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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Uji is a former Jedi Knight and prior Magistrate to the Fist, and is currently assigned to House Galeres’ Battleteam Nighthawk.
{{Quote|To serve the Galaxy as a Jedi, is to never compromise, to always serve the greater good, this is why the Jedi served the Old Republic, why Master Skywalker fought alongside the Rebels, and why the Order now works with the Galactic Alliance, we have and will always serve for the betterment of everyone.|[[starwars:Tionne Solusar|Tionne Solusar]] addressing Younglings at the Yavin 4 Praxeum.’}}
|type = Obelisk
|order= Force Disciple
|image= [[File:Uji_Tam.png]]  
|name= Rennek “Uji” Ughi
|firstname= Uji
|homeworld= Coruscant
|lastname= Tameike
|birth=5 ABY
|homeworld= [[starwars:Coruscant|Coruscant]]
|species= Human
|birth= {{Birthyear_and_Age|ABY|0}}
|species= [[starwars:Human|Human]]
|gender= Male
|gender= Male
|hair= Black
|hair= Black
|eyes= Brown
|eyes= Brown
|height= 1.85M
|height= 1.85m
|weight= 75kg
|weight= 70kg
|enemies= [[starwars:New Jedi Order|The Jedi]]
|cyber= Minor augmentation due to damage to heart.
|fightingstyle= [[K'tara]] [[Makashi]]
|father= Hantei Tameike
|profession= Assassin, Obelisk Templar
|mother= Mioko Tameike
|position= Arcona General Forces
|spouse= [[Satsi Tameike]]
|children= Samantha Tameike (daughter)
|allies= [[Satsi Tameike]], [[Turel Sorenn]], [[Arcia Cortel]], [[Atra Ventus]]
|enemies= [[The Collective]]
|saber= Custom Saber
|form= [[Makashi]]
|fightingstyle= [[Mandalorian Core]]
|profession= Tactician
|position= Fist of the Brotherhood
|era= [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|era= [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation= [[Arcona]]
|ship= N/A
|dossier= [[dossier:13561|13561]]
|masters= [[Sashar Arconae]]
|apprentices= [[Ruyn Myr]]

{{Quote|The battlefield is won not by strength alone, but by the patience to wait, the cunning to plan, and the resolve to see it through.|Uji Taimeike}}

[[Uji Tameike]] has dedicated over a decade of service to the Brotherhood, earning respect as a steadfast member of the Grand Master’s Royal Guard and serving multiple terms under various Fists. In recent years, he stepped away from the spotlight to focus on his family. When approached by the Dark Council to assume the role of Fist following Rajhin Cindertail’s departure, Uji saw it as the long-awaited opportunity to bring his extensive experience and vision back to the Brotherhood.
===Childhood (5ABY-11ABY)===
Uji was too young to remember any of the events leading up to the New Republic’s capture of his homeworld, Corsucant, from the fading Empire. Neither of his parents had supported the Rebel Alliance, yet had no real investment in the Empire either. A changing of regime mattered little to them.
A few years later, Uji began to develop peculiar abilities. It was discovered he held a connection to the Force and he was taken away to begin his journey to Yavin IV where he was granted access to the Jedi Praxeum.
===Adolescence (11ABY-24ABY)===
Uji was part of the first class of Younglings to undertake training by Skywalker and Tionne Solusar. His youth was something he remembers fondly:learning, training, and practicing from the moment he rose until hours after dark, when they were expected to sleep.
During this time, he would develop few close friends, but would find an understanding from the Order. He learned that the Jedi existed to serve the greater good, whether that be in serving the Alliance, the Rebels, or even further back when they had served the Old Republic. The Jedi existed to create peace, balance, and harmony: a teaching that would one day lead to Uji turning his back on the them.
In his studies, Uji found himself taking an interest in many of the Heroes of the Jedi Order who had turned rogue at some point, and of  the order of the Jedi originally used to stop said individuals, the Jedi Shadows. When concerns were raised, he was brought before his teachers and before Master Skywalker. Even as a youth, Uji understood the destruction the Jedi were capable of, and assembled before the Council as an Apprentice, explained his reasoning behind his interest: to understand how to stop a rogue Jedi, one would have to understand their motivations. Taking notice of the young Jedi’s potential, his teachers began to mold his path for him, using a direction the new Order had not yet incorporated: that of one of the oldest orders of the Jedi, the Shadow Sentinels.
Years later, Uji lost his Jedi Master during a brief conflict against a Dark Jedi of exceptional talent. Sashar Erinos Arconae, a Mandalore extremely talented in the use of the Force, defeated Uji and his Master. Yet for some reason, the Arconae felt it would be a waste of his time to kill the Jedi Apprentice as well as a waste of talent. Uji survived the encounter and upon return to Yavin IV was accepted as a Jedi Knight and tasked with continuing his work as a Sentinel.
===Adulthood (24ABY-29ABY)===
Once Knighted, Uji was assigned to continue he and his Master’s former work, the seizing or eliminating of rogue Jedi and Dark Jedi elements among the Outer Rim worlds. This came to an end when the Yuuzhan Vong invasion occurred, as the Republic increasingly began to hate and vilify the Jedi due to the Vong’s actions. Still determined, however, Uji began working as a rogue agent, learning to change his appearance and make himself seem plain and non-descript. Instead of confronting enemies head on, the Sentinel began using stealth and diversion to give him the advantages he needed to survive.
Uji remained in the Outer Rim Worlds, moving from conflict to conflict. without orders from the Jedi due to public distaste and eventual criminal allegations of the Order. As the Jedi Sentinal changed his methods during these years,  he developed his abilities as an assassin, striking influential Vong where he could, eliminating Vong supporters, and protecting Republic civilians where possible.
When the eventual peace treaty came about in 29ABY, Uji returned to the Core Worlds and presented himself to the Jedi Order, explaining his actions and his decisions made during the Invasion. Skywalker showed a growing sense of unease for how easily Uji slipped into the role of an assassin. The results, however, were hard to refute, and the majority of the Jedi Order heaped praise on the Jedi Knight for his actions. With the forming of the new Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, an opportunity was presented for members of the Jedi Order to work alongside the new Federation’s Intelligence Division as retainers. Uji was chosen for such a position and assigned to work alongside the Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service.
===Intelligence Service (29ABY-35ABY)===
Uji’s time serving as a liaison for the Intelligence Service came naturally to him, andhe Intelligence division was grateful for his ability to go where some of their best agents had difficulty. Uji’s ability with the Force developed more during this period of time then any time prior, the skills he gained during the Vong invasion coming to the fore as he was tasked with eliminating anti-Alliance protesters, planetary leaders intent on forming rebellion against the Alliance, and the like.
Throughout these years, Uji truly believed he was following the Jedi Path. He was rewarded time and again for his actions, believing he had saved thousands, millions of lives with his decisions, stopping rebellions before they even began, helping build the legacy of the Alliance as a stable and progressive government in the new Era.
Unfortunately, the truth was far different. The Alliance Officer he was assigned to had hidden the truth from Uji, using the naive Jedi to pit various factions against one another and profiting in the process. Amaranthe T’Vara was an Echani native who had had built a network of spies, informants and less savory characters over her career. A holdover from the former New Republic Intelligence Division, she held a special disdain for what she considered the newest in a series of failed governments.
T’vara used the ensuing conflicts and re-building of the Galactic Alliance to her advantage, using her network to buy and sell information throughout the Galaxy. When anyone moved to oppose her, she would fabricate evidence of their involvement or descension from the Galactic Alliance and send Uji to deal with the problem. She knew the Knight’s penchant for delving into his work with a single-minded nature, and she continually kept him moving from one place to another, rarely giving him down-time to report to the Jedi Council or her superiors.
After six years of near constant service, Uji was granted a brief reprieve and opportunity to return to Coruscant. It was during that time that Uji met and was befriended by a woman slightly younger than himself, a Miraluka recently apprenticed by the Jedi Order, Atyiru Araave. The woman’s jovial and uplifting attitude seemed nearly infectious to those around her, and Uji spent most of his leave with the apprentice, helping her develop her understanding of the Jedi code as he saw it. Many hours went into instructing her in the standards he felt the Order stood for: peace, stability and order brought about by the actions of the Jedi. Uji and Atyiru parted ways when she became the padawan of
Scopian Teticth and began her training in earnest--or so Uji thought.
Months passed and Uji returned to his duties, though with a clearer mind and attitude. He began to look back on his career and wonder when and if he would ever take his own padawan. As he began researching the effects of his past missions, he started to stumble onto the effects of his actions: feudal factions still fighting, worlds put to the torch because of rebellions due to murders he committed…
When he confronted Amaranthe with his findings, the Echani woman refuted the evidence, providing claims that the occurrences had little to do with his own actions and that some tragedies couldn’t be avoided. This would lead to an increasing tension between Uji and his handler, and questioning her orders and missions became regular as he was pushed further and further out from the Core worlds.
===Betrayal (36ABY)===
Amaranthe issued orders to eliminate a smuggling operation and leave no trace of the Alliance or Jedi’s involvement, giving Uji access to a crew of smugglers, pirates, and worse scum while providing them the resources and tools necessary to do the job. T’Avara was aware of Uji’s involvement with one of the members on board the ship and gave implicit orders for him to see the mission completed but not to directly involve himself. She wanted the of group of smugglers known as the Red Ladies eliminated, as they had been an unresolved issue for the Exchange for quite some time.
Amaranthe made a deal to eliminate the smugglers in exchange for a trade agreement with the Exchange. When Uji tracked down and found a location on the ship piloted by the Red Ladies’ leader, Arraas, he sent the assembled mercenaries after the Red Ladies.
It wasn’t until after the conflict, when the team had failed, that Uji came to understand what had happened: how a better armed, better outfitted force had been defeated after reporting they had taken the ship. Atyiru Araave, a rogue Jedi padawan and his former friend, had been aboard the ship. The apparent lover of the Captain, she had lead her remaining crew to retake the ship, and eliminated the mercenaries he had hired.
Uji disobeyed orders and returned to Coruscant, his knowledge of what he had caused haunting him. He tried to approach Atyiru and explain what had happened, how he had been a part of what occurred--to explain how it furthered the needs of the Alliance. The self-exiled Padawan took pity on her friend for his naivety, too numb from her loss, Atyiru shattered Uji’s perception not with anger, but with sympathy. She saw what he had become and what the path he was on was leading him to.
===Disillusion (36ABY)===
Uji returned to his work, attempting to shake the feeling that Atyiru was right, that he had been led astray. He was hounded by the thought that all of his work, his dedication and willingness to do what was needed for the last six years of his life had only led him to become the type of monster he used to hunt. He began disagreeing with the need for extreme violence, and questioning when it became the role of the Jedi or Alliance to work with organizations like the Exchange. He openly questioned Amaranthe on her actions, sending reports directly to the Jedi Council and higher-ups of Alliance Intelligence. Sadly, T’vara had anticipated the move and taken the first steps, blocking his communications and ensuring none of his missives arrived. 
It wasn't long before the betrayal was complete. Alliance Intelligence received reports of the death of a political leader among the Coruscant senators. News of the event stirred rebellion in the outer reaches of Alliance territory. When attempting to board his vessel and leave Coruscant, Uji was confronted by Alliance Security and ordered to stand down. Recognizing members of T’vara’s network, Uji struck first, targeting her associates and disabling the guardsmen before they could arrest him.
Narrowly escaping the attempt, Uji attempted to contact the Order, only to discover that his handler had framed him for the death of the Senator and provided proof of his rogue actions, citing missions throughout his career where similar murders had occurred. Standing orders were for him to return to Alliance space and turn himself in. Uji was unable to contain his anger as he realizedhow long he had been being duped by his handler. He attempted to provide answers and questioned the Council, but with the evidence before them the Council ordered his return to stand trial.
===Exile and Entry to the Brotherhood (36ABY- 38 ABY)===
The betrayal struck Uji to the core, shattering the last vestiges of his pride in the Alliance and the Order. Taking transport further out past Alliance space, Uji began trying to find a life for himself. Traveling where he could to find work, he began to orchestrate ways to use his training and abilities. It was during this time that he encountered a young man by the name of Teroch, a Mandalore Force-user. When the two confronted one another, Teroch had no prior knowledge or association with the former Jedi. However, Uji recognized the tattoo Teroch wore, the mark of Sashar the man who had killed his Jedi Master.
Details surrounding the event remain muddied. Members of Soulfire Strike Team claimed that Teroch beat Uji to within an inch of his life and proceeded to wake him up at the nearest Cantina to talk. Whatever the circumstance, it wasn’t long until Uji came into Teroch’s employ and began training with him. Teroch’s natural ability and power astounded Uji. For years he had considered himself capable of tracking any rogue Jedi or Sith, but his eyes were opened as Teroch introduced him to the dealings of the Brotherhood.
The wealth of talent, ability, and power available to the members of the Brotherhood humbled the former Jedi. Teroch spent nearly a year developing and honing his new apprentice in the ways of the Obelisk before presenting him to the Arconan council. Uji was granted membership to House Galeres to serve at the time in Teroch’s newly formed Battleteam Nighthawk. Eventually,as word spread of his former deeds, he was also approached by Valhavoc, an old ally of Arcona who went on to become the Fist of the Brotherhood, and for a time served as his Magistrate.
==General Characteristics==
{{Quote|You think I am a monster, but you're no different from me, Drake. How many men have you killed? How many, just today? |Lazarevis, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves}}
Uji appears in his mid-thirties, and his attitude gives off the impression of emotionally detached until crossed. Slightly taller than average at six feet (1.85M) tall, his body is well trained from years of combat. His focus on speed and silence keeps him from being as physically imposing as he could be, more lean muscle than overt bulk. He keeps his hair long enough to tie back into a top-knot, and when not tied back it rests around shoulder length. He is rarely seen in anything except for his Dervish robes.
'''Titles:''' Templar, Obelisk Assassin
Internal Perception:
A Guardian is nothing without a purpose, seek out only that which deserves your time and your dedication. Let all other distractions be forgotten. Passion and Desire rule the will of an Obelisk Guardian, without the desire to protect those in one's care, one cannot draw on the will or passion to succeed no matter the difficulty.
Uji has joined and left Arcona as necessary over the last year completing work for the Fist’s office, then personal business and finally out of frustration. The members of his fellow clan often look on him with disdain or outright anger for not following the blind loyalty many Arconans are known for. As a former Jedi Sentinel the danger of being surrounded by the very type of people he used to hunt in his youth is not lost on the former Jedi. Though he has come to respect certain members of the Brotherhood he rarely drops his guard when near members of even his own clan.
{{Quote|...I think...no, I ''am'' very glad that you’re here, Uji.”
“Oh? And why is that?"
:''”Because you remind me of all the good in the Galaxy. And I needed that.”''
“Hmmm...we may be even more alike than we’d thought.”
:''”And why is that?”''
“Because I needed you to remind me of the good, too.|Atty and [[Uji]]}}
[[starwars:Padawan|Padawan]] and [[starwars:Jedi Knight|Knight]], [[Priest|Priestess]] and [[Templar]], [[starwars:Near-Human|Near-Human]] and [[starwars:Human|Human]], Atty and Uji had, throughout their history, always been similar but different, complementary opposites, fitting together like puzzle pieces. In the past, they were both Jedi, one a greenhorn, one a veteran, one rebellious, one obedient, one willing to endure whatever it took, one willing to enact whatever it took; and when they went their separate ways, one was warm, where the other was frozen.
After recovering from the initial shock of seeing his old, former friend again, Uji approached Atyiru in private. Their conversation set things as straight as possible between the two: Atyiru had forgiven him for the death of her lover and had come to understand that without his actions. she would not be where she was, surrounded by those she loved.

Uji and Atty fast became good friends again. Both still retained their like-minded tendencies for helping others and compassionate, yet battle-tested demeanors. More than anything, however, was their almost symbiotic dynamic. Uji, afraid of ever becoming as emotionless as he once had been again, was relieved by Atyiru's constant efforts to "brighten" his life, much as she did with her other friends. Meanwhile, Atyiru, exhausted and traumatized by the [[Dark Crusade]], found solace in the elder Templar's wisdom, charm, and well-rounded philosophical outlook. Atty tends accept Uji's darker actives as one of the [[Fist of the Brotherhood|Fist's]] staff, despite her disapproval of such, while Uji is tolerant of her often-conflicting behaviors.
Uji is a master tactician and strategist, renowned for his ability to plan far into the future, with schemes spanning days, weeks, or even years. He has cultivated an extensive network of allies across the Brotherhood, including individuals from various Clans and members of the Royal Guard who have acted in his stead.

Frequently, Atyiru and Uji can be found joking, training, debating, or generally completing assignments together, if they can manage as much. Atty considers Uji one of her most trusted and closest friends, even within her circle of acquaintances, and often calls upon the assassin-turned-deadly guardian as her right-hand man. This reliance and affection soon grew deeper, and the pair became romantically involved. However, both were very aware of their duties and ambitions for a "better world", and were realistic about the fragility of their relationship despite their care for one another, particularly because of Uji's frequent--if not permanent--wanderings from the Brotherhood. Their relationship, like many of Atty's other romantic involvements, eventually dissolved. They remain friends, if often at a distance.
== Biography ==

{{Quote|Well, you know how it is. Every Priestess needs her Templar, right?|[[Uji]] to Atty}}
Uji rarely speaks of his life before joining the Brotherhood, sharing fragments of his past with only a select few. Upon his arrival in Arcona, he served as a longstanding member of the Royal Guard. Within Clan Arcona, Uji held nearly every position, particularly in House Galeres, before serving his longest tenure as Proconsul. His leadership was marked by controversy, culminating in his imprisonment for disobeying orders and opposing his Consul. Despite this, Uji is a decorated war hero, with a distinguished record in the Dark Crusades, Great Jedi Wars, and other Brotherhood campaigns, and has protected numerous Dark Councilors as a Royal Guard.

===Kordath Bleu D’tana===
A devoted family man, Uji prioritizes the safety and security of his loved ones. His service to the Brotherhood provides him with the awareness and means to protect them from potential threats. Uji holds only a select few in the highest regard, including his wife Satsi and their daughter Samantha, his close friends Turel Sorren and Kordath Bleu, and Darth Renatus, known to him as Atra Ventus, whom he deeply respects as an equal.

{{Quote|Would you two just die already, okay? I’ve got better things to do then dance with you idiots |Braxant addressing Kordath and Uji - During the rescue of [[Atyiru Caesus Entar]]}}
Though unaffiliated for many years, he holds a note of respect for Arcia Cortel and Rulvak Qurroc two individuals he served with aboard the Nighthawk.

Kordath and Uji knew of one another through the shared friendship of [[Atyiru|Atyiru Caesus Entar]]. During the siege of Selen in 38ABY, Kordath encountered an Elder Sith named Dassac, Who placed the Krath under his control for a period of time. Upon escape from his tormentor, Kordath was found by Uji and a team of ADF Scout forces. Escorting the Krath to the safety of the Citadel, the two intended to rest and recover, unfortunately the opportunity was taken from them during the kidnapping of their Aedile and mutual friend Atyiru and her godchildren.
== Physical Description ==

The two worked well together, despite neither was at full capacity. Kordath still suffering from his treatment at the hands of the One Sith Elder, Uji exhausted from days of fighting and running on stimulants provided by Arcona’s very own [[Ood Bnar|Mad scientist]]. With the successful rescue of Atyiru, Kordath and Uji retired to one of the few Cantina’s left standing and proceeded to imbibe copious amounts of alcohol to numb the events of the assault.
With sharp, slanted brown eyes that seem too old for his face and a diminished frame, Uji resembles a soldier forgotten by time. His body, weakened by age and injury, retains a straight-backed stance, exuding confidence despite its frailty. The stress lines etched into his features are occasionally softened by a quick smirk, and his dark brows often arch in exasperation.

The two have developed a good cop, bad cop friendship. Though it truly depends on the day as to which is which. Kordath’s natural inclination towards stealth and avoidance works well with Uji’s own methods of remaining hidden before any strike. Though Uji is more combative then Bleu, he respects the Ryn’s abilities and willingness to throw it all on the line when necessary and owes Kordath a life debt for saving him during their assault on Braxant’s compound.
Uji’s pale, tan complexion is marred by numerous scars, most notably two thin, parallel marks running across his sharp nose from below his left eye to the opposite side. His strong jaw and pronounced cheekbones are framed by a neatly groomed goatee and stray locks of dark black hair that escape the knot he wears. Though he leans on a cane, his commanding presence remains unshaken.

== Personality and Traits ==
* Sashar Erinos
* Teroch Erinos
* Cethgus Arconae
* Marick Arconae

- Though he looks up to these individuals of Arcona who have attained power through the Obelisk path, he considers them less his heroes and more examples of what he can become.
Patience and intelligence define Uji’s leadership style. As a meticulous planner, he excels at crafting long-term strategies, weaving intricate plans that often culminate in controlled chaos. His slow, deliberate approach makes him an exceptional tactician and problem-solver, though it can occasionally hinder his ability to adapt to rapidly changing situations.

Years of battle have left Uji physically diminished, but his reliance on strategy and careful coordination allows him to lead effectively. While he plays a supportive role in combat, his strength lies in directing others and ensuring their success through his foresight and calculated decisions.

== Powers and Abilities ==

Uji is a disciplined practitioner of Makashi, having refined his technique to ensure each movement is deliberate and efficient. Over the years, his physical health has deteriorated, making his precise, measured style not just a preference, but a necessity. No longer able to rely on his previous physical prowess, he has adapted his approach, embracing the art of Suppression. This allows him to neutralize the abilities of other Force users, evening the odds in combat and ensuring his tactical advantage in confrontations.

[[Category:DJB Characters]]
[[File:Uji and Satsi.jpg|thumb|left|Uji and Satsi fighting side by side]]
[[Category:Council members]]

Latest revision as of 19:03, 16 December 2024

Rise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Uji Tameike
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

0 ABY (age 43)

Physical Description













Minor augmentation due to damage to heart.

Personal Information

Mioko Tameike


Hantei Tameike

Known Children:

Samantha Tameike (daughter)


Satsi Tameike


Satsi Tameike, Turel Sorenn, Arcia Cortel, Atra Ventus


The Collective

Lightsaber Color(s):

Custom Saber

Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):

Mandalorian Core

Chronology & Political Information



Fist of the Brotherhood


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

Personal Ship:


Known masters:

Sashar Arconae

Known apprentices:

Ruyn Myr



[ Source ]

"The battlefield is won not by strength alone, but by the patience to wait, the cunning to plan, and the resolve to see it through."
―Uji Taimeike

Uji Tameike has dedicated over a decade of service to the Brotherhood, earning respect as a steadfast member of the Grand Master’s Royal Guard and serving multiple terms under various Fists. In recent years, he stepped away from the spotlight to focus on his family. When approached by the Dark Council to assume the role of Fist following Rajhin Cindertail’s departure, Uji saw it as the long-awaited opportunity to bring his extensive experience and vision back to the Brotherhood.

Uji is a master tactician and strategist, renowned for his ability to plan far into the future, with schemes spanning days, weeks, or even years. He has cultivated an extensive network of allies across the Brotherhood, including individuals from various Clans and members of the Royal Guard who have acted in his stead.


Uji rarely speaks of his life before joining the Brotherhood, sharing fragments of his past with only a select few. Upon his arrival in Arcona, he served as a longstanding member of the Royal Guard. Within Clan Arcona, Uji held nearly every position, particularly in House Galeres, before serving his longest tenure as Proconsul. His leadership was marked by controversy, culminating in his imprisonment for disobeying orders and opposing his Consul. Despite this, Uji is a decorated war hero, with a distinguished record in the Dark Crusades, Great Jedi Wars, and other Brotherhood campaigns, and has protected numerous Dark Councilors as a Royal Guard.

A devoted family man, Uji prioritizes the safety and security of his loved ones. His service to the Brotherhood provides him with the awareness and means to protect them from potential threats. Uji holds only a select few in the highest regard, including his wife Satsi and their daughter Samantha, his close friends Turel Sorren and Kordath Bleu, and Darth Renatus, known to him as Atra Ventus, whom he deeply respects as an equal.

Though unaffiliated for many years, he holds a note of respect for Arcia Cortel and Rulvak Qurroc two individuals he served with aboard the Nighthawk.

Physical Description

With sharp, slanted brown eyes that seem too old for his face and a diminished frame, Uji resembles a soldier forgotten by time. His body, weakened by age and injury, retains a straight-backed stance, exuding confidence despite its frailty. The stress lines etched into his features are occasionally softened by a quick smirk, and his dark brows often arch in exasperation.

Uji’s pale, tan complexion is marred by numerous scars, most notably two thin, parallel marks running across his sharp nose from below his left eye to the opposite side. His strong jaw and pronounced cheekbones are framed by a neatly groomed goatee and stray locks of dark black hair that escape the knot he wears. Though he leans on a cane, his commanding presence remains unshaken.

Personality and Traits

Patience and intelligence define Uji’s leadership style. As a meticulous planner, he excels at crafting long-term strategies, weaving intricate plans that often culminate in controlled chaos. His slow, deliberate approach makes him an exceptional tactician and problem-solver, though it can occasionally hinder his ability to adapt to rapidly changing situations.

Years of battle have left Uji physically diminished, but his reliance on strategy and careful coordination allows him to lead effectively. While he plays a supportive role in combat, his strength lies in directing others and ensuring their success through his foresight and calculated decisions.

Powers and Abilities

Uji is a disciplined practitioner of Makashi, having refined his technique to ensure each movement is deliberate and efficient. Over the years, his physical health has deteriorated, making his precise, measured style not just a preference, but a necessity. No longer able to rely on his previous physical prowess, he has adapted his approach, embracing the art of Suppression. This allows him to neutralize the abilities of other Force users, evening the odds in combat and ensuring his tactical advantage in confrontations.

Uji and Satsi fighting side by side