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General information

32 ABY





Physical specifications

10 miles by 5 miles.


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Clan Naga Sadow

[ Source ]


After the destruction of the Dystopia Nightclub during the Vong Invasion known as "The Children of War.", much of Seng Karash began to rebuild and reconstruct. Raistlin, already involved with several other business interests throughout the galaxy, decided to take a major gamble, and divert a portion of his resources into a construction project of truly epic proportions. Realizing that much of Seng Karash would be in disarray, Raistlin needed a way to rapidly construct his vision, aware that securing either the spot of the former nightclub, or any piece of prime real estate inside the city would simply not be time-efficient, Raistlin spared no expense to have a man-made island constructed off the coast of Seng Karash. Approximately 10 Miles long and 5 miles wide, the island was made through massive construction in the ocean floor bed underneath the man made island. Millions of tons of sand were imported from exotic beaches across the galaxy, and the entire island is anchored by a pair of repulsor-tethers, built deep into the bedrock of the ocean floor.

Initially Raist faced numerous problems in getting his vision off the ground, and for awhile, almost gave up due to the administrative nightmare such an endeavor had become. Consul Manji was concerned the attention such a construction would draw on a galactic scale would be counter-productive to the Clan's needs. Several people voiced concern over the competition of a similar venue, already located off Seng Karash, Lor Zataen. Rapid amounts of liquid cash needed to help complete the project on time for its 32 ABY opening, and the list went on forever. Raist did his best to assuage any doubts, assuring Manji that the income would be most beneficial to the clan, Malisane knew that his resort offered a completely different vibe, and was more then gracious in helping Raist with his endeavor, despite the injuries he suffered during the collapse of the Dystopian Nightclub. The funding issue was resolved quickly, and quietly as well, and eventuallly, everything fell into place for Raistlin beautifully. On the first of the new year, Pandaemonium, a resort that catered to the excess, opened off the coast of Seng Karash, and things would never be the same


Pandaemonium is a resort that rivals any of the best the galaxy has to offer. Accesible via bullet-tram from the city of Seng Karash, as well as several private hanagars and landing pads across the island, it has quickly become one of the hottest vacation spots in the galaxy. Consisting of one massive skyscraper, and dozens of smaller structures dotting the island, as well as some, non-visible features. A resort, a casino, and numerous other amenities await the traveler who chooses to stay on the premises.

Owned almost entirely by Raistlin Sadow, a small stake in ownership was issued to two personal friends of his. Tron Dlarit Sadow as well as longtime partner-in-crime Robert Sadow received a 2% ownership stake in the venture and any ventures that result from it. Most of the funds received go to offset the ludicrous cost of building the resort, which will take Raistlin decades to recoup, but that is but a minor detail. A portion goes to the Clan, secretly, and still more is funneled to various hidden creditors and contacts. While Raistlin doesn't make nearly as much as he should, due to the debt incurred, the end result was more then worth it, and in time, he will profit heavily, provided all goes well. And how could it not? The place is freaking awesome.

In an effort to make money back rapidly, Raistlin has tried to cater his resort to meet various needs according to the financial situations of those who choose to visit his resort. Rooms, locations, and amenities all vary by how much one is willing to spend, ranging from a basic suite to the Presidential Palace at the Cove, for those whom credits are no object. While Raistlin would never dream of charging members of the Clan for staying there (even free publicity is still publicity), Raist soon realized he would have to have a few restrictions in place, otherwise it could lead to logistics nightmares and customer relations problems with his actual paying customers.

While most Journeymen will be lucky to get a basic suite, Hunters and Knights can occasionally check into a corner villa, usually with a spectacular view of the rest of the resort and the ocean. In addition, almost every amenitity the resort has to offer is available to the members of Clan Naga Sadow, such as exclusive access to two of the three nightclubs on the premises, and pool access at the Cove, an ultra-swank lounge spot for those who can get it.

Equites will find their stay at Pandaemonium to be quite luxurious, and with the proper code, the staff has been notified to take special care of these guests. The difference is noted right away upon being checked into a massive suite at the Palace, the most expensive hotel in the whole resort. The room Equites receive could easily house 8-10 comfortably, and in addition, Equites receive instant access to Purgatory, a club that most people at the resort cannot, and will not get into. This, combined with round-the-clock service, makes for unparallelled relaxation, and a truly desirable destination for those Equites in the clan.

On the rare occasion that an Elder, or personal friend of Raist decides to visit, they are immediately whisked away for VIP treatment. In addition to a round-the-clock security detail, free chips in the casino, strip club, and any other amenity they want, there is only one place off limits to them in the entire resort, which is Raist's personal quarters. Most Elders usually visit on business, though those that do come, Raist seems to be able to persuade into taking a second trip. Wonder what it could be?