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Kal di Plagia Vorrac, also known as Jev Brokkol by some and Old Man Plagueis by others, is currently Taskmaster of House Plagueis and Commander of Battleteam Primus Pilus. A man of manipulation, he has practice in pulling the strings of all around him. While usually preferring to fight from afar and play with lives as if on a dejarik board, his shadowy past as an assassin allows him to fight when he must. Though he ages and deals with past injury, he is rapidly ascending through the powers of the Dark Side.
Character History(In Progress)
Early Years(Age 1-12)
- "Tyber, forgive me."
- ―Karina Brokkol's final words before leaving Jev to fate.
Kal's history begins with his mother's infidelity. Karina Brokkol, Coruscanti wife to the Bakuran merchant Dobin Brokkol, lived within their penthouse apartments on Imperial Center. A marriage of several years, Karina's greatest source of stress was her inability to concieve; it often drove her to seek liquid comfort at cantinas and other establishments. Dobin's pressuring didn't help - his frequent trips made him feel like his already-limited time to father a child was being cut down further - but ultimately, it was this failure that led to her meeting a smuggler named Tyber Vorrac.
The two began to see one another more and more often in secret, until finally Karina became pregnant after one of their trysts. Dobin's business trips kept him away enough that she managed to convince him the child would be his, but Karina's worst fears were realized when the boy was born. Named Jev, he looked exactly like his true father, inheriting only his mother's black hair and features. Panicked, Karina took the child from the penthouse, fleeing through the night from CSF speeders before ditching her airspeeder in the lower levels. There, she was startled by a Bothan friend of hers named Durmak and shot him out of reflex; unable to help him, hide the boy, and escape the CSF, she chose her life over theirs and left the baby with only a hasty note.
Jev was found by a Twi'lek named Sali Beel, a prostitute and addict working the lower levels of Imperial Center to support her habit. Despite her inclinations and associates, she took the boy in, reading the note that named him Kal Vorrac. She raised the boy for a few years, teaching him to speak a good number of words in Huttese, Twi'leki, and Basic. While she kept the boy, she couldn't support him and her habit, and thus she lost him to enforcers for her dealer, an Ithorian named Haido Kuzh. The enforcers viciously forced themselves on Sali, stole Kal from her, and mutilated her face to send a message to other deadbeat clients.
Kal was initially ignored by Haido as he waited to find someone to get rid of the boy, then began to set him to doing chores and running errands. By age six, the boy was a pickpocket, thief, and drug runner, carrying shipments and credits back and forth. Haido rarely gave him anything other than the bare necessities, often less than that, and so by age eight Kal was skimming portions of Haido's credits to stash for later use. These got him clothes and food, and eventually a hold-out pistol. He practiced with this many times over the next few years, becoming a good shot with it until Coruscant Guard troopers apprehended him with it; thanks to his lack of identity registration and his natural speed and agility, he evaded them. He wouldn't realize it until later, but his fear had sent the [[starwars:The Force|Force] through his body by instinct, letting it aid his acrobatics.
He was later tracked to Haido's home, where the Guard's stormtroopers arrived in force to arrest everyone on the scene. Several of Haido's enforcers were killed and the Ithorian badly wounded by a stray shot to the chest, and Kal only got away because of the confusion of the crackdown and a lucky ventilation shaft. Again, in his older years, he'd comment on how the Force was guiding him. Escaping, his face now all over Coruscanti viewscreens and datapads, he did the only thing he could think to do and snuck onto a freighter. There, in an amusing twist of fate, he offered his remaining credits and begged the pilot, Tyber Vorrac, to carry him to the next port. As the boy was too afraid to say his name, Tyber agreed without hesitation, believing Karina's baby had been kidnapped years ago as her official story had said. Intending to take him further to Dantooine, Vorrac was forced to leave his unknown son onboard the freighter while he did business on Nar Shaddaa. Kal, his terror no less than before, decided he had waited enough.
He made one of the biggest mistakes and best decisions of his life and departed on the Smuggler's Moon.
Teen Years(Age 13-19)
To Bow and Scrape
Assassin (Age 20 - Age 38)
Bounty Hunter
New Digs
The Job at Corulag
Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Age 39 - Present)
Yuuzhan Vong
The Warrior
Little Spider
War of Ascension
The Way of the Sith
The Dark Side
The Mentor and the Psychopath
One Who Has No Home
The Taking of Si'Tilk
Tempest Omega
Back to Shadows
Kal kills a fellow student while training with the GMRG.
Physical Description
Vorrac has black hair, emerald eyes, and skin pale as ice. While not an overbearing man, he is fairly tall at six feet and keeps his medium build well-toned and as healthy as possible. His hair is kept short enough for a soldier, and his face is kept free of facial hair. His left arm and both legs are prosthetic parts, painted a low-lustre black. Kal always wears his Brotherhood robes, both for effect and to conceal his false body parts.
One could say that Kal Vorrac is an example of life's shaping influences. Between abandonment and abuse at all levels of childhood to a career of assassination, followed by a life of subterfuge and manipulation, all at risk of betrayal, he has become both emotionally scarred and completely self-sufficient. He is known for his deep-set paranoia and his extreme patience and thoroughness, which works with his intelligence and years of experience to make him over-compensate for weaknesses.
He truly fears only complete helplessness. This fear is so prevalent that he will literally force himself through the gauntlet as his legs give out. Until he is proven useless and someone strikes him down, he will keep fighting. This makes him manipulate and destroy to secure his place of power, but ultimately means that he will likely die a lonely and unfulfilled death.
Weapons and Equipment
Having lived the life of a contract killer and having devoted most of his credits to weapons and equipment, Kal has an intimate knowledge of blasters and other guns. While he prefers pistols for their availability and ease of concealment, he's not loathe to pick up a rifle when the situation calls for it; often, he'll grab a spare off of a dead enemy when in a tight spot. Unlike some Dark Jedi, Kal treats the blaster as a ready secondary weapon in most situations; his lightsaber is fearsome, but when confronted with range, his skills as a marksman allow him to quickly end lives without putting his own in danger.
Since becoming a Dark Jedi Knight, as he was a Journeyman in the time before armory lightsabers were issued, he has carried a saber of his own at all times. In his free moment and at his place of residence, he modifies and constructs several replacement hilts; while his blade is one of the few things he truly loves, he will discard it at the first necessity, refusing to become attached. As such, many places he inhabits such as homes, offices, and even temporary headquarters will have the weapons concealed in ideal spots.
The Force is also something of weaponry and equipment to Kal; his injuries during the Second Battle of Antei left him greatly weakened, as replacement organs and the requisite surgeries worked with missing limbs and age to destroy his prior physical ability. In his rehabilitation, he came to understand the Force more deeply, and often uses it for camouflage, subterfuge, protection, self-augmentation, healing, weaponry, and even to resist the cold of Morroth during his treks with new Apprentices. His familiarity with it is so deep that he will use it by reflex for tiny tasks like opening doors, or grabbing a drinking glass; it's as familiar to him as using his hands.
The newest weapon in the entourage of Vorrac is the whip. Since becoming the Taskmaster of Plagueis, he has taken to its use, finding the sting and crack of it effective in schooling Journeymen. While not yet skilled enough with it to regularly use the exotic weapon in combat, he is learning rapidly, and will soon be capable enough to disarm, trip, or even kill with it.
Armor, robes, and clothing for Vorrac depend greatly on the situation; he is fixated on no one set. Should the event occur where it is necessary to be protected, he will don such equipment as Stormtrooper garb or even stolen durasteel variants of Beskar'gam. In other situations, he will stick to lighter armor or simple clothing, while still others see him down to underclothes to escape the heat. Clothing is just that to Vorrac's sensibilities, gear to be changed at first need and without attachment.
Only one article holds any attachment to the Sith: A Krayt dragon pearl, engraved faintly with his insignia and kept on a cord of bantha leather. Upon being asked about it in the past, he has reacted violently, even going so far as to mortally wound a questioner. It is kept securely guarded in a bank on Coruscant, inside one of the deepest-kept vaults he could afford.
Kal seems possessed of an odd penchant to identify with certain individuals and train them, either in his ways or in ways that suit his needs. Through this he has taught Vivackus Kavon, his most successful Apprentice, to become a skillful political player. He has also shaped the haunted Mograine into a killing machine. Recently, he trained the Farghul Necal, only to have the young one fail to kill him and subsequently die. In his void, he has adopted the Weequay Unus Domus as a replacement pupil.
Notable Achievements
- Kal is one of the few awarded the name di Plagia for service to Plagueis.
- Kal is the recipient of a Seal of Loyalty.
- Kal has achieved the impressive rank of Sith Battlelord.
Positions Held
- Kal is a master of the game Dejarik, having studied the game as it was played on six different worlds.