Order of Keto
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The Order of Keto (OoK) was designed by Rade "Venquis" Tamalar to recognize members of House Satal Keto (HSK) for their long-standing service to the House. Members inducted into this Order are placed in much sought after advisory roles to the House Summit. Their particular wisdoms and experiences may be consulted regarding House decisions and plans. The distinguished members may also be called upon to undertake or assist with various projects of importance relative to their area of expertise. Final authority on any decision however will always rest with the Summits.
This Grand Order will allow the Summit an extra hand in the administration of the House and its activities if they so require it. Inclusion in this Order is often considered a “career achievement” and should not be taken lightly.
Only those of Equite status or above qualify for induction as the ranks granted within those sects are garnered only through months and years of high-level dedicated service, activity, and honor. On this advisory panel there are three coveted positions each one corresponding to the three Orders of the Brotherhood: Sith, Krath, and Obelisk.
Any, all, or part of this three-member panel may be occupied at any given time. Induction is based on the criteria set forth above and the member’s personal merits. The Quaestor (QUA) alone may decide who is inducted with or without the council of his Summit as he sees fit. If no qualifying members of an Order are deemed worthy, then the corresponding position on the panel shall remain open until such a member is recognized.
There is no “application” process for the OoK. Please do not petition, campaign, or otherwise endeavor to ascend to this position other than through hard work, dedication, and positive interaction within the community.
Members inducted into the OoK serve a term of no less than six months unless they are found unfit under the guidelines set forth within this document. As long as the appointed members remain viable, contributing members, who reside within HSK in good standing, they may continue to serve beyond their initial six month term. However, it is the QUA’s prerogative to occasionally infuse new blood into the Order if he deems it necessary for the benefit of the House as a whole and may do so if a member is past their six month term of service and therefore eligible for retirement (See Removal).
An OoK panel member may at any time abdicate his position. The member may also be removed by the QUA if the member is deemed in violation of any of the House, Clan, or Brotherhood codes of conduct or for any other actions deemed inappropriate by the House and Clan Summits. The member may also be removed due to inactivity for a period of three months, or failing any normal House or Clan AWOL check.
Finally, a member may be honorably “retired” if the QUA deems it necessary to introduce a new and deserving member into the Order with the intention of infusing the House with new blood. This may only occur if the member being retired is beyond their initial six month term of service so that they, having conducted themselves honorably throughout, had sufficient time to make a positive impact and may retire from the position with full honors.
Honorably retired members of the OoK must be formally thanked for their steadfast dedication and service in a news posting on either the HSK or Clan Plagueis (CP) sites and are often the recipient of a small token of appreciation from the QUA on behalf of a grateful House.
All current members have the right and privilege of including the Order of Keto title in their fictions, graphics, message board signatures, etc. All former members retain these same rights unless dishonorably removed from the Order.
Current OoK members have full advisory status to the House Summit and may be included on Summit emails, discussions, message board topics, etc.
Members of HSK currently serving in any leadership role from BTL to QUA are not eligible for induction until they no longer hold any official position. This is done simply to allow the House a breadth of potential creativity and guidance not afforded otherwise if only a few people held every position of service. Past leaders are of course eligible.
If a member of the OoK ascends to the Clan Summit, or other position that takes him outside the House while serving on the panel, he is automatically retired with full honors so that he may move on to serve the greater interests of the Clan and Brotherhood.
Roll of Keto
Former Members
- Dante Armand "Sunflash" al'Tor
- BubbaX
- Arso Slyth
- Silent
- Kaliidrad "Kal" Vorrac
- Gaius Julius Caesar
Current Members
- Vexer Thrace
- Niman "Visutor" Zor-El