Wrath (Acclamator-class)

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
New Order era.
This article is about the Acclamator-class starship. You may be looking for other uses of Wrath.
Production information

Acclamator-class assault ship

  • Assault ship
  • Heavy cruiser

18,000,000 credits

Possession Item:

ID 46082

Technical specifications

752 meters


460 meters

  • 200 meters (with landing gear)
  • 183 meters (in flight)
Max acceleration:

3,500 G

Max speed (atmosphere):

1,200 km/h

Hyperdrive rating:

Class 0.6 Backup:

Power output:
  • Reactor: 2 x 1023 watts (peak)
  • Shields: 7 x 1022 watts (peak)



Neutronium-impregnated hull

Navigation system:

Advanced navicomputer



  • 16,000 troopers and support personnel
  • 320 speeder bikes
  • 80 Low Altitude Assault Transport
  • 48 All Terrain Tactical Enforcer
  • 36 Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery
Cargo capacity:


  • Trans-galactic military transport ship
  • Assault ship
  • Carrier

Ascendant Fleet


Command Force Dread

Current Status:



34 ABY

[ Source ]

The Wrath was a Acclamator-class assault ship serving as part of Command Force Dread in Clan Plagueis' Ascendant Fleet.


Commissioned in 34 ABY, the Wrath was brought into service to help make up for losses to the Ascendant Fleet in prior battles. Serving as its primary asset in supporting ground engagements and assaults, it was selected thanks to the proven effectiveness of its design in past wars. This proved to be a major boon during the conflict against The Collective during battles such as the invasion of Nancora in the Twelfth Great Jedi War. This vessel was retired following the Fifteenth Great Jedi War due to accumulated damage and service time. It was scraped by ACE Shipyards.


Designed by Rothana Heavy Engineering, the Acclamator-class Assault Ship was a common sight in the Clone Wars. Operating as a vital part of the Grand Army of the Republic and its associated fleet, the ship measured at a length of seven-hundred-and-fifty-two meters. This sheer scale was needed to deploy and deliver the vast armies present in its hold, as it could carry sixteen thousand troopers and support personnel, along with room to easily house enough vehicles to support any armoured operations. Yet for all of this, the class required a crew of only seven hundred to operate the vessel at its full capacity. Multiple large cargo ramps permitted these troops to be delivered en-mass, while the wedge-shaped hull offered protection from airstrikes or artillery bombardments while they deployed. Further hatches in its underside allowed for gunships to be deployed en-mass even while in flight, leading to the class' additional designation as a carrier.

In addition to its main role as an assault ship, the Acclamator-class served competently as a combat frigate and general-purpose attack craft. With twelve primary turbolaser batteries, it could inflict ranged bombardments against enemy targets while supported by a further twenty-four laser cannons. The latter weapons also doubled as a point-defence network, giving it a noted edge in deflecting ordinance or fighter based assaults. However, the primary offensive capability against larger craft stemmed from its Heavy missile/torpedo launch tubes. These could inflict significant damage against larger warships, making up for the ship's relative lack of high yield turbolaser weaponry.

The durability of the design has proven to be a point of contention in records, with accounts ranging from extremely heavy shielding and plating to endure ground assaults, to records of lighter weight defences that kept them out of direct battles. In either case, the class was noted to have only average manoeuvrability but retained great speed.


Serving in the same role as it did the Grand Army of the Republic, the Wrath operates as the primary landing and assault ship for the Ascendant Fleet. Capable of carrying far greater tonnage and troops than more modern landers, it is capable of delivering almost the entirety of the Ascendant Legion to a single battlefield in one ship. In this action, it can serve as both a delivery mechanism and bridgehead, helping to break through planetary blockades while offering supporting fire to landing operations.

When required, the Wrath can also serve as part of Command Force Dread's main battle line, putting its weapons to use against enemy vessels in direct naval engagements.

[hide]Ascendant Fleet
Star Destroyers AscendancyGoliathCenturion
Cruisers/Frigates SeigebreakerHeavenly DragonCloud DragonSnowy WindMountain WindShining MoonWinter MoonSwift TideBlack TideRevengeResolutionMaelstrom
Corvettes ScyllaSolaceLegionLanceLightningSavageSwiftScourgeScorpionPerditionSilent ScreamHunterHereticBrigandBaronHell's IrisMalice
Transports BloodsportCalm SeaNebula StriderPacificaWhydahCythera