Council of the Wise

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The Council of the Wise was the advisory board for Clan Plagueis and its Summits. After the Rite of Supremacy, however, the Council was dissolved due to its failure in providing leadership and direction for the struggling clan. Incomplete records exist detailing a log of which members served at the Council during its history.

Warbanner of Council of the Wise

Council Background

In the depths of Korriban, the Eldritch Cabal awakened the spirit of Lord Plagueis, and in their mortal forms he invested some part of his great and expansive power. Dark Jedi Master Aristan Dantes was given the secret of Plagueis’ wisdom, and when he returned from the necropolis world forged a Council of the Wise to preserve and maintain Plagueis' legacy.

The Council members were the wisest, most powerful and loyal of the Children of Plagueis and were entrusted with sacred duties to carry out to preserve the Clan. Each of these duties, when joined, formed the Mystery of Plagueis, and the Council as a whole revealed his Wisdom. The Council met in a secret chamber within the fortress of Clan Plagueis, accessible only to the Consul, Proconsul and the Council. In their areas of control, the Council's word was law.

Appointment to the Council was not easy to obtain. Kir Katarn brought back from Korriban an artifact called the Staff of Veils, an ancient symbol of Wisdom throughout the galaxy blessed by the spirit of Lord Plagueis. Through its mysterious powers, the Staff selected new council members. Should any position be vacant, the reigning Consul brought candidates to the great vault where the Staff was kept and presented each individual to the artifact. When the ceremony ended, the Staff will spin and glow the color of the position vied for. Upon coming to a rest, the Staff would point towards the heart of the chosen.

Council Positions

Loremaster (Purple)  
The greatest and wisest scholar of Plagueis was chosen for this post. To them was entrusted the ancient knowledge of Lord Plagueis and control of the Book of Shadows. They were the greatest teacher of the Clan, the Master of Masters, and keeper of the sacred histories and artifacts. To them fell the duty to preserve these things and teach Initiates the ways of Plagueis and the Dark Side. They were acknowledged as the most skilled in the Force and powers of the Clan. The Loremaster was the head of the Council.
Swordmaster (Blue)  
Champion of Plagueis and General of the Armies of Life and Death, the Swordmaster was the sworn protector of the summit of Clan Plagueis and guardian of its fortresses and domiciles. They were the greatest and most skilled combatant within the Clan and led armies into battle at the Summits’ decree.
Watchmaster (Yellow)
Regent of the Jusadih System, the Watchmaster was governor of the planets and peoples thereupon, given trust to oversee the races under the Clan’s control and liaison with their governments. The Watchmaster was the chief spy and espionage agent for the Clan, in charge of bringing technology and information into Plagueis and keeping the Summit up to date with current affairs. They also acted as envoy and ambassador for Plagueis to the rest of the galaxy, should the need arise.
Nightmaster (Red) 
Lord of the eternal night of space, the Nightmaster was commander of the fleets of Clan Plagueis, their admiral and protector of the Jusadih System. To them fell the charge to guard and ward the space above planets, to keep ever vigilant duty, and fortify the sanctum of the Clan of Life and Death.
Shadowmaster (Green) 
Master of the shadows and art of stealth and murder, the Shadowmaster was the chief assassin and bounty hunter for the Clan, controlling specialized Dark Jedi assassins and hunters for the Summit to eliminate enemies who must be silenced without all-out war or bringing in avowed enemies of the Clan. The Shadowmaster was also Plagueis’ link to the criminal underworld and was skilled in obtaining resources and information.

Council Appointment

When a position on the Council of the Wise was vacated, the reigning Consul chose a member within the Clan to fill the void. The Council appointee possessed the qualities of wisdom, dignity, fortitude and prudence. The appointee should have possessed a multitude of leadership positions throughout the clan and a history of improving the clan at several levels. Most often the appointee resigned from a leadership position and his appointment became an honor and revelation of gratitude. In addition, the appointee was likely an upper-echelon Equite or Elder.

Although the Consul has complete authority to appoint members onto the Council of the Wise, it was recommended he consult the Council and other Plagueis summit members before officially appointing the new member. In addition, the Council made recommendations, but the final decision rested with the Consul.

Council Authority

The Council was strictly an advisory body to members of the Plagueis Summit. The Consul chose the capacity to which he utilized the Council and each worked with them in different ways. The Council made recommendations to the Consul and assisted in projects and tasks within the clan, but overall authority remained with the Consul.

Council Requirements and Removal

Members of the Council of the Wise were required to fulfil certain amounts of activity while in their positions, therefore the Council did not serve as a “retirement” for past leaders who would otherwise be Rogue. A Council member would continue to possess a 24 to 48 hour email response time and assist in clan projects while advising the Consul. In addition, a continued visible presence as a role model and active member of the clan was a necessity. If the Consul believed a Council member was not fulfilling obligations, the Consul removed the member from the Council. In addition, if the member went rogue, his status on the Council was revoked.