"Embrace the Darkness" - Mejas Doto, di Tenerous Arconae
Template:Krath charinfo
Character History
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DJB Facts
Positions Held
Image of Mejas Doto's dual lightsabre.
When promoted to Krath Archpriest, Mejas Doto was provided many more oppertunities to excel in the Brotherhood. He was appointed Consul of, the now disbanded, Satal Keto, he was also appointed Praetor to Head Master Shups, howeverm, surpassing all of these oppertunities, was the Brotherhod's recognition and acceptance that Mejas Doto was now permitted the use of a dual lightsabre.
Having waited for this momentous day, the Zabrak begin the construction of one the most renowned sabres in Brotherhood history. Almost as fabled in Clan Arcona as Ulic Qel-Droma's own lightsabre, there are few in the Brotherhood, let alone Arcona, who have not heard the tales of Bloodfang. The design was inspired by Ulic's own lightsabre, but elongated, with the ability to be halved and used as dual sabres. The emmitter aesthetic is derived from the sharpened teeth of Mejas Doto. Completely constructed from lightweight alloys, with a balance for her user like few have managed to achieve - Bloodfang is a weapon equal in both beauty and destructive power. In the hands of her owner, she has slain many an adversary and not always in the most orthodox of manners. It is well known, that when possible, Mejas Doto prefers the use of the teeth like emmitters for laceration, puncture and evisceartion.
Outstanding Acheivements
- Leading House Qel-Droma of Arcona to victory in the Krath Rite of Supremacy "Minds of Hate".
- The longest serving Praetor to date, having worked alongside Herald Kaine Mandaala for just over 3 years (01/06/2002 until 14/01/2005).
- The first Arconan to be granted the title of "Di Tenebrous Arconae"
Titles and Possessions
Clan Title
Mejas Doto is the first Arconan to be awarded the Clan title, due to his work as Consul and longterm Clan member. After conflict with Emissary Tron Sadow, Mejas rebuked the format the Clan title would take and refused to adopt Arconae as his surname. Because of this, Arconan's may choose to use their title in the following format: Mejas Doto, di Tenebrous Arconae.
Shadow Mastery
Mejas Doto was the first Arconan to attain full understanding of the Abyssal Tome and from this he has reached the pinnacle that is Shadow Mastery. His complete dedication to the Ways of Shadowcrafting lead to his resignation as Consul of Clan Arcona and effective retiral as a member of the Dark Brotherhood. It is believed by many that Mejas felt that the only way of attaining the position as a Dark Prophet, was to combine his knowledge of the Dark Side with the very darkness of the shadows. At this point his corporeal existence wanes in and out of being. Arconan's have commented that the former Consul has become so heavily intertwined with the ethereal plane of the Shadows that he is believed to exist for longer and longer periods of time in this alternative plane. The Arconan official stance on Mejas's Shadpwcrafting powers state that he is a Shadow Master capable of two of the Abyssal Rites. These are Banishment and Summon the Abyss; however - it is well known that the Dark Jedi Master has surpasses such limitations and his ability to Shadow Walk and conduit between planes are examples of his continuing prowess and unmatched ability.
Tarentum Estate
Mejas Doto was granted an estate on the Tarentum planet of Koros after a secret pact with former Consul Sith Bloodfyre. The exact details of this arangement are unknown to any others in the Brotherhood and Mejas has been afforded full immunity when using the estate on Fenris. The estate itself is not visibe from the exterior of the planet and no knowledge of what is contained in the estate, or what it is used for, is available. The following description of Koros is taken from the Tarentum system manual:
Koros is tidally locked with Yridia II, the same side always facing the planet. Without an insulative atmosphere, the dark side is much colder than the starlit side. Formerly the home of House Cestus, this moon became abandoned after an outbreak of Draugr. While some facilities remain, most of the installation is in dire need of repairs before being considered operational once again.
Guardian of Arcona
Upon retiring from the office of Consul Mejas Doto remained ever watchful of his Clan. He is frequently called upon as an advisor to the summits and remains aware of the ebb and flow of Arcona's path. He has also stood against the summit and the Dark Council when the Clans interests are being overlooked by those who are afforded its charge. For this reason, Mejas Doto often refers to himself as the Guardian of Arcona.
Did you know that...
- Mejas Doto was taken before the Chamber of Justice when he was a Guardian and demoted back to an Apprentice for cheating in Shadow Academy exams via IRC. How ironic he would later be the leader of the faculty he tried to dupe!
- Mejas Doto created the Ektrosian artefact "The Orb of Pomojema" back when he was a Jedi Hunter in Ektrosis.
- Mejas Doto was responsible for having Ass-tatine banned from IRC, after requesting the support of two long time friends (and fortunately High Court Inquisitors!) Trevarus Caerick and Chi-Long.
- Mejas Doto originally wanted to name the new Arconan system as Labia Majora, with a moon/planet takign the name of labia minora. However, after a lengthy discussion with his Proconsul, Voranyen, the name Dajorra was adopted (D from Doto and ajorra varient from Majora). Mejas and Voranyen were also responsible for naming the rest of the system.
- During the exodus, Proconsul Voranyen named the site of the new Clan headquarters, on Selen, "Doto Rock". This was in homage to Consul Mejas Doto - even although it is widely known that it isn't very rocky!
- Mejas Doto is the channel manager for #arcona on IRC
- Mejas Doto is the weilder of the infamous "Doto Doctrine", a channel control policy unparalleled throughout the Brotherhood IRC network.
- Mejas Doto always refers to Malik Sadow as "Manlik".