Seyda Norith
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Seyda Norith | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: | |
Date of Birth: |
9 ABY (age 34) |
Physical Description | |
Species: | |
Gender: |
Female |
Height: |
1.5 m |
Weight: |
45.4 kg |
Hair: |
Brown |
Eyes: |
Blue |
Personal Information | |
Allies: | |
Lightsaber Color(s): |
Purple |
Lightsaber Form(s): | |
Weapon(s): |
Lightsaber |
Fighting Style(s): | |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Position: |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Known masters: | |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
- "I'm here for knowledge, not mystical wampashit."
- ―Seyda Norith
Seyda Norith was a Human Dark Jedi hailing from a noble family on Naboo. While on Naboo, she was a scholar and adviser to more charismatic politicians. Once her Force sensitivity was revealed, however, she became dissatisfied with her life on Naboo and left in search of a way to train herself to make use of the Force. After several years of hopping from system to system, she found her way to Antei and the Dark Brotherhood. She isn't against making use of either side of the Force, though she taps into the Dark Side more often for the sake of a more offense-oriented approach to things. Seyda is a Knight and Battleteam Leader of the Wardens of Clan Taldryan, as well as Magistrate to the Herald.
Early Life
9 ABY - 21 ABY
- "This may well be the most quiet child I've ever met. Is she okay?"
- ―A family friend to Seyda's parents
Seyda was born the eldest child of one of the noble bloodlines of Naboo in 14 ABY. Her parents often remarked that even as an infant she made sour faces when too many people were around. This grew into a shyness that would follow her throughout her childhood, much to her own dismay. She was encouraged to be herself but felt a pervasive inferiority to the socialites she was consistently exposed to at gatherings, social and political. They would often comment on her overt shyness, only making it worse. She had a sister two years her junior, Navra, who excelled in these social functions. Despite receiving more attention than a child could ask for from her parents, they were often occupied with matters not pertaining to their children and the constant need to keep up with others for the sake of their reputation often wore their eldest out.
Seyda spent a lot of time to herself while at home and found a passion for not only reading, but for learning and knowledge itself. She was a bright child who looked to literature as an escape and a teacher. This was pointed out by the personal tutors she had throughout her childhood, who encouraged this activity, though her parents were concerned about how keeping to herself would affect Seyda later in life. It is not to say that the child was not social at all, in fact the young Seyda enjoyed the company of many children during free time on nice, sunny days in Theed. She expressed extreme empathy towards others at a young age, often crying when others got hurt or were bullied by older children, despite not being a target. It was only large groups that made her uncomfortable, it seemed.
Into the Wild Blue Bureaucracy
22 ABY - 25 ABY
- "My sister is in the running to be the queen of this entire system and I can't even handle a party. Isn't that a little messed up?"
- ―Seyda Norith, to Navra
It wasn't long before the two sisters were mature enough to start taking part in politics themselves, with Navra running for minor positions in government and the introverted Seyda assisting as an adviser to her sister and others who sought her counsel. Seyda's work as an adviser kept her occupied, and she became more confident socially. Her work usually entailed speaking with a small group of other advisers with or without their patron. She continued to study, focusing on political theory, economics, and other topics pertaining to her occupation. It was a rare occurrence that she was not taken seriously, though when it did happen, she always ended up being right about things anyways. Despite her knack for it, Seyda couldn't move much further beyond advising younger politicians, and it became dull. She retreated from the political scene and returned to her old past times of literature and the arts.
By the time she was thirteen, Navra was in the running to become the elected monarch of Naboo. She asked Seyda to help her in her campaign, drawing her back into an advisory role. The publicity she faced with her sister often became overbearing, causing her to break down privately. Despite their efforts, Navra lost the election and returned to her lesser roles in the political scene at the capitol. The whole affair took a toll on Seyda emotionally, causing her to withdraw further into seclusion from those she knew.
Force Sensitivity
26 ABY
- "I don't know how she did it... but I know she stopped that ship from hitting us."
- ―Navra, in reference to Seyda's display of Force control
Things had improved for Seyda by her seventeenth birthday. Her family had finally calmed down with the politics and the social gatherings had lulled down to a more manageable level. It didn't hurt that she had finally reached out to them about things either. This stability was good, and it would be the lasting memory that Seyda had of her family, for soon afterwards, something would cause her path in life to diverge from her family, her home, and even her system.
In an unfortunate accident, two fighters collided on their way back to the palace at Theed, sending the huge chunks of debris down towards a gathering of people towards the edge of the capitol. Seyda and Navra were in the crowd on their way to an uncle's home on the other end of the city. Once the crowd started panicking, it was game over. In an act of desperation, Seyda pushed her sister behind her and braced herself for an impact that would surely kill them both. Almost as if it was by instinct, she raised her hands towards the flaming chunks of metal and closed her eyes, but nothing had happened. They hadn't died, and neither had the crowd. In fact, the deadly debris was a few meters off its course. It was as if the hand of some kind of god had blocked the crowd from the danger.
It was then that Seyda turned to her sister, who stared at her with wide eyes. They returned home, giving their parents all the details of what had transpired in the city. Her mother and father didn't have an answer at first, but eventually they spilled the beans; what Seyda had done was not explainable by anything other than the Force, and that Seyda must have been gifted with Force sensitivity. Seyda's parents explained what they knew of the Force, and that the Jedi Order used to utilize it, but they had disappeared, along with their holocrons. Seyda recalled mentions of the Force and the Jedi from what she had read in the past. They were scant mentions, but they definitely existed.
Planet Hopping
27 ABY - 32 ABY
- Seyda Norith: "I need to know more about this. I want to control it. I want to reach my full potential with what I've been given."
- Navra Norith: "But what if something happens to you? What if you don't come home?"
- ―Seyda Norith, telling her sister Navra about her plan to travel the galaxy for answers
The Force was a great power, and the Jedi were supposedly great warriors. Seyda felt she was destined to follow the path of the Force, as an act of self-actualization. She bode farewell to her family, and began a six-year journey across worlds, looking for any knowledge left behind of the Force and how to utilize it.
It was during this time that Seyda came in contact with Bobecc Varga, a smuggler who could get her place-to-place the cheapest out of the majority of the spacers she had dealt with. She was using Bobecc's services to travel the most often, and she grew fond of him. She got mixed up in some of his schemes, but luckily never got in trouble with the law by association. In the beginning, she got her information from hearsay, very general things that the populace knew about the Force. It wasn't very helpful to the grand scheme of what Seyda wanted to do. For several months, the search was fruitless. But whenever Seyda was about to give up and just return home to Naboo, she would find something to keep her going; a holocron, a crystal, something would always come up. After many years, Bobecc finally bode Seyda farewell, as he was travelling to a system she had never heard of. He left her the name, Antei, if she wanted to get leads on where he was at a later time. At first, she ignored the prospect of travelling out to some unknown part of the galaxy. The search for knowledge of the Force continued, but it continued to be relatively fruitless. A crystal and a holocron were all Seyda had. Eventually she gave in and hitched a ride to where Bobecc had disappeared to.
The Brotherhood
33 ABY
- "Someone tried to kill the star?"
- ―Seyda Norith
Seyda arrived at the Dark Brotherhood during the aftermath of the 11th Great Jedi War. After enrolling in the Shadow Academy, she felt like she was finally learning something of substance. She was placed in House Ektrosis of Clan Taldryan, where she found her old friend Bobecc again. Welcomed into the fold, Seyda began to train and climb the ranking ladder, becoming Battleteam Sergeant of the Wardens, and eventually Battleteam Leader. Seyda is currently a Hunter.
Personality and Traits
- "I hate being around so many people. It's like they're all judging me and it makes me feel bad for them."
- ―Seyda Norith
Seyda is a huge pessimist and is also very blunt with people. She'll tell you when you're super wrong, or when something is a very bad idea. She has issues dealing with large groups of people, but is fine with talking to smaller groups or one-on-one. Her empathy for others is strange, but welcomed by most. Seeing others in pain causes her a lot of distress, which in combination with her inferiority complex, makes her feel bad for even being around at times. She has the ability to be happy, and has a rare smile. She loves to learn and collect more knowledge, and remembers nearly everything she bothers learning about. She's intelligent and has a very low threshold for stupidity in her presence.
If you get to know her, she has a dark sense of humor but isn't funny half the time. She'll try to be more social with people she knows better, but comes off as awkward. When in a position of leadership, the awkwardness is toned down significantly, like she has some kind of off switch just for doing leader activities. She has a way of distancing herself from her insecurities, at least temporarily.
- "Well, you're the shortest noble I've ever met."
- ―Bobecc Varga, to Seyda Norith
Seyda is not only short, standing at a fearsome 1.5 meters... but she's tiny all-around, only weighing 45.4 kilograms. Meaning her complex about people looking down on her isn't completely unfounded. She is everything one would label as "petite." Her shoulders and hips are about the same width, and with a pinch at the waist she could be considered an hourglass figure. Her chest is equally very small, and while she isn't stick-thin she definitely isn't curvy. She also lacks in the muscle department, leaving her a very frail and small woman, characteristics typical of the ruling elite. She has dainty hands, with long, thin fingers, usually with painted nails. Seyda is very pale, with a pink tint to her cheeks and not much else. Her eyes are a pale blue, a very similar color to the skies of her home planet. She has her reddish brown hair cut in a very irregular fashion; two long sections that frame her face, while the rest behind it is cut in a short a-line style, with bangs in the front. The longer sections are often styled into complicated patterns with various adornments, less impressive than what can be done with a full head of long hair, but similar in general style.
Her upbringing has interred a deep appreciation for cleanliness, and she is rarely found with a speck of dirt anywhere on her person. The level at which Seyda takes care of her appearance is borderline obsessive. She doesn't really think of it that way though, she sees it as taking a lot of pride in her presentation. She prefers clothing that, while feminine, offers a lot of coverage. She loves skirts and anything that has a flowing quality, and is usually found wearing those kinds of robes.
Powers and Abilities
Combat Skills
- "The lightsaber is elegant and light... But that's where the similarities end for me."
- ―Seyda Norith
Seyda is still learning to master lightsaber combat, but has made strides from where she began. While naturally right-handed, she has developed enough skill to fight ambidexterously, for example. She still does not have a lightsaber of her own, but plans on constructing a simple and sleek one when she is given the chance. She has experience with blasters and piloting ships. Seyda prefers ranged combat, considering her small size and physical weakness, leaving much to be desired when it comes to melee combat.
Force Abilities
- "The Force is the ultimate power. Mastery over the Force is mastery over everything that exists in the universe."
- ―Seyda Norith
Seyda focuses her efforts on manipulating the Force to achieve what needs to be done. She has no qualms tapping into the Dark side, summoning Force lightning or darkness to hide in. She prefers to hide and strike from afar, confusing her enemies with illusions or blinding them. Confusing her enemies makes it easier not only to strike, but to keep them further away, considering her weakness in close combat. Striking in any psychological way is what she leans towards, rather than shows of brute force, though she isn't opposed to Force pushing someone or something similar.
Positions Held | ||
Before | Position | After |
Bobecc Varga | Battleteam Sergeant of the Wardens 33 ABY - 33 ABY |
Djasei Brevis |
Bobecc Varga | Battleteam Leader of the Wardens 33 ABY - Present |
Incumbent |
Various | Magistrate to the Herald 33 ABY - Present |
Incumbent |