Item Rarity Structure

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Dark Jedi Brotherhood
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This Item Rarity Structure outlines the basic structure and logic used to determine the rarity level assigned to prototype items in the possessions system. Note that the rarity level is based on the relative functionality of a base item when compared to similar items, and that item, in turn, receives an appropriately relative cost. The rarity level of prototype items is carefully controlled by the Regent to ensure the balance of the system and ensure an enjoyable member experience.

Names and Colors

All prototype items have a rarity assigned to it. This visually identifies the relative value and basic functionality of an item, when compared with other similar items. This base value is carried to a part in the costing formulas, while the color is carried throughout the system to highlight the value of an item visually.

  • Commodity: Tan
  • Common: White
  • Uncommon: Green
  • Rare: Blue
  • Epic: Purple
  • Legendary: Orange
  • Artifact: Red


Looking into an explanation of each rarity level can help determine what types of items you can expect to find carrying each color and prestige in the possessions system.


Assigned to items that a member was awarded, for achieving some other milestone in possessions, but to clearly designate that an item was not paid for. This allows for the creation of items in possession as rewards for reaching certain milestones or as rewards for various competitions, without hurting the value of purchased items. These items can often be used much like any other item and equipped and used, but the rarity level and coloring signify their awarded status. These items have no open slots to modify the functionality and have limited if any cosmetic item aspects.


Assigned to the most common and basic items found throughout the Star Wars galaxy, that are easily attained by just about everyone. Examples would be like civilian accessible clothing or armor, basic weapons or vehicles. If a citizen of Corellia could easily acquire an item on a trip to the public market, it's likely common. Many of these items can be cosmetically modified via aspects, but never modified functionally.


Assigned to items that would be standard issue equipment in the military or specialized gear and equipment used by civilians on civilized worlds throughout the Star Wars galaxy. If a line soldier would be issued an item, and it was commonly found on a battlefield, or only more middle-class citizens of Corellia would be seen owning it, it's likely uncommon. Many of these items can be cosmetically modified via aspects, with limited functional modifications available in some categories.


Assigned to items that are of a special design for a specific purpose, issued or acquired by a range of means, that aren't commonly found in the Star Wars galaxy but still possible to get ahold of. If an elite soldier in a special operations unit would be assigned an item to give them an edge in a specific mission, or a mercenary might seek out the item gain an edge in combat, it's likely rare. Many of these items can be cosmetically modified via aspects, with a larger range of functional modifications available.


Assigned to items that are superior to other comparable items in their category in some specific way, making them more powerful, faster, agile or some other defining characteristic. These items are also very rare and hard to get ahold of in the Star Wars galaxy due to limited supply and high demand being sought out by many individuals for its functionality or prestige. If a well-known mercenary or a Sith Lord is using an item, or a specific culture developed an item in a specialized manner, it's likely epic. Many of these items can be cosmetically modified via aspects, with a great ability to modify they via functional aspects to suit specific needs.


Assigned to items that have an inherent functionality that makes them among the most powerful in the Star Wars galaxy, both impossible to get your hands on and incredibly valuable. Always manufactured in small lots, possibly using some unique technology or in a way that's incredibly rare like stealth technology on a ship or Sith Alchemy imbued weaponry to resist lightsaber attacks. Items of this rarity level often take a step back in customization, which peaks at epic but has some major inherent benefit that built into the item itself.


Assigned to items that cannot be duplicated, and are almost priceless. Unique and one of a kind, even if a second was made, it wouldn't be the original item but merely a duplicate since there can never be more than one. An item like Darth Vader's helmet or Luke Skywalker's lightsaber would be artifact items. The quality level of these items varies greatly, but the uniqueness remains with each one. Lacking ability to be duplicated, these items also lack any ability to modify via aspects.


When applied properly to all the items in the possessions system, this item rarity structure allows a member to both seek out more prestigious items in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood possessions system, while also showing them off easily in their loadout by use of color. In the future as new items are evaluated, their functionality relative to similar items can be reviewed and a rarity level properly assigned for it to fit in. This also allows multiple version of the same item to exist with a growing functional value and level of modification that be paid for by members on some of the iconic items.