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Kira Starr
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description





170 cm


61 kg


Light Brown




Entire Right Arm

Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

Light Blue

Lightsaber Form(s):
Chronology & Political Information


Personal Ship:

T-65 X-wing "Phoenix"



[ Source ]

Kira Starr is a Miraluka Templar and Jedi Guardian in the light-side House Odan-Urr. Hailing from the planet Alpheridies Kira was once a Jedi who entered the service of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood as a Dark Jedi. After many years within the ranks of the Dark Jedi Kira Starr rediscovered the lightside of the force and moved to her permanent place amongst the Jedi of Odan-Urr. Here she serves the light and aids her fellow Jedi in defending New Tython.

Character History

Early Years

1 to 16 ABY

Kira Starr was born on Alpheridies to Adrianna and Voren Starr two ordinary Miraluka living in an agricultural province, along with her older brother Silus. Her father, when Kira was very young participated in the local politics and served as an elected official for awhile but retired to a peaceful farming life. Kira's life included dance and the reciting of poetry, she loved the arts while her inherent blindness, the flow of the force from the living world around her, and the images generated through her force-sight gave her inspiration. Kira also became more and more interested in the galaxy beyond her system and asked her father about politics, the new and old republic, and the history of the galaxy. Her father discouraged it, but would tell young Kira stories about times of peace. Other than her fascinations with art and history, the young Miraluka girl did not participate much in the farming life as her brother did, she would spend her days in the fields or with her mother who was the first to notice Kira's talents. Jedi haven't been seen Alpheridies in many decades not before the fall of the republic and rise of the empire, even the new jedi order has not been to the Starr's province, but they are well known amongst the Miraluka and the Starr family in particular did not trust them.

Life as a Jedi

16 to 27 ABY

When Kira was sixteen her life changed, she began seeing a Miraluka boy about a year later who was fascinated by Kira's poetry and how she talked about wanting to experience the galaxy. Their time together would be short lived, because a year after meeting a lone Jedi came to Alpheridies. The female human Jedi knight Zam Cabaril, more of a rogue from the new Jedi order, came to the Starr's province. Silus was the first to observe her coming, because through the force Jedi appeared with a strong aura around them. Kira herself appeared to family and neighbors brighter than other Miraluka. Silus did not trust this Jedi as he knew Kira could be taken away. After the Jedi met with Kira and discovered her talents, she worked her way to convince Kira's family to let her be trained in the ways of the Jedi. Eventually it worked, in part by Zam and in part by Kira's persistence. Kira’s potential as a Jedi allowed her family to let her go with a promise she will remain rooted in her culture, never forget her family, and to keep peace and order in the galaxy while protecting Alpheridies. Kira also promised to return and visit.

Over the years master Cabaril molded the Miraluka into a Jedi with rigorous training and missions of peace and diplomacy. The human Jedi also trained Kira to fight using all her senses and not to rely predominantly on force-sight, as the Miraluka kept to a fear of complete blindness. Kira found she had great talents with diplomacy and fighting skills, which came in handy on multiple occasions, especially one time on Nar Shaddaa that involved a Trandoshan bounty hunter. Kira also kept her promise and returned to her family who were impressed on how their daughter and sister changed. However, all would change for Kira when a happen chance with a Dark Jedi left her master dead and Kira captured. Kira saw the Dark Jedi more intensely through the force than Master Cabril and it frightened the Miraluka, it frightened her more to watch the life of her master taken away at the end of a long battle. Kira was left battered when the Dark Jedi captured the Miraluka, more out of curiosity and potential to be a strong dark side adept. After seemingly weeks of torture the Miraluka finally submitted to the dark side. Eventually the Dark Jedi let her go as he was unwilling to train the blind Jedi but took the young Miraluka to the shadow academy for training. Once arriving the angered, and partially force blinded Miraluka, though she did not admit that as her other senses where now heightened, impressed the headmaster to gain entrance into the ranks of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. As an apprentice she left the Academy and entered the service of Clan Plagueis.

DJB History

Apprentice to Guardian

27 ABY

Kira Starr was now an apprentice of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and a member of House Exar Kun of Clan Plagueis. When first joining the Brotherhood, a task was set, to identify herself with one of the three orders. Kira wanted to hone in her fighting skills and become a warrior so she joined the obelisk order in. Power was gained and the Miraluka quickly went up the ranks to Protector. She was proving to be a great asset to her clan and proving herself worthy of becoming a full-fledged Dark Jedi Knight. She even became an apprentice to Sith Warrior Vasily 'Paulikus' Zaitsev gaining the rank of guardian before things changed. The dark side had half-blinded the Miraluka as she was having difficulty using force-sight, her other powers were strengthening and her senses sharp. She felt something was amiss in her life, maybe it was bits of her Jedi past coming through but she did feel alone in her new world. One day Kira decided to leave and go back to Alpheridies.


27 to 29 ABY

Kira left the Jusadih System and headed toward Alpheridies, and her family. The welcome was lukewarm as her family almost did not recognize the Dark Jedi that Kira had become, because she used the force to mask the dark side from them and appeared as a jedi to their senses. To her mother, father, and brother Kira had only matured and grew stronger with the force. She lied about everything, something that pained her but she had to or they would not accept her back. Kira stayed on Alpheridies for two years, without incident, no one came for her, no Jedi, everything was fine, even her force-sight began to return slightly, however she was stilled tainted by the dark side. Her days were kept to meditation and training. Her brother asked her many questions and her lies had become tormenting for the Miraluka and overtime she began to doubt her dark side teachings and a spark of the light side began to flicker inside. Her family soothed her torment and she even tried to write poetry again. Kira told everyone she was taking a break from the Jedi to be at home so she will not forget her background. They believed her. Kira was just becoming convinced that the dark side corrupted her feelings and nothing would happen till they showed up in the galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong came. They would devestate the galaxy and Kira could not let anything happen to her homeworld of family so she gathered them and left to find somewhere safe, if that was possible. The Miraluka Dark Jedi found Naboo as the only world she knew of not touched by the Vong, though she would not know if it would stay, the force told her it was safe. Making sure her family was taken care of, though after the threat they would return to Alpheridies, Kira left for her old life and to Clan Plagueis because she alone could not fight these out-siders.

The Return and a New Clan

29 ABY

As she headed toward her once familiar home, deep now in the dark side, which as before began to blind her, she had a call through the force; Kira received a message from Yridia II. After her initial encounter with Clan Tarentum, she joined their ranks, as a Guardian, and found a new home in House Tridens. Kira quickly learned about the devastation brought by the Vong to the Brotherhood and her fellow Dark Jedi, it pained her to think of her family and if they are safe. Secret communication eased her pain as her family survived the onslaught. The Miraluka was back amongst her fellow Dark Jedi ready to work hard in strengthening the clan and rebuilding. Soon after her arrival Kira became the apprentice to Warrior Odin Vaaj and enthusiastically began her tutelage under his guidance. It did not take long for her master and clan to grant her the rank of Jedi Hunter, from her unwavering loyalty to the clan, through training and skill; she would be honored by appointments to various positions throughout the Brotherhood.

On returning Kira was given a real lightsaber, basic in form but functional, the Guardian did not know why journeymen were granted such an honor, it was only reserved for Dark Jedi Knights and above. She accepted it without question and used in her first clan mission though it did not help fight an enemy that bought down her stronger superiors.


As her first mission with Clan Tarentum and as Jedi Hunter, Kira Starr volunteered with other clan members to check out the derelict MC80 ship the Renegade. Aboard the ship a variety of spirits began to torment the Dark Jedi, as part of a team with her master Odin Vaaj and Guardian Cypha, they explored the ship. A Duros spirit called Casorrs possessed Cypha giving the Guardian unnatural ability; with a lightsaber he attacked Odin. Kira came to her master's aid fighting the guardian with her lightsaber. In an attempt to free Cypha of the spirit she slashed him across the back with her blade. This angered Casorrs who against the will of Cypha took his lightsaber and cut off most of the Jedi hunter's right arm. Even through the possession of her master and the others who she encountered later Kira would not give up, she tried to fight the crystal of tears spirits anyway that she was capable of doing. When everyone was gathered together in the morgue of the ship, she used her powers to assist the others in a link that weakened the crystal of tears spirits long enough to allow her superiors to use their necromantic powers and the aid of the Keepers to drive the spirits out of the ship. Once the nightmare of the Renegade had pass and the clan back in Yirdia, Kira was given a prosthetic replacement for her arm, it would take sometime to recover but she was changed from that experience. There appeared to be little animosity between her and Cypha, she does not blame him for what happen, even so, she is still angered by the experience. Deep inside she could feel the darkness within growing stronger, past pains coming up to the surface, and her ability to use force-sight was once again beginning to diminish.

Ascension to Knighthood

31 ABY

Kira Starr was committed to proving herself worthy of becoming a Dark Jedi Knight and spent her days training with her master and doing her house leaders bidding. She was focusing on developing her powers and heightening all her senses. The prosthetic she wears had at first disadvantages, not living tissue it was invisible at first, but Kira learned to stretch out with the force and envelop her aura around it giving it "visibility to her. It was at the end of her time as a Jedi Hunter that her leaders took notice of Kira's dedication, skills, and the uniqueness that the Miraluka brought to the clan and decided her ready to watch over the training of the lower ranking Journeymen of House Tridens as Obelisk Sergeant for the Battle Team Tridens Journeymen.

Before ascending to knighthood her master accompanied her to Ilum in search of a lightsaber crystal. Afterwards she spent several weeks back on Yridia II constructing, fine-tuning and assembling her lightsaber in isolation. When the day arrived her master and leaders were present as she ascended to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight and was presented with her lightsaber. As she arose a new Knight Kira pledged to continue serving Tridens and Tarentum as she focused on becoming an even more powerful Dark Jedi and Obelisk warrior. She also vowed to pass on her knowledge to other journeymen and as such she took on her own apprentice, Jedi Hunter Cypha. Cypha and Kira had been through a lot together, despite her past with Cypha and wounds; she felt a strong bound with the Jedi Hunter.

Back to Plagueis

32 ABY

After a period of proving herself a strong warrior and force within her clan, the time came for her superiors to give her recognition for the work she had done in the past. From mentoring Cypha who pleased his master and clan summit enough to rise to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight and fighting fiercely for her clan in the Right of Surpremecy she was granted the right to enter the equite ranks and rose to Obelisk Templar. It was, however, the time following the Right of Supremecy that a division and change within Tarentum caused Kira to look for a new home in the Brotherhood, she decided to go back to House Exar Kun and Clan Plagueis.

A return to the Light and Odan-Urr

33 ABY

While being back in her first clan was a change, over the next few months Kira became more of a recluse, she felt as though something was not right with her current state. Over the years she began to understand why so few Miraluka had become Dark Jedi, it is lonely and the dark side corrupts oneself to the point of changing them, as for Kira her force-sight had been damaged, she could “see” force-users but other organic life was blinded from her. Only the force and her physical senses kept her from being completely blind. She had anger, and selfish tendencies, driven by power. She became a Jedi to protect life, and her people.

Now Kira only used the force to protect her clan, now house, and her fellow Plagueians, but would not hesitate to turn on an ally if it meant power. It drove her mad, and than in solitary meditation the Miraluka saw the light, she calmed herself, and remembered her home world, her family, her time as a Jedi protecting the innocent and using diplomacy and the force for peace. Kira cleansed her spirit, but that dark taint would remain, not indefinitely she hoped. To make amends and turn from the Dark side Kira fled Plagueis for a new home. Not amongst the Jedi of the New Republic but of a different order that of Odan-Urr. Kira new little of this new order but she headed to New Tython to find the acolytes, learn the ways of the Jedi that existed prior to the New Jedi Order and defend a world against the tyranny of the Dark Jedi. Kira also hoped to use her new status as a Jedi to turn other Dark Jedi, to bring peace, and fight for the innocent non-force users who are in her opinion enslaved under the rule of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

Upon arriving the Miraluka was welcomed by her new Quaestor Ji and Aedile Solari. Now as a Jedi Guardian Kira Starr has began to train in the ways of the Odan-Urr Jedi, she also accepted a position within the Tythonian Space milita as Lieutenant and flight leader of the T-65 X-wing group within the Call of Freedom Squadron. Kira was also one of the few Disciples chosen to be apart of a new Battleteam, Jeth’s Legacy. The life of New Tython had restored the Miraluka to her former, before the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, self, she is also able to use Force-sight as she did back on her home world. New Tython with its agricultural colonies reminds her of Alpheridies. Kira only hopes that her past experiences can work to the advantage of the Jedi and restore peace to a galaxy in turmoil.


Physical Appearance

Kira Starr is a typical female Miraluka in appearance, except for her lean athletic physique from years of combat training. Kira is also medium height, has fair skin with shoulder length light brown hair. As a Miraluka Kira does not have eyes and thus wears a white, unadorned blindfold for social reasons. As she is physically blinded Kira relies on Force-Sight to perceive her surroundings, she is only able to “see” organic life through the force. Kira’s other outstanding feature is her prosthetic arm that replaced her right arm during her encounter with the spirits on the Renegade. It was a difficult transition for the Miraluka at first but it is now apart of her.

She does not feel the need to wear lavish attire and tends to wear long brown traditional Jedi robes with a cloak that comes half way down her face, it’s an extra eye covering. In battle, however, Kira enjoys freedom of movement, and in order to utilize her agility she wears a skin-tight jumpsuit and combat boots, with only light armor on her arms and shins.


Kira in her younger years enjoyed art, dance, and poetry, she also enjoys being in nature, and therefore her personality reflects her hobbies. She is not shy but quiet, with an easy-going personality, thoughtful, and kind-hearted. As a Jedi she cares deeply for a life, and even though she is trained in combat Kira would first try diplomacy before attacking. Kira also does not like the feeling of loneliness and will stay close to others, especially her friends.

Family and friends are very important to Kira and she will use her abilities to protect those she loves and cares for. Kira really has no interest in personal gain, it is one of the reasons she turned away form the Dark side back to the light, she could not tolerate the unnecessary suffering of life to feed ones own personal agenda.

Positions Held