Clan Tarentum Prospectus

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Template:Government infobox

As with the other Clans now in existence, Clan Tarentum began as one of many Houses that dotted the socio-political landscape of the Brotherhood. The last of the "original" Houses to form, Tarentum was formed by the members of the legendary Tau Squadron. When Tarentum became a Clan proper, it sired the vassal Houses of Tridens, Gladius and Cestus.

Brief History

Of all the Clans and Houses, Tarentum is the only one formed under direct order. Not wanting to tie themselves to any of the other Houses, and thereby having to share their glory as the best of the best, the pilots of Tau Squadron formed their own House - Tarentum.

Eventually, the Clan would grow to serve the interests of the man who ordered them into existence - Grand Master Khyron. The Clan now serves the Sith King unfailingly and unflinchingly.

Government and Politics

As with all feudal societies, Clan Tarentum and the Yridia System is headed by a Monarch - Justinian Arcanious Khyron. The entire system falls under the command and control of his vassal, The Prince of Yridia, who has at his disposal a cabinate of military, secular and Brotherhood Captains.

Prince of Yridia

The head of the System Government, the Prince of Yridia is always the Consul and retains nearly complete control of his fief.

Grand Chamberlain

Sith Bloodfyre was appointed Grand Chamberlain for life. The Grand Chamberlain is the steward of the Clan and oversees the day to day political affairs which include, but are not limited to calling a quorum of the Tarentae, opening the Common House and managing the docket of supplicants wishing an audience with the Prince.


The chief function of the Governor-General is to act as the head of the legislative branch of the Yridian government - The Common House. In times of conflict, the Governor-General commands the Yridia System's defense.

Field Marshal

Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae is the Supreme Commander of military forces for the Clan. As Field Marshal, he acts with the leave of the King, Prince and Clan Summit to organize the military and marshall forces in times of war.


Society and culture



Allies and Enemies

Typical Clan Actions/Reactions

Important Figures

Former and current leaders, or any influential member associated with the Clan.