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The Phantom Assembly is the group named and led by former di Plagia Laren Uscot. Comprised of defectors from the Collective, the Severian Principate, and even the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, the assembly's main objective is to bring the Brotherhood to ruin, specifically exacting most of its wrath upon Clan Plagueis.
In 36 ABY, Dread Lord Ronovi Tavisaen executed Code: Dread, an operation that would seek out and eliminate Collective member Kel Zar. Zar, having been responsible for a botched slave insurrection two years prior, was caught off guard by the Ascendant Fleet's forces, and she sought out aid from her superior, Ghafa Ordam. Ordam, however, had grown tired of Zar's zealous attempts to take on the Ascendant Clan and did not provide any support, forcing the Zabrak to flee with whatever remaining forces she had.
Humiliated and enraged by her defeat against Plagueis, Kel Zar decided to go on self-imposed exile, traveling to various planets along the Outer Rim in the hopes of finding miscellaneous jobs and assignments. While on Vulta, she encountered a bealeaguered and intoxicated Laren Uscot, who had hit a lull in his mercenary work and was waxing poetic about his days in the Brotherhood. Sensing his disenfranchisement with Plagueis and the galaxy at large, Zar decided to further fraternize with Uscot, and it was then that they discovered that they had a common goal of revenge.
Building the Ranks
Kel Zar and Laren Uscot put their wide array of connections as mercs to good use, scouting the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions in the hopes of finding skilled individuals who would rejoice in their shared cause. Not only did they make contact with members of the Collective and the Severian Principate, but they also communicated with a handful of Force users who were contemplating abandoning the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Within a few months, recruitment efforts had yielded over fifty interested parties. The Phanton Assembly had grown legs and was officially established in 37 ABY.
Putting his bounty hunter skills to good use, Uscot took advantage of the naivety of Clan Vizsla, who was mostly unaware of the Pantoran as even existing, and requested the assassination of di Plagia Arden Karn. The mercenary assigned to carry out the bounty, however, botched it, resulting in the Zsoldos Incursion, in which Ronovi Tavisaen ordered the near entirety of Plagueis to invade Zsoldos and punish Vizsla for its presumed complacency. Zar and Uscot determined that small, targeted campaigns were not effective in taking down a clan as formidable as the Ascendant Clan, and so they continued to bulk up the Assembly's numbers while also seeking out new alliances within the galaxy.
The Scourge
After the Assembly numbers grew to as large as 200, Uscot ultimately heard back from the unlikeliest of groups: a nest of Killiks, known as the Oetteo nest, were eager to know about Clan Plagueis's indentured population of Geonosians. Pleased with the Killiks' enthusiasm, the Pantoran worked with Zar to have their ships arrive in the Aliso system so the nest could invade Aliso and strike the Valneikian Hive at the Valneikian Spire.
It was then that other machinations within Clan Plagueis were revealed: TuQ'uan Varick, the newest di Plagia, ordered Bothan engineer Reg at blaster point to allow the Assembly fleets and the Killiks' dartships into Aliso space. Varick had been in communication with Uscot since the death of Gaius Julius Caesar at the hands of the Dread Lord, thus sealing his fate as an internal traitor to the clan. The plan was simple: while Plagueis was preoccupied with the Killiks, Zar and Uscot would lead their now rather impressive fleets to the asteroid belt within the system.
'To be continued...'