms to best of the situation.
Though styles like Soresu and Djem So were more practical in the age of blasters, Rian's competitive spirit drove him toward the second of the known Lightsaber forms known as Makashi, the precise and economical style that was designed for maximum results with minimal movements by stressing jabs and thrusts, though he maintained a working knowledge of Soresu as well.
Force Powers
A philosophical warrior, Aslar believes heavily in what is referred to as the "Living Force," a method of focusing on the moment rather than contemplating the Force in all its degrees. Rian is capable of some telekinetic feats as well and could use the Force to increase his body's endurance and agility, amplifying his speed to such an extent that he could literally disappear from sight in a blur, either to avoid attacks or to strike first with his own. He is also capable of using the Force to perform extensive acrobatics, allowing him to leap huge distances and cover much more ground in a much shorter amount of time.
Though the Taldryanite focused largely on lightsaber combat he was also very skilled in use of the Force. As a member of the Obelisk Order he well trained in use of the Mind Trick, Force persuasion and the more advanced Dominate Mind skill. As instructed by the Elders of Taldryan, Rian eventually learned the ability to use the power of elementalism and through this the ability to not only chill temperatures but even freeze objects to a specific point.
Other Abilities
The Centurion is very well versed in different forms of hand-to-hand combat on which he spends several hours per day training to stay in touch.
He recently adopted skills in the fields of piloting smaller craft such as speeders, starfighters and yachts without the need of an assisting pilot.
When he assumed his Equitehood, Aslar abandoned his old Journeyman robes and adopted to wear a light and functional robe with a deep sitting hood, that bath most of his face in shadows and provides him a great freedom of movement in Combat. The robe itself combines different sorts of fabrics and black leather with elements of armorweave as it was required by a deadly, lightsaber-wielding member of the Obelisk Order. Completing his attire Rian covers his hands and forearms with gauntlets made of light colored, gathered leather with three metallic knobs located between the knuckles. He is usually seen to wear a heavy cloak over this robe.
He can also be seen wearing either the traditional Torrent robe, which is made of the finest materials and lined up with armorweave, emblazened with the Taldryan crest upon the belt buckle in times when Rian serves as part of the House Summit at Ceremonial or other official occasions, like Summit meetings.
![]() | |
Lightsaber | |
Production information | |
Manufacturer: |
Custom-build |
Model: |
Rebel-hilt Lightsaber |
Type: |
Lightsaber / melee Weapon |
Technical specifications | |
Size: |
28.00 centimeters |
Range: |
35”/88,9 cm (blade length) |
[ Source ] |
In 32 ABY, as Guardian, the time has come for the young Taldryanite to choose between a Training-Lightsaber and a regular Armory-lightsaber. The young man chose to use the Armory lightsaber for his first lessons how to use this noble weapon. This Lightsaber accompanied him until he reached his Knighthood.

At the end of his Knighting Ceremony Aslar received his second Lightsaber from his Lord Quaestor Shaz’air Taldyra. The lightsaber was crafted from materials entirely forged in the Kr’Tal System and was presented to the Knight as gift for becoming the first Dark Jedi Knight from the new founded House Taldryan. The hilt followed a distinguished design, featuring a solid emitter barrel which had all of the controls mounted onto it including the activator, blade length and intensity control, and blade power adjust. Immediately below was the main body with a choked, ridged handgrip at its end. The pommel was a bronze sphere and housed the power cell reserve cap as well as the belt clip. Additionally Aslar’s new weapon featured some bronze highlights such as the blade-emitter and the crest of House Taldryan on the main body of the hilt.
Even though Rian wielded the weapon successfully in combat, he never truly felt that it was his own. To rectify this, he requested the blueprints of a new lightsaber from the Heralds Office once he was promoted to the rank of Templar. After several month of acquiring the needed parts the Obelisk Templar constructed his 3rd lightsaber. Following the blueprints the weapon featured a considerably more skeletal design as his second lightsaber, featuring an exposed crystal chamber. The emitter shroud which held all of the controls including the activator, blade length and intensity control, and blade power adjust, was like the rest of the hilt sheathed in a somewhat tarnished looking bare-metal. Immediately below the open crystal chamber laid the lightsabers first power cell, a compound power-cell. The pommel was a black-and-silver cylinder and housed the secondary, reserve Diatium power cell.
It was the first time he utilized some of the crystals from his father too. The origins of the emitter-crystal can be traced back to Kashyyyk but must have been treated by his father as the blueish crystal procured a pure amethyst blade, while the two focusing crystals turned out to be one Nextor and one Sapith crystal. After almost 14 hours of meditational fine tuning to fit in the crystals, the weapon was finished. The newly weapon was now truly Rian’s lightsaber. With the brilliant amethyst blade provided by his father’s crystals, the weapon seemed lighter and moved more readily in the Taldryanite’s hands, unlike all his previous weapons had before; also the Tetrarch noted the weapon's superior optical properties.
Although Rian in his given position as Quaestor of Taldryan could easily pick one of the houses starships but rather tends to make usage of the Expedition, Taldryans Baudo-class Star Yacht, as it has a powerful sublight drive for good speeds in normal space.
Upon becoming Quaestor, Rian has partially retrofitted the Expedition’s interior in 35ABY to his personal specifications on the shipyards located on Kaltace.
Friends & Allies
File:T7-Z5.jpg | |
T7-Z5 (aka Zee-five) | |
Production information | |
Homeworld: |
Coruscant |
Manufacturer: |
Duwani Mechanical Products |
Product line: |
T7-series Utility Droid |
Technical specifications | |
Gender: |
male programming |
Chronological and political information | |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: |
Aslar Family |
[ Source ] |
Mirus Cavataio
A young Dathomiri, who traveled two years around the Galaxy under the tutelage of a rogue Dark Jedi called Lynx. Eventually Mirus was brought to the world of Antei where he succumbed to the Dark Brotherhood and became an Apprentice of Independent House Taldryan after passing the initial Trials on the Shadow Academy on Lyspair. Sensing the potential within the Cavataio the Obelisk Templar tasked him with hunting down a missing member of the House and return her back to Taldryan. It was this act of valor that convinced the Quaestor and made him take Mirus as his personal Apprentice. Main article: Mirus Cavataio
T7-Z5 (aka Zee-Five) was a one of the last produced Astromech droids from the T7-series, constructed and active shortly before the end of the Cold War. Like all Astromech droids whose memory banks haven’t been erased from time to time Z5 has developed a streak personality that bounds him to the young Taldryanite because he shared a deep relationship to Rians father. The Z-series was originally created as a highly versatile military droid, specialized for intelligence and surveillance. They employed an advanced sensor array and had impressive analytical and hacking abilities as well as several specialized armaments, such as an EMP-Generator and Charge Arm. Z5 was later equipped with a set of Brooks Propulsion rocket boosters by Jedi Knight Keagan Aslar during the time of the Clone Wars.
- The most important person in Rian’s life has been the Rattataki, who was not only a mentor and trainer to him, but also something like a father. They carried out a deep friendship and sometimes Rian wishes that the old wise man could give him some good advices when he needs it.