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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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=== Dark Orb Code ===
=== Dark Orb Code ===

To stand atop a mountain, and peer down through the clouds  
To stand atop a mountain, and peer down through the clouds <br>
See the storm yet unabated  
See the storm yet unabated <br>
Join hands, my brothers, and feel our unity  
Join hands, my brothers, and feel our unity <br>
Turn back the rending claws of Chaos  
Turn back the rending claws of Chaos <br>
And throw our enemies to the bloody sea  
And throw our enemies to the bloody sea <br>

When you lay a hand upon the Orb  
When you lay a hand upon the Orb <br>
Feel our honor flare within your heart  
Feel our honor flare within your heart <br>
When that hand parts from the Orb, an itch you will never scratch
When that hand parts from the Orb, an itch you will never scratch<br>
Not a defeat at all, a fresh victory
Not a defeat at all, a fresh victory<br>
And time for a new plan to hatch
And time for a new plan to hatch<br>

In each hand, a weapon that will not be stilled
In each hand, a weapon that will not be stilled<br>
In each eye, an energy that will not be dampered
In each eye, an energy that will not be dampered<br>
In each mind, an awe-inspiring keeness that will not be dulled
In each mind, an awe-inspiring keeness that will not be dulled<br>
In each heart, loyalty and courage that will not falter
In each heart, loyalty and courage that will not falter<br>
In each warrior, a true member of the Orb that will not fall
In each warrior, a true member of the Orb that will not fall<br>

Faith in ourselves, faith in our Clan
Faith in ourselves, faith in our Clan<br>
Skill to overwhelm, skill to show the path, skill to save
Skill to overwhelm, skill to show the path, skill to save<br>
When one stumbles, there is always three more to help him stand
When one stumbles, there is always three more to help him stand<br>
When one exclaims triumphantly, there are always a dozen more to cheer
When one exclaims triumphantly, there are always a dozen more to cheer<br>
Lay a hand upon the Orb, and banish away all fear
Lay a hand upon the Orb, and banish away all fear<br>

All around us, the doubters lay stunned
All around us, the doubters lay stunned<br>
All around us, the haters await redemption
All around us, the haters await redemption<br>
All around us, the fearful hide their eyes
All around us, the fearful hide their eyes<br>
All around us, the challengers lie solemnly in their loam
All around us, the challengers lie solemnly in their loam<br>
All around us, the imperfect
All around us, the imperfect<br>

Who can claim to be better?
Who can claim to be better?<br>
Who can claim to be stronger?
Who can claim to be stronger?<br>
Who can claim to be faster?
Who can claim to be faster?<br>
Who can claim to be smarter?
Who can claim to be smarter?<br>

Dark Orb, raise your fists and raise your cry
Dark Orb, raise your fists and raise your cry<br>
Join hands once more and feel our pride
Join hands once more and feel our pride<br>
Never fallen, never to fall
Never fallen, never to fall<br>
Forever triumphant
Forever triumphant<br>
Forever...Dark Orb.
Forever...Dark Orb.<br>


=== Roll of Leaders ===
9.29.2002 ~ 1.12.2003: ^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar<br>
1.8.2003 ~ 2.7.2003: Karan Callidus Entar<br>
2.8.2003 ~ 4.30.2003: Anshar (Kahn)<br>
5.1.2003 ~ 9.10.2003: Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler<br>
9.11.2003 ~ 2.10.2004: Leara<br>
2.11.2003 ~ 12.1.2004: Vassan Rokir<br>
12.2.2004 ~ 6.26.2005: Frost<br>
6.27.2005 ~ 8.16.2005: Karan (Valnir) Callidus Entar<br>
8.17.2005 ~ 8.26.2005: Valnir Kayvaan Tiberian<br>
6.8.2008 ~ Present: Legorii<br>

== Battleteam Structure ==
== Battleteam Structure ==
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*'''Demolitions''' - The demolitions squad is a highly specified team of five commandos and a squad leader who are deployed on operations for the sole purpose of eliminating targets through the use of extensive force, often involving explosives. Dark Orb has two demolitions squads.
*'''Demolitions''' - The demolitions squad is a highly specified team of five commandos and a squad leader who are deployed on operations for the sole purpose of eliminating targets through the use of extensive force, often involving explosives. Dark Orb has two demolitions squads.
**Heavy weapons (3)
**Heavy weapons (2)
**Pilot (2)
**Tech Specialist
**Tech Specialist

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'''Sharpshooter:''' Ashley "Blood Krystal" Betz (Human Female)
'''Sharpshooter:''' Ashley "Blood Krystal" Betz (Human Female)
*Ashley Betz, or Krystal, was a cold blooded sharpshooter in the Arconan Military, when she was transferred for killing an officer in cold blood. Rather than court martial her and kick her out of the military, the Consul realized she had too much talent. So, she was assigned to serve directly under Legorii, where she could be used more efficiently. Krystal uses an E-17D sniper rifle and two 0033X grenades.
*Ashley Betz, or Krystal, was a cold blooded sharpshooter in the Arconan Military, when she was transferred for killing an officer in cold blood. Rather than court martial her and kick her out of the military, the Consul realized she had too much talent. So, she was assigned to serve directly under Legorii, where she could be used more efficiently. Krystal uses an E-17D sniper rifle and two 0033X grenades.
'''Sniper:''' [[Legorii]] "Kryptknight" Kryotek (Anzati Male)
'''Sniper:''' Legorii "Kryptknight" Kryotek (Anzati Male)
*Legorii, often known as Krypt, came to the Brotherhood and worked his way up the ranks to become a Dark Jedi. After attaining the rank of Knight, he was given his own team to work with, and promptly began to fill the ranks of his Phyle with fellow Dark Jedi, and his Covert Squad with distinguished soldiers. He wields an emerald lightsaber, called Soulflayer, and an E-17D sniper rifle.
*Legorii, often known as Krypt, came to the Brotherhood and worked his way up the ranks to become a Dark Jedi. After attaining the rank of Knight, he was given his own team to work with, and promptly began to fill the ranks of his Phyle with fellow Dark Jedi, and his Covert Squad with distinguished soldiers. He wields an emerald lightsaber, called Soulflayer, and an E-17D sniper rifle.
'''Tech Specialist:''' Lucas "Phear Phantom" Massaro (Cerean Male)
'''Tech Specialist:''' Lucas "Phear Phantom" Massaro (Cerean Male)
*Phantom was picked up in a small cantina on Eldar, a young Cerean caught hacking into a structural database after finding himself down on his luck. Legorii offered him a chance that would keep him out of prison, so he decided that his technological genius would be better used in the military, under a Dark Jedi. Phantom utilizes three CryoBan grenades and a DXR6 carbine.
*Phantom was picked up in a small cantina on Eldar, a young Cerean caught hacking into a structural database after finding himself down on his luck. Legorii offered him a chance that would keep him out of prison, so he decided that his technological genius would be better used in the military, under a Dark Jedi. Phantom utilizes three CryoBan grenades and a DXR6 carbine.
=== Covert Squad Alpha ===
'''Commander:''' [[Strategos Thanatos Entar]] (Spectran Male)<br>
'''Scout:''' Anzibal “Wrayth” Salazar (Human Male)
*Wrayth recently befriended Strategos, while on a mission against the Yuuzhan Vong. Strategos invited him to serve on a new squad in Dark Orb, and Wrayth accepted graciously. He utilizes a T-28 Sniper Rifle and a Westar 34 pistol.
'''Scout:''' Jin “Praxeum” Zar (Male Nautolan)
*Jin, or Praxeum, served with Cabal Cronal, alongside Tetrarch Legorii. He was a very skilled scout, and Legorii asked him to join Dark Orb when it was reformed. Praxeum graciously accepted; his quick wit and friendly laugh a welcome sound in the rough squads of Dark Orb. He fights with a katana, taught to him by Legorii, and a Westar 34 pistol.
'''Sharpshooter:''' Sven “Venom” Aggasi (Male Bothan)
*Venom is one of the most infamous bounty hunters in the galaxy, hired to capture Strategos Arconae by an enemy in another Clan. His apprentice, Legorii, caught the hunter and challenged him to battle. If Legorii should win, Venom would be forced to serve in his team; if Venom won, he would get to move on and challenge Strategos. Legorii defeated the Bothan, and now he is forced to serve on Dark Orb loyally. The Bothan fights with two Westar pistols, four frag grenades, and an SG-4 carbine.
'''Sniper:''' Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae (Spectran Male)
*Strategos has acquired many skills over his many years, one of the most useful and well developed of these being his skills as a sniper. This is an invaluable position within a covert squad, and Strategos fills the slot well. He carries an E-17D sniper rifle and DL-18 pistol.
'''Tech Specialist:''' Abraxus “Smyth” Black (Quarren Male)
*Abraxus, or Smyth, was the younger brother of a famous Rebel hacker. His brother taught him the tricks of the trade. However, after his older brother was killed by Imperials, Smyth’s parents did not want him to fight the Imperials. Still, the military was his calling, so Smyth found Dark Orb and joined willingly. Smyth uses four C-10 Stun grenades and a DL-18 pistol.

=== Deep Strike Squad Beta ===
=== Deep Strike Squad Beta ===
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=== Demolitions Squad Gamma ===
=== Demolitions Squad Gamma ===

'''Commander:''' [[Wolvie "the jackal"]] (Human Male)
'''Commander:''' [[Wolvie "the jackal"]] (Human Male)<br>
'''Heavy Weapons:''' Wolvie “The Jackal” (Human Male)
*Jackal came to specialize in heavy weapons from his military time, and is a fully trained Dark Jedi. His skills proved inevitable in taking command of the foremost Demolitions team in Dark Orb, and Legorii values his services very much. He is armed with a lightsaber, PLX-1 rocket launcher, and a DH-17 heavy pistol, and six frag grenades.
'''Heavy Weapons:''' Andre “Ginseng” Gilbert (Human Male)
*Ginseng is a massive brute of a man, not very intelligent but a master of explosives. He likes when things go bang, and is not afraid to blow shit up. Ginseng is often crucial to Dark Orb operations, for his explosives brilliance always gives the team an interesting entrance, not to mention guaranteeing them an exit. He wields a rocket launcher and dozens of grenades.
'''Pilot:''' James “Stag” McNamara (Twi'lek Male)
*James, or Stag, is one of the most daring pilots the Arconan Military had to offer. However, he was also a troublemaker, gambling and drinking constantly. He reportedly asked his superiors what good a sober pilot was after they kicked him out of the force. He was quick to be picked up as pilot for the Dark Orb team. Stag wields two Westar 34 pistols.
'''Pilot:''' Carly “Shark” Patterson (Twi'lek Female)
*Shark is quick with her prey, nearly as skilled a pilot as Stag but a hell of a lot more deadly. Apparently, Shark was an “acquaintance” of Jackal, a former Underworld con artist that knew how to make a quick getaway. Shark wields an SG-4 carbine.
'''Tech Specialist:''' Matthew “Tumbler” Nolan (Devaronian Male)
*Tumbler is cunning and sly, a shrewd man and a good eye with a blaster rifle. He specializes in technology with the Gamma team, but is an all-around soldier. Tumbler wields his two knuckle blades and E-19 with great skill, a great asset to the team.
=== Assault Squad Theta ===
'''Commander:''' Aeron (Human Male)<br>
'''Tech Specialist''' Sizzor “Royal” Brandywine (Falleen Male)
*Royal grew up in an upper class family on the planet Falleen, attending school for a career in technology. However, biological experiments ordered by Lord Vader in his hometown forced him to flee, where he ran into Dark Jedi that he had mistaken for Vader while he tracked them. Eventually he ended up in Dark Orb.
'''Sharpshooter:''' Kralik “Krusher” Barabulus (Barabel Male)
*Krusher was taught the art of war at the hand of his master, an Imperial warlord that kept a dozen Barabels and taught them combat so they could hunt for him. Krusher was the most distinguished of the “hounds”, slaying his master and fleeing to the far corners of the galaxy and wandering the stars. He eventually met up Helix, and the two of them joined Dark Orb. Krusher wields two DC-17 heavy pistols.
'''Scout:''' Elrik “Shriek” Shisarru (Nikto Male)
*Shriek was trained on Kintan within his family to become a warrior one day, and as soon as he became an adult he left the planet in search of work. He came across Dark Orb on an intercept mission on a pirate vessel, and he was invited to join the ranks. He immediately began to serve as a scout. Shriek fights with twin katanas and two G20 Glop grenades.
'''Heavy Weapons:''' Yorrel “Fog” Gryque (Gand Female)
*Fog nearly killed herself after playing with her older brother’s fireworks, but instead of kindling fear in her, it was the start of an obsession. Ever since, Fog has learned everything thing she can about explosives, and become quite proficient in their use. She is very skilled and precise, wielding homemade explosives and grenades.
'''Pilot:''' Aeron (Human Male)
*Aeron was initiated in the Dark Brotherhood with an interest in piloting. He was trained to become a pilot, and eventually join Blue Mist one day, until he developed new skills of his own and was placed in Dark Orb. He now serves as a pilot and commander in Gamma, wielding a DL-18 blaster pistol.
=== Rapid Response Squad Epsilon ===
'''Commander:''' [[Etah d'Tana]] (Sakiyan Male)
=== Deep Strike Squad Omega ===
'''Commander:''' [[Haruun Orontes]] (Kaminoan Male)
=== Assault Squad Sigma ===
'''Commander:''' TBA
=== Rapid Response Squad Omicron ===
'''Commander:''' TBA
=== Demolitions Squad Zeta ===
'''Commander:''' TBA
=== Assault Squad Phi ===
'''Commander:''' TBA
=== Assault Squad Iota ===
'''Commander:''' TBA

== Current Roster ==
== Current Roster ==

*Tetrarch - Dark Jedi Knight Legorii, commander of Covert Squad Delta and acting sniper.
*Tetrarch - Dark Jedi Knight [[Legorii]], commander of Covert Squad Delta and acting sniper.
*Tyro - Dark Adept [[Strategos Thanatos Entar]] Arconae.
*Tyro - Dark Adept [[Strategos Thanatos Entar]] Arconae, commander of Covert Squad Alpha.
*Tyro - Battlemaster [[Zandro Savric Erinos]], commander of Deep Strike Squad Beta and acting sharpshooter.
*Tyro - Battlemaster [[Zandro Savric Erinos]], commander of Deep Strike Squad Beta and acting sharpshooter.
*Tyro - Dark Jedi Knight [[Wolvie "the jackal"]], commander of Demolitions Squad Gamma and acting heavy weapons specialist.
*Tyro - Dark Jedi Knight [[Wolvie "the jackal"]], commander of Demolitions Squad Gamma and acting heavy weapons specialist.
*Tyro - Novice Aeron.
*Tyro - Novice Aeron, commander of Assault Squad Theta and acting pilot.
*Tyro - Templar [[Etah d'Tana]], commander of Rapid Response Squad Echelon and acting scout.
*Tyro - Templar [[Etah d'Tana]], commander of Rapid Response Squad Epsilon and acting scout.
*Tyro - Protector [[Haruun Orontes]].
*Tyro - Protector [[Haruun Orontes]], commander of Deep Strike Squad Omega.
*Tyro - TBA
*Tyro - TBA, commander of Assault Squad Sigma.
*Tyro - TBA
*Tyro - TBA, commander of Rapid Response Squad Omicron.
*Tyro - TBA
*Tyro - TBA, commander of Demolitions Squad Zeta.
*Tyro - TBA
*Tyro - TBA, commander of Assault Squad Phi.
*Tyro - TBA
*Tyro - TBA, commander of Assault Squad Iota.
^Tetrarch Legorii reserves the right to modify roster assignments.^

[[Category: Clan Arcona]] [[Category: Battle Team]]
[[Category: Clan Arcona]] [[Category: Battle Team]]

Revision as of 18:56, 5 July 2008

Template:Organization infobox

Dark Orb is a recently re-opened Phyle in House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona. The current leader of the Phyle is Dark Jedi Knight Legorii.

Mission Statement

Dark Orb was brought back to activity to act as a group of Dark Jedi who would then lead their own small teams of Tactical Marines into battle. The small teams would each specialise in certain areas which, if all of the groups were brought together, would form a extremely deadly force. However, the teams are usually tasked with working on their own or with only a single other team, and it is under these circumstances that the Phyle usually operates.

Dark Lore

Dark Orb Code

To stand atop a mountain, and peer down through the clouds
See the storm yet unabated
Join hands, my brothers, and feel our unity
Turn back the rending claws of Chaos
And throw our enemies to the bloody sea

When you lay a hand upon the Orb
Feel our honor flare within your heart
When that hand parts from the Orb, an itch you will never scratch
Not a defeat at all, a fresh victory
And time for a new plan to hatch

In each hand, a weapon that will not be stilled
In each eye, an energy that will not be dampered
In each mind, an awe-inspiring keeness that will not be dulled
In each heart, loyalty and courage that will not falter
In each warrior, a true member of the Orb that will not fall

Faith in ourselves, faith in our Clan
Skill to overwhelm, skill to show the path, skill to save
When one stumbles, there is always three more to help him stand
When one exclaims triumphantly, there are always a dozen more to cheer
Lay a hand upon the Orb, and banish away all fear

All around us, the doubters lay stunned
All around us, the haters await redemption
All around us, the fearful hide their eyes
All around us, the challengers lie solemnly in their loam
All around us, the imperfect

Who can claim to be better?
Who can claim to be stronger?
Who can claim to be faster?
Who can claim to be smarter?

Dark Orb, raise your fists and raise your cry
Join hands once more and feel our pride
Never fallen, never to fall
Forever triumphant
Forever...Dark Orb.


Roll of Leaders

9.29.2002 ~ 1.12.2003: ^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar
1.8.2003 ~ 2.7.2003: Karan Callidus Entar
2.8.2003 ~ 4.30.2003: Anshar (Kahn)
5.1.2003 ~ 9.10.2003: Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler
9.11.2003 ~ 2.10.2004: Leara
2.11.2003 ~ 12.1.2004: Vassan Rokir
12.2.2004 ~ 6.26.2005: Frost
6.27.2005 ~ 8.16.2005: Karan (Valnir) Callidus Entar
8.17.2005 ~ 8.26.2005: Valnir Kayvaan Tiberian
6.8.2008 ~ Present: Legorii

Battleteam Structure

A Covert Squad member

The Dark Orb Phyle is basically a team of squad leaders. It is made up of twelve specialized squads, each led by a squad commander. These commanders are led by the Tetrarch of the Phyle. There are five commandos and a squad leader in each of those twelve, with their own designated roles and responsibilities to carry out in the service of their Clan.

There are six types of squads within the Phyle. The make-up of these teams is as follows:

  • Deep Strike - The purpose of the Deep Strike team specialization is to infiltrate enemy territory over an extended period of time, and attack specified targets otherwise unreachable by the Dark Orb teams. There are two Deep Strike teams in Dark Orb.
    • Technician
    • Tech Specialist
    • Heavy weapons
    • Sharpshooter
    • Scout
  • Rapid Response - The rapid response team(s) is designed to be quick and mobile, getting to the exact location needed faster than the enemy, and still being able to pack quite the punch upon arriving at their destination. There are two rapid response squads in Dark Orb.
    • Tech Specialist
    • Pilot (2)
    • Heavy weapons
    • Scout
  • Demolitions - The demolitions squad is a highly specified team of five commandos and a squad leader who are deployed on operations for the sole purpose of eliminating targets through the use of extensive force, often involving explosives. Dark Orb has two demolitions squads.
    • Heavy weapons (2)
    • Pilot (2)
    • Tech Specialist
  • Covert - This branch of squad specialization inside the Dark Orb Phyle is absolutely essential to the success of every operation. These men are trained to move silently and secretly, good at infiltration and assassination, masters of chaos and discord. Dark Orb has two covert squads.
    • Scout (2)
    • Sharpshooter
    • Sniper
    • Tech Specialist
  • Assault - This is the basic squad make-up in the Arconan military, essential to the success of the Dark Orb Phyle as a whole. The assault squad(s) generally carry out the main roles in battle. There are four assault squads in Dark Orb.
    • Tech Specialist
    • Sharpshooter
    • Scout
    • Heavy weapons
    • Pilot

Role Details

Commanders - The squad commanders (12 of them) each command five commandos. They can choose to fill a role on their own team as well, such as sniper.

Tech Specialist/Slicer - Expert in all things electronic, expert at hacking into enemy (and friendly) systems and also handles comm duties for the squad.

Heavy Weapons - Hits hard, armed with heavier weapons than the rest of the squad it is this person who will generally be laying down fire to cover a squad member. Is the explosives expert for the team.

Scout - Usually goes in ahead of a squad to see what awaits them. Silent and deadly, usually prefers close combat weapons so as to keep noise to a minimum when performing silent kills, although not afraid to jump into a fire fight.

Sharpshooter - Specialist in blaster weapons, differs to a sniper because he generally doesn't hide from his enemies and pick them off from far away, but prefers to be in the thick of the action, using the skills they possess with blasters to inflict as many casualties as they can.

Sniper - Expert at long-range killing. Good for covering a friendly, better at picking off important enemy targets from far away so as to avoid detection. Not very strong in close combat, however.

Pilot (General) - Expert at flying ships, capable of flying ground craft as well but not as proficient as a Vehicular pilot.

Pilot (Vehicular) - Almost the opposite to the general pilot insofar as they are extremely skilled with land-based vehicles and can operate spacecraft, but nowhere near as proficient as a general pilot is.

Arms and Armour

Dark Orb has a fairly large and well-equipped armory to draw from before its missions, and it is advised that each soldier, especially the commanders, familiarize themselves with all their weapon options. For each role, there are a few different choices to make. Choose wisely before each mission.

Sniper rifles (available for snipers, sharpshooters, and scouts):

A Dark Orb PLX-1.

BlasTech E-17D Sniper Rifle

SoroSuub X-45 Sniper Rifle

BlasTech T-28 Sniper Rifle

Rifles (available for sharpshooters, scouts, and tech specialists):

BlasTech A280 Blaster Rifle

MerrSonn Munitions SG-4

BlasTech E-19 Blaster Rifle

Carbines (available for pilots, tech specialists, and snipers):

Dark Orb Proton Carbine

N'Gant-Zarvel 9118 Carbine

DXR6 Carbine

Proton Carbine

Heavy Weapons (available for pilots and heavy weapons specialists):

MerrSonn PLX-1 Rocket Launcher

Golan Arms FC-1 Flechette Launcher

Pistols (available to all):

Westar 34 Blaster Pistol

BlasTech DL-18 Blaster Pistol

BlasTech DH-17 Heavy Blaster Pistol

Grenades (available to all):

MerrSonn WW-41 CryoBan Grenade

MerrSonn G20 Glop Grenade

MerrSonn C-22 Fragmentation Grenade

MerrSonn C-10 Stun Grenade

Greff-Timms 0033X Grenade

Squad Details

Covert Squad Delta

Commander: Legorii "Kryptknight" Kryotek (Anzati Male)
Scout: Alexander "Morgue Razr" Wieczorek (Anzati Male)

  • Morgue Razr, usually called Razr, is a thin but wiry Anzati male. He grew up the son of a politician who was friends with Regoram Kryotek, Legorii's father. Legorii returned to his homeplanet after reaching the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, and recruited his old friend Razr to serve in his new squad in Dark Orb. Razr uses a set of four C-22 grenades and an E-19 rifle.

Scout: Leonardo "Black Anvil" DiVenice (Human Male)

  • Leonardo, more often simply called Anvil, served in the 2nd Tactical Brigade in the Arconan Military. He met Legorii on an extraction mission on Reecee, and befriended him. He then requested a transfer to serve as a soldier under the newly formed squads led by Dark Jedi. He is armed with four G20 Glop grenades and an A280 blaster rifle.

Sharpshooter: Ashley "Blood Krystal" Betz (Human Female)

  • Ashley Betz, or Krystal, was a cold blooded sharpshooter in the Arconan Military, when she was transferred for killing an officer in cold blood. Rather than court martial her and kick her out of the military, the Consul realized she had too much talent. So, she was assigned to serve directly under Legorii, where she could be used more efficiently. Krystal uses an E-17D sniper rifle and two 0033X grenades.

Sniper: Legorii "Kryptknight" Kryotek (Anzati Male)

  • Legorii, often known as Krypt, came to the Brotherhood and worked his way up the ranks to become a Dark Jedi. After attaining the rank of Knight, he was given his own team to work with, and promptly began to fill the ranks of his Phyle with fellow Dark Jedi, and his Covert Squad with distinguished soldiers. He wields an emerald lightsaber, called Soulflayer, and an E-17D sniper rifle.

Tech Specialist: Lucas "Phear Phantom" Massaro (Cerean Male)

  • Phantom was picked up in a small cantina on Eldar, a young Cerean caught hacking into a structural database after finding himself down on his luck. Legorii offered him a chance that would keep him out of prison, so he decided that his technological genius would be better used in the military, under a Dark Jedi. Phantom utilizes three CryoBan grenades and a DXR6 carbine.

Covert Squad Alpha

Commander: Strategos Thanatos Entar (Spectran Male)
Scout: Anzibal “Wrayth” Salazar (Human Male)

  • Wrayth recently befriended Strategos, while on a mission against the Yuuzhan Vong. Strategos invited him to serve on a new squad in Dark Orb, and Wrayth accepted graciously. He utilizes a T-28 Sniper Rifle and a Westar 34 pistol.

Scout: Jin “Praxeum” Zar (Male Nautolan)

  • Jin, or Praxeum, served with Cabal Cronal, alongside Tetrarch Legorii. He was a very skilled scout, and Legorii asked him to join Dark Orb when it was reformed. Praxeum graciously accepted; his quick wit and friendly laugh a welcome sound in the rough squads of Dark Orb. He fights with a katana, taught to him by Legorii, and a Westar 34 pistol.

Sharpshooter: Sven “Venom” Aggasi (Male Bothan)

  • Venom is one of the most infamous bounty hunters in the galaxy, hired to capture Strategos Arconae by an enemy in another Clan. His apprentice, Legorii, caught the hunter and challenged him to battle. If Legorii should win, Venom would be forced to serve in his team; if Venom won, he would get to move on and challenge Strategos. Legorii defeated the Bothan, and now he is forced to serve on Dark Orb loyally. The Bothan fights with two Westar pistols, four frag grenades, and an SG-4 carbine.

Sniper: Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae (Spectran Male)

  • Strategos has acquired many skills over his many years, one of the most useful and well developed of these being his skills as a sniper. This is an invaluable position within a covert squad, and Strategos fills the slot well. He carries an E-17D sniper rifle and DL-18 pistol.

Tech Specialist: Abraxus “Smyth” Black (Quarren Male)

  • Abraxus, or Smyth, was the younger brother of a famous Rebel hacker. His brother taught him the tricks of the trade. However, after his older brother was killed by Imperials, Smyth’s parents did not want him to fight the Imperials. Still, the military was his calling, so Smyth found Dark Orb and joined willingly. Smyth uses four C-10 Stun grenades and a DL-18 pistol.

Deep Strike Squad Beta

Commander: Zandro Savric Erinos (Human Male)

Demolitions Squad Gamma

Commander: Wolvie "the jackal" (Human Male)
Heavy Weapons: Wolvie “The Jackal” (Human Male)

  • Jackal came to specialize in heavy weapons from his military time, and is a fully trained Dark Jedi. His skills proved inevitable in taking command of the foremost Demolitions team in Dark Orb, and Legorii values his services very much. He is armed with a lightsaber, PLX-1 rocket launcher, and a DH-17 heavy pistol, and six frag grenades.

Heavy Weapons: Andre “Ginseng” Gilbert (Human Male)

  • Ginseng is a massive brute of a man, not very intelligent but a master of explosives. He likes when things go bang, and is not afraid to blow shit up. Ginseng is often crucial to Dark Orb operations, for his explosives brilliance always gives the team an interesting entrance, not to mention guaranteeing them an exit. He wields a rocket launcher and dozens of grenades.

Pilot: James “Stag” McNamara (Twi'lek Male)

  • James, or Stag, is one of the most daring pilots the Arconan Military had to offer. However, he was also a troublemaker, gambling and drinking constantly. He reportedly asked his superiors what good a sober pilot was after they kicked him out of the force. He was quick to be picked up as pilot for the Dark Orb team. Stag wields two Westar 34 pistols.

Pilot: Carly “Shark” Patterson (Twi'lek Female)

  • Shark is quick with her prey, nearly as skilled a pilot as Stag but a hell of a lot more deadly. Apparently, Shark was an “acquaintance” of Jackal, a former Underworld con artist that knew how to make a quick getaway. Shark wields an SG-4 carbine.

Tech Specialist: Matthew “Tumbler” Nolan (Devaronian Male)

  • Tumbler is cunning and sly, a shrewd man and a good eye with a blaster rifle. He specializes in technology with the Gamma team, but is an all-around soldier. Tumbler wields his two knuckle blades and E-19 with great skill, a great asset to the team.

Assault Squad Theta

Commander: Aeron (Human Male)
Tech Specialist Sizzor “Royal” Brandywine (Falleen Male)

  • Royal grew up in an upper class family on the planet Falleen, attending school for a career in technology. However, biological experiments ordered by Lord Vader in his hometown forced him to flee, where he ran into Dark Jedi that he had mistaken for Vader while he tracked them. Eventually he ended up in Dark Orb.

Sharpshooter: Kralik “Krusher” Barabulus (Barabel Male)

  • Krusher was taught the art of war at the hand of his master, an Imperial warlord that kept a dozen Barabels and taught them combat so they could hunt for him. Krusher was the most distinguished of the “hounds”, slaying his master and fleeing to the far corners of the galaxy and wandering the stars. He eventually met up Helix, and the two of them joined Dark Orb. Krusher wields two DC-17 heavy pistols.

Scout: Elrik “Shriek” Shisarru (Nikto Male)

  • Shriek was trained on Kintan within his family to become a warrior one day, and as soon as he became an adult he left the planet in search of work. He came across Dark Orb on an intercept mission on a pirate vessel, and he was invited to join the ranks. He immediately began to serve as a scout. Shriek fights with twin katanas and two G20 Glop grenades.

Heavy Weapons: Yorrel “Fog” Gryque (Gand Female)

  • Fog nearly killed herself after playing with her older brother’s fireworks, but instead of kindling fear in her, it was the start of an obsession. Ever since, Fog has learned everything thing she can about explosives, and become quite proficient in their use. She is very skilled and precise, wielding homemade explosives and grenades.

Pilot: Aeron (Human Male)

  • Aeron was initiated in the Dark Brotherhood with an interest in piloting. He was trained to become a pilot, and eventually join Blue Mist one day, until he developed new skills of his own and was placed in Dark Orb. He now serves as a pilot and commander in Gamma, wielding a DL-18 blaster pistol.

Rapid Response Squad Epsilon

Commander: Etah d'Tana (Sakiyan Male)

Deep Strike Squad Omega

Commander: Haruun Orontes (Kaminoan Male)

Assault Squad Sigma

Commander: TBA

Rapid Response Squad Omicron

Commander: TBA

Demolitions Squad Zeta

Commander: TBA

Assault Squad Phi

Commander: TBA

Assault Squad Iota

Commander: TBA

Current Roster

  • Tetrarch - Dark Jedi Knight Legorii, commander of Covert Squad Delta and acting sniper.
  • Tyro - Dark Adept Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae, commander of Covert Squad Alpha.
  • Tyro - Battlemaster Zandro Savric Erinos, commander of Deep Strike Squad Beta and acting sharpshooter.
  • Tyro - Dark Jedi Knight Wolvie "the jackal", commander of Demolitions Squad Gamma and acting heavy weapons specialist.
  • Tyro - Novice Aeron, commander of Assault Squad Theta and acting pilot.
  • Tyro - Templar Etah d'Tana, commander of Rapid Response Squad Epsilon and acting scout.
  • Tyro - Protector Haruun Orontes, commander of Deep Strike Squad Omega.
  • Tyro - TBA, commander of Assault Squad Sigma.
  • Tyro - TBA, commander of Rapid Response Squad Omicron.
  • Tyro - TBA, commander of Demolitions Squad Zeta.
  • Tyro - TBA, commander of Assault Squad Phi.
  • Tyro - TBA, commander of Assault Squad Iota.

^Tetrarch Legorii reserves the right to modify roster assignments.^