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New Order era.

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Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

35 ABY (age 8)

Physical Description

Trandoshan / Barabel Hybrid











Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information
  • Pilot
Personal Ship:


[ Source ]

"'That's the beautiful thing. We were all created for a role we'd already failed at before we were even born. We can only go up from there."

NAT-19 - BATCH 01, MODEL 06, also known as Nat, is a female Trandoshan / Barabel hybrid. The creation of a project by the Collective to form a caste of artificially birthed technologically adept slaves. The project was cancelled and rejected shortly prior to the birth of even the first batch. Pressed instead into working as salvage operators in high risk operations, their task was to fuel the Collective war machine by raiding lost battlefields. While utilising the armed freighter Scorpio, the group encountered Nikora Rhan and the Free Droid Enclave and were able to defect to Clan Odan-Urr.

Character History

From the Clay

Between the Suffering and the Will

Fortuna Holds no Dominion Over this Coin

Physical Description

A stocky and rotund individual, Nat's mixed Barabel and Trandoshan heritage has resulted in an odd blend of reptilian qualities. With a broad frame and power thickset limbs reflecting an easy familiarity with manual labour, her legs ending in the three-toed talons typical of Trandoshans and both arms in four fingered claws. A muscular tail extends out behind her, usually moving to assist with her balance.

Nat's pale grey skin is bereft of scales due to a quirk of her creation. Several points across her body are dotted with the hardened metal of nanomachine injection ports, and cybernetics to help stabilize her body's genetics. A number of medical scars further highlight locations where obedience devices and machinery were removed. The words NAT-19 - BATCH 01, MODEL 06 are tattooed across Nat's right arm, marking her original designation. Both eyes are of a pale blue complexion and, combined with Nat's broader snout and far less pronounced fangs, serves to give her features an oddly mammalian quality.


In stark contrast to her hulking and predatory appearance, Nat is both highly outgoing and very friendly to all she meets. Having effectively been little more than a slave for much of her life and isolated to remote parts of the galaxy, she is more than welcoming to anyone she meets and highly personable. Although drawn to the subject of ships and engineering above all else, a natural curiosity means she is very open to listening, learning, and holding a conversion through asking the right questions even without an immediate basis to refer back to. Even if this means that she has little more to do than make mental notes and query someone else for details, she can keep another person occupied in conversation for hours at a time.

Although it would be easy to accept her pleasant behaviour as being a sign of naivety, this friendly optimism is something which has endured in spite of harsh experiences rather than flourishing due to a lack of them. A dangerous life has seen friends die, flee combat with superior warships, and have to think their way free of traps on more occasions than she would care to admit. Rarely approaching a situation without several backup plans in mind, she has surprised both ally and enemy alike with a capacity for forethought and being ready for worst case situations. Combined with her force of personality, it is one of several factors which has given Nat a capacity as a leader which was never expected of her, and a surprisingly skilled trader when it comes to bartering for items.

Having grown up in an environment of bare utilitarianism with minimal supplies, subjects like art, literature, and any creative endeavor has become a point of interest. Although rarely having time to properly study the arts or even practice them herself, a deep rooted appreciation for visually fascinating works. Yet in spite of this, she feels little connection to any world. Less appreciative of even the most verdant planets or gleaming metropolises than the experience of flight, Nat rarely remains for long on any world. Favouring instead constantly travelling and exploring what lurks beyond the next system, she is far more concerned with taking advantage of her newfound freedom than remaining on a single world.


Powers and Abilities


By far the skill in which she has the most pride, Nat's abilities as a leader were something she was never intended to possess. Although both a highly proficient pilot and engineer, Nat was originally intended to be subservient with little more freedom or capacity for initiative than a droid. Being pressed into leading the Dead Ends forced her to rapidly evolve and take charge, learning to both mediate situations and when to put her foot down. Much of this was formed and built upon her natural knowledge of logistics, and used to both help keep the group alive and the Scorpio operational far beyond the Collective's ability to support them. While middling as a tactician and relying more upon force of personality to help get her way, Nat does possess a detailed understanding of naval tactics along with a wide array of trade and diplomatic methods. This grants her abilities beyond the average person on the street or untrained individual, but against others it's usually an uphill battle.


Nat's talents as a pilot are half formed from birth and half by experience. Programmed with a near instinctive database in her mind of flight stratagems, astronavigation charts, and systems operations knowledge, her role was intended to help ensure the successful retrieval of any profitable salvage. To this end, her skills focused primarily upon establishing clear escape vectors, being able to avoid incoming threats, and withdraw with minimal damage. Although clearly meant to avoid conflict and any risk, Nat was able to steadily adapt these skills in a far more offensive manner. Thanks in part to the Scorpio's ability to be helmed by a single pilot, utilised the corvette as effectively a gunship in multiple battles, performing strafing attacks on targets or hit and run engagements. Favouring performing an attack and then escaping at high speed over high intensity turn fighting, she was able to steadily adapt her in-built knowledge to a far more offensive means. This relies upon either speed or surprise to keep the enemy on edge and avoid incoming fire, but it has proven highly effective. With a deep respect for any ship she is given, Nat has an exceptional ability when it comes to making the most out of any ship and playing fully to its strengths while behind their controls.


Although secondary to her other abilities, Nat's broad knowledge of engineering talents and technical skills were a core part of her past life. While the crux of this stems from a broad database of technical skills and an inherent understanding of machinery programmed into her mind, a significant portion of this has evolved thanks to past experiences. Having to all too often jury-rig quick repairs and make do with sub-standard supplies, she has learned to adapt to flawed circumstances and simply work with whatever is on hand. Although certainly skilled with almost any technology, Nat has an especially noteworthy aptitude for working with ships, usually working faster and far more effectively with such vessels over other mechanical constructions. Naturally, such knowledge is just as easily applied to taking apart machines and repurposing other technologies, as was her intended role.