The Severian Principate

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The following article is the culmination of the Brotherhood’s intelligence reports on the organization introduced prior to the Thirteenth Great Jedi War that call themselves the The Severian Principate.

The Severian Principate
General information

Lucian Niatinus


The Triumvirate



  • Mid-Rim
  • Kastolar and Essaga sectors
Historical information
Formed from:

18 BBY



Other information
[ Source ]


Territories of the Principate

The Severian Principate is a rare Imperial Warlord state which not only endured but thrived following the Empire’s collapse. Originally a network of mining worlds and orbital facilities in the Kastolar Sector, it existed to fuel the Empire’s war machine. This changed with the governorship of Lucian Niatinus, a commander disillusioned with the Emperor’s self-destructive policies. Devoted to improving the lives of his citizens and secretly allying with the smugglers and pirates from the nearby Hutt Space, he sought to create an ordered state free of the tyranny which inspired the Rebellion.

Niatinus was one of the first Warlords to declare independence following Palpatine’s death. Culling the ranks of those hidebound by COMPNOR dogma, he took the first steps to abolish slavery within his territories and gave former serfs a voice in his new government. Through the promise of protection and trade deals, the Principate was able to quickly encompass nearby systems and expand its commerce to Hutt Space and the Core.

Despite its early successes, the Severian Principate was soon forced to merge with the New Republic when threatened by rival Warlords. Their acceptance required Niatinus to step down, but allowed the Principate to retain much of its autonomy. Under New Republic rule, the Principate instead opted to expand through trade. As worlds recovered from the war, it was able to use its facilities to establish itself as a commercial empire in the eastern Outer-Rim. Nevertheless, the Principate was far from trusted by its allies thanks to its authoritarian policies and ability to control others through trade. The matter was only made worse by its willingness to circumvent the Military Disarmament Act through various means.

The Principate first became tangentially involved with the Dark Brotherhood shortly before 35 ABY, during an encounter with elements of the fledgling Collective. While the exact details of the meeting were unclear, they proved unwilling to assist the Collective in their planned genocide of all individuals with a substantial connection to the Force. This would remain true until two years later in 37 ABY, when the Brotherhood directly contacted the Principate with offers of an alliance. A meeting was arranged between representatives of both powers in the Lyra-3K-a system, along with a number of figures representing the Collective after they approached the Triumvirate once more. This proved to be a trap, as the Collective initiated a false flag attack on the nearby colony, attempting to frame the Brotherhood for a surprise attack and dissuade the Principate from forming any links with the group.

The Lyra system quickly became a battleground between forces from all three sides, as Brotherhood ships were drawn into the fighting and various Principate flights were coerced into joining the Collective in initiating a counterattack. The initial clans attempted to follow their own agendas during this battle, with some seeking to limit the collateral damage of the fighting, while others viewed it as a financial opportunity. Yet, by the end, the Principate turned on the Collective after being convinced of the Brotherhood's innocence in the matter. Forcing its rogue units to stand down, they were able to drive the Collective from the system and form a preliminary alliance with the Brotherhood beginning with an open exchange of information. What prevented this from being a total victory was the capture of the Brotherhood's representatives by the Collective, with Evant Taelyan among them.

Several months into the newfound alliance, the Principate soon discovered how problematic of an enemy the Collective could be. Seeking to rescue prisoners taken in the prior conflict, the Collective initiated a massive riot on Tenixir, a hidden prison complex where the Principate held its worst offenders. The Brotherhood was brought in to quell the fighting and restore order, succeeding in doing so thanks to inside assistance. A large group of inmates supported the Brotherhood out of a sense of self-preservation, led by the former pirate Rasha Hawee. The Collective succeeded in freeing a small number of scientists, but failed in its overall goal. Due to an ongoing prisoner transfer between the Principate and Brotherhood, the inmates who suppressed the riot were brought into Brotherhood space and granted their freedom. Those that displayed relative usefulness were recruited into the Shroud Syndicate. Those that remained independent largely gathered into a group called The Tenixir Revenants with Hawee as their leader. Although nominally aligned with the Brotherhood, the Revenants regarded both the Principate and Collective with extreme hostility.

The alliance with the Brotherhood would later see Severian reinforcements interventing at Arx, where they helped to repel the Collective assault during the Fourteenth Great Jedi War.


Governmental Systems and Structure

The Severian Principate is governed by a small elite trio of leaders, selected from the highest-ranking members of their respective fields: Galactic Diplomacy, Industry, and Social Administration. These form the Triumvirate, which serves as a head of state and oversees the development of the Principate on a grand scale. While successors can be elected, the role was ultimately seen as a natural final step in a successful career.

Day-to-day decisions are handled by the Senate, formed from elected representatives of each planet within Principate space. Issues of policy and judicial alterations are handled by a smaller Parliament, the members of who are selected from a second group of system representatives. Protectorate states are not permitted seats on either council until they accept full integration into the Principate.

The Triumvirate

Leaders of the Severian Principate
Vairya Muktiba Adlez Freewoman Kamlin Xarel

The current triumvirate leaders are as follows:

  • The Triumvir of Steel, held by Kamlin Xarel, oversees Industry
  • The Triumvir of Oaths, held by Vairya Muktiba, oversees Social Administration
  • The Triumvir of Words, held by Adlez Freewoman, oversees Galactic Diplomacy
Triumvirate staff organization chart

Culture and Territories

The Severian Principate’s territories cover seven populated systems and four protectorates, with its capital based on the ocean planet of Sirmium. Situated between Hutt Space and the Core worlds, it can rapidly transport ships to and from the Outer-Rim. This has been further assisted by the alliance with trader, smuggler and pirate factions, some of which have settled within the Principate’s borders. Most core worlds are barren mining planets of extreme temperatures, with the more temperate worlds residing in its outlying systems.

Due to its disparate populations, the Principate is a melting pot of varied cultures. Most emulate the traditions of their homeworlds, albeit with an emphasis on order and productivity encouraged by propagandists. The collectivist ideal of everyone working their part has helped unite the varied species, focusing them upon strengthening their holdings.

Industry & Economy

Having served as a large cluster of mining worlds and spacedocks at the time of its independence, the Severian Principate has long benefitted from a strong industry. A multitude of its key worlds are rich in the likes of Nova Crystals, Tibanna gas, and Lommite.

The turmoil following the Empire’s collapse allowed the Principate to quickly establish itself as a major power within the region. Many facilities previously devoted to weapons production were repurposed for manufacturing various items for civilian use, such as agricultural machinery and communications technology. This has only expanded over time, with the Principate buying out previously domineering companies and utilising its protectorate states to bypass laws preventing industry monopolies. Controversially, the Principate has even used elements of its military as mercenary companies.

Many vessels of the Principate’s trading fleet are refitted warships purchased cheaply from deconstruction yards, with the likes of Carracks serving as sprint traders. Larger ships such as Star Destroyers operate as mobile harbours, allowing the Principate to establish stronger ties with trading partners. While each was disarmed, most were left in a state where they could be refitted with weapons in times of war.

Prominent Cadres

Operating under the overall umbrella of the Severian Principate are many quasi-official organizations known as cadres. These cadres attract like-minded individuals and perform specific and often highly specialized tasks for the Severian Principate. Some of these cadres can be considered official organs of state, while others are technically illegal - if not tolerated - gangs of operatives.

Death Dealers
Death Dealers
Unit Information

Severian Principate


Criminal Operations




Glen Phidris

[ Source ]


  • Natesa Panes
  • C'leo
  • Tak'att'yvun

The Death Dealers are a self styled minor "gang" under the larger Hutt Cartel's reach, specifically serving under Godda the Hutt and primarily dealing in drug trade between Hutt Space and planets within the Sevarian Principate. The gang mainly sells Death Stick stock, thus the name selected by their pun-loving leader, Glen. Glen formed his little cadre with his best friend on all of Nar Shadda, a Togorian with a Chiss fetish who called himself Katty — and always insisted on others using his full Chiss name. They later recruited C'leo, one if their most loyal customers, for his slicing skills, and finally Natesa Panes, who approached them just recently as an operative from the mysterious Shroud Syndicate.

Severian Electorate Commission
Severian Electorate Commission
Unit Information

Severian Principate


Political Intelligence




Albana Trief

[ Source ]


  • Yolanda Pola
  • Xerion Bland
  • Lovan Remaz
  • Fran Drum

At the core of the Severian Principate is the Senate. At the core of the Senate is the Severian Electorate Commission. The SEC is a sworn group of dedicated Senators who are tasked by the Triumvirate to ensure that the members who are elected to the Senate do not come with any secrets. The Commission has been granted full authority to investigate Senators and would-be Senators alike. A seat on the Commission is considered a life appointment and can only end through death.

The Commission is widely seen by many as a selection committee, choosing the candidates that member planets may vote for. Because of this, the members of the SEC are among the most corrupt in the Senate, often accepting the most lavish of gifts and bribes in exchange for their vote of confidence.

Galactic Trade Department
Galactic Trade Department
Unit Information

Severian Principate


Diplomacy & Trade




Jonaak Clarsi

[ Source ]


  • Erick Jindo
  • Fae Deran
  • Robert Findallisher

The Principate’s trade negotiations always tended toward the Imperial method of strong-arm and scare tactics, despite them trying to rehabilitate their image. After they joined the New Republic, they needed to change their primary form of trade negotiations to keep things on the up-and-up. They did this on the surface. Project Black is an on-the-books department of International Diplomacy, which, on paper, serves a support team, but in actuality is the true source of all negotiations. They don’t have true signing authority, but no deal gets done without the sign off of Jonaak Clarsi.

Within the Galactic Trade Department resides Project Black. Project Black operates as a top-down organization of negotiators who are all handpicked by the Triumvirate. They are cut-throat and end up giving the Principate an edge in all financial endeavours that are undertaken. Failure to provide favorable deals results in a removal from Project Black, and all NDAs signed by its members are unofficially punishable by death preemptively.

Revenants of the Principium
Revenants of the Principium
Unit Information

Severian Principate


Black Ops




Renast Emb’yur

[ Source ]


  • Xera Knoxx (Female Zabrak) - Leader of the Revenant Wings
  • Massero Kus (Male Kaleesh) - Leader of the Revenant Blades
  • Grozzurra (Female Wookie) - Leader of the Revenant Guards

Any organizational structure spanning multiple galactic systems will always require a military force to ensure the protection of their area of control, and to present of showing of strength for their enemies. Created by the original Triumvirate due to the need for an elite of the elite unit, these Revenants are the highest trained and deadliest soldiers with a sole focus on completing their missions no matter what. While all who reside as citizens of the Principate are required to serve a brief military service, scouts for the Revenants will observe and quietly select and procure those they feel are of the highest quality for specialized and brutal training to join the ranks of this elite unit.

It is said that only 1 of 10 chosen are able to prove themselves worthy of this sacrifice, the rest either have their minds wiped or die trying. Those who survive are erased from society. They are ghosts. Any records of their life before are destroyed. Once they are accepted, they are in for life, only released from service in death. They are implanted with an explosive implant that can be activated by the Revenant when death is all but certain, activated upon death once it reads heart failure, or remotely activated in the off chance that the Revenant attempts to go rogue.

The exact size of the Revenants is unknown and is highly classified. Within the Revenants there are many subdivisions task-tailored for various missions. The Revenant Wings are a unit of expert pilots, the Revenant Wings are called upon when the Principate needs a secret assault concentrated on their enemies. Specializing in starfighter combat, they fly Imperial-styled ships that contain no markers to signal their allegiance. Guerrilla warfare space fighting is their preferred attack style, though their intense training allows for improvisation.

The Revenant Blades are a unit of expert soldiers trained as offensive assault warriors. After undergoing a strict and hardcore training regiment, these warriors are seasoned and efficient in advance hand to hand combat and several forms of weaponry, both ranged and melee. These soldiers are tasked with secret military assignments such as assassination, ambush tactics, and surprise assaults. Dedicated to their cause these warriors follow their orders and will not stop until their job is completed or until death claims them.

Finally, the Revenant Guards are a unit of expertly trained defenders. Garbed in the finest available armors, these soldiers serve as the hidden protectors for the Principate. Like their assault soldier opposites, these guardians received advanced hand to hand combat and weapons training with a focus on defensive tactics. When protecting their charges, fear is not an option. These guardians must be ready to give their lives for their charge, which they will gladly do.

Military Doctrine & Formations

Formed out of whatever resources it had on hand, the military arm of the Severian Principate closely resembles that of the Empire's military, with an emphasis upon superior firepower and maintaining a numerical advantage over their enemies.

Command Structure

Unusually for a military spawned from the Empire, the Principate favors a decentralized command structure over a rigid hierarchy. As competence is prized above blind obedience, commanders are given leeway in how to achieve their goals. Officers will outline necessary objectives and risks, allowing for subordinates to take initiative within wider plans. This also allows the Principate’s forces to maintain a coherent leadership in the face of heavy casualties.

The most experienced of the Principate’s soldiers are drafted into the Lantic Council. This organisation discusses worst-case scenarios and simulates conflicts with any power from the Hutt Cartels to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. This is then be used to form new contingency plans, while also examining how new technological developments might impact battles.

Fleet & Army Elements

The Principate's forces are divided into Eight main fleet groups, which combine naval and military assets into a single formation. Both closely resemble the military forces favoured by the Galactic Empire at the height of its power, and many vessels that make up the core of these groups are designs from that era. Imperial I and Imperial II class Star Destroyers make up the command vessels of these groups, with Victory I-class variants serving in a supporting role. Other sights common within these fleets include Carrack cruisers, Nebulon-B frigates, and Raider I-class corvettes. Equally, the fighter complements of these battle groups consist primarily of TIE Series variants with fighters, interceptors, and bombers being a common sight in most hangers. The only exception to the dominance of Imperial designs is the noteworthy presence of multiple Free Virgillia-class Bunkerbusters within each fleet.

The ground forces attached to each fleet follow a uniform structure, divided into seven regiments designated by an alphabetical naming structure. Each of these, in turn, consists of four battalions and four companies to each of them, ranging from line-companies to special missions groups. The vehicles used to support these companies are equally typically those most closely associated with the Empire, such as AT-ATs, AT-STs and a number of Imperial combat speeders. In addition to these, however, other vehicles such as the T2-B repulsor tank associated with the Rebellion, and the AV-7 Anti-vehicle Cannon used by the Grand Army of the Republic serve in supporting roles. Each fleet's ground forces are delivered into battle by a combination of CR25 troop carriers and Y-85 Titan dropships.

Every citizen of the Severian Principate undergoes several years of mandatory service within the military. This allows the Principate to rapidly expand its armies during times of war.

Foreign Association and Affairs

Hutt Clans

Early in its development, the Principate relied heavily on imports from and exports to the Hutt cartels. Many smugglers and traders found their home in the Principate as it was near enough to Hutt space. Since their merger with the New Republic, asn in more recent years, the Principate has officially moved away from the Hutts. However, much of the underground trade still remains intact.

New Republic

While a nominally a member of the New Republic, diplomatic relations between it and the Principate were often strained. The use of Imperial ideologies was decried by planets which had openly supported the Rebellion, a matter which was not helped by its expansionist policies.

Nevertheless, the Principate’s efforts to eradicate nearby slavery operations earned it allies, and likes of Kashyyyk and Alzoc III remain on positive terms as many families originated from those worlds. Equally, the Principate’s strong industry was essential in allowing multiple worlds to recover from Imperial occupation, which permitted it a more positive reputation among minor Mid-Rim powers.

Galactic Empire & First Order

At best, the Principate’s citizens view the Empire as a grand concept poisoned by the megalomania of its rulers. While the Principate utilised its ideals of order and control as its foundations, the Empire is regarded as a blight that the galaxy is better without.

Yet while the Empire is viewed with bitter disdain, the First Order is regarded with absolute contempt. Deemed a collection of old monsters who escaped justice and young fools that fetishized tyranny, the Principate saw the First Order as its dark mirror: a government which did not learn from the Empire’s atrocities but instead came to venerate them. This view has not changed, even following the collapse of the First Order and later the Final Order.

The Collective

Despite the distrust the Severian Principate leadership has towards Force Users given their history with the Empire, it regards the Collective as a pressing threat. This stems from an attempted coup by the Collective, to turn the Principate into a source of new recruits to use against the Brotherhood.

Original concept by:

  • Ka Tarvitz, #14751 - Writer, Proofreader, Researcher
  • Alethia Archenksova, #14287 - Editor, Proofreader, Character Creator
  • Aurora “Aura” Ta’var, #10388 - Writer, Character Creator