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Jerse Remid is a Obelisk Journeymen of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, holding the rank of Jedi Hunter. He is a member of House Dinaari and Clan Taldryan, and a Initiate within the ACC. He is the current Magistrate to the Herald, and serves the Shadow Academy as the Eclectic Pedagogue for the Old Republic History Course. He came to be a member of the Brotherhood, to fully understand the dark side of the force, to learn the true nature of the dark side, and to fulfill his destiny.
Character History
Early Life
8 ABY to 24 ABY
File:Taris scape.jpgTaris, home planet of Jerse RemidBorn into a middle class family, on Taris in 8 ABY, to his parents Mikeal and Pamla Remid, the intelligent & strong Jerse, was often considered the outcast of the lower city Apartments, and began to be bullied by the stuck up, older kids that lived there. Even though he was only four at the time, Jerse’s earliest memories was of the older kids beating him up in the hallways of the complex. His father, a retired Major in the Imperial Army, blamed him for their miserable life on Taris. He would always say that if Jerse wasn’t born that him and his mother could be living in the Upper City, or even on another world, but truly it was his own fathers fault for retiring to soon and spending the family credits on alcohol. His mother tried anything she could to earn some credits, even going as far as join the swoop races in the lower city. Every night for as long as he could remember his parents would fight over and over again, about their problems. In 20 ABY, at the age of twelve, Jerse began to go to a school, in the Middle City of Taris.
Young Jerse was often forced to fend for himself, everyone tended to look down at him. For being so young, he took high level class, like tactical warfare, computer programming, and physics. He learned to ignore the constant threats, and insults directed against him by the bullies and even his teachers, for being so smart. After school one day, in 21 ABY he felt the calls of the Force and its dark side, and after one last and particularly brutal beating at the hands of the oldest bully, Jerse used its power to kill him unknowingly later that night, in his sleep. For years after Jerse would not understand the power he had, or how to control it.
In 24 ABY, Jerse went shopping with his mother, his seven year old sister and father were both home waiting. As his mother and him were returning home to their apartment, they were stopped by two New Republic Soldiers. Panicking Jerse quickly ran over to his mother, the soldiers informed his mother that Jerse had be responsible for the death of the tall Soldier‘s son. As they moved in to take Jerse away, his mother pulled out a blaster pistol, but was shot before she could use it. Knowing he would be easily dominated by the two Soldiers, Jerse made a run for it. However, they were able to catch him and were about to take him away, when Jerse screamed at the top of his lungs and let out a blast of pure energy, throwing the two Soldiers 20 meters into the air, killing them as they hit the floor. Scared, sad, and angry Jerse ran home, he told his father what had happen. His father knew he would be caught and imprisoned by Republic forces, so he arrange for Jerse to be smuggled off Taris to join the Imperial Remnant.
Service in the Remnant
24 ABY to 26 ABY
After being taking off Taris, by one of his father’s ex-commanders, Jerse arrived at Bastion to joined the Imperial Remnant as a Stormtrooper. For fourteen weeks Jerse endured the physical stress, metal toughening, lack of food and sleep, that was accompany by the heat of Bastion. Training was tough but he knew he could do it, and he knew it would pay off in the end. He was promoted to Private First Class and was assign to the Razorbacks, a known Stormtrooper Squad, of Alpha Platoon, after completing his training.
File:JerseStormtrooper.jpgJerse wearing his custom Phase II ArmorIt was now the middle of 25 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong war had just started, and already the Remnant had engage in a few minor conflicts. Jerse was now a Sergeant, and the Razorbacks had been deployed to the frontlines during the Battle of Ithor. Within the first weeks of the battle Razorback’s Squad Commander was killed and Jerse was given a promotion to Sergeant Major, and command of the Squad. Jerse's use of the Force made him an excellent soldier and commander, and he was able to guide his unit away from certain death during that battle. After the battle, the Razorbacks became one of the most famous of First Battalion’s infantry units.
However, towards the end of 26 ABY, things changed for Jerse after the Razorbacks were sent to Korriban to investigate a small Vong outpost and provide protection for the imperial citizens, and corporations of Dreshdae. A few weeks in, begin on the ancient world of the Sith, Jerse could feel the powers of the dark side flowing strongly threw him. He was approached by a clocked figure, a month or so after arriving, who told Jerse to follow him. Once in a private room the cloaked figure reviled himself to be a Dark Jedi, who was informed by Jerse’s Commanders that he had some unnatural talent and was an excellent leader. The Dark Jedi offered for Jerse to come with him, and join a group of powerful Dark Jedi know as the Dark Brotherhood. Willing to learn more about his powers, and become stronger than he could have ever imagined, Jerse accepted the offer.
Entrance to the Brotherhood
26 ABY to 27 ABY
Logo of the DJBJerse arrived at the infamous Shadow Academy, located on Lyspair, and immediately began to study the ways of the dark side under the Headmaster, the Eclectic Pedagogues, and his Envoy. During his own time, he also frequently studied the archives in the academy, which contained documents about the dark side and the history of the Sith, Obelisk, and Krath orders. Jerse enrolled at the Academy under the Obelisk order, his ability to use the force during combat made him a perfect choice for the order. Despite his late discovery of his Force powers, Jerse began to exceed many of the students who had been trained there for many months. His combat skills improved as he study the ancient styles of the obelisk way. His knowledge of the dark side continued to grow as he study with his Envoy and the EPs assigned to his courses, as well as taking his time to studied in the archives. Within only a few weeks Jerse had completed his training, and was place within House Dinaari and Clan Taldryan, as an Apprentice to the Dark Side. A few week into his new allegiance, he was promoted to a Novice of the Dark Path, by showing his abilities very quickly, to his house and clan leaders, but Jerse didn’t feel complete. His burning passion, his intelligence, his combat skills weren’t enough for him. He wanted more, he need more, and he would find more. After only a month in the Brotherhood, Jerse went rogue, he left his House’s home planet, of Altur, in search of his true destiny.
Path of Destiny
27 ABY to 28 ABY
File:SithCitadel.jpgThe Sith Citadel located on ZiostAfter leaving the brotherhood, Jerse traveled the galaxy for almost a year, exploring old Sith planets, and taking time to train on his own. At the end of his travels, Jerse headed for Ziost, homeworld of the Sith. He hoped to find many secrets from deep inside the Sith Citadel. Unable to find a clear landing area on the planet due to the vast dark forest, Jerse was force to fly into the trees making his own. He managed to survive the rough landing and his ship only received minor damage. As Jerse pushed through the thick forest of Ziost, he could feel the dark side from the Citadel growing. Finally he arrived at the Citadel, he search through the vast building for days, finding old scroll, that he would read before continuing on. He followed the dark side to its strongest point in the Citadel, and by his prior knowledge it seemed he was in the Chamber of the Sith Council. Upon entering the Chamber Jerse noticed a elegant crafted stone pillar in the center of the room, a small crystal lined pyramid sat on top. He sensed the pyramid was protect by a powerful field of dark side energy, he tried and tried again to pierce the field with his own dark side energy, but with no luck. He knew there had to be some way of destroying the field and retrieving the small pyramid.
File:SithScrolls.jpgAncient Sith ScrollsJerse returned to exploring the Citadel hoping to find some answers. Directly below the Chamber Jerse discovered a private archive, as he read through the almost decayed scrolls he discovered the pyramid was an ancient Sith artifact known as a holocron. He also found out that the Seal protecting it could only be broken by the Sith amulet hidden in a secret compartment in the Dark Lord’s Throne. He made his way back up to the Chamber, it wasn’t hard to point out the Iron Throne of a Dark Lord. He searched the throne for a good 10 minutes till he found the compartment. Inside sat a dust covered amulet with a ruby like crystal in the middle. He grab the amulet and pointed it towards the pillar upon which the holocron sat, he focused his dark side energy into the amulet, shattering the seal that surrounded the small artifact. Jerse lowered his body down into a meditative position, and with place the Sith Holocron down in front of him, after focusing the forced into the pyramid it began to glow and after a few minutes of concentrating his power into it gave off a flash of light and before Jerse was the image of a Sith Lord. After spending days studying from the holocron, and meditating on its lesson Jerse exited the Citadel without the holocron to head back to Brotherhood Space.
Contents of the Sith Holocron
Greetings young one, my identity is not of importance to you, for all you need to know is I was a Dark Lord of the Sith.
By allowing the dark side to consume you, you have bound yourself to serve it and its legacy forever. The power you seek, the ultimate offer of the dark side, can only be achieve if you crave it, covet it, and understand it. We seek power above all else this is the underlying philosophy of our order. But one is not to claim the true powers of the dark side with out understanding all its aspect, its orders, its limitations. The force will change you, it will transform you, but if you embrace this change you will know the true power. Those who accept the power of the dark side must also accept the challenge of holding on to it. There will always be others seeking power, seeking the power you learn here today, but only the strong will receive it, and the weak shall perish. This is our greatest strength and also our weakness. This is the reason why there can only be one Dark Lord, achieved through their god given destiny. The strong rule; the weak are meant to serve. This is the way it must be. Soon shall you be granted your destiny, serve the strong till they are meant to serve you. Remember my words; Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
Destroy this holocron to keep its secret to yourself, and you will find power, keep it and pass it on to your heirs, and you will gain nothing. My time here is ended. Take what I have taught you and use it well.
Return to Darkness
28 ABY to Present
Upon returning to the Dark Brotherhood, with his new power and knowledge, Jerse found it to be a different Brotherhood form the one he had left. They had become much stronger now, numbering close to 5,000 Dark Jedi. Jerse welcome the open greeting from his new house leaders.
Clan Taldryan's SymbolHe elected to return to his former house and clan, feeling the pride and obligation to be where he started. Jerse started to returned to the Shadow Academy, now located on the Khyron-class Dreadnaught Arcanum, as a mobile base of operations, to continue where he had left off in his studies. He has completed a good amount of courses, but still returns until the day he completes them all. Now he has more reason to return to the Shadow Academy. Because of Jerse brilliant mind, and his interest in the Histories of the Galaxy, he was appointed as the Eclectic Pedagogue for the Old Republic History course, roughly 2 months after his return to the Brotherhood.
With his new power flowing through his body, and the thought of his destiny, as well as the knowledge he had collected over the year, he was quickly elevated from Novice, to Acolyte, to Protector, and then finally to Guardian. Upon reaching his new rank Jerse was allowed to create a warbanner. He had the banner tailored in a blue color bearing the symbol of the Sith Holocron he had found, to represent his strength, knowledge, and ultimately his destiny. After a major decision by the brilliant military minds of the Brotherhood, and the members of the Dark Council, Journeymen above the rank of Protector where now allowed to wield a lightsaber created by a fellow Dark Jedi. Jerse felt a strong sense of honor & pride when he placed his hands on the hilt of his new and first lightsaber, but he knew soon enough he would create his own one that would define all that he is. After Dinaari's House Summit released the Dinaari Internship Program, Jerse was quick to apply. He was given feedback on his application and took time to re-write it. Shortly after, he was chosen as the first intern for the program. Jerse was placed into Dinaari's Rollmaster slot, only for the sole purpose of learning, for the period of his internship. As his internship ended, Jerse was granted the rank of Jedi Hunter, for fulfilling his duties. Within the weeks following his promotion, Jerse was appointed the new Magistrate to the Herald.
Jerse continues to prove himself each day, and is currently awaiting his trails of Knighthood. Jerse now knows that his rise to glory will come one day when it is achieved, by his hard work and constant dedication.
Character Information
Physical Appearance
File:JerseAppearance.jpgJerse's Physical AppearanceStanding almost at 2 meters tall, Jerse has become a rather muscular individual over the years, with a lean body type. He is in great physical shape. His body is condition to handle almost any physical stress brought on to it, he knows this was all thanks to his Stormtrooper training. He carries himself very proud fully and confidently. It shows through the way he dose normal thing, like walking. Jerse has long dark brown hair, and grey-brown eyes. Because of massive scaring Jerse received during a battle he now wears a mask to cover/protect his face. Jerse wear as a lightly armored battle-suite, with a waist cloak. He also wears a lose-fit utility belt, on which his lightsaber hilt is attached, and a hooded cloak, when he wish to hide himself from public eye.
Intelligent, aggressive, but mostly quiet are the perfect words to describe Jerse. He tends to keep to himself a lot, but when he is force out into public, he can be very talkative. Jerse is also very tense, always watching his back just in case, the only time you would see him in a somewhat relaxed state would be with the ones he knows. Jerse conversations tend to always be interesting, intelligent, and very detail. Sometimes people see it as a problem, because Jerse will not stop talking until ever last detail is said. You best not get on his bad side though, Jerse becomes angry very fast and in his rage he will not hesitate to kill even the ones he loves. Thinking things out and taking his time to complete his task, is the way Jerse works best. One a day to day basis you will see Jerse used the force to complete the simplest of task. And when alone, Jerse will tend to study the history of the force, and the Dark Jedi, practice his skills with a lightsaber, or just sit there thinking.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Outstanding Achievements
- Dominus Sicarius for the month of March
- Created the Banner used for House Dinaari's QUA/AED/RM Reports
- First member selected for the Dinaari Internship Program
- Dark Maven - History Degree
- The name Jerse Remid comes from the Star Wars Name Generator, and has been used by him for 4 years now.
- Jerse Remid currently serves as the Director of Imperial Development for the Imperial Directorate. He holds the rank of Lieutenant General.
- In RL, he is a high school student, with many hobbies including playing video games, computer programming, role-playing, astronomy, and watching Star Wars.