Sigil 1: Kapsina
Core Worlds
Jusadih System
194 Days
0.99 Factors
Mountainous, Barren
27.3 Million
Sapientia, Polleo, Dicio, Ellesmeria, Quies
Lumber, Livestock
Alloy, Duracrete, Transpara-Steel
Clan Plagueis
Capital of the Jusadih System and headquarters of Clan Plagueis, Kapsina, once a planet of massive oceans, underwent the devastation of Jusadih’s sun, Sigil, turning the once luscious planet into a dry, desolate landscape. Kapsina is composed of five continents: Kurast, Calimcha, Asinai, Schall, Khanduras. Kapsina possesses two Adegan crystal veins, giving the planet great importance to the Dark Jedi. It was spared the devastation of the Yuuzhan Vong War.
Once the star Sigil came into existence, the debris slowly began to cluster, grouping into a form. The first such mass became designated as Sigil 1 and was later named after the scientist that discovered the planet, Dr. Kapsina. The report was lost however in the antiquated Old Republic's database, to go undiscovered and largely unpopulated until the Yuzhan Vong pressed people from the Core worlds towards the salvation and tranquility of the Outer Rim, which had become docile in comparison to the losing war the New Republic had been waging.
But Kapsina had changed since her initial discovery, the voluminous water planet had been subject to Sigil's heat. The water had first begun to boil, moving into massive cloud cover and strangling all but the most resilient forms of life. The result was vast amounts of arid land, compacted by a slightly heavier gravity compared to Sigil 2, Aerun. Yet riches were found by those whom searched, the first such culture was the Myrsei - a self sustaining culture that lives in harmony with the ground, working each day to perfect themselves and their art. And soon the planet began to draw others, each interested in the planet's geology. Thus the population grew rapidly as new fortunes were mined from the planet's depths.
Mining corporations soon became vast expansive centers of population and civilization, the wives and children of miners filling the newly constructed homes and schools, while the men risked the perils of the mines. And when the children grew up, they would bolster the miner's numbers - filling the voids of those lost previously.
Soon the Dark Brotherhood took interest in the planet, realizing the benefits of having a direct interest invested into a source for necessary materials for their force: Starfighters and Capitol Ships. The Dark Council sent an Envoy, whom not only scouted the planet, but purchased an upstart mining corporation that would later provide a considerable amount of materials needed to construct the Antei Defense Groups. And so it remained until twenty two years after the Battle of Yavin. When the emergence of a new clan, Plagueis, drew designs upon the riches hidden in the Jusadih System. From the depths of the Acarr System they fled, leaving behind a faltering economy to the trade strong Jusadih. There a monumental base of operations was constructed within the grounds of their company, Ellesmeria. And thus the home of Clan Plagueis and the meddling of Dark Jedi fell upon the planet like a black curtain.
When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the system in 27 ABY, Kapsina was fourth in line of their route, right after Shintera. Luckily, however, the Vong fleet was pulled back, and Kapsina was spared. Repercussions were still felt, however, as both Sistros Acquisitions and Holdings and House Exar Kun were forced to set up HQs on the planet due to the damage done to their own planets, Shintera and Aerun, respectively. This initial influx of refugees caused a definite strain upon the static population. Many such refugee camps needed immediate resources in order to function. However, after these circumstances became the status quo, the refugees were able to begin contributing to the planet's economy in such a way that more than replaced the original loss of resources.
All things considered, Kapsina is currently enjoying a time of relative peace and stability.
Satellite Description
Nasva, Moon of Sigil 1: KapsinaA single moon orbits Kapsina, half the size of Aerun's moons, an uneven chunk of what could have once been a part of the planet. It is a score of jagged peaks and treacherous valleys -- and with no atmosphere it will not naturally support indigenous life or evolution. The ground is an unfathomable black, as if ash litters the entire surface. However, surprisingly, it is incredibly rich in minerals. The satellite is 'off-limits' per request of the Ruling Council. Some believe it has been abandoned because it is home to a resistance group, the Disciples of the Black Hand. It is possible they are using abandoned research outposts on the surface as headquarters.
Planet Geography (by continent)
In the northeast, from the shores of Khanduras, rests a land composed of sand and clay. The land is pocketed with natural caves, that are prone to complete collapses at the slightest tremor. Which have a tendency to rack the land almost weekly and in the most unpredictable manner - the only constant is that it will happen. Yet, the miners still venture out into the flat land, daring the holes, to harvest the small mountains and strip mines. The sand and clay do not hold temperature well, the average temperature runs 45 degrees F to 65 degrees F.
The large continent that rests in the north western corner, it is dominated by rugged mountains and large dunes, all of which is second to the perilous lava flows that span the land. Yet the ground yields the necessary ingredient/compound for Duracrete. Many will venture into the deadly ravines, daring the rivers of lava to harvest resources. Only one expanse of safe land exists, there a corporation and city have arisen. Due to the molten activity spanning the land the continent runs from 75 degrees F to over 100 degrees F, depending on the location.
File:Kapsina Barrens.jpgThe Barrens of Kapsina
The southeast is dominated by the presence of a tiered continent, for it's vast differences in topography. Upon the far east coast runs a mountain range where large deposits of alloy are mined and refined in the headquarters of a nearby corporation/city. From there to the far west, runs the expanse known as the 'barrens', a vast stretch of nothingness. It has become a wasteland, a deposit for outdated machinery from all of the planet's miners. The winds constantly blow from the west, causing the temperatures to be relatively cold, 35 degrees F to 75 degrees F. Depending on how far one is across the barrens.
Southwest from the shores of Khanduras, Schall was once a profitable source of exotic metals. But the land was soon depleted and sold to the earliest inhabitants of Kapsina, an ancient culture known as the Myrsei. It is home of the last Adegan vein, which infuriates the local Dark Jedi populace. At it's center is a lone mountain, an active volcano - its outline dominates the skyline and causes a great deal of interference to advanced technology. A single coast has been cleared and leveled by the Myrsei, it is there they live and work. Though what they do is largely left to speculation and bits of truth. The land is greatly unknown due to the interference.
The central continent and center of trade, other continents will ship their finished products here awaiting shipments to be sent off-world to Shintura or other buyers. The landscape is a dusty, arid and reaches oppressively into the distance, only to be broken by the timid seas surrounding it or the massive 'spine' that runs through the middle of the continent. The temperatures are consistent and range from 60 degrees F to 80 degrees F. It is also home to one of the two Adegan veins; this one is controlled by agents of Clan Plagueis.
File:Kapsina-Sapientia.jpgThe Museum of Sapientia
The city of Wisdom, is designed to be efficient and effective. The Master Architects have pre-determined the exact layout, causing no room for error. But the result is a maze of buildings and streets that are identical in everything except name and hue. At the center of Sapientia is the processing plant, there they manufacture the mined materials into refined goods for export. The colony is rich in life, expanding its culture instead of its pocket book. Thus, the Ruling Council has little to criticize, though they keep a militia nearby.
Several notable structures are the museum, which explains a great deal of planet history. The Auditorium, a massive chamber designed for speakers, conventions and provides the necessary space for entertainment. And lastly, on the perimeter rest the garages, which house all of Sapientia's portable mining equipment. As they spend top dollar on their city, they also have purchased some of the finest equipment on the planet -- it even exceeds the technology used in Ellesmeria, albeit, slightly.
The sovereign city is the oldest, possibly most outdated corporation in the galaxy's existence. Which means it is the oldest city, most of its structures dating back to the time period of the Old Republic, which was a time of elegant stone work and masonry, though the tranquil, bright stones have now been washed dark by the arid ecosystem. The technology is grossly outdated as well, not having been updated since the Emperor perished above the skies of Endor. Yet what they lack in ability the have made up with experience. The buildings are sturdy and regularly repaired, providing necessary shelter for the inhabitants. And the miners are well trained, using time-tested processes that yield excellent results, giving boons to the civilization when they ship their goods off-world.
This has allowed for the purchase of a massive construct plant, where parts for star fighters are being created. The parts are later shipped off-world for assembly. And recently the corporation has invested large amounts of money into producing Capitol ship parts which are exclusively sold to the Ellesmeria Corporation.
File:Kapsina-Polleo.jpgThe City of Polleo
The city of Power, the corporation was named by it's opponents in the early days because they held so much power by their immense work force, a slave population. Originally a slave drive company and city, the old remnants of town can be seen on the Eastern horizon. Then it was populated with massive jailhouses where several people were forced into tight confines, given extremely poor rations and paid miserly wages. Yet new laws from the Ruling Council forced the corporation to swell from slavery to citizenship, as they were released from their bondage. The result was a haphazard arrangement of homes, stores and mining complexes. Lacking the aesthetic beauty of Sapientia, much of the city appears as a dark, extended, slum. This city is spread over a great expanse, the resources are also spread across the distance, ultimately proving highly indefensible if an outside force were to attack.
The large central population gives Polleo a strong work force that is mobile and desperate for money, thus driving them to work in the dangerous environment - as they strive to earn their wages.
Topographical scans have given the Brotherhood a map of the twisting, sprawling city - yet it would still be considerably hard to navigate without prior experience.
The home city of the Myrsei, it is largely unknown as the borders are forcefully and dutifully guarded by the citizens.
Once known as Caldus, the City of Passion, it was renamed immediately after a dark clad envoy from Antei purchased the corporation. And though the Brotherhood has always owned the city, it has never been run by a Dark Jedi; left to the capable minds and hands of miners. Even after the city was 'given' by the Dark Council to the Clan, it is yet to be seen if they shall allow them to retain it. For the Brotherhood left the men and women to their own devices, and a experienced leader arose with ceaseless funds from the Dark Jedi - a wondrous city arose.
It is the equivalent to Byss, where the buildings are uniformly smooth, and the beauty flowing across the expanse of the town. Each building melds into the overall image, the colors gently shifting from brilliant to dull with each connected walkway and passage. The largest difference from Byss is the fact that most of the buildings do not reach higher than two stories in the air, allowing the skyline to be dominated by several prominent locations: The factories, spaceport and an outlying structure, the Dark Tower.
Wealth and considerable luck have given the corporation the ability to export materials and purchase a space platform, which is recently in construction - orbiting Kapsina - and will have the ability to build Capitol Ships, as well as repair vessels. It should not go without mention Ellesmeria also has direct access to the Adegan vein of Khanduras - strangely all mined material is transported to the Dark Tower.
Ellesmeria is also well known as the home of Kapsina's main Army. Accordingly, several sections of the city are zoned off for military detail only. In the aftermath of the Eighth Great Jedi War, many of House Exar Kun's Obelisks have taken up shelter with their non-Jedi peers. While this relationship was rather imposed at first, the main Army soon found they could learn much from the Jedi refugees. For the time being, the relationship is bearing much fruit.
Land's End
At the end of the barrens, an expansive cliff that drops into the sea. The face of the drop is pocketed with caves that are inhabited by an odd winged creature that till this day has not been identified, but is potentially dangerous to any living thing.
Dragon Forge
The legendary forge of the Myrsei, it is said that weapons, armor, even ships of great power are crafted and made under the divine eye of the smiths. Though none of the ancient smiths have been seen since the beginning, it is said that their spirit roams the Forge.
Phoenix Falls
A meeting place of several rivers of lava, they slowly fall over the lip of a mountain creating an effect that appears like a waterfall. May have unknown uses, geothermically stays at 500 degrees F. Though a site that is exquisite it is hardly worth the risk to see in person, because it might be your life.
Gates of Vlagrand
A critical pass that has been sculpted in an ornate, forgotten fashion from days long past. It is a defensive 'choke point' for people to pass through, the Ruling Council has decided to place a militia here.
Dragon's Graveyard
Once a piece has achieved the rank of 'legendary' amongst the Myrsei culture it is worn by the creator until the end of days. When the maker perishes, their pieces of legendary quality are retired to the graveyard - a small shrine is built in honor of both crafter and equipment.
Fallen Moon
The Adegan vein upon Khanduras. It is rumored that when one walks into the main chamber, where the purest Adegan is growing, a slight light will refract off the crystals, causing a brilliant visual effect. The location of the vein is known only to the Dark Jedi and some council members.
Howling Mine
A collapsed mine, was later cleared by the Clan Elder, Sarin. There he performed alchemy and brought a tremendous beast and guardian to life - it continually howls, warding off strangers. It is a defensive beast alone, only prone to attack those whom are not inducted into the Clan. A great mystery resides here that has yet to be discovered...
Political Outlook
The planet is run by a representative from each of the five cities, though the representative for the Myrsei never attends any meetings - sending in their votes on matters. No other contact is received or expected. An additional seat has recently been added, and the Consul of Clan Plagueis holds this position. From here one adept in the Force can manipulate the minds of the weaker members, forcing the vote in the favor the Brotherhood wishes.
The Council meets quarterly, unless a special, emergency meeting is demanded by one of the members. During these meetings they are tasked with deciding tariffs, how much material to export, how much to allow imported, regulations and to hear any disputes between the corporations - most of these relate to territory disputes and allegations of theft or sabotage. This form of government has existed for over a hundred years, never being met with public outcry or challenge until a new group began demands for democracy. They are the Disciples of the Black Hand - a resistance group that is everywhere and nowhere, at once. They have begun terrorist attacks on all corporations, even attempting to destroy the Plagueis headquarters.
Change is not seen in the imminent future, though it is a possibility. If the government was ever changed to a senate, the members of Plagueis could easily fill the empty seats - giving their desires a fall illusion of 'pure' in the public eye. In addition, there is little worry about military coup, as the agents were enlisted early on, pledging their undying allegiance to the Clan. These warriors could be used to safeguard key locations, but never large enough to enforce a martial law.
Military Presence
As previously stated, the military force is unusually small on the planet - most of the 'soldiers' are equivalent to the status of 'militia'. The corporations have given limited training and basic weaponry to their miners, breaking them into platoons that have specific duties, bases of operation in the event of a crisis. This level of soldier is extremely unreliable, but sometimes is enough to discourage outside forces from attacking.
The main Army, however, is ruthlessly efficient and posted in the town of Ellesmeria. With the Brotherhood funds funneling into the defense program, they have established an excruciating platform that produces few, but amazing warriors. Whom are later outfitted with the best equipment available. To ensure quick response time the main force has been broken into rotations, spanning the globe to give immediate response where it is needed. They are under the direct authority of the Ruling Council, and as such, the leader of the Council may solely order their actions in times of war or martial law. Giving the Consul of Plagueis a much needed ground force in addition to his own surrounding the Dark Tower.