Shadow Academy Degrees: Difference between revisions

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#REDIRECT [[Dark Side Degrees]]
Shadow Academy Degrees are a method of rewarding those who put forth extended time and effort at the [[Shadow Academy]]. Originally created by [[Headmaster]] [[Kaiann Yetaru Entar|Kaiann]], the system of degrees was expanded upon under the reigns of Headmasters following.
==  Degree Levels and Types  ==
There were four levels of Dark Side Degrees when originally created by Headmaster Kaiann, and an additional fifth level was adopted to fit the Fundamentals Department. The levels of degrees are as follows:
* Pundit
** The entry level, these degrees typically require only passing courses in the Fundamentals Department.
** A minimum of 3-4 courses will be required for a Pundit Degree to be created.
* Maven
** The basic level, these degrees typically require only passing certain exams with certain scores. Some practical portions may be included.
** A minimum of 3-4 courses will be required for a Maven Degree to be created. If only 3 courses are used, then some type of practical portion to the exam will be implemented.
* Savant
** Somewhat harder, these degrees require two Maven degrees (specific to each subject area), plus a certain number of electives, and they may also include a practical portion.
* Sage
** The highest level most members can obtain, Sage degrees denote great skill and hard work that goes above and beyond typical Shadow Academy work.
* Master of Lore
** Awarded to current and former [[Headmaster|Headmasters]] or for unprecedented levels of service to the Shadow Academy over many years.
With the exception of Master of Lore, the degrees are open to the general membership and the only thing preventing a member from obtaining a degree will be the member.
==  General Rules  ==
For all academic degrees, the following rules apply:
* An exam grade of 85% or higher is required for the course to count toward the degree.
** If an exam grade is below 85%, the member will be given one chance to retake the exam and score a grade of 85% or higher.
*** If a member fails to achieve a grade of 85% or higher after retaking the exam, they will be ineligible for that degree for three months, after which they may retake the exam again, and so on and so forth.
* For Service degrees, you must be a member of the Shadow Academy staff.
===  Revocation  ===
At any point deemed necessary by the Headmaster, a member's degree may be revoked and removed from his/her dossier. Cheating on any Shadow Academy exam is automatic grounds for revoking of degrees, as is any [[Chamber of Justice]] conviction. Revoking degrees is handled on a case-by-case basis by the Headmaster, however, and it is entirely up to the Headmaster whether or not to remove the degree. If a Maven is removed, however, then the Savant that follows, if obtained, will also be removed.
===  Adding/Removing Degrees ===
As more courses open in the Shadow Academy, more degrees may be added to the available options. However, extra “filler” courses will not be created simply to allow the creation of a degree, even if it means that a certain subject area must remain without a degree. All courses must meet certain quality standards.
As the Shadow Academy is constantly changing and adapting, there is a possibility that a course will be removed, thus negating a degree. In this event, the previously awarded degrees will still stand, and a list of no longer existing degrees will be maintained.
==  SA Degree Requirements  ==
===  Pundit ===
Pundit degrees are an entry level degrees offered at the Shadow Academy. They require Fundamentals Department courses to be passed.
{|class="fancy" width="550"
|td colspan="2" class="head"  | '''  Dark Pundit  '''
| class="sub-head" style="color: #DDD;" width="150" | '''Degree'''
| class="sub-head" style="color: #DDD;"| '''Requirements'''
| Essentials (PESS)
| style="text-align: left;" |
*[ Essentials 101: Welcome to the Brotherhood]
*[ Essentials 102: Progression]
*[ Essentials 103: The Brotherhood's Galaxy]
*[ Essentials 104: Structure of the Club]
*[ Essentials 105: Member Conduct]
| Communications (PCOM)
| style="text-align: left;" |
*[ Comms 101: Website Navigation]
*[ Comms 102: Discord]
*[ Comms 103: DJB Wiki (An Introduction)]
| Activities (PACT)
| style="text-align: left;" |
*[ Activities 101: Fiction]
*[ Activities 102: Gaming]
*[ Activities 103: Graphics]
*[ Activities 104: Roleplaying]
*[ Activities 105: Vendettas]
===  Maven  ===
Maven degrees are the most basic degrees offered at the Shadow Academy. They require basic courses to be passed, although some also have practical requirements.
[[File:Maven.png|thumb|180px|right|The Dark Maven Degree]]
{|class="fancy" width="550"
|td colspan="2" class="head"  | '''  Maven  '''
| class="sub-head" style="color: #DDD;" width="150" | '''Degree'''
| class="sub-head" style="color: #DDD;"| '''Requirements'''
| Leadership (MVL)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* [ Leadership Reports]
* [ Leadership Rewards]
* [ Leadership Competitions]
*Serve any combination of position terms mentioned in the requirements below (need not be consecutive):
**Serve at least 20 weeks as [[Battle Team Leader]]
**Serve at least 16 weeks as [[Aedile]], [[Quaestor]], or M:CON
**Serve at least 12 weeks as [[Proconsul]] or [[Consul]]
| Writing (MVW)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* [ Introduction to Fiction Writing]
* [ Story Structure]
* [ Descriptive Writing]
* [ Writing Dialogue]
* [ Fiction Studies]
| Character Development (MVCD)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* [ Character Sheets 101: Introduction]
* [ Character Sheets 102: Possessions & Loadouts]
* [ Wiki Basics: Character Creation]
* [ Character Development]
| Philosophy (MVPH)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Any three Order CORE exams
* [ Force Philosophy I: Views of the Force]
* [ Force Philosophy II: Cults]
| Galactic History (MVH)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* [ Galactic History 101- The Era of the Old Republic]
* [ Galactic History 102- Twilight of the Galactic Republic]
* [ Galactic History 103- Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire]
* [ Galactic History 104- Ascendance of the First Order]
| Lore (MVLO)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* [ Alchemy Studies]
* [ Galactic Languages]
* [ Mandalorian Culture Studies]
* [ Races and Species]
| Flight (MVF)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* [ Freighters/Transports Studies]
* [ Capital Starship Studies]
* [ Starfighter Studies]
* [ Astronomy Studies]
| Combat (MVC)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* [ Lightsaber Studies]
* [ Land Vehicles]
* [ Personal Armor]
* [ Ranged Weaponry Studies]
| Legends (MVLD)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* [ Sith Legends]
* [ Krath Legends]
* [ Obelisk Legends]
* [ Consular Legends]
* [ Sentinel Legends]
* [ Guardian Legends]
| Historical Legends (MVHL)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* [ Legends Galactic History 101: Formation of the Galaxy]
* [ Legends Galactic History 102: Origins of the Jedi Order]
* [ Legends Galactic History 103: The Ascension of the Sith Empire]
* [ Legends Galactic History 104: The Great Sith War]
* [ Legends Galactic History 105: Saga of Revan and Malak]
| Societies (MVSO)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* [ Societies: Aurora Collegium]
* [ Societies: Envoy Corps]
* [ Societies: GMRG]
* [ Societies: Inquisitorius]
* [ Societies: Shroud Syndicate]
| Service (MVS)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Serve as a member of the Shadow Academy Staff for at least five months
===  Savant  ===
Savant degrees are the third tier of degrees offered at the Shadow Academy. In general, they require one or more Maven degrees (specific to each Savant degree) and electives. Certain practical tests may be included.
[[File:Savant.png|thumb|180px|right|The Dark Savant Degree]]
{|class="fancy" width="550"
|td colspan="2" class="head"  | '''  Dark Savant  '''
| class="sub-head" style="color: #DDD;" width="150" | '''Degree'''
| class="sub-head" style="color: #DDD;"| '''Requirements'''
| Service (SVS)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Serve the Shadow Academy for an extended period of time
** Approximately eight months or more
** Working on special SA projects will count towards overall time and may be “banked” for up to one year.
** Hold a position of [[Professor]] or higher.
* All positions require excellent service. The immediate superior shall determine the awarding.
| Leadership and Communication (SVLC)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Maven- Leadership
* [ Leadership Management]
* [ Debate 101: Argumentation]
* [ Debate 102: Refutation]
* Serve any combination of position terms mentioned in the requirements below:
**[[Consul]] or [[Proconsul]]: 24 weeks
**[[Quaestor]], [[Aedile]], or M:CON: 32 weeks
**[[Battle Team Leader]]: 40 weeks
| Warfare (SVW)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Maven- Flight
* Maven- Combat
* [ Competitions 102: Gaming]
* Attain [[GMRG]] Rank V
| Tactics (SVT)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Maven- Writing
* Maven- Combat
* [ ACC Combat Studies]
* Complete 5 [[Antei Combat Center|ACC]] matches
* Earn 30 [[Cluster of Ice|Clusters of Ice]]
| Writing (SVWR)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Maven- Writing
* Maven- Character Development
* Attain [[Inquisitorius|INQ]] Rank V
* [ Test of Wisdom] - 70% or higher
| History and Lore (SVHL)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Maven - Galactic History
* Maven - Lore
* [ Dark Brotherhood History I]
* [ Dark Brotherhood History II]
* [ Astronomy Studies]
* [ Planets and Moons]
* [ Regions of the Galaxy]
| Legends (SVL)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Maven - Legends
* Maven - Historical Legends
* [ Legends Galactic History 106: Wars of the Force]
* [ Legends Galactic History 107: Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire]
* [ Legends Galactic History 108: Trials of the New Republic]
===  Sage  ===
Sage degrees are the fourth tier of degrees offered at the Shadow Academy. Sage degrees require great effort.
[[File:Sage.png|thumb|180px|right|The Dark Sage Degree]]
{|class="fancy" width="550"
|td colspan="2" class="head"  | '''  Dark Sage  '''
| class="sub-head" style="color: #DDD;" width="150" | '''Degree'''
| class="sub-head" style="color: #DDD;"| '''Requirements'''
| History and Lore
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Savant- History and Lore
* Savant- Legends
| Writing (SGWR)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Savant- Writing
* Attain [[Inquisitorius|INQ]] Rank X
* [ Test of Wisdom] - 100%
| Service (SGS)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Provide long term, superior service to the Academy while on staff. This could include writing multiple exams, being involved in multiple projects, and maintaining constant activity at the Academy. This will be very rare, but specific members may be worthy of this. The minimum time to even begin being considered for this degree is one year, but many times it will be even longer.
| Law (SGL)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Savant- Leadership & Communication
* Service, either: 1 day as Justicar, 140 days as [[Left Hand of Justice]], 140 days as [[Right Hand of Justice]], or 140 days on the [[Appeals Panel]]
| Programming (SGP)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Provide long term, superior service to the Office of the Seneschal while holding a position of no lower than [[Magistrate]]. This degree is awarded at the discretion of the sitting Seneschal. Generally, the minimum time to even begin being considered for this degree is six months, but substantial applied efforts may warrant a shorter time frame.
| Warfare (SGW)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Savant: Warfare
* [ Advanced Warfare]
* Attain [[GMRG]] Rank X
* Acquire 3620 Warfare Points
** Every Cluster of Earth = 1 point
** Every Cluster of Fire = 2 points
** Every Pendant of Blood = 40 points
** Every First Place in a Novae-Awarding Gaming Competition = 75 points
** Every Second Place in a Novae-Awarding Gaming Competition = 60 points
** Every Third Place in a Novae-Awarding Gaming Competition = 45 points
** Every First Place in a First Level Crescents Gaming Competition = 75 points
** Every Second Place in a First Level Crescents Gaming Competition = 60 points
** Every First Place in a Second Level Crescents Gaming Competition = 60 points
| Tactics (SGT)
| style="text-align: left;" |
* Savant: Tactics
* Reach INQ Society Rank X
* Acquire 3000 Tactical Points
** Every Cluster of Ice = 10 points
** Every ACC Battle = 20 points
** Every ACC Win = 15 points
** Every First Place in a Novae-Awarding Fiction Competition = 75 points
** Every Second Place in a Novae-Awarding Fiction Competition = 60 points
** Every Third Place in a Novae-Awarding Fiction Competition = 45 points
** Every First Place in a First Level Crescents Fiction Competition = 75 points
** Every Second Place in a First Level Crescents Fiction Competition = 60 points
** Every First Place in a Second Level Crescents Fiction Competition = 60 points
==  Disclaimer, Conclusion, and Credits  ==
''The Headmaster reserves the right to alter degree requirements at any time, so long as they are applied equally across the Brotherhood.''
The system described above resulted largely from the ideas of Dacien "BubbaX" Victae, though they were inspired by the original degree system created by Kaiann, which was further refined by [[Spears]], [[Anshar Kahn Tarentae]], and [[Aabsdu]].
[[Category:Terms and Phrases]] [[Category:Shadow Academy]]

Latest revision as of 21:27, 8 August 2024

Real World Perspective.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood
This article is part of the series:
Shadow Academy
Key Information
Shadow Academy
Aurora Collegium of Sciences
Shadow Academy Degrees
Course Catalog
Troubleshooting Form
Scroll of Foundation
Inactive Shadow Academy Courses
HM Reports
Alethia Archenksova
P:HM Alaris Jinn
T:W Bentre Sadow
T:Q Kanal O'Neill
M:HM Various Members
PROF Various Members

Shadow Academy Degrees are a method of rewarding those who put forth extended time and effort at the Shadow Academy. Originally created by Headmaster Kaiann, the system of degrees was expanded upon under the reigns of Headmasters following.

Degree Levels and Types

There were four levels of Dark Side Degrees when originally created by Headmaster Kaiann, and an additional fifth level was adopted to fit the Fundamentals Department. The levels of degrees are as follows:

  • Pundit
    • The entry level, these degrees typically require only passing courses in the Fundamentals Department.
    • A minimum of 3-4 courses will be required for a Pundit Degree to be created.
  • Maven
    • The basic level, these degrees typically require only passing certain exams with certain scores. Some practical portions may be included.
    • A minimum of 3-4 courses will be required for a Maven Degree to be created. If only 3 courses are used, then some type of practical portion to the exam will be implemented.
  • Savant
    • Somewhat harder, these degrees require two Maven degrees (specific to each subject area), plus a certain number of electives, and they may also include a practical portion.
  • Sage
    • The highest level most members can obtain, Sage degrees denote great skill and hard work that goes above and beyond typical Shadow Academy work.
  • Master of Lore
    • Awarded to current and former Headmasters or for unprecedented levels of service to the Shadow Academy over many years.

With the exception of Master of Lore, the degrees are open to the general membership and the only thing preventing a member from obtaining a degree will be the member.

General Rules

For all academic degrees, the following rules apply:

  • An exam grade of 85% or higher is required for the course to count toward the degree.
    • If an exam grade is below 85%, the member will be given one chance to retake the exam and score a grade of 85% or higher.
      • If a member fails to achieve a grade of 85% or higher after retaking the exam, they will be ineligible for that degree for three months, after which they may retake the exam again, and so on and so forth.
  • For Service degrees, you must be a member of the Shadow Academy staff.


At any point deemed necessary by the Headmaster, a member's degree may be revoked and removed from his/her dossier. Cheating on any Shadow Academy exam is automatic grounds for revoking of degrees, as is any Chamber of Justice conviction. Revoking degrees is handled on a case-by-case basis by the Headmaster, however, and it is entirely up to the Headmaster whether or not to remove the degree. If a Maven is removed, however, then the Savant that follows, if obtained, will also be removed.

Adding/Removing Degrees

As more courses open in the Shadow Academy, more degrees may be added to the available options. However, extra “filler” courses will not be created simply to allow the creation of a degree, even if it means that a certain subject area must remain without a degree. All courses must meet certain quality standards.

As the Shadow Academy is constantly changing and adapting, there is a possibility that a course will be removed, thus negating a degree. In this event, the previously awarded degrees will still stand, and a list of no longer existing degrees will be maintained.

SA Degree Requirements


Pundit degrees are an entry level degrees offered at the Shadow Academy. They require Fundamentals Department courses to be passed.

Dark Pundit
Degree Requirements
Essentials (PESS)
Communications (PCOM)
Activities (PACT)


Maven degrees are the most basic degrees offered at the Shadow Academy. They require basic courses to be passed, although some also have practical requirements.

The Dark Maven Degree
Degree Requirements
Leadership (MVL)
Writing (MVW)
Character Development (MVCD)
Philosophy (MVPH)
Galactic History (MVH)
Lore (MVLO)
Flight (MVF)
Combat (MVC)
Legends (MVLD)
Historical Legends (MVHL)
Societies (MVSO)
Service (MVS)
  • Serve as a member of the Shadow Academy Staff for at least five months


Savant degrees are the third tier of degrees offered at the Shadow Academy. In general, they require one or more Maven degrees (specific to each Savant degree) and electives. Certain practical tests may be included.

The Dark Savant Degree
Dark Savant
Degree Requirements
Service (SVS)
  • Serve the Shadow Academy for an extended period of time
    • Approximately eight months or more
    • Working on special SA projects will count towards overall time and may be “banked” for up to one year.
    • Hold a position of Professor or higher.
  • All positions require excellent service. The immediate superior shall determine the awarding.
Leadership and Communication (SVLC)
Warfare (SVW)
Tactics (SVT)
Writing (SVWR)
  • Maven- Writing
  • Maven- Character Development
  • Attain INQ Rank V
  • Test of Wisdom - 70% or higher
History and Lore (SVHL)
Legends (SVL)


Sage degrees are the fourth tier of degrees offered at the Shadow Academy. Sage degrees require great effort.

The Dark Sage Degree
Dark Sage
Degree Requirements
History and Lore
  • Savant- History and Lore
  • Savant- Legends
Writing (SGWR)
Service (SGS)
  • Provide long term, superior service to the Academy while on staff. This could include writing multiple exams, being involved in multiple projects, and maintaining constant activity at the Academy. This will be very rare, but specific members may be worthy of this. The minimum time to even begin being considered for this degree is one year, but many times it will be even longer.
Law (SGL)
Programming (SGP)
  • Provide long term, superior service to the Office of the Seneschal while holding a position of no lower than Magistrate. This degree is awarded at the discretion of the sitting Seneschal. Generally, the minimum time to even begin being considered for this degree is six months, but substantial applied efforts may warrant a shorter time frame.
Warfare (SGW)
  • Savant: Warfare
  • Advanced Warfare
  • Attain GMRG Rank X
  • Acquire 3620 Warfare Points
    • Every Cluster of Earth = 1 point
    • Every Cluster of Fire = 2 points
    • Every Pendant of Blood = 40 points
    • Every First Place in a Novae-Awarding Gaming Competition = 75 points
    • Every Second Place in a Novae-Awarding Gaming Competition = 60 points
    • Every Third Place in a Novae-Awarding Gaming Competition = 45 points
    • Every First Place in a First Level Crescents Gaming Competition = 75 points
    • Every Second Place in a First Level Crescents Gaming Competition = 60 points
    • Every First Place in a Second Level Crescents Gaming Competition = 60 points
Tactics (SGT)
  • Savant: Tactics
  • Reach INQ Society Rank X
  • Acquire 3000 Tactical Points
    • Every Cluster of Ice = 10 points
    • Every ACC Battle = 20 points
    • Every ACC Win = 15 points
    • Every First Place in a Novae-Awarding Fiction Competition = 75 points
    • Every Second Place in a Novae-Awarding Fiction Competition = 60 points
    • Every Third Place in a Novae-Awarding Fiction Competition = 45 points
    • Every First Place in a First Level Crescents Fiction Competition = 75 points
    • Every Second Place in a First Level Crescents Fiction Competition = 60 points
    • Every First Place in a Second Level Crescents Fiction Competition = 60 points

Disclaimer, Conclusion, and Credits

The Headmaster reserves the right to alter degree requirements at any time, so long as they are applied equally across the Brotherhood.

The system described above resulted largely from the ideas of Dacien "BubbaX" Victae, though they were inspired by the original degree system created by Kaiann, which was further refined by Spears, Anshar Kahn Tarentae, and Aabsdu.