Rayne Victae: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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{{Eras|imp|new|njo|djb}} {{Construction}}
{{Sith charinfo|
|name=Erianna "Rayne" Victae
|homeworld=[[Shaevalis Prime]]
|birth= [[250 BBY to 101 BBY|104 BBY]]
|species= half-[[Shaevalian]]/ half-[[Starwars:Hapan|Hapan]]
|birth=[[100 BBY to 51 BBY|65 BBY]]
|height=1.83 m (6'0")
|hair=Icy white
|weight=57 kg (125 lbs)
|eyes=Bright aqua
|skin=Creamy White
|height=1.77 m (5'10")
|hair=Silky White
|weight=59 kg (130 lbs)
|eyes=Vivid Aqua
|allies=*[[Thran Occasus]]
*[[Shadow Nighthunter]]
*[[Anarya Elvendar]]
|fightingstyle= *Verdanaian Training
|form=* [[Shien]]
*Jeswandi Training
|profession=* [[starwars:Spy|Spy]]
|profession= *Spy
* [[starwars:Sith|Sith]]
*Dark Jedi
* [[starwars:Emperor's Hand|Emperor's Hand]]
*Training Sergeant
*Imperial Officer
|position=*[[Rollmaster]] of Caliburnus
|affiliation=*[[Clan Scholae Palatinae]]
*[[House Caliburnus]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|allies= *[[Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae]]  
|affiliation= [[Scholae Palatinae]]
*[[Elena Vos]]
|apprentices=[[Shadow Nighthunter]]
*[[Nasake Shinjin]]
*[[Shikyo Keibatsu]]
*[[Mayda Ferium]]

'''Erianna "Rayne" Victae''' aka. '''Rayne''' for short, is a near-Human, born to a Hapan mother and a [[Shaevalian]] father. Born on [[Shaevalis Prime]]. She is currently the [[Rollmaster]] of [[House Caliburnus]] of [[Clan Scholae Palatinae]] and a Dark Jedi Knight.

Rayne has many of the normal hallmarks of her species, including two-toned hair, golden skin, and a wild, natural beauty. Head to toe, she is a wonderful specimen of the female form and is curved in the right places, lending to a tall, hourglass figure. A showstopper with her exotic beauty, she is taller than average for females of her species. Her skin is meticulously unblemished and is the shade of a pale sunset with a subtle golden hue. Her skin tone also swirls with bands of silver when adrenaline kicks in. She has softly sharp facial features, with a pointed chin and slightly defined high cheekbones. Rayne has thin almond eyes, reminiscent of a predator. Most of the time, her irises are iridescent pools of aqua, which are almost calming. When tapping into the Dark Side, a duel of ice and fire can be seen in her eyes, as the aqua conflicts with the yellow and orange shades found in the eyes of many Sith. Full bow-shaped lips conceal a pair of softly sharpened canines. Rayne’s nose is narrow and small. Long, two-toned white and silvery-blue hair cascades like a moonbeam past her waist and is usually left to hang freely. She has no other distinguishing marks. True to her race, Rayne has various feral vocalizations that portray different emotions, though she has trained to keep them subtle in civilized society.

{{quote|If you think things can't get any worse it's probably because you lack sufficient imagination.|Erianna Victae}}

== Profile ==
Rough Draft:
She never could fit in on her home planet, being half-breed amongst a xenophobic race, and intensely distrusted strangers. After leaving the planet, she has regain some trust back, but it's very hard for her.
Her father hid her and her mother away from his people.
She has a knack for finding things, a natural ability she was born with. Her father used to gather information about anything that was needed.
Both parents are Force-sensitive.
(Working on)
*Ne'Frey - Grand General of Shaevalis and her father
*Aria Rielle - Hapan noble and her mother
*Possibly other siblings
Rayne has used a few different names. Nowadays, everyone she meets knows her by Rayne
*Erianna Rielle - Her name at birth.
*Rayne - Her "Spy" name when she was on missions.
*Erianna "Rayne" Victae - Her name now after marrying the love of her life, Brent.
[[Image:Rayneeyes.jpg|thumb|90px|left|The eyes of Rayne]]
Rayne has the appearance of a woman in her mid-twenties. She stands tall with a willowy build, her skin a flawless milky-white color. She has amazingly pristine white silky hair, and her aqua eyes are very vivid and almost have a glow to them. Her appearance makes it impossible to hide amongst a crowd. She will find hiding herself behind a cloak much more pleasant. Rayne exercises in various places on [[Ptolomea]] to keep actively fit, and has been taught many techniques. She has very good reflexes & eyesight, which she has trained hard to perfect given her Hapan heritage. Her face is quite expressive and her eyes especially tell her emotions.

===  Appearance  ===
[[File:Rayneeyes.jpg|thumb|90px|left|The eyes of Rayne]]
Rayne is a typical [[starwars:Firrerreo|Firrerreo]] with a quickly regenerating biology, eyes that can perceive ultraviolet and full lips that conceal a pair of canines. Her skin is liken to the shade of a pale sunset. It also reflects her mood changing from a warm golden color, to a cold silver hue when flushed with adrenaline. Rayne is able to recover past grievous wounds as long as her major organs are preserved or at least supported mechanically until she recovers.

Frost white hair cascades just past her lower back and is usually left to hang freely. It is best described as naturally white, but it has a slight gleam of light icy blue when the light catches it. Her hair is feathery and light, but very luxurious.

She stands tall and is substantially beautiful and nicely well-endowed with a graceful, lithe figure. Head to toe, she is a wonderful specimen of the female figure, curved in the right places and full in others. Bright aqua eyes are stunning to look at. She is able to see in the UV spectrum, but there is a drawback. She is sensitive to bright lights and intense direct sunlight, as the UV rays bombard her senses. In certain instances, such as a desert or ice planet or even a bright room, she commonly wears protective eye gear or darkened contact lenses. Able to convey compassion or a warning in the second of locked eye contact, their hidden potential of surveying in an ultraviolet spectrum is almost overlooked.

[[File:Rayne2.jpg|thumb|160px|left|Rayne in combat gear]]

As her mother was a Hapan Noble, Rayne has inherited many regal outfits of the finest quality, however, she prefers not to wear most of them as they are beautiful pieces of art. She does admire them, but she needs to be subtle and unnoticed for her line of work.
Her combat gear is reinforced composite material able to absorb or deflect most ordinary forms of projectiles. It is worn skin tight and completely covers her body from the neck down as mobility is very important to her. In addition, it comes with a simple hood and can be worn with a helmet. She stays in excellent condition and keeps her body ready for immediate combat. She has impressive reflexes and is always maintaining her remarkable agility.  

Rayne can be found in what is most appropriate and wears attire that doesn’t restrict her movement should she suddenly have to engage in unarmed combat at any point in time. Mostly she wears a blending of Shaevalian and Hapan styles and prefers to wear figure-hugging clothing and outfits that accent her physique nicely. The most important thing that she always wears when out, is a snowflake necklace given to her. Rayne takes great care of her appearance as she is proud of her Hapan heritage and grateful of her looks.

Because of her [[starwars:Firrerreo|Firrerreo]] heritage, she was raised never to give out her name. Firrerreos believed that one could 'own' another's name, and therefore would almost never give out their name to another, unless it was their mate or close friend. Speaking another's name was considered a form of power over that individual. Rayne is fiercely protective of her name, even among those she befriends and a very select few have the honor of knowing it. She choose to use the name 'Rayne' as a pseudonym.

Rayne is a quiet one, she's respectful especially to anyone superior to her. She would think twice before raising her voice, as well she should be amongst Dark Jedi. She feels she has gained enough prestige that she feels she can voice her opinions and still remain reverent. Rayne can also be stubborn and she will not answer to anyone who is disrespectful. She is a quiet individual who listens, which has allowed her to gather large amounts of information.

===  Demeanor  ===
Rayne is a mysterious and enigmatic individual. Almost always quiet, she is a master at stealth. She usually emerges from the shadows when she is needed and just a quickly fades back into them.

She wears a snowflake pendant given to her and she also has her wedding ring. Both items have great importance to her.

===  Possessions  ===
To be updated.

===Current Residence===
Caliburnus Headquarters, [[Ptolomea]], [[Cocytus System]]. She lives with her husband in their quarters.

===  Pets  ===
To be updated.

=== Personal Weapons  ===
Rayne has one feline [[Starwars:Cat|cat]] which lives with her and her husband in their quarters. A white female kitten named Snow.
[[Image:EriannaVictae.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Rayne exercising her Force powers.]]
To be updated.

Rayne currently has a small assortment of armament and she is trained in both blasters and melee weapons of different kinds.

===Personal Weapons===
Rayne currently has a small assortment of armament. Trained in both blasters and melee weapons, she favors the melee and now the lightsaber, using a blaster only when essential.

She owns a pair of [[Starwars:Ryyk kerarthorr|Ryyk kerarthorr]] blades, 3 Locust Knives, a [[Starwars:WESTAR-34 blaster pistol|WESTAR-34 blaster pistol]], and a [[Starwars:scout blaster|scout blaster]]. She is able to use a sniper rifle, yet doesn't own one personally. Her absolute all-time favorite weapon is a Chaingun, specifically, the [[Starwars:Z-6 rotary blaster cannon|Z-6 rotary blaster cannon]], after using one in during Clone Wars. She's hoping she'll own one someday, but it's just wishful thinking.
A staffsword. 2, 32" steel katana swords that are constructed to fit into each other. The blade of each sword fits into the handle of the other sword to form one long staff.

On her person, she carries her lightsaber with her wherever she travels to. Otherwise, she takes whichever she deems necessary.
===  Known Languages  ===
* Spoken and understood - [[starwars:Basic|Basic]], [[starwars:Cheunh|Cheunh]]
* Understood - [[starwars:Droidspeak|Droidspeak]], [[starwars:Huttese|Huttese]], [[starwars:Shyriiwook|Shyriiwook]], [[starwars:Twi'leki|Twi'leki]]

===Known Languages===
=== Specialized Training  ===
*Spoken - Basic, Hapan, Sheavalian
* Espionage, Reconnaissance.
*Understood - In addition to, Droidspeak, Huttese, Shyriiwook, Twi'leki
* Thief

===Speacialized Training===
Reconnaissance or Spy work.

===  Outstanding Achievements  ===
In the following order:

== DJB Facts ==
*'''Rank''': Dark Jedi Knight
[[Image:RayneDJK.jpg|thumb|175px|right|Rayne wielding her cerulean lightsaber]]
*Learned the ways to Knighthood under the apprenticeship of her own husband, [[Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae|Brent]]

*Rayne is currently a Baroness amongst the [[Clan Scholae Palatinae Titles of Nobility|Nobles of Scholae Palatinae]].
* Earned her first, already constructed lightsaber.
* Appointed [[BTL]] of [[Nightshade Squadron]].
* Awarded the title - Proselyte of Beauty - June 2008, and entered [[Order of the Serpent]].
* Awarded the [[Serpent's Fangs]] title, along with the specially commissioned dagger.
* Appointed [[BTL]] of [[Souls of Darkness]].
* Appointed [[Rollmaster]] of [[Caliburnus]].
* Constructed a lightsaber of her own.
* Appointed [[Aedile]] of [[Caliburnus]].
* Appointed [[BTL]] of [[Shadow Swarm]].
* Appointed [[BTL]] of [[Dorimad Sol]].
* Appointed [[Rollmaster]] of [[Scholae Palatinae]].
* Appointed [[Aedile]] of [[Scholae Palatinae]].

*She is a Second Echelon [[Sith#Inquisitor|Inquisitor]] of the Sith.
*Rayne is a Brigadier General of the 3rd Ptolomea Regiment for the [[Clan_Scholae_Palatinae_Military|Military of CSP]].
=== Outstanding Achievements ===
In the following order:

*Earned her first, already constructed red lightsaber.
*Appointed Commander of [[Nightshade Squadron]].
*Attained the title - Proselyte of Beauty - June 2008, and entered [[Order of the Serpent]].
*Awarded the [[Serpent’s Fangs]] title as well, along with the specially commissioned dagger.
*Appointed Commander of [[Souls of Darkness]].
*Appointed [[Rollmaster]] of [[House Caliburnus]]
*Attained [[Dark Jedi Knight]]hood.
*Constructed a Light Blue coloured lightsaber of her own.

[[Category:Scholae Palatinae members]]
{{quote|Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.|Erianna Victae to her husband}}
[[Image:BrentErianna.jpg|thumb|175px|left|Brent and Erianna kiss]]
*Rayne is married to [[Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae]] and the two are engaged in real life. <3 my Archangel always and I'm so happy he's all mine. :)
*She has made many friends since arriving in the DB and in different clans. More so in the Clan Plagueis than anywhere. A few of her close friends include [[Nasake Shinjin]], [[Lacey Serina Mortashka Vorrac]], [[Mayda Ferium]], [[Tyren Atema]], [[Sakh nhem]] and many others of those she met and grew with while in Clan Plagueis.
*Being in Clan Scholae Palatinae, she has worked hard to prove her value to the Clan, eventually earning Rollmaster over House Caliburnus.
*Rayne has been in a leadership position since 6/1/08
[[Category: DJB Characters]][[Category: Clan Scholae Palatinae]]

Latest revision as of 15:41, 29 July 2024

Imperial era
Under Construction
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Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

65 BBY

Physical Description





1.77 m (5'10")


59 kg (130 lbs)


Icy white


Bright aqua

Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Scholae Palatinae

Personal Ship:


Known apprentices:

Shadow Nighthunter



[ Source ]

Rayne has many of the normal hallmarks of her species, including two-toned hair, golden skin, and a wild, natural beauty. Head to toe, she is a wonderful specimen of the female form and is curved in the right places, lending to a tall, hourglass figure. A showstopper with her exotic beauty, she is taller than average for females of her species. Her skin is meticulously unblemished and is the shade of a pale sunset with a subtle golden hue. Her skin tone also swirls with bands of silver when adrenaline kicks in. She has softly sharp facial features, with a pointed chin and slightly defined high cheekbones. Rayne has thin almond eyes, reminiscent of a predator. Most of the time, her irises are iridescent pools of aqua, which are almost calming. When tapping into the Dark Side, a duel of ice and fire can be seen in her eyes, as the aqua conflicts with the yellow and orange shades found in the eyes of many Sith. Full bow-shaped lips conceal a pair of softly sharpened canines. Rayne’s nose is narrow and small. Long, two-toned white and silvery-blue hair cascades like a moonbeam past her waist and is usually left to hang freely. She has no other distinguishing marks. True to her race, Rayne has various feral vocalizations that portray different emotions, though she has trained to keep them subtle in civilized society.



The eyes of Rayne

Rayne is a typical Firrerreo with a quickly regenerating biology, eyes that can perceive ultraviolet and full lips that conceal a pair of canines. Her skin is liken to the shade of a pale sunset. It also reflects her mood changing from a warm golden color, to a cold silver hue when flushed with adrenaline. Rayne is able to recover past grievous wounds as long as her major organs are preserved or at least supported mechanically until she recovers.

Frost white hair cascades just past her lower back and is usually left to hang freely. It is best described as naturally white, but it has a slight gleam of light icy blue when the light catches it. Her hair is feathery and light, but very luxurious.

She stands tall and is substantially beautiful and nicely well-endowed with a graceful, lithe figure. Head to toe, she is a wonderful specimen of the female figure, curved in the right places and full in others. Bright aqua eyes are stunning to look at. She is able to see in the UV spectrum, but there is a drawback. She is sensitive to bright lights and intense direct sunlight, as the UV rays bombard her senses. In certain instances, such as a desert or ice planet or even a bright room, she commonly wears protective eye gear or darkened contact lenses. Able to convey compassion or a warning in the second of locked eye contact, their hidden potential of surveying in an ultraviolet spectrum is almost overlooked.

Rayne in combat gear


Her combat gear is reinforced composite material able to absorb or deflect most ordinary forms of projectiles. It is worn skin tight and completely covers her body from the neck down as mobility is very important to her. In addition, it comes with a simple hood and can be worn with a helmet. She stays in excellent condition and keeps her body ready for immediate combat. She has impressive reflexes and is always maintaining her remarkable agility.


Because of her Firrerreo heritage, she was raised never to give out her name. Firrerreos believed that one could 'own' another's name, and therefore would almost never give out their name to another, unless it was their mate or close friend. Speaking another's name was considered a form of power over that individual. Rayne is fiercely protective of her name, even among those she befriends and a very select few have the honor of knowing it. She choose to use the name 'Rayne' as a pseudonym.


Rayne is a mysterious and enigmatic individual. Almost always quiet, she is a master at stealth. She usually emerges from the shadows when she is needed and just a quickly fades back into them.


To be updated.


To be updated.

  • Felinx.
  • Fathier.

Personal Weapons


To be updated.

Rayne currently has a small assortment of armament and she is trained in both blasters and melee weapons of different kinds.

A staffsword. 2, 32" steel katana swords that are constructed to fit into each other. The blade of each sword fits into the handle of the other sword to form one long staff.

Known Languages

Specialized Training

  • Espionage, Reconnaissance.
  • Thief

Outstanding Achievements

In the following order: