Clan/House Force Powers

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Each Clan and House has a history and power all their own, brought about and manipulated by personal and unit interests, as well as the forces that have acted upon the Clans and Houses. These "Schools," sometimes referred to as "Clan/House Powers," are secrets jealously guarded by each Clan and House. Those who have mastered the secrets through time and training are given abilities that are generally not mimicked by any other darksider outside of their respective unit. Those who either leave their Clan or House, or are expelled from it, are denied those abilities through various rituals that strip the secrets from these cast out members. Members who only leave their home unit to pursue a position on the Dark Council generally are permitted to retain their former Clan or House's esoteric information. Grand Masters, being above Order or Clan affiliations, have such a deep understanding of the Force that no Force Abilities are closed to them.

Schools of the Clans and Houses


Naga Sadow

  • Force Blast: Using raw hatred to create devastating bolts.
  • Heart Stun: Using the Force to instantly shut down an enemy and put them into hibernation.


  • Spear of Midnight Black: Using the Dark Side to create and throw an invisible spear.
  • Convection: Using the Force to increase their own or their enemy's body heat to extreme temperatures.

Scholae Palatinae

  • Combustion: Using the Force to violently explode objects.
  • Plant Surge: To radically amplify and control plant growth.


  • Phase: The ability to control your own molecules so as to move through sold objects.
  • Cryokinesis: Using the Force to draw heat away from objects and cause them to freeze.
