The Second Starfighter Wing of the Scholae Palatinae Fighter Corps, assigned to the ISDII Warspite and the Second Flotilla.
Wing History
The Second Starfighter Wing is stationed in the ESC Subjugator in the Scholae Palatinae Corps. During missions outside the Cocytus System, this unit is used, primarily, to support, or defend, Allied Forces. In addition, the Second Starfighter Wing is responsible for all Special Operations.
The most recent, prominent actions of this Wing were seen in the the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness, when the unit was stocked with Dark Jedi from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and used to execute order "Fighter Screen" to flank the enemy forces of Arcona in conjunction with an Ackbar Slash. Additionally, this unit was a secondary factor in the Battle Plan simulation against the Enemy Forces of Naga Sadow in the second phase of the Rite of Supremacy - utilizing their superior speed and agility against Enemy Fighters.
During the Eighth Great Jedi War and the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, the Scholae Palatinae Corps incurred terrible losses. On the front lines of the invasion, many of the Clan’s veteran enlisted pilots went MIA or were KIA helping the Clan to defend their home and place Second Overall in the GJW. In lieu of the Fleet’s reconstruction under Operation: Strike Back, the TIE Corps also saw a wave of upgrades and repairs. With new fighters, Second Starfighter Wing stands poised to protect House and home once again.
The new fighters provided to the Wing were TIE Hunters, a fighter which is considered to be a cross breed of an X-Wing and a TIE Interceptor. The pilots of the Wing have been known to do amazing stunts during simulated combat.
Wing Command
Lieutenant Colonel Girolama Cesti
- Species: Human
- Sex: Female
- Height: 5 foot, 7 inches
- Weight: 122 pounds
- Hair Color: Auburn Hair (Long with curls)
- Eye Color: Green
Cesti is the Commanding Officer of the Second Starfighter Wing. The least experienced of Wing Commanders, Girolama Cesti is well liked among her counterparts for her tom-boy attitude - she is often known to spit and curse like many of her male pilots.
Black Aces Squadron (TIE Defenders)
Squadron History
The most recent, prominent actions of this squadron were seen in the the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness, when the squadron was designated as Alpha Squadron. Alpha Squadron was stocked with Dark Jedi from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and used to execute order "Backside Blitz" to flank the enemy forces of Arcona in conjunction with an Ackbar Slash. Additionally, this unit was a primary factor in the Battle Plan simulation against the Enemy Forces of Naga Sadow in the second phase of the Rite of Supremacy - utilizing their superior speed and tractor beams, they were able to lead Clan Scholae Palatinae to victory.
Motto: Impossible becomes possible - when sitting on Aces
Commander Nichos Dressadin
- Species: Human
- Sex: Male
- Height: 5 foot, 10 inches
- Weight: 196 Pounds
- Hair Color: Black Hair (Flat Top)
- Eye Color: Brown
Nichos is the Commanding Officer of the Black Aces Squadron.
Executive Officer Player Two
- Species: Unknown
- Sex: Unknown
- Height: Unknown
- Weight: Unknown
- Hair Color: Unknown
- Eye Color: Unknown
Red Rancors Squadron (TIE Hunters)
Squadron History
The most recent, prominent actions of this squadron were seen in the the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness, when the squadron was designated as X-ray Squadron. X-ray Squadron was stocked with Civil-Military Personnel from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and used to execute order "Fighter Screen" to flank the enemy forces of Arcona in conjunction with an Ackbar Slash. Additionally, this unit was a secondary factor in the Battle Plan simulation against the Enemy Forces of Naga Sadow in the second phase of the Rite of Supremacy - utilizing their speed and agility to engage the Enemy Fighters of the opposing Clan
During the 8th Great Jedi War and the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, the Scholae Palatinae Corps incurred terrible losses. On the front lines of the invasion, many of the Clan’s veteran enlisted pilots went MIA or were KIA helping the Clan to defend their home and place Second Overall in the GJW. With new wings and fresh pilots, the Rancors are ready to maul once again!
Motto: Death on Wings.
Commander Dato Bona
- Species: Bothan
- Sex: Male
- Height: 4 foot, 6 inches
- Weight: 83 pounds
- Fur/Coat Color: Brown with black highlights
- Eye Color: Hazel
Dato is the Commanding Officer of the Red Rancors. Ace amongst TIE Fighter pilots, Dato is perceived the best pilot of the unshielded crafts under the Scholae Palatinae regime. This makes him especially deadly when given shields. Additionally, Bano always drums his fingers atop the desk during Mission Briefs - a nervous habit.
Executive Officer Player Four
- Species: Unknown
- Sex: Unknown
- Height: Unknown
- Weight: Unknown
- Hair Color: Unknown
- Eye Color: Unknown
Silent Spectres Squadron (TIE Hunters)
Squadron History
The most recent, prominent actions of this squadron were seen in the the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness, when the squadron was designated as Whiskey Squadron. Whiskey Squadron was stocked with Civil-Military Personnel from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and used to execute order "Fighter Screen" to flank the enemy forces of Arcona in conjunction with an Ackbar Slash. Additionally, this unit was a secondary factor in the Battle Plan simulation against the Enemy Forces of Naga Sadow in the second phase of the Rite of Supremacy - utilizing their speed and agility to engage the Enemy Fighters of the opposing Clan
During the 8th Great Jedi War and the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, the Scholae Palatinae Corps incurred terrible losses. On the front lines of the invasion, many of the Clan’s veteran enlisted pilots went MIA or were KIA helping the Clan to defend their home and place Second Overall in the GJW. With new wings and fresh pilots, the Spectres are ready to haunt once again!
Motto: Until I die...
Commander Reynerus Selova
- Species: Human
- Sex: Male
- Height: 5 Foot, 9 Inches
- Weight: 179 Pounds
- Hair Color: None (Clean Shaven Head)
- Eye Color: Black
Reynerus is the Commanding Officer of the Silent Spectres Squadron. Seemingly, always wears gloves over his hands - Rookie pilots presume they are meant to hide an injury.
Executive Officer Player Eight
- Species: Unknown
- Sex: Unknown
- Height: Unknown
- Weight: Unknown
- Hair Color: Unknown
- Eye Color: Unknown
Saberhawks Squadron (TIE Interceptors)
Squadron History
The Saberhawks are assigned to Second Starfighter Wing in the Second Flotilla.
The most recent, prominent actions of this squadron were seen in the the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness, when the squadron was designated as Ghost Squadron. Ghost Squadron was stocked with Civil-Military Personnel from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and used to execute order "Fighter Screen" to flank the enemy forces of Arcona in conjunction with an Ackbar Slash. Additionally, this unit was a secondary factor in the Battle Plan simulation against the Enemy Forces of Naga Sadow in the second phase of the Rite of Supremacy - utilizing their speed and agility to engage the Enemy Fighters of the opposing Clan.
During the 8th Great Jedi War and the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, the Scholae Palatinae Corps incurred terrible losses. On the front lines of the invasion, many of the Clan’s veteran enlisted pilots went MIA or were KIA helping the Clan to defend their home and place Second Overall in the GJW. With new wings and fresh pilots, the Hawks are ready to rule once again!
Motto: Power. Prestige. Perfection.
Commander Adarian Touilt
- Species: Togruta
- Sex: Female
- Height: 6 Foot, 2 Inches
- Weight: 113 Pounds
- Hair Color: Horns
- Eye Color: Hazel
Adarian is the Commanding Officer of the Saberhawks. The Togruta's eyes are always, seemingly, cataloguing information of import - as if she is always taking notes.
Executive Officer Player Six
- Species: Unknown
- Sex: Unknown
- Height: Unknown
- Weight: Unknown
- Hair Color: Unknown
- Eye Color: Unknown
Screamin' Demons Squadron (TIE Interceptors)
Squadron History
The most recent, prominent actions of this squadron were seen in the the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness, when the squadron was designated as Delta Squadron. Delta Squadron was stocked with Civil-Military Personnel from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and used to execute order "Fighter Screen" to flank the enemy forces of Arcona in conjunction with an Ackbar Slash. Additionally, this unit was a secondary factor in the Battle Plan simulation against the Enemy Forces of Naga Sadow in the second phase of the Rite of Supremacy - utilizing their speed and agility to engage the Enemy Fighters of the opposing Clan.
During the 8th Great Jedi War and the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, the Scholae Palatinae Corps incurred terrible losses. On the front lines of the invasion, many of the Clan’s veteran enlisted pilots went MIA or were KIA helping the Clan to defend their home and place Second Overall in the GJW. With new wings and a fresh pilots, the Demons are ready to rule once again!
Motto: Sometimes you gotta pull the hard six
Commander Ledovia Gessell
- Species: Human
- Sex: Female
- Height: 5 Foot, 5 Inches
- Weight: 115 Pounds
- Hair Color: Red Hair (Long)
- Eye Color: Green
Ledovia is the Commanding Officer of the Screamin’ Demons Squadron. During down time, and mission briefs, this Officer is known to absently polish her weapons.
Executive Officer Player Ten
- Species: Unknown
- Sex: Unknown
- Height: Unknown
- Weight: Unknown
- Hair Color: Unknown
- Eye Color: Unknown
Dos Squadron (TIE Bombers)
Squadron History
No history. Squadron has never launched.
Motto: Lost to time.
Commander Jon Doe
- Species: Unknown
- Sex: Unknown
- Height: Unknown
- Weight: Unknown
- Hair Color: Unknown
- Eye Color: Unknown
No specific details are known about Jon Doe.
Executive Officer Player Ten
- Species: Unknown
- Sex: Unknown
- Height: Unknown
- Weight: Unknown
- Hair Color: Unknown
- Eye Color: Unknown