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General information

Koliss Welcott


Alex Draconis


The Voidbreaker

Historical information
Formed from:

35 ABY

Other information
Notable members:

House Qel-Droma, Clan Arcona


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

Voidbreaker is a Battle Team within House Qel-Droma. One of Clan Arcona’s most recently organized Battle Teams, Voidbreaker was created to serve primarily as a diplomatic and special operations task force for the Clan. Voidbreaker is currently based out of the Consular-class cruiser of the same name, the Voidbreaker, and led by Alex Draconis


Battle Team Voidbreaker is a special diplomatic unit under the control of House Qel Droma and used to handle sensitive diplomatic missions for Clan Arcona. To this end, it is staffed with skilled diplomats, negotiators, and manipulators to make sure that Arcona’s interests are protected. By deploying Battle Team Voidbreaker, Arcona has often avoided conflict entirely while still accomplishing their strategic goals.

Unofficially, Voidbreaker is also a highly elite special forces group, tasked with Arcona’s most secretive covert operations. Alongside the more public negotiators, Voidbreaker is also made up of a hodge-podge spies, mercenaries, and criminals who handle these missions. The two often work in concert, using covert operations to help official negotiations or otherwise turn them in Arcona’s favor.

The Voidbreaker

Main article: Voidbreaker

The Voidbreaker is both the Battle Team’s main base of operations and primary form of transport. A heavily modified Consular-class Cruiser, the ship is capable of transporting all of the personnel and equipment necessary for the team’s purposes. The Battle Team leader of Voidbreaker is also, simultaneously, the ranking officer in charge of the ship.


The following details the roster of Voidbreaker members serving in active roles on the ship with their own quarters, as well as the ADF personnel assigned to the ship.

Ship Roster
Karran Val'teo

Character Sheet
Current leader of Voidbreaker Battleteam and Captain of the [Voidbreaker (Consular-Class Cruiser)].
Alaisy Tir’eivra
Head Alchemist, Executive Committee

Character Sheet
Sith alchemist and generally scary person. Don't drink anything she gives you.
Sera Kaern
Security Officer, Gunnery Officer

Character Sheet
Security Officer, Gunnery Officer, general troublemaker, and resident tribal bumpkin.
Mechanic, Engineering

Character Sheet
Friendly neighborhood Martial Artist, tinker, and scavenger.
Sulith Beckett
Security Officer

Character Sheet
Togrorian Security Officer, lifter of heavy things, and master-hugger.
Eilen Jath
Starfighter Squadron A Leader

Character Sheet
Hybrid fighter-pilot, saboteur, and small-time criminal. Generally a dork.
Aru Law
Head of smuggling and piracy operations

Character Sheet
Human force disciple, gambler, and former apprentice to Alaisy Tir'eivra
Meneveria "Eeevie" Navis'Thae
Sharpshooter, Starfighter Squadron B Leader

Character Sheet
Sephi sharpshooter, pilot, and all-round gambler. Don't mention the ears.
Freylia Shanfe
Explosives Expert, Mechanic

Character Sheet
Onboard mechanic, slicer, explosives expert, and lover of shiny things.
Medic and Support Specialist

Character Sheet
Miraluka medic and general support.
Pilot / Navigation
A <species, gender> Pilot and navigator working on the Voidbreaker. <Insert quick personality/background stub.>
Flag Lieutenant
A <species, gender> administrative officer that handles the paperwork and works with any captain assigned to the Voidbreaker to assist with continuity and logistics. They have a working knowledge of all systems, even if they themselves cannot do things like engineering or piloting, but can help make sure things run smoothly should the Captain and crew be away.. <Insert quick personality/background stub.>
A <species, gender> engineer working on the Voidbreaker. Insert quick personality/background stub.

Auxiliary Roster

The Auxiliary Roster consists of members that are part of Voidbreaker Battleteam, but don't maintain permanent roles or quarters on the ship itself.

  • Emere Galo
  • Canderous Tervho
  • Razqua
  • Zaric Jarad
  • Malfrost Xeon
  • Blithe
  • Kelviin
  • Leeadra Halcyon
  • Luciver Scorpio Romanov
  • Magik

Captain's Logs

The adventures of the Voidbreaker and its crews can be found in the following archive of Captain's logs:


Information about the brief history


The order of captains, from founder to present.