Zeak Yurashima

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Zeak Yurashima
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

104 BBY

Physical Description





6'1 FT (180 cm)


200 LBS (90.7 KG)






Right and Left eyes, Right and Left ears and Left leg

Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
  • Spy
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Soldier/Medic
  • Dark Jedi Apprentice
Known masters:


[ Source ]

Zeak Yurashima is an Obelisk Protector in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He is a current memeber of House Naga Sadow. Zeak grew up moving around quite a bit because of his father being the head of an inteligence unit for the famousBothan Spynet. Even though Zeak was not born on the Bothan homeplanet Bothawui he considers it his home since thats where he spent most of his early childhood.

Character History

Birth (104 BBY to 40 BBY)

Zeak Mamoone Yurashima was born on the 3rd day of the 8th month in 104 BBY, to Odon Yurashima and Belia Yurashima on Coruscant during one of his fathers meetings with the galactic senate in the Senate Building. After Zeak's birth his father quickly took a desk position on Bothawui becoming the handler of small espionage unit so he could stay home and help take care of Zeak. Because of this career choice Zeak's family was put in protective detail for the operation information his father new. Soon after the Yurashima family got their protection detail, a small group of mercenaries attacked the family to try and kidnap Odon, who was leading an operation that was investigating a Hutt crime lord on Nal Hutta who was supposedly planning an attack on Kashyyyk. Thankfully, the attack was thwarted, but the Yurashima family quickly had to move as the home was no longer safe. As a result from this constant cat and mouse between his fathers enemies and people out to take advantage of the information on current operations his father had, Zeak learned his way around a blaster quite young in life. Along with learning how to shoot a blaster, Zeak was also forced by his parents to take self defense classes.

Encounter with a Bounty Hunter

There were a number of kidnapping attempts on the Yurashima family one such attempt was when everyone was asleep. A bounty hunter who specialized in kidnapping, took out the Yurashimas' protection detail, and managed to sneak into the Yurashima residence. Zeak who had learned to be a light sleeper from the military academy's he had gone to, woke up to the floor boards creaking. He grappled his blaster pistol forgetting it wasn't in a holster and accidentally fired off a shot. This quickly got the attention of the bounty hunter who in turn, returned fire at Zeak. By this time Zeak had hit the deck and finally freed his blaster pistol, once the bounty hunter had stopped firing; returned fire at the bounty hunter. Odon had also by this time, woken up, and getting his blaster rifle while Zeak and the bounty hunter were in the fire fight down stairs ran to help Zeak. Thankfully by the time Odon had arrived Zeak had killed the bounty hunter but not without injury. Zeak had gotten a blaster shot to his shoulder and to his stomach and was bleeding heavily. Belia had by this time called the police and medics were on the way. Zeak was rushed to the hospital, where he was put into bacta for a couple days until his wound had healed and his blood count had returned to normal.

Hostage Situation

Another situation happened after Zeak had gotten home from school. As Zeak's sister Daja and him were sitting down for an after school snack a group of mercenaries blasted down the front gate. They quickly killed the Yurashima's protection detail and stormed the house. Once inside they moved Zeak's sister and mother to a back room while they waited for the police to arrive. While waiting Zeak remembering there was a knife kept in the bathroom,asked to go. The captors agreed and send him with a guard. Zeak entered the bathroom and got the knife and then stabbed the mercenary killing him. Zeak then continued to grab the mercenary's blaster and headed down stairs. By this time the police were in negotiations with the mercenaries about the release of Zeak and his family for Odon. Zeak hearing this came down and started blasting at the mercenaries. The police heard this and rushed the house, only to find three dead mercenaries and another one in the bathroom upstairs.

Adult Hood (40 BBY to 44 BBY)

By this time Zeak had grown quite tired of living in hiding and always being ready for an attack so he decided to change the roles. He applied for the Judicial Forces and was accepted into the Republic Outland Regions Security Force where he he built upon the skill he had already learned. All of Zeaks comander's saw something special in him and they quickly recommended him for the Republic Special Task Forces. From there he was assigned to a unit in the Raioballo sector. Zeak was sixty-one by graduation and was ready to put his training to use. Unfortunately he did not realize what his first assignment would entail and would be thankful if he survived long enough to see his contract fulfilled.

Stark Hyperspace War

First battle of Qotile

As a member of the RSTF Zeak was asked to acompany Senator Tarkin to Troiken for the negotiations between the Rupublic and the Stark Combine, not knowing of the blood shed and slaughter that would follow he agreed. Zeak was ordered to stay on the flagship Invincible. Upon ariving in the system it was imediatly clear something was disastorously wrong! Only a fourth of the fleet arrived and they they were recieving very heavy fire. The Invincible was quicky outgunned and heavily damaged. Then all of a sudden they recieved a cryptic message from Finis Valorum saying they are retreating to Mount Avos. Right after that message Senator Tarkin ordered his crew to abandon ship and aim thier excape pods for Mount Avos. Dodgeing falling debris and the constant bombardment from Starks battle fleet, Zeak was able to get the Senator into an excape pod and onto the mountain with a minimal amount of damage to the excape pod and Injury to himself or to the rest of the crew. Once there they quickly regrouped with the Jedi team and the rest of the survivors from the Tarkin fleet.

A Grim Situation, Indeed

Once Zeak and his team landed, the first priority was to set up a defense grid. During the preparations General Plo Koon with his Jedi ontourage, Senator Tarkin, Jace Dralin and a couple other commanders held a meeting to try and figure out what to do. During that meeting General Koon using telepathy overheard Laco Stark and his commanders planning an attack on the mount. Only a couple minutes after the word was spread, a fierce ariel bombardment started. A cavern collapsed on a unit resting. Then a tunnel connecting another cavern collapsed blocking another unit from the main staging ground. Then all of a sudden it, stopped. That wasn't so bad everyone thought. That was only the beginning of a very long and tiring battle, that would cost thousands of casualties on both sides. General Koon along with the other Jedi, the Judicial forces and Tarkins men fought wave after wave, for what seemed like days but in reality was probably closer to a couple hours. General Plo Koon using telepathy was able to determine where the next attack would be so everyone was able to minimize loss on their side. Unfortunately for Laco Stark and his commanders they were not as lucky, they suffered heavy causalities and finally convinced the Collective to do a strategical retreat. Following the retreat the Jedi tended to the wounded and everyone regrouped. Figuring out that the Collective couldn't out maneuver or out smart the Galactic Republic they then made the decision to starve then out. Of all the battles that Zeak survived this one would be the one he most remembers and the one that gives him the most nightmares.

Excape From Qotile

Impossible Odds

Trusting the Force

End as a Soldier; Life as a Bounty Hunter

Murder in the family

Going to Mandalore

Becoming a Bounty Hunter

A New Father


Over Zeaks 100 years of being a Bounty Hunter, Soldier and Spy Zeak has acumulated a number of possessions. Some he keeps away in a secret location for 'Emergancy purposes' some he keeps in a display case on his ship the DeathClaw others he wears on his person and still others he keeps in a lockbox.

Clothing / Armor

Human Attire

Zeak will commonly be found in cargo pants and a light mesh armor shirt. He is very found of this shirt because it has saved him many times from assassination attempts during his spying years. It has a number of hidden pockets where he stores verious knifes and communication devices along with his spying gear. His cargo pants have a compartment under one of the cargo pockets that he has a sheath for one of his favorite comabt knives. Zeak also wears custom rancor leather combat boots.


When in Toydarian form Zeak will wear a custom made rancor leather belt that has a drop down blaster holster for his mini blaster. The belt also holds 14 days worth of food rations and extra blaster packs. Aside from the rancor belt Zeak wears a common t-shirt shirt.

Basalisk Battle Armor

This is Zeaks prized possesion (aside from of course his ship the DeathClaw) he had this build by Mandalorian armor smiths once he had finished his Mandalorian training. They used Durasteel and fasioned it after Neo-Crusader armor except with the iconic T shaped visor like the Mandalorian Shock Trooper Armor. You will also see Zeak wearing a Kamas with his battle suit. Zeak has multible attachments that go with this battle armor. The suit has a built in 2 hour oxygen supply so he can seal the head portion completely and go into areas with no oxygen or where poisoness gasses are present. He has a superduty high lift jet pack that allow him to stay in the air for about half a minute or make extented jumps, along with soften his fall in emergeny jumps from high places. The Heads up display or hud is linked into his ship which allows him to do a remote startup and remote flyby in case of EXTREME emergancys. The helmet also has a secure link communicator that jams any communications between his ship or other members in his party. Later, after the Clone Wars Zeak like all other Mandalorian battle suites, added an asortment of dart launchers, grappling hooks, flame thowers and wrist rockets.


Zeaks Combat Knife

One of his favorite knives Zeak has this on him at all times. It is a full tang construction foot long combat and survival knife. He can take the base cap off and insert a dart capsule that acts like an acient metal slug thrower in that when one is fired the case rotates to prepare the next dart. The blade portion has been super treated and hardened to withstand all but a lightsaber and is able to cut through 4 inches of hardened rancor leather and is able to pierce Durasteel and Tritanium. Zeak keeps this knive in a beskar also known as Mandalorian Iron lined rancor sheath.




While tracking his querry he ran into a dark alley where he ambushed Zeak. In the battle his querry managed to get a hold of a fussion cutter and dismember Zeaks right leg and excape. By the time he got to help, his leg was unsaveable so he had to have a prosthesis made. Zeak also put int a concealable thigh holster for a blaster that could pop out with a push of a botton that would also eliminate being overpowered without his weapons. Because Zeak can morph into any shape he wants it is not possible to attach the leg in the normal way you would; so Zeak, as part of his physical training had to learn to morph around the leg to effectivly attach it. Also because of his verying sizes he had it built to be able to shrink or extend in size to fit his body size.


After Zeak lost his leg when his querry snuck up on him in the dark; Zeak thought that it would be an advantage to see in the dark so he had cybernetic eyes installed that gave him night vission, infrared vission and a 15x zooming capability Zeak is also able to track his querrys heat signature like the Heat-pit Sensor the Yuuzhan Vong used. The sugreon wired it into the prexisting nerves and impulses so he can turn on or off any of the abilities just by thinking it.


Rancor Leather

Zeak is an avid big game hunter and one of his first kills was a Rancor. As rancor leather is prized for clothing and armor he had it shipped back home where it was skinned and parts that were not wanted were sold to the highest bidder. Among the things he kept was of course the leather but also the claws he also had the head stuffed, where it is featured prominently in his house.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Positions Held
Before Position After
Inactive Recruit of the The Regulators
34 ABY to 35 ABY
Mirado Pepoi L'eonheart Sergeant of the The Regulators
35 ABY to present
Not Applicable

Outstanding Achievements


Interesting or important facts that do not fall under the other two categories.