Subjugates are a division of the enslaved forces of Clan Plagueis. Unlike Ravagers or Wraiths, Subjugates comprise support units like engineers and medics, while also forming the starship and vehicle crews of the House and including a servile class. Subjugates are subjected to procedures to reduce individuality, increase tactical efficiency, and enforce subdued obedience.
In 35 ABY, following the destruction of the Jusadih System, House Plagueis was forced to flee aboard the badly-damaged Ascendancy. Faced with few options, Quaestor Tra'an Reith used the slaving skill of the Saraask'ar to rebuild the military force of the House.
Those slaves fit for service were taken back to The Anchorage and prepared to serve. After segregating those useful for indoctrination as warriors and assassins elsewhere, the smartest, most clever, and most organizationally-minded individuals were selected for use as slave crews and support personnel. While humans and near-human species were best suited for the conditioning process, several alien species, Duros in particular, were also viable candidates. Only prisoners from species that were unfit for conditioning were not considered. Among these were those species that were resistant to the Force, as well as aliens whose body chemistries made them unresponsive to conditioning. Those found to be unfit were either sold by the Saraask'ar or put to death.
The candidates who survived the selection process were immediately stripped of any defining and individual marks and subjected to medical procedures, chemical and gene treatments, and traumatic conditioning to make them utterly subservient, competent, efficient, and unflinchingly loyal to the forces of Plagueis. Trained by Overseer, they were made ready to pilot vehicles, serve support roles, and crew spacecraft. Intended to make each individual like his or her fellow slaves, the procedure allowed the Plagueians to train a capable flight crew in only a few weeks.
Skills and Abilities
Subjugates serve in a wide variety of support roles among the forces of Clan Plagueis. They are most often seen aboard ships of the Ascendant Fleet, performing all the roles normally performed by enlisted personnel aboard a starship. They are also used as medical personnel, pilots, and vehicle drivers and attendants.
Though their attributes might make them seem docile, the lack of identity and individuality is a large factor in the nature of the surprisingly ruthless and unscrupulous Subjugates. To them, morality is an aberrant concept, and life is either an asset to be saved or an obstacle to be eliminated. Outside of their duties, nothing else matters.
Weapons and Equipment
Subjugate gear consists of reinforced dark blue coveralls, designed to provide a small amount of protection while stealing any individualism. The jumpsuits that Subjugates wear possess no distinguishing features and are all designed to cover every inch of skin, with a visored helment leaving only the lower half of their faces exposed. Their vision is filtered through lenses that entirely hide their eyes and provide useful information by means of a heads up display.
The only individual piece of gear they wear are the left gloves - each bears a stripe that indicates their purpose. This is for the benefit of the Plagueians ruling them; every Subjugate knows his or her place from their first days, and needs no help to find their duties.
Armament for Subjugates varies depending on their specific task, but each Subjugate is issued at least a vibroknife worn on their left forearm. Whatever the assignment, a Subjugate learns to operate all equipment within it; while Subjugates specialize in their own station, they can readily assume another. In this way, they are less of a fighting unit than a support unit, operating machinery and keeping ships and equipment, as well as their fellow slaves in the case of medics, in good condition.
During the segregation of new slaves, those individuals who were already crewmen, pilots, or support crew among those captured are separated out, as well as any who show signs of high intelligence, low individuality, or efficiency in their duties.
The first step of the subjugation process is to painfully remove any signs of individual identity. Any tattoos, birthmarks, or other distinguishing features of a person are burned off. The slaves see all of their hair permanently removed, while their eyes are surgically altered for 20/20 vision through a Krath procedure that renders their irises a dull gray. As a final touch, they receive metallic ports for intravenous insertions in their carotid arteries, and they are fed alchemical solutions that rapidly taint their skin cells to turn whatever pigment they were to a pale, near-translucent gray. This makes nearly all Subjugates identical and horrific to look upon, like walking corpses.
Exposed to intense chemical and gene therapies, Subjugate brains are altered to enhance intelligence, memory, and efficiency, while decreasing individuality and free will. They are brainwashed to forget their past selves using conventional and Force-based manipulation, while being indoctrinated to see Plagueians as deific figures; it becomes their only purpose in life to serve their dark masters. The Subjugates are subjected to brain manipulation and toxins that dull the body's ability to properly feel pain; this limits their fear of it, and allows them to fear displeasing Plagueis more than death.
As a final touch, each Subjugate is implanted with a device at the back of his or her head, just above the base of the neck. This can be seen from the outside as a dark-gray metal oval. The implant is a minor creation of Mechu Deru, and it filters a Subjugate’s blood through it without actually changing any of the physical properties. Due to the Dark Side energies trapped within the implant, it gradually taints Subjugates’ blood cells toward Dark Side corruption, a sort of Force-based poisoning that makes them easier to twist and corrupt. It also allows the Overseer to more easily monitor the mental condition of the Subjugates.
Subjugates, strictly speaking, have no names; the titles of whatever position or duty they assume takes the place of an identifying monicker. They are addressed by duty, callsign, or position, and while they do not desire advancement they will fill the void of fallen comrades without fail, to the point of responding to their fallen ally's old title instantly.