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{{Organization infobox
|name=Wolf Guard
|name=Wolf Guard
|founder=[[Cethgus Kuga]]
|founder=[[Cethgus Kuga]]
|leader=*Battleteam Leader: [[Talos d'Tana]]
|leader=* Captain Halen Yu
* Flight Leader: VanWyck
|headquarters=Temple of Ulic
|headquarters=Temple of Ulic
|founded=31 ABY
|founded=31 ABY
|affiliation=* [[Shadow Gate]]
|affiliation=* [[Summit Guard of Arcona]]
* [[Oblivion Brigade]]
* [[House Qel-Droma]]
* [[House Qel-Droma]]
* [[Arcona|Clan Arcona]]
* [[Arcona|Clan Arcona]]
* [[Dark Brotherhood]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
The Battleteam known as the '''Wolf Guard''' was formed from the loose elements of both the [[Summit Guard of Arcona]] and the Dark Jedi of [[House Qel-Droma]]. The Battleteam now functions as the Secret Service of the House, charged with the protection of the Quaestor and Aedile, as well as working with the [[Shadow Gate|two other Battleteams]] of House Qel-Droma in hunting down and eliminating threats. Additionally, when the need arises, the Wolf Guard are deployed as counterterrorism operators. Currently led by [[Commander|Senior Special Agent in Charge, Talos d'Tana]], the Wolves are known by their dark suits and distinctive badges, as well as the fact that when the Summit it seen, so are the Wolves.
==  The Wolf's Way  ==
The Wolf Guard is divided into two different "branches" but each member is part of both. These "branches" are 1) the silent and imposing, praetorian-like 'Dajorra Secret Service' and then 2) the Counterrorism Unit for Clan Arcona. Both are equally important and while one member may choose to specialize in a certain branch, they are trained to be efficient in both. Each "branch" has its own standard operating procedures (SOPs) which are, for the most part, classified but are revealed in bits and pieces throughout this article.
===  The Secret Service  ===
{{Quote|Starting today, the most important people in your lives are not your mothers and fathers, or your spouses. It's not even yourself. It's the Quaestor and Aedile of House Qel-Droma!|SSAC Talos to his men, 32 ABY}}
The concept of praetorian guards have been used since the dawn of the galaxy. From the [[starwars:Sith_Emperor|Sith Emperor's]] suspected sovereign guards to the known units such as the Naboo Palace Guards and the feared Emperor's Royal Guard, the implementation of these ceremonial but dangerous warriors have instilled common sense in would-be assassins and slain many of those who actually went through with their attempts.
The Wolf Guard work primarily as the ''Secret Service'', swearing oaths to protect the [[Quaestor]] and [[Aedile]] of House Qel-Droma wherever they may go and in all their endeavors; that could be the Temple on Arconae Primus, the ''[[BAC Shadow]]'', or far-off planets in the Outer-Rim. Members of both [[Arcona|Clan Arcona]] and the other Great Clans can be sure that whenever the Qel-Droman Summit is seen, so to will the men and women of the Wolf Guard.
The Guardsmen normally wear dark suits and overcoats made of Tapani silks but they have been known to don their iconic Tu'katan Armor when in dangerous environments. Microshades are an optional accessory as well as hoods to conceal the agents identities (though this is only applicable when wearing the Tu'katan Armor).
===  Arconan Counterrorism Unit (ACTU)  ===
{{Quote|Sometimes the threats we face aren't black and white, nor are they always found on a foreign battlefield. Sometimes they're right in front of us, and the battlefield could end up being our own homes|SSAC Ramiel to his men about the important of counterrorism}}
==  Team Dictionary and Base of Operations  ==
===  The Temple of Ulic Qel-Droma  ===
The Wolf Guard were given a suite of rooms for living, training, and briefings within the House's Temple. Known as the Spire (despite the area being on the second and third floors respectively) these rooms include; the Phyle Memorial, where training is conducted, a restricted armory where the Team can switch out, upgrade, and repair their armor and weapons, two rooms of three-person barracks, and the Senior Special Agent in Charge's (SSAC) Office where Talos handles personal matters and also briefs his Team.
===  ''[[BAC Shadow]]''  ===
The quarters on the BAC ''Shadow'', HQD's mobile command platform, are not quite as generous as the ones in the Temple of Ulic but they are by no means pitiful, they just emphasize the words "bare necessities" over grandeur. From an aerial view, the area would appear to be connected in a 'snake' shape with a long barracks hall connecting to a meeting pit, and from there a large armory with the CO's office connected finishes off the apartment.
The decor is rather austere, as befits a military vessel, but Commander Talos has allowed his Wolves' customization of their bunk space and gear lockers. Within the SSAC's office is a synth-wood desk, a personal gear locker, a single-size bed, and two chairs (one for himself and one for a visitor).
===  Parlance Defined  ===
====  Lingo  ====
''' Triple A - ''' Codename for [[Driftan Housan]]. Based on his current position as [[Praetor]] to the [[Master At Arms]], jokingly referred to as the 'Apprentice At Arms'
''' Alpha - ''' Term for the Battleteam Leader when on duty.
''' Shadow - ''' Word used to describe a Wolf currently on guard duty.
''' Bare Fangs - ''' For when a threat is detected/suspected and the Wolf Guard forms up around the Summit.
''' Higher Ground - ''' When a Summit member need to be evacuated to a secure area.
''' Splinter - ''' When the Summit orders the Team to keep covert watch.
''' Cub - ''' Coined by the Commander for a new recruit.
''' Loose a Howl - ''' When a Wolf Guard and/or Summiteer is in danger.
''' Claw 'Em - ''' The command for attack!
''' Flatten your Tail - ''' A despised allegory for retreat.
''' Pack Run - ''' Team-wide training.
==  Tools of the Trade  ==
===  Tapani Suits  ===
[[File:FogSithRobe.jpg|thumb|249px|right|The normal attire for Wolf Guard agents]]
{{Quote|We have the training, we've sworn the oaths. Now we need to look the part|SSAC Talos, circa 33 ABY}}
The men and women of the Secret Service detachment of the Wolf Guard trade in their robes for dress attire that befits them as Special Agents of Clan Arcona. Hand-woven Tapani silk in dark colors (almost always dark black, blue, or red) is used to craft a light but durable suit, which is worn nearly 24/7 by the agents. The light weight allows easy movement and combats the risk of an agent overheating if worn in a hot climate while the durability allows for wear-and-tear.
A skeleton holster is sewn into the inside of the jacket as well as a mag-clip where one can place their credentials. Underneath the actual jacket is a regular dress shirt (usually black or white) and an Order-representing tie (sometimes optional) that's interwoven with special fibers that double as keycards to allow access into restricted areas of the Temple. Finally, instead of shoes, toughened rancor hide boots are worn with the trousers coming down just far enough for the boots to appear as dress shoes.
'''''Note:''''' ''Wolf Guard Special Agents are forbidden from buttoning their jackets when on-duty as they must be able to reach their lightsabers or sidearms quickly.''
===  Tu'katan Guard Armor  ===
[[File:BandonConcept.jpg|thumb|195px|left|The armor of the Wolf Guard]]
Derived from the attire of Dark Jedi Masters of [[starwars:Sith_Empire_(Jedi_Civil_War)|Revan's Sith Empire]], the Tu'katan Guard Armor is the standard outfit for all members of the Wolf Guard regardless if they are deployed to an active field of battle or doing a rotation in the Protective Detail.
The armor itself is a large tempered durasilver hauberk that covers from the chest down to the groin area as well as providing protection for the neck and shoulders. The rest of the attire are simple black robes with attached bracers for the hands and steel-toed combat boots to cover the feet. The final two parts of the uniform are a simple black cape with a silverly [[House Qel-Droma]] symbol emblazoned on it as well as a hood to conceal the identity of the Guardsman.
The armor, while giving off the appearance of being heavy, is remarkably light and promotes the Guard's preferred form of close-combat -- dueling. It should also be noted that while all the suits of Tu'katan Guard Armor provide the same protection, the Battleteam Leader's suit of armor is made of duragold. While varying only in appearance from durasilver, the change of color allows the commanding officer to be easily identified -- whether this is a boon or curse is yet to be seen.
===  Six-NinE DSS Pistol  ===
[[File:ARCSSPistol.png|thumb|212px|right|The Six-NinE pistol, standard sidearm of the Wolf Guard]]
A standard blaster firearm, which quickly replaced the SE-14r, this weapon is basically an overpowered pistol, capable of blasting through nearly two inches of plasteel or one inch of durasteel. Even though the penetration is relatively low, the blast diameter could be anywhere from one to two thumbs-size width.
The weapon has a safety and two settings: focused and dissipating. The standard bolt is focused, giving a brutal blast and heat damage at the point of impact. Dissipated bolts diffuse upon impact, giving a stunning shock, which is useful for when SS Agents need to immobilize a suspect. The Six-NinE is fed by caps, giving enough charge and plasma for twenty shots.
The caps are inserted in the back of the weapon, with a light above the safety shining white when the weapon is hot (meaning the safety is off) and red when there is only three rounds left in the cap. The pistol has a picatinny rail under the barrel, where different modules can be attached: guncams (pictured), tactical lights, laser sights, etc. The weapon can't mount rails on the side, as the slits are used to vent extra heat from each shot.

===  E-19b Carbine Rifle  ===
Formerly a Dark Jedi Battleteam in [[House Qel-Droma]], '''Wolf Guard''' has been reassigned as part of the [[Summit Guard of Arcona]] to protect the Quaestor and Aedile. The team consists of four Clone Commando elements, and is led by Capain Halen Yu. It serves alongside [[Revenance Virtuom]], another former Dark Jedi team now composed of Clone Commandos tasked with guarding the Summit of [[House Galeres]].
<div class="floatleft">[[File:E-19Carb.jpg|175px]]</div>
The E-19 Carbine is the 'grandson' of the iconic E-11. More accurate and far more powerful, these weapons are state-of-the-art, not to mention the Secret Service's numerous upgrades. The blasters fire a high powered, emerald laser bolt that can be set to either Single, Burst, or Full Automatic. Despite the increased output of Sub-blasters, technological advances have ensured that a plasma pack will hardly ever overheat, a minor to medium drop in bolt power being the only noticeable and possibly detrimental side effect.

==  Team Structure  ==

====  Department of Domestic Security Badge  ====
Wolf Guard is divided into four elements: Squad A is led by Captain Halen Yu, while Squads B, C, and D are led by additional sergeants. At any given time, one team is assigned to the Quaestor of Qel-Droma, {{QDQUA}}, and one team to the Aedile, {{QDAED}}.  
To ever thicken their cover as Special Agents of the Department of Domestic Security, each member of the Wolf Guard is issued a thin black wallet containing their credentials; a photo I.D, proof of their Top Secret Security Clearance, paygrade, and division to which they belong.
Also issued to the agents are badges forged from [[starwars:alumabronze|alumabronze and orichalum]] and crafted into a hollow diamond shape with the symbol of [[Arcona|Clan Arcona]] in the middle. Below the Clan's symbol is a small engraving of a feral wolf and on the bottom two 'slats' of the diamond are the words ''Special Agent'' written in Aurebesh.

Based with the rest of the Summit Guard at the [[Arcona Citadel|Citadel]] on Selen, the team also has quarters on the [[BAC Shadow]], which serves as Qel-Droma's mobile headquarters. They carry standard-issue blaster pistols and rifles, and typically wear guard armor covered by a formal cloak. The Qel-Droma sigil is emblazoned on their chest plates, and badges indicating their place on Wolf Guard are stitched into their cloaks.

==  Trivia  ==
==  Trivia  ==
* The Wolf Guard was named for its first leader, [[Cethgus Kuga]].
* The Wolf Guard was named for its first leader, [[Cethgus Kuga]].
* The Battleteam and the Department of Domestic Security is inspired by the real-world ''United States Secret Service'' and the ''Department of Homeland Security'', respectively.
* The team was formally closed in 36 ABY.
* The Wolf Guard, as Dark Jedi, are technically part of the Dajorra Defence Force's Department of Domestic Security.
* Despite being a mere formality, the Wolf Guard views themselves as a federal agency (attached to the DDS) and have modeled their ranks accordingly. For example, the BTL is the Senior Special Agent in Charge (SSAC), while the FL is an Operations Agent (OA). The Flight Members are ranked at either Recruit, Agent, or Special Agent.
[[Category:Historic Arcona Articles]]
<table width="98%" align="left" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="2" style="border: 1px #416623 solid; background: #000000;-moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1em; -moz-border-radius-topright: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1em; width: 200; margin-top: -1.4em; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px;color: #ffffff;">
<tr><td colspan="2" style="-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; -moz-border-radius-topright: 1em; text-align: center; color: #ffffff; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:larger; background-color: #53855C; text-align:center;"> '''Arcona'''
<td style="background: #334236; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:center" width="150px"> '''Units'''
<td style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:left"> [[Arcona]] • [[Oblivion Brigade]] • [[Soulfire Strike Team]] • [[Sukhur's Legion]]
<td style="background: #334236; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:center" width="150px"> '''Leadership'''
<td style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:left">  [[dossier:7463|Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae]] • [[dossier:8533|Wuntila Zratian '''Entar''']] • [[dossier:25|Timeros Caesus '''Entar''' Arconae]] • [[dossier:1612|Sashar Erinos Arconae]] • [[dossier:10214|Marick Del'Abbot]] • [[dossier:10278|Andrelious J. Inahj]]
<td style="background: #334236; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:center" width="150px"> '''Possessions'''
<td style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:left"> [[Dajorra System]] • [[Category:Arcona OOB]] • [[Dajorra Defense Force]] • [[Arcona Expeditionary Force]] • [[Dajorra Intelligence Agency]]
<td style="background: #334236; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:center" width="150px"> '''Misc'''
<td style="background: #222222; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; color: #ffffff; text-align:left"> [[Di Tenebrous Arconae]] • [[Naruba Investments]] • [[Shadesworn]]
<tr><td bgcolor="#000000;" colspan="3" align="center" style="-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1em; text-align: center; background-color: #53855C; color: #ffffff;"> ''Light is limited; Darkness is infinite.''
[[Category:Historic Arcona Articles]]</td></tr>

Latest revision as of 15:21, 27 November 2017

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Wolf Guard
General information

Cethgus Kuga

  • Captain Halen Yu

Temple of Ulic

Historical information

31 ABY

Other information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

Formerly a Dark Jedi Battleteam in House Qel-Droma, Wolf Guard has been reassigned as part of the Summit Guard of Arcona to protect the Quaestor and Aedile. The team consists of four Clone Commando elements, and is led by Capain Halen Yu. It serves alongside Revenance Virtuom, another former Dark Jedi team now composed of Clone Commandos tasked with guarding the Summit of House Galeres.

Team Structure

Wolf Guard is divided into four elements: Squad A is led by Captain Halen Yu, while Squads B, C, and D are led by additional sergeants. At any given time, one team is assigned to the Quaestor of Qel-Droma, Alex Draconis, and one team to the Aedile, TBC.

Based with the rest of the Summit Guard at the Citadel on Selen, the team also has quarters on the BAC Shadow, which serves as Qel-Droma's mobile headquarters. They carry standard-issue blaster pistols and rifles, and typically wear guard armor covered by a formal cloak. The Qel-Droma sigil is emblazoned on their chest plates, and badges indicating their place on Wolf Guard are stitched into their cloaks.


  • The Wolf Guard was named for its first leader, Cethgus Kuga.
  • The team was formally closed in 36 ABY.