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Martumal Daemon
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

50 BBY

Date of Death:


Physical Description





6' 2"


200 lbs







Personal Information
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information

BTM of Prophecy Phyle



[ Source ]

"There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't."

Martumal Daemon is a Jedi Hunter in Prophecy Phyle of House Qel-Droma, a house of Clan Arcona. Martumal is the apprentice of the Proconsul Vorion.

A paranoid individual, Martumal claims to have no relations with anyone. Although otherwise could be said as he seems exhibit mutual friendships with some members of Clan Arcona whom he confides in.

Martumal also can be found arguing with people and self-contradicting the most fundamental points he has within the same arguments. According to him, he is attempting to fix this by arguing with himself in the mirror.

With these previous paragraphs as basis, as well as many others, Martumal has also established himself with the reputation of being a moron. He begs to differ, but most morons do.

Character History

Martumal was born to Ickhit and Melina, a cabana boy and a courtesan. The two had met when the nobleman they were working for went on an extended vacation. During this period, Melina's sexual hunger increased tenfold. She saw her opportunity to get with Ickhit, the popular cabana boy amongst the females of the estate. However, due to an accident, Martumal was conceived.

Ickhit immediately severed any connections with Melina after that night, ensuring it was evident he had intended to make a one night stand. Martumal's mother panicked, knowing that a pregnant courtesan for a noblemen would not be desirable. Lord Hormonious was expected to arrive soon, so Melina decided to act with haste.

She arrived at the local abortion clinic and attempted to abort Martumal. Apparently, Gayme was attempting a new abortion technique utilizing radiation. Apprehensive at first, Melina did not want to cause any damage to herself. However, after much reassurance by Dr. Lavesponge, she caved in. The doctor who appeared as if he could have starred in a indy-budget horror film initiated the abortion.

During it though, he began to shout randomly and cursing the machine that held Melina inside. The machine was overloading, and had emitted excessive radiation in the chamber, effectively killing Melina and mutating the young baby in her womb. Dr. Lavesponge had his droids examine Melina's body. The baby inside was still alive, so he ordered them to retrieve it.

The droids immediately cut in, assuming the baby in their mechanical arms. They then put it on life support. For months, Dr. Lavesponge examined the mutation of the infant. The boy only showed physical mutations, his skin hue changing to green and large black rashes grew on him as well, covering large portions of his tiny body.

It wasn't for many years, into his adolescence that Dr. Lavesponge found out the true depth of the mutations. Martumal had the natural affinity to control objects around him. This was especially useful for the perverted young man to control his prey to commit sexual treats for him. Martumal's sexual predatorism was not caused by the mutation, but by the sexual culture Gayme radiated, and the own twisted views of the Doctor.

These twisted views were implanted into Martumal. The boy became paranoid, only trusting the Doctor. He was wholly unaccepted in the public, often harassed by individuals. When he retaliated, he often went too far and would kill the bullies. Due to this, the Doctor was forced to put Martumal in hiding. This procession went on for many years, until Martumal reached his thirties.

During this period, Martumal was taking a walk in the inner city of Erector City. A group of angry individuals ambushed him in a back alley, and attempted to beat him to death. However, Martumal fought ferociously and bested several of them before a cloaked man assisted him by slicing them up with his red lightsaber. Martumal, whom had never been helped before, immediately took to the man. Legorii, as the isolated Gaymen soon came to know his savior as, extended the offer to join a powerful Dark Jedi clan known as Arcona.

He has trained in Arcona under the supervision of Legorii and the rest of the clan summit. His progress has increased much, and he has found much cooperation and empathy despite being a mutated freak. He is now working on his Knight trials with his masters SANGUINE AND LEGORIE.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

RM of House Gladius RM of House Exar Kun BTL or something some other times

Outstanding Achievements

Ummm. I once placed in a GJW fiction event.


The name Martumal came from a name generator. The name Erector City came from Rufio.