- "We can't always hide in the Dark, but we can use it. As long as we understand its power and are willing to take risks, then we truly have a right to its glory. One more thing must be added...honor. Without it, we are nothing but barbarians."
- ―Dark Jedi Knight Shadow Nighthunter
Shadow Nighthunter is currently a Sith Warrior of House Scholae Palatinae. Once known as Rowan Night, the death of her love, Marcus Strider, and the betrayal she felt from the Jedi caused her to pursue her lover’s dream of joining the Dark Brotherhood where she became Shadow Nighthunter. She hopes to avenge the death of Marcus by becoming stronger as a Sith and seeking those responsible for his death. She also plans on becoming a feared and respected figure in the Brotherhood and in the galaxy itself. Ever since she arrived on her ship, The Shadow Wolf, she finally has discovered the true meaning of the Force. Extending her knowledge at the Shadow Academy and helping her fellow brethren out, she’s finally found a place she can call home.
Character History
Shadow's homeworld of Coruscant
Shadow was born in 19 ABY on the planet, Coruscant to parents, Devon and Crystal Night. Her name was Rowan at the time and was an only child. Her mother, Crystal, was a Sephi who worked at a cafe while her human father, Devon, was a smuggler for anyone who was in need of his services. With the money that Devon and Crystal were making and the arrival of their little girl, everything seemed just perfect. That would soon change when they'd hear a knock at their door later on.
When Rowan reached her third year, her father started taking her on a few of his smuggling trips. He taught her the basics of piloting a ship, of course without letting her take the ship out for a run herself. When she reached the age of five, Devon started to teach her different fighting moves for self-defense that he had picked up from others. She caught on easy and practiced everyday, when her mother was working. When her father's missions were too dangerous, she would spend time with her mother when she wasn't at the cafe. Her mother taught her how to read, write, and even took her to animal auctions, hoping that her daughter would become an animal lover like her.
One day, six year-old Rowan was spending time with her parents when they heard a knock on the door. As Devon opened it, he revealed a gentleman in strange robes and a weird weapon on his belt. He introduced himself as Jedi Jared Relan, and that he was here for Rowan. After he explained that he had sensed Rowan through the force and that he felt her worthy to train, Devon and Crystal were both full of awe and concern for their daughter. They had always sensed that something was different about Rowan. She was already good at the combat moves her father had taught her and when she would go to the animal auctions, her mother noticed that Rowan could interact with the animals as if they could understand each other. After they discussed some of these things with the Jedi and themselves they finally agreed to let Rowan go. To them, it was for her own good. Her mother thought it best for Rowan because she saw it as something better than letting her little girl go with her father on his trips all her life.
With that decided, both parents helped little Rowan pack up things that she may need and said their good-byes. Then right before their eyes, she was gone.
Shadow as Jedi Apprentice Rowan at the age of 14
A New Beginning
Jared Relan took Rowan to his home on the far side of Coruscant. There, Rowan trained with another kid about her age and his mentor, Jedi Tyler Nordith. His name was Marcus Strider and he had started training a year before her. As Rowan grew older, her attachment with the force became stronger and her training with her father had also helped her when it came to learning hand-to-hand combat. Relan was quite impressed with her ability to learn just about anything quickly along with her determination. When Nordith saw for himself how Rowan was progressing, he decided to have Relan put his apprentice to the test against his own. Relan accepted the challenge as a way of putting all that Rowan had learn to the test. Both Jedi decided to have both apprentices challenge each other the day of Rowan's twelfth birthday, which was a week from then.
Rowan herself had been wanting to test herself against Marcus for some time. She could use a challenge here and then. So when the day of the challenge arrived and her master told her the news, she was thrilled. As the two apprentices met in Relan's huge training room and took their places opposite of each other, Rowan was anxious to start. When Relan announced for the battle to start, both apprentices met at the middle already taking swings and kicks from each other. When they were told to stop, both apprentices were covered in bruises and cuts. To Rowan's surprise, Marcus was still standing. Nordith and Relan knew then that both apprentices were evenly matched, and therefore both knew that they had taught them well.
Love Strikes
After two years had gone by, Rowan had grown stronger, smarter, and had gained a beautiful figure. She continued to train and when she was done, she'd take time to fly in the ship Relan had given her, though it was really from her father for her fourteenth birthday, and would just enjoy being free. Because she chose to fly at night and sometimes fly low and scare people like a wolf jumping out of the shadows, she called it The Shadow Wolf. At times she'd fly to the animal auctions her mother used to take her to. She'd spend hours there, looking for one that would suit her best if she were to have a pet of her own.
One day when Relan let her take the day off, she flew to a new animal auction that came to town. Anxious to see what new animals the auction had, she didn't notice that someone had followed her on another ship. After many hours of looking and even calming some of the frightened animals, she was walking back towards her ship when she felt a presence about a few feet behind her. She whirled around expecting to find some drunk trying to entice her to go home with him when instead she found her rival, Marcus Strider, standing right in front of her with a leash in his hand that led to something she couldn't quite make out behind him. As she was getting ready to question her training rival, he pulled on the leash and a Kybuck came trotting out from behind him. She had never seen one as beautiful as this one before, and was instantly in love with the creature. As she went to stroke the Kybuck, eyes had locked with Marcus'. That's when she knew that they this had been an act of love. So, to make things even, she hugged him and kissed him.
Since that day, Rowan and Marcus had been madly in love with each other, going places together and even asking to study together more often. Relan started to suspected that they were having a relationship with each other and did his best to ignore it while Nordith thought that if there was a relationship that it was a good way to cover up their Jedi lives from unwanted attention. So, the two lovers continued to be together.
Rowan had never felt so happy ever since Marcus and her had fallen in love. When Marcus was away with Nordith on training missions and Rowan wasn't training, she would spend time with her kybuck, which she had begged Relan to let her keep in a small courtyard of his home, and remember the day when Marcus declared his love for her.
Then, one night when Marcus came from one of his training missions, she noticed that he had changed. As she reached into the force, she felt a rage inside him. When everyone was asleep, she snuck to his quarters and found him packing up his things including his newly built lightsaber. When she asked him what was wrong, he told her how Nordith and he had gone to a part of the city full of nightclubs and bars to show him examples of fighting from street fighters when a young woman was being beat up by whole bunch of drunks. He had wanted to help her, but Nordith stopped him before he could. When he asked Nordith why he couldn't help her, Nordith told him it wasn't his place to help and that it would draw too much attention to the Jedi if they did. He then told Rowan how mad he felt and how he was leaving for the Brotherhood that they had heard of during their lessons. Marcus told Rowan how corrupt he thought the Jedi were and asked her to go with him. Fearing of leaving behind what she knew most of her life, she refused to go and asked him not to leave. He had made up his mind and told her he was going to look for the Brotherhood. So, to make things easier on the both of them, they decided to keep in touch without their masters knowing. Then, Marcus kissed her good-bye and left.
Love's Consequence
Rowan and Marcus kept in touch for four months until a month went on without a single message from him. Worrying he had been hurt in some way, she decided to look for him. His last known position had been on Tatooine where he was looking for a new ship to look for the Brotherhood. As she took off, she didn't notice the two figures slip into the Shadow Wolf.
When she arrived in Tatooine, she found him in a cantina talking to what looked like a trader of some kind. When the man left, she quickly went and sat next to Marcus. After the two talked for a while, they decided to go out to talk in a much more quiet place. As, they rounded the corner of the building, two figures jumped out of the shadows and ignited their lightsabers. Both Relan and Nordith struck Marcus and killed him. Shadow, overwhelmed with sorrow and fear, carried Marcus's body to her ship and took off, leaving the two Jedi on Tantooine.
Joining The Brotherhood
Fulfilling A Dream
After burying Marcus' body on his favorite planet, Naboo, Rowan felt helpless and weak. Remembering Marcus' dream of joining the Brotherhood, she decided that she would fulfill it for him and one day avenge his death. Joining the Brotherhood in 34 ABY at the, age of fourteen, she made herself a promise to grow stronger and more powerful as a Sith. Propelling herself through the ranks, she hoped to finally join those who are powerful and feared so that she may finally get her vengeance and be at peace at last.
File:Sith Shadow.pngShadow Nighthunter as a Sith
A Place To Call Home
When Rowan Night found the Brotherhood and became a Sith in House Scholae Palatinae, she rid herself of her old identity and became Shadow Nighthunter. Before she had found the Brotherhood, she had gone back and picked up her kybuck and had brought it with her. Now, her kybuck lives in a secretive area where she sometimes goes to care for her kybuck who she has called 'Roheryn'. Along with her kybuck, she brought Marcus' lightsaber and keeps it safe in a vault in her quarters. She had finally found a place where she belonged.
Recruiting Family
- "Take care of your sister…and stay strong."
- ―Devon Night to Shadow before she returned to the Brotherhood with her sister
Shadow wasn't the only one in her family who joined the Brotherhood. When she heard that the Jedi were possibly recruiting her childhood cousins, Sabin and Altair Night, she paid them a visit and after telling them about all that has happened since she joined the Brotherhood, they joined as well and became Death Nightwatcher and Vengeance Nightstalker. As time past, the two eventually failed to take part and often goofed off and eventually became rogues only to come back and prove that they are just as good as Shadow. That however changed again when they decided to leave and live their own lives, promising to never speak of the Brotherhood to anyone. Some time later, Shadow had a vision of a girl back home on Coruscant with her parents. Having asked for permission from her master, Rayne, she went back to her home and discovered that the girl, Acaelia, was a long lost sister. With the threat of the Jedi coming to take her under their wing, Shadow convinced her parents to let her take Acaelia back to the Brotherhood. However, her sister didn't stay long, and went rogue. With her family having abandoned her, she continually uses the loneliness to remind her that she had abandoned them too years ago and uses that loneliness to make her stronger.
Evant Taelyan and Shadow Nighthunter
Finding Friends
Though her family had left her, Shadow wasn't all alone. With Scholae Palatinae as her new family, she made friends with many of its members. Besides her master, a fellow Sith named Kazumi was one of the first to befriend her, and the two of them worked hard together to climb up the ranks. She also became great friends with a Sith by the name of Evant Taelyan. The two share interests in knowledge and artifacts, and both can be seen at the cantina together enjoying a drink and each other's company. Later on she became good friends with Aquarius and later Brandon Tarsus, both of them her apprentices in which she trusted considered as family.
Dark Jedi Knight Shadow Nighthunter
Silver Wings
- "Sure, as if all of a sudden I’m an angel of mercy come down to save him. I’m quite the opposite."
- ―Shadow speaking in regards to her killing a Silver Wing after interrogation
While still working her way towards knighthood, Shadow was called along with four other Dark Jedi of her House to take care of an invading threat on Antenora. A a patrol was taken out at an abandoned temple in on of the canyons. Shadow Nighthunter and her group went to investigate and deal with the problem. After an ambush, they had discovered that the invaders belonged to a cult known as the Silver Wings as shown by a silver dragon insignia on their hands. The group found the cultists and their leader establishing a new home at the temple, and went on to eliminate them as ordered. Shadow had the chance to show off her sniping skills, along with her skills with both lightsaber and dagger.
Achieving Knighthood
With Rayne aiding her during her trials, it wasn't long before Shadow Nighthunter left the life of a Jedi Hunter for a new life as a Dark Jedi Knight. Having retrieved a force crystal from Dathomir for her lightsaber along with her efforts during the Scholae Palatinae invasion of Rhelg during the Dark Crusade, she had proven herself ready for the title. Shadow considered this accomplishment as proof of her leaving behind her past as a Jedi for good. Hoping to do more for her House during the invasion, she gladly put her lightsaber to good use and joined her fellow Dark Jedi Knights on the battle field.
The Dark Crusade
As the Brotherhood went from planet to planet, fighting the One Sith and taking control, Shadow followed her brethren to war. The young Sith had seen the crusade as not only a chance for her to serve her House, but to become more powerful. Shadow had also started to have a new outlook on her goals, the Knight personally not knowing what she really wanted from the war itself other than the success of Scholae Palatinae. Though power was something she hoped to achieve, she had no other reasons for fighting alongside her brethren. The idea of simplicity from her days training as a Jedi had stayed with her. However, she always kept a look out for any news or opportunities that might've appealed to her in regards to gaining power and serving her House. The only success she truly had during the Crusade was when her House conquered Korriz from the One Sith. Towards the end of the Crusade, she focused more on the survival of her apprentice and his training.
Master and Apprentice
After achieving knighthood, Shadow took on a Krath just a year younger than here by the name of Aquarius. The two became close to the point they were like sisters. However, that all changed when Aquarius left on the eve of becoming a Jedi Hunter, having expressed an interest in seeking a life outside of the Brotherhood. Shortly after, Shadow took Brandon Tarsus under her wing, finding interest in the Obelisk for his interest in the dark side and his growing devotion to HSP. Having a sense of honor just like herself, Shadow found Brandon to be a compatible student and enjoys his company both while training and during free time, the two of them discussing fighting tactics and history.
Surviving the Madness
- "Tarsus! Get out of that snow, you klutz! Come on! You’re an Obelisk, not a snow man!"
- ― Shadow to her apprentice during training in winter
Of the two apprentices Shadow had, Brandon Tarsus was always the one to drive her insane. The Obelisk was a natural clown, and Shadow being a serious person most of the time, had trouble training him. From either creating trouble in the forest during training or playing pranks on the Sith, Shadow did her best to be patient. Being a prankster herself at times, Shadow found herself being dragged into her apprentice's plans, and sometimes she even gave him advice. Yet, she had much respect for the Obelisk, and even admired his strength and brutish behavior at times. It was only her Jedi patience that helped her to remain sane. When it came to Tarsus' knighthood, Shadow couldn't be more proud to have been the Obelisk's master, and expected great things from him as a knight.
The Re-Clanning of Scholae Palatinae, Temporary Absence, and Return
- "It seems I haven't been missed. Probably best I wasn't."
- ― Shadow when she returned to active duty in the Clan
Before Shadow knew it, Scholae Palatinae was clanned once again. With the Battleteams dissolved, Shadow no longer was Sergeant for Caliburnus alongside Battleteam Leader Eetherbiail. Assigned to the new House, Excidium, Shadow slowly began to lose interest the politics that came along with the re-clanning, and she decided to take a break from the Palatinean life. In doing so, she spent most of her days either at her cabin in the woods, or in Ohmen City. She spent her time relaxing, exploring, training, and taking up some of her hobbies. For a while, she enjoyed the peace that came from the absence of Clan business. However, before long, she couldn't resist the call of duty to her Clan, and she returned on time to help take part in the Red Fury campaign.
Shadow didn't quite return as the same person, however. She had become distant, and tended to be alone more often. She had also become cold, and came to show very little emotion when around others including her friends. Though she was happy to return to duty, she was more determined to work completely alone. These changes were a result of her free time of meditating. Slowly she had fallen prey to the dark side, and it twisted her into a colder and darker person.
Personal Info
File:Eighteen year-old Shadow.jpg18 year-old Shadow
General Personality
- "To be an assassin is to be a lone wolf hunting in the shadows, striking at one's prey swiftly and silently."
- ― Shadow taking pleasure in being an assassin
Shadow is a serious, hard-working individual. At times, she prefers loneliness along with peace and quiet to meditate. If it's not meditation, she is usually found alone in the forests of Judecca with only the surrounding flora and fauna as company. Her love for nature serves as a useful asset when she's requires help from her wild friends. Despite her usual seriousness, she is known to be more open with those close to her. With her ambition of obtaining power and seeking her true purpose in life driving her on, she's a force to be reckoned with. Shadow also has very little pity for the weak, unless it's a dying animal in which she would gladly try to restore to good health. A strong believer in patience, Shadow continues to attribute some of the teachings she obtained as a Jedi. Although strong in open combat, Shadow also takes to the more stealthy and shadowy tasks of spy and assassin. Sometimes wanting to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city, she has a small cabin out in the woods where she spends her time meditating or training with her apprentice. Her love for nature serves another purpose, as she's also a Ranger. She's a great tracker, and uses her environment to her advantage.
Tall and lean, Shadow is a very fit young woman. With her apparel consisting mostly of black attire, she favors the color to blend in with the shadows. Her features also consists of her long, brown hair and her golden eyes, which replaced the original brown color as a result of her conversion to the Dark Side. She bares a scar than runs down the side of her neck to the end of her right shoulder, a reminder of an accident as a Jedi. Because of her Sephi lineage from her mother, Shadow also has pointed-ears.
A sample of Shadow's writing: Cold Darkness
When free of work, Shadow loves to read and enjoy the outdoors. She also likes to sing, but when no one is around. She even attempts to write her own music, with nature and past events serving as her inspiration. One of her dreams is to one day sing for the enjoyment of others, putting her skills to the test. Along with that, she loves to dance, though mostly the waltz. She also likes to swim, many times finding a secluded spring or lake to enjoy the water. Harvesting herbs is another thing she enjoys, for she experiments with them trying to create medicine. Other than that, she loves to explore.
Loki, Shadow's Anooba
Animal Friends
Shadow doesn't really consider her animal companions as pets. Her current animal friends are Roheryn, the kybuck, and Fenris, the Vornskr. She expects to have more animal friends in her life. Roheryn has a smokey grey coat with black stockings on all his legs and a black tail. He also has brown eyes. Fenris has a black coat and red eyes. Fenris is sometimes present with Shadow in battle, his venomous tail and his fangs a good use against enemies. Other times, she has him scout with her, checking ahead for enemies since Fenris' kind uses the Force to hunt. Shadow also came to acquire an Anooba during the attack on Caina. Having found the animal abandoned and abused, she took the canine in and named him Loki.
File:Thurkear.pngThurkear having fun burning things
Taking to the Sky
- "So what if Sith are known to be great pilots? I'd rather take to the skies in flame and majestic might."
- ―Shadow upon deciding to tame an Arkanian Dragon.
Having a love for animals, and already in possession of a kybuck and vornskr, Shadow wanted something even more powerful. Doing much research, she found out about the supposedly extinct Arkanian Dragon of Arkania, and was delighted to know that there were still a few sightings of the beasts that were thought to be living in old diamond minds. Not bothering to tell anyone, she set forth to Arkania in search of a winged companion. After much searching, she had found a cave that looked promising, and the Force showed her that indeed a dragon was living within. Upon finding a male dragon, she approached it calmly, connecting with the semi-sentient beast through the Force. When the dragon lunged and took off out of the cave, she had thought it was getting ready to attack her. Instead, she came to realize the dragon was testing her. Winning its approval after having jumped off the edge of a cliff and relying on the beast to catch her, she gained a new friend. Now, she has the dragon residing in a cave in the mountains not too far from Ohmen City in safety. Having hopes of fighting alongside the dragon in battle, Shadow had special armor constructed for her friend, who she named Thurkear.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Sergeant of Battleteam Caliburnus
Outstanding Achievements
Received a field promotion during the Eleventh GJW to Sith Warrior
- Death Nightwatcher and Vengeance Nightstalker are Shadow's cousins in real life.
- Shadow is Prankster Queen of the House