Orv Dessrx: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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* Became [[Seneschal]] again on December 11th, 2010
* Became [[Seneschal]] again on December 11th, 2010

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==  Art  ==
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Revision as of 13:31, 2 June 2011

"Bork, bork, bork"
―Orv Dessrx d'Tana

Bred into a life of politics, Orv Dessrx was exposed to manipulation and deceit at an early age. His affinity with the Force became a tool that gave the Teltior a foothold into power. Power and influence is an addictive drug that eventually led Orv to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, yet another tool to fulfill his thirst for power.

Orv Dessrx d'Tana
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description





1.8 meters


83.9 kilograms





Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information



Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Arcona, Qel-Droma, d'Tana

Personal Ship:

Elrood Thunder



[ Source ]

Character History

It All Begins (5 BBY-16 ABY)

Orv's Home Planet

Orv Dessrx led a fairly mundane childhood as the son of a Merisee Ambassador to the New Imperial Senate - and assistant to the Merisee Senator. At the age of 18, Orv became the Clerk and Assistant Ambassador of his father, Godec Dessrx. Following in his father's footsteps and turning towards politics was to set the stage for the rest of Orv's life. At 18, his position - an assistant of an assistant of a senator - was meager, but a step in the right direction.

Political Maneuvers (17 ABY-25 ABY)

Merisee Ambassador

17 ABY - 19 ABY

At the age of 22 Standard Years, Orv's father and mother died in a tragic speeder accident thus leaving Merisee's Ambassador position vacant. A number of politicians vied for the position, yet it was not just Orv's family ties and familiarity with the position that landed him the job as Ambassador of Merisee to the Emperor's Hammer Imperial Senate...the Teltior had a natural ability to sift through data and dig up 'dirt' on his opponents. That 'dirt' played a large part in his campaign. Within months, Orv held his father's office and began preparations for his next political move.

Orv Dessrx, Chancellor of the Imperial Senate

Imperial Senate

20 ABY - 21 ABY

Senator Yig Vesathi - the Meris that held the position of Merisee Imperial Senator - was aging and slowly losing favor with the Senate and his home planet, Merisee. Orv was there to advise and coerce Yig into actions that would lead to his eventual downfall. Who was there to pick up the pieces? Why, Merisee's own Teltior prodigy...Orv Dessrx. After winning a landslide victory in the Senatorial election, Orv - at merely the age of 25 - became the youngest senator elect in Merisee's history.

Minister of Communication

22 ABY - 23 ABY

Orv - now living a Senator's life - was too ambitious to sit idle. He made quick use of his knowledge of communication technologies and his uncanny knack for acquiring - however seedy - information on any topic. He joined a communications committee and soon acquired the rank of Minister of Communications for the New Imperial Senate within 2 years. With this new state of office, Orv still thirsted for influence and power. His eyes were on the Chancellor's seat.


24 ABY

After 2 years as the Minister of Communications, various bits of information floated to the surface from "unknown" sources that eventually led to the retirement of the Chancellor of the New Imperial Senate. There was a race for such a coveted position, yet Orv's reach was too broad for the other candidates to overcome. Within a month, Orv Dessrx sat at the head of the Senate...Oh his father would be proud.

Prompt Retirement

25 ABY

Soon, however, whispers began to circulate of Orv's push for the Chancellor seat and after some confrontation and bad media - rather than losing all his political pull, he stepped down as Chancellor and disappeared for a year...but kept his network of intelligence active.

It was during that time that he was approached by Mejas Doto regarding the Dark Brotherhood and all it had to offer...The influence...the power...

Dark Jedi Brotherhood (26 ABY - 28 ABY)

Orv with Lightsaber

Too much to resist, Orv has found himself devoting his time to the Dark Brotherhood. While he desires to further the goals of the Brotherhood, Orv has his own agenda and plans to increase his foothold in the galaxy at large. Ambition is a beautiful thing.

Orv Dessrx is hesitant with this direction in life...joining the Dark Brotherhood is a more obvious grasp at power, thus he tends to be on edge with his contacts within the Brotherhood. His primary motive for joining the Dark Brotherhood is merely for personal gain - to make use of the vast influence the Brotherhood possesses, thus increasing his wealth, influence, and power.

Sure enough, Orv's participation in the Brotherhood expanded his reach and the organization soon learned of the Teltior's exceptional abilities in many areas. The d'Tana family, a crime family originating from Arcona saw this and sought his admittance.

Admittance into the d'Tana Family (28 ABY)

Orv Dessrx was brought into the d'Tana family due to his ruthless subtlety rather than outward displays of physical prowess or brutal martial skills. In an effort to expand his political connections from within his newly adopted home in Clan Arcona, the Teltior began observing the associations that House Galeres had with its criminal organization contacts. Playing his political card, Orv squeezed friendships out of ranking members of various organizations and slowly began his bid for power. Using his newfound friendships and carefully planted incriminating, conflict-inducing information, Orv stood as the sole politician that seemed to have a resolution for everything. As he sorted out the 'issues,' the number of sources for information exploded. He had found his foothold.

The d'Tana family - built of experienced Force-Sensitive individuals - took notice and wanted the contacts as their own. What better way way than to expand their ranks and bring him into the fold? When approached, Orv Dessrx saw the family as an ample way to expand his informant pool by adding the d'Tana's contacts to his own...what else could he do but accept?

Gaining the trust of the d'Tana family is no easy task, however, and it came at a price to the new recruit. After taking his vows and pledging loyalty to the family, Etah d'Tana approached the Teltior with his first task as a d'Tana. Orv's contacts ran rampant in the Ysett Guild, a smuggling group that had crossed paths with the d'Tana's operations more than their fair share. The most recent cross had effected d'Tana in a bad way, causing the loss of 152,000 credits worth of the family's illicit goods and Orv was poised to make Ysett pay the piper.

To one who values information and influence above all else, to lose 5 highly informative contacts is a blow not to be taken lightly. In setting Ysett up for destruction, Orv Dessrx would lose nearly a dozen. Feeling hollow inside, Orv made the transmissions necessary...a meeting required here, a drop here, an illicit pick-up there. Eighteen locations, each with d'Tana-bought mercenaries in waiting. Ysett Guild fell. Orv's resources dwindled. d'Tana conquered.

Orv was in.

Yuuzhan Vong War (29 ABY)

Now a growing power within the Brotherhood, Orv Dessrx's mental fortitude and physical endurance were put to the test when the Dark Jedi Brotherhood met face to face with the expanding forces of the Yuuzhan Vong. Rallying Arconan troops in his position as Aedile of House Qel-Droma - the Dark Jedi met the onslaught full force. The battle was long and Orv's mettle was tested. Despite a number of run-ins with the Vong, Orv's own mastery of Soresu kept him alive.

The Vong were too many and after many had fallen, the Arconan Dark Jedi were forced to flee their system. The loss of the system meant more to Orv than a lost home...his resources and contacts were disrupted as well. Information was Orv's lifeblood...without it, his power and influence was sure to wane.

Seeking to maintain his sources, Orv gave up the mantle of Aedile and retreated into the shadows.

The Dark Council (30 ABY)

Nearly a year later, Orv resurfaced. Arcona was quick to latch on to the returning resource and promptly thrust him into a leadership position with Arcona's House Galeres. In that position, Orv once again thrived...this time the Dark Council took note.

After a brief tenure as Aedile, the ex-Senator Teltior was approached by Darth Sarin himself with an offer of power. A seat on the Dark Council as Seneschal.

Orv - despite his loyalty to his clan - could not pass up the influence and power such a position would grant him. Within a week, he left the Galeres flagship and joined the DC.

Character Information


File:Orv head shot.jpg
Orv Dessrx d'Tana

Orv Dessrx is approximately 1.8 meters in height, of athletic build and keeps what hair grows on his head completely shaven. As with most Teltior, his skin is chalky-white and eyes a deep black. He dresses in fashionable Merisee clothing and prefers pants/shirt over robes if possible.



Orv's biggest impediment is his over-eagerness to succeed and gain influence. While this is often a display of strength, his steadfast determination to grasp at power causes bitterness and distrust in peers.


Orv is moderately allergic to Bantha fur. He avoids these beasts at all costs lest he breaks out in purple hives and goes into sneezing fits.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Outstanding Achievements

  • Developed the DJB Forum Signature ID Line Images
  • Developed the Outer Rim War site
  • Developed the Arcona Site
  • Developed the Prestige system.
  • Re-designed the Dossier
  • Converting DJB Site to PHP


Positions Held
Before Position After
Nobody Battle Team Leader of Cabal Cronal of Clan Arcona
27 ABY
??? Aedile of House Qel-Droma
28 ABY
??? Aedile of House Galeres
30 ABY
Jac Cotelin Seneschal
30 ABY - 33 ABY
Arion Sunrider
Arion Sunrider Praetor to the Seneschal
34 ABY
Solus Gar
Arion Sunrider Seneschal
34 ABY
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Developer



  1. Acheron (for Acheron)
  2. Anubis (for Anubis Annedu)
  3. d'Tana Family Portrait (for d'Tana)
  4. Etah (for Etah)
  5. Hel-Pa Sklib (for Hel-Pa Sklib)
  6. Jac during the Exodus (for a competition)
  7. Kosk and Phoenix (for a competition)
  8. Kraval in BARC Armor (for Kraval Novir)
  9. Kraval in Ceremonial Armor (for Kraval Novir)
  10. Kraval before a stone temple (for Kraval Novir)
  11. Kyra Starfire (reward for a comp)
  12. Mejas Doto (for Mejas Doto)
  13. Muz on Salas V (for an RoS Comic)
  14. Muz & The Sith Code (for an RoS Competition...won 1st place)
  15. Orv Dessrx (for me)
  16. Seneschal Orv Dessrx (for me)
  17. Orv Dessrx: Arcona Motivation Poster (for a competition)
  18. Orv Dessrx attacks a Droid (for a competition)
  19. Quejo Drakai Xyler (for Quejo)
  20. Quejo: Demented Sith (for Vendetta storyline)
  21. Rho (for Rho)
  22. And Again (for Rho)
  23. Talos d'Tana (for Talos Vyranius d'Tana)
  24. Sashar Arconae w/ Helmet (for Sashar)
  25. Sashar Arconae w/o Helmet (for Sashar)
  26. Solus Gar w/ Helmet (for Solus Gar)
  27. Solus Gar w/o Helmet (for Solus Gar)
  28. Syn Kaek (for Syn Kaek)
  29. Syn Kaek w/ Mask (for Syn Kaek)
  30. Taigikori and Jendan (for Taigikori Aybara Dupar)
  31. Zandro Savric Erinos (for Vendetta storyline)

Misc Characters

  1. Female Yuuzhan Vong Warrior
  2. Mighty Veermok
  3. Sullustan Soldier
  4. Twi'lek Jedi
  5. Yuuzhan Vong Female


  1. Orv Dessrx's Lightsaber
  2. Rho d'Tana's Lightsaber

Logos and Crests

  1. Arcona Logo
  2. Dajorra Consortium Logo
  3. Dark Voice Logo
  4. Qel-Droma Logo
  5. Rokir Family Crest


  1. RoS 2010 Comic Page 9