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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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*[[Teras Kasi]]
*[[Teras Kasi]]
|profession=[[Dark Jedi]]
|profession=[[Dark Jedi]]
|position=[[Tetrarch]] of Dark Inquisitors
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation=*[[House Qel-Droma]]
|affiliation=*[[House Qel-Droma]]

Revision as of 02:30, 4 December 2007

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Template:Krath charinfo

"Now do you say you are going to make Right your master and do away with Wrong, or make Order your master and do away with Disorder? If you do, then you have not understood. Obviously it is impossible"
―Chuang Tzu



Since Acheron's "birth", he has always been different from those he trained with. Even his Master, Mejas Doto, could barely understand the strange abilities that had manifested themselves in Acheron. He found that he could see time differently than everyone else. He didn't just see time as straight line with a beginning and an end, but more like a loop. He knew everything in history had altered the original path of the loop, inexorably drawing his Master to create the boy. His earliest memories are of him sitting at a desk in the Tarentum Estates, property owned by Mejas Doto. He remembers the estates very well as he has spent most of his life in and out of them. He was never so much able to "see", but his natural ability to use the Force allowed him to see.


Growing up was fairly lonely for the Miraluka. He never did any of the normal things people do. He never played with others his age at the training facility, he rarely if ever spoke to anyone but Mejas, and his general demeanor was extremely distant. He picked up the cold, brutal nature of his Master and he began to mimic such behaviors at an early age. His ability to use the Force seemed to increase exponentially as he grew older. His extra abilities seemed to manifest themselves even greater as he learned more and more, absorbing every last scrap of information he could find about time, bursting, and multiverses. He continued this study into his adulthood, searching for anything and everything he could get his hands on.


In his adulthood, Acheron left his home on Yridia IV several times to go out into the galaxy to learn everything he could. He stopped in several places, always being looked at with odd expressions. Most people went through life never seeing a Miraluka, yet he walked amongst them plain as day. He never once worried about the looks he got, or the questions he always left unanswered, but he was always aware that he was different. His first stop was Coruscant; there he learned the art of tactics and basic interrogation. While he was there, he apprenticed himself to a woman named Dinyawii. She was a brilliant tactician and was like him, an outsider, someone looked upon with wonderment and always asked odd questions. His scope of knowledge greatly increased under her tutelage, and his ability to be able to see ahead of things with his seemingly ever-present cognitive sense, he quickly became a tactician that few people would go against. Having learned everything he could on Coruscant, he purchased a larger ship and he left with an extra person. Dinyawii had chosen to follow this cold, brutal individual with unending zeal. Every time Acheron looked in her direction, he found her smiling at him from the other seat in his small freighter.


His undoing came at the hands of not an enemy, but from a close friend of his. The more time he spent with her, the more he felt for this young woman. She seemed to understand his pain of being an outcast, his undying hatred for almost everything that he wasn't. He soon found himself in this young woman's clutches and his heart became slightly softer. His entire view on things seemed to shift and he felt the circle of time shift with it, taking a different path through the multiverse. He knew he would never be able to get away from this woman; so when they stopped on the next planet on their trip, he married her. He sent a message to his Master telling him in detail what he had been doing and allowing his Master to know where he was. He was enjoying the "sights" of Onderon. After a time, he and Dinyawii got restless and moved again. This time, they were re-entering Brotherhood territories. He hid his face and went by the name of Althalus, joining the Clan Plagueis.

A new life

He lived in something resembling happiness, but he always missed his home. He missed the walls of the Tarentum Estates, the conversations with his master who always spoke abruptly with him, he missed the cleaner air. The air in this clan's territory was stuffy with deceit and two-faced friends. These people welcomed him at first, but they slowly began to turn on him. He became the Clan Envoy, working to assist the journeymen. His trials during such time afforded him the rank of Archpriest. Even though he knew the young members would learn nothing from his brutal tutelage, he persevered. Through his perseverance, he became the Quaestor of House Satal Keto. He reigned over the house for short while and then was ousted from his position and betrayed by those he considered his closest friends. During the time of his seemingly depressive state, his only solace was to be found in his wife. She seemed to make it a little better every day. Her quick wit and her impervious charm, seemed to make him smile in spite of the circumstances that had befallen him. As soon as he was doing much better, he got a message from his Master.


"Acheron, you are to report to Yridia IV immediately. Don't keep me waiting."

The message was unsigned, but he knew exactly who the sender was. He needed no name to be able to tell the abrupt nature belonged to his Master. With almost inhuman speed, he returned to the Tarentum Estates, landing his small freighter near them. Moving quickly, he and his wife entered the main house. After pointing Dinyawii to the room she would share with him, he headed to his Master's study. The hood of his robe pushed back, the dark blue cloth that covered his eyes became very apparent and people moved from his way at the sight of it. His steps slowed only slightly as he neared his Master's study and knocked before entering. His master looked up and nodded at him, no words needed to be exchanged as they both knew the time had come. He was called back to begin training the Intelligence sector of Arcona an that was to become his top priority. He named them the Dark Inquisitors, affording himself the title of Lord High Inquisitor. He spent every moment between brief talks with his Master, training his recruits, and private time he set aside for his wife.



  • Began construction on Umbra Arx Exar's Shadow's Base of Operations
  • Dark Maven - Service Degree
  • Dark Savant - Service Degree


  • Acheron was ousted from his position as Quaestor of Satal Keto because he had grown to be feared by the membership who is set in their ways of indifference and ineptitude. A direct quote from Acheron, "They have doomed themselves through their own indifference. A day will come and all I will do is laugh at their pitiful excuse of a clan."
  • Acheron is married with no children. Wife: Dinyawii