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Template:Individual ship infobox

Ship Info

A semi-custom design, made by Macron using captured technologies. The basic frame is a modular Y-900 series Corellian design, and only the external shell is unique. It is known to have been re-fitted with Ssi-Ruuk technology from Macron's dealings with them after the Umbala System incident. This technology was paid for with a load of the famous baradium from the Last Breath Mine on Sepros.

Some Verpine retrofitting has taken place as well similarly to the DC fleet, under the auspices of the Dlarit Corporation's assets as Governor-General of the Orian System. The Nachzerer is a test bed device for upgrades and retrofits to be seen reflected later in the new Clan fleets, as well as more personal modifications.

There are some minor Autocthonian designs copied by Macron with permission from Muz Keibatsu Sadow from the Fallen Spear that facilitate the inter-meshing of the differing technologies. Much of the quadanium and computer technology was looted from the Silooth and transferred to the new vessel with upgrades, along with metals and industrial minerals from the mines of Sepros. R-3 also came along as the resident astromech droid.

Later modifications performed by Macron added Sith Alchemy modifications to the armor, powerplant, life support, and weapon focusing crystals. These modifications allow for a stronger power output and cooling of the powerplant, increased efficiency of the crystal-based components of the ship, better than average armor, and increased life-support abilities.

An unusual characteristic is that the turbolaser and laser bolts from the retractable weapon pods are blood red in color, characteristically the color of Sith synthetic crystals.


The tremendous number of electronics and other systems that power the extensive weapons and engine arrays also take up much of the remaining space. This limits the number of passengers as well as the cargo capacity, to only roughly one quarter of that of a ship of comparable size. The ship is cramped, uncomfortable, and spartan in furnishing. The unique holointerface controls can be difficult to learn, and occasionally act unpredictably.

So far, Only Macron, Sai, and Malisane are proficient with the vessel. In fact, Sai actually is more proficient with the ship, but Macron refuses to admit this to himself. It is unfortunate that the vehicle is not user-friendly.


First commissioned in 27 ABY, The Nachzerer's first flight was into the Telaris System in the Imperial Remnant. It remained largely untested in battle until the Battle of Atrophos. During the assault against the Yuuzhan Vong Frigate "Heretic's Bane", she launched a series of buzz droid missiles loaded with Violator Gas and Alpha Red into the enemy ship.

Recently, she has again been pressed into action as a platform to deliver unconventional weapons against the Yuuzhan Vong. Clan Naga Sadow and the Dlarit Corporation launched an attack on a Vong worldship near Telos along the Hydian Way. The Nachzerer carried two tanks of liquified Omega-strain Violator gas as a secondary backup plan.


Telaris Incident

Great Jedi War 8- Incursion

Invasion of Orian- Battle of Tarthos Cathedral

Battle of Telos