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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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* Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes
* Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes
* Motan Starblade
* Motan Starblade
* Takagari "DarkHawk" KogaRyu
|saber= 1x purple-bladed Lightsaber
|saber= 1x purple-bladed Lightsaber

Revision as of 17:43, 27 January 2017

Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
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Firith'rar Versea-Stormwind
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

15 BBY (age 58)

Physical Description





1.7272 M (5' 8")


108.862 kg (240 lb)





Personal Information

Lilith Stormwind

  • Lilith Stormwind
  • Tasha'Vel Versea
  • Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes
  • Motan Starblade
  • Takagari "DarkHawk" KogaRyu
Lightsaber Color(s):

1x purple-bladed Lightsaber

Lightsaber Form(s):


  • Vibrokinife (2)
  • Cudgel
  • lightsaber
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information



Dark Brotherhood Era

Known masters:

Warrior Bentre Stahoes



[ Source ]

" I know you are more than you seem, despite the wall you put up and the gruff exterior. I know you aren't as dark as you say you are, I have seen it in your eyes and in your soul. But what I know more than anything is that I know I will love you forever..."
Lilith Stormwind]

Janos Stormwind is a fallen Jedi with a rather bleak and pessimistic look on life. He started his Jedi training at a hidden commune on Dantooine and became known as a trouble maker and one who questioned. His greatest achievement as a Padawan was in creating a Serenity Pool to use as an outdoor meditation temple. After the death of his Master, Janos spent a good number of years on the run with his wife. During that time he worked for various people as a bodyguard and lawman and sometimes hit man. More often he assisted his wife by acting as her bodyguard when she was hired on as a healer for various nobles or villages.

Often Janos is very melancholy and gets drunk while thinking about his past life. He is married to Lilith Stormwind who is the light to his darkness and keeps him anchored and sane...most of the time.

Early Life

Found abandoned with only a medallion wrapped in the blankets he was left in,

File:Stormwind medallion.jpg
Stormwind Family Medallion

Janos was raised from infancy in a village on Dantooine. His upbringing was marred some what by the thick accents the locals all had and as a result Janos still speaks with a thick brogue.

Around the age of 5 or 6, it was discovered he was very Force sensitive and so he was taken to a hidden commune. There he was trained as a Jedi by a Miralukan Jedi Master C'Lacntha and a human Jedi Knight Master Thuallan who had both fled the Jedi Purge. During his training it was discovered he had a strong but wild and unfocused connection to the Force. Because of his inability to control his emotions, he spent his youth in constant battle with his peers and Masters.

He was taught basic Jedi training along with seven or eight other students by Jedi Master C’Lacntha. Studies included enhancing his Force abilities, martial arts, use of any tool as a weapon, reading and writing and farming. Janos often found himself in trouble for not paying attention, questioning the Jedi code and for a general lazy attitude towards study. Knight Thuallan taught Lightsaber skills. Janos’ build made it difficult for him to become graceful and fluid when fighting, but he learned early on to use his weight to power through attacks and fight dirty if need be.

Janos spent the first 18 or 19 years training and learning the ways of the Force and was considered an average Padawan learner by his masters when it came to being a pure Jedi. He did do well with his various weapons and martial arts skills though. Often, to the dismay of his masters, he would throw a punch or kick his opponent in the crotch. This often surprised his adversaries as they did not expect a Jedi to "fight dirty". As a result of his unorthodox fighting, constant failures, ability to to focus and anger that kept him from completing the many of the trials set out for him by his masters. He was often times punished and forced to practice the combat forms he was taught of Broken Gate until he collapsed from exhaustion. As a result his physical form strengthened and he soon was able to fight at a very high level. He also found that he excelled at tasks that allowed him to work alone. His greatest feat as a Padawan was to create a Force focusing Serenity Pool. Janos also found that he was quit good at piloting speeder bikes as well as working with both blunt and edged weapons.

He created his lightsaber when he was 19 or 20 and it had a dark blue blade. After it's creation Janos was sent off planet to track down a female healer reputed to have strong Force abilities as a test of his new found status as a Senior Padawan. He eventually tracked down a female by the name of Lilith O'Mally and although they initially did not get along, the two eventually learned to get on well enough not to fight with each other in public. In fact after awhile the two became good friends and eventually lovers.

Falling into the Dark

The arrival of Lilith to the commune where he lived caused his life to become more tumultuous. Janos found Lilith to be a calming influence and soon the two of them became fast friends. Her calming abilities and caring nature affected Janos and soon he was able focus much more clearly.

As she became more adept with her lightsaber he became more adept controlling the Force. They found that their sword play was unmatched when the fought side by side. His strong offense and brutal style backed by her more graceful defense and healing abilities. However the drawback was their individual fighting styles suffered.

The conflicting issues with the Code of the Jedi and his growing love for Lilith began to cause issue with the other students and his masters. Janos and Lilith soon were in the throws of an illicit love affair. When Janos was 23 years old, he and Lilith finally caught together by one of Janos’ few "friends", a Twi'lek named Ch’Cadick who reported them to Master C’Lacntha. Master C’Lacntha confronted Janos and Lilith as they fled the commune.

A fierce battle ensued and during the duel, the crystal in Janos' lightsaber fractured causing it to become unstable. Janos flung the saber away as it went critical and the resulting explosion caused Master C’Lacntha to falter. The momentary loss of focus allowed Janos to attack with his vibroknife and he plunged it into the heart of his former master.

Janos then claimed Master C’Lacntha's lightsaber for his own and watched in horror as the bright blue-white blade shifted in color to a deep indigo purple from the power of the dark side of the Force coursing through Janos into the saber. Janos and Lilith fled into the jungles and eventually made their way off planet.

On the run

After Janos murdered C'Lacntha and stole his lightsaber, Janos and Lilith fled Dantooine for the core worlds hoping to lose themselves. They traveled to numerous worlds where they would find menial jobs. Janos usually doing some type of fighting or security and Lilith doing healing. Many times Janos acted as Lilith's bodyguard when she was working as a healer for a noble or an unsavory leader.

In 25 ABY they ended up on Taris, Lilith's home planet. There the two of them found an out of the way village and began assisting the native population and the humans. Healing and keeping the village safe from the animal life or raiders. Lilith taught Janos grounding and focusing techniques which allowed him to become much more capable in controlling the Force and his anger. As well as how to channel his emotions towards powering his Force based attacks.

Once word got out of Lilith's abilities, she was called to other villages to assist the healers there as well as off planet. Sometimes Janos accompanied her and sometimes he didn't. It was during her away times that Janos began drinking heavily and started falling into a dark place. He soon discovered he was unable to function without Lilith at his side.

Lilith soon picked up on her husbands weakness and started teaching him about positive self image as well as providing an herb that balanced out his mood. She had him learn to control his drinking, but didn't stop it completely. Her biggest issue with her husband's "darkness" was when he would take on "hits" for some unsavory people.

She despaired at his favorite tactic of cloaking himself using the Force and to attack his target from behind, stabbing them with his lightsaber or vibroknife in the spine or simply slitting the throat. This particular style of dishonorable fighting has been an issue between the two of them and often causes strife in their relationship.

Joining the Brotherhood

Janos when he joined the Brotherhood

After his arrival to the Brotherhood, Janos found himself somewhat adrift. However he began studying different courses at the Shadow Academy and was soon at home. He contacted his wife and asked her to join him thinking this would be good for both of them to finally finish what they started all those years ago. Janos has been somewhat unorganized in his approach trying different courses and different things. With the destruction of the original Shadow Academy on Lyspar, the Shadow Academy moved to the VSDII Paladin, a Victory II-class Star Destroyer, where the two of them had a suite together. So far he hasn't found any one thing he excels in. He recently promoted to the rank of Hunter and has been focusing more on his writing than school work. He has found that he enjoys many of the competitions as well. Under the tutelage of his master and other members of Clan Naga Sadow Janos has thrived and eventually was knighted in a beautiful ceremony. Soon after his knighting, and during the strife between the Grand Master and Clan Naga Sadow, Janos realized he was getting much to old to be throwing himself into battle. He chose to become someone who could be relied upon to fight alone and take care of difficult tasks with minimal supervision or assistance. He began training in the ways of stealth and subterfuge to become an assassin and saboteur. With the help of his master and his master's wife Tasha'Vel Versea, Janos has started to become quite adept in being a "shadow". Janos also opted to become a member of the elite Battleteam, Devil's Shroud for a short while but found the lack of leadership there to cause him issue, so he left the group.

Becoming Firith'rar J. Versea-Stormwind

the brand of those inducted into the family Versea

At some point during his training to become a Shadow, Master Bentre and his wife

File:Versea-Stormwind Crest.jpg
Versea-Stormwind Crest

Tasha'Vel made the decision to bring both Janos and Lilith into the Versea family. In a very formalized ceremony both Janos and Lilith received the mark of the family in the form of a brand and a proper Twi'lek name. Lilith received her mark from Tasha'Vel and Janos received his from his master. Janos decided to make his new name his first name and hyphenated his last name. He also redesigned his family crest to reflect his becoming part of House Versea.

Elevation to Black Guard.

Unbeknownst to Firith, as he was being trained to be a Shadow he was also being trained to become one of the elite Black Guard bodyguards for Tasha'Vel Versea, Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos. Firith'rar was promoted to the post of Black Guard after recovering a Sith codex that had been stolen from the Versea estates. However, as a result of the quest/test given to him to obtain the rank, Firith has been corrupted by the evil in the item he recovered. The corrupting, evil magic of the codex caused the slow and excruciatingly painful breakdown of tissue of Firith's hand and forearm as well as corrupting his soul. As a result he had the option of losing his hand and forearm and eventually his life to the Darkness that was slowly and completely consuming him or having it diffused with enough of the Light side to make him a Dark Jedi. After a discussion with his wife he opted to become a Dark Jedi, with the hopes that she would be able to bring him back to being a Gray Jedi eventually.

Clan Feud.

Firith was part of one of the teams that made planet fall on Kasador and was part of the assault of Mygeeto. While he did not play a primary role in the assault he was able to assist his wife with the evacuation and healing of the wounded. For his participation with the different aspects of the feud Firith'rar was promoted to the rank of Mystic.

It was during this time that Firith was cured of the Sith magic from before, although he found there were some lingering affects.

Shifting Houses

Firith found that he spent more of his time working for House Marka Ragnos that he made the shift to that House permanently. He also went on to become a member of the elite Battle team Night Hawks. Working for his compatriot from the Mygeeto invasion, DarkHawk.

Unbeknownst to Firith agents of Grand Master Pravus, the Inquisitorius, had infiltrated the city of Kar Alabrek on the plant of Tarthos. Headquarters of the the Night Hawks.

Puppet on a String

It was during this time Firith was attacked in his sleep and had a mind probe attached to his skull by Inquisitorius agents. Under duress and being tortured, Firith was forced to kill aliens that Grand Master Pravus found "undesirable". Captured after the death of over forty men, women and children. Firith was imprisoned within the confines of the Ragnos Cathedral. After the device was removed and found to be the cause of Firith's actions he was tried and found not guilty. This sparked of rioting among the refugees of the city.

Firith became a pariah within House Marka Ragnos and Clan Naga Sadow until he proved to the other members he could be trusted again.

After Effects

Firith became an alcoholic, preferring to spend more time alone and in a bottle than being an active member of the House, although when called upon he will assist to the best of his abilities. He also became more paranoid. He no longer trusts any one except his wife Lilith Stormwind.

Physical Description

Stocky and worn would best describe Firith. Even when wearing clean robes and a fresh tunic Firith gives off a tired, worn out air. He is somewhat short for his weight with dull brown collar length hair that is shot through with grey. He usually is scowling and has a look of distrust in is blue grey eyes. He prefers wearing his Jedi robes that are now dull and faded grey with age he is often seen hunched over his walking stick as he wanders about. He has rooms on Ryloth and when not on a mission spends his time there or in a nearby cantina where he sits back and smokes his pipe and remembers his past life.