Leena'shylow: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
(Created page with "{{Character |type= NPC |image=250px |firstname= Leena'shylow |lastname= |homeworld= Nal Hutta |birth= {{Birthyear_and_Age|ABY|4}} |death= |species= T...")
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|type= NPC
|order= NPC
|firstname= Leena'shylow
|firstname= Leena'shylow
|homeworld= Nal Hutta
|homeworld= Nal Hutta
|birth=  {{Birthyear_and_Age|ABY|4}}
|birth=  {{Birthyear_and_Age|ABY|6}}
|species= Twi'Lek
|species= Twi'Lek
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|masters=[[Muz Ashen]]
|masters=[[Muz Ashen]]
|sheet= [[https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/members/3714/character_sheet/2]]  
|sheet= [https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/members/3714/character_sheet/2 Character Sheet]  

'''Leena'Shylow''' is an apprentice of [[Muz Ashen]], an accomplished slicer and techweaver.
'''Leena'Shylow''' is an apprentice of [[Muz Ashen]], an accomplished slicer, and techweaver.

== Brief History ==
== Brief History ==
Born into slavery on Nal Hutta, Leena was torn from her parents and sold to a Devaronian pirate and smuggler by the name of Soklaath Dhig to balance a debt.  Finding an underage slave more or less useless, Dhig trained her to slice, starting off with basic code and cyphers, before progressing to larger systems and technologies. Demonstrating a raw talent for slicing, Dhig used Leena to access systems and collect secret information for sale on the black market, turning tidy profits.   
Born into slavery on [[starwars:Nal Hutta|Nal Hutta]], Leena was torn from her parents and sold to a Devaronian pirate and smuggler by the name of Soklaath Dhig to balance a debt.  Finding an underage slave more or less useless, Dhig trained her to slice, starting off with basic code and cyphers, before progressing to larger systems and technologies. Demonstrating a raw talent for slicing, Dhig used Leena to access systems and collect secret information for sale on the black market, turning tidy profits.   

As Leena became a teenager, Dhig pushed Leena's skills, eventually encouraging her to slice into the Black Sun's computers to shift credit accounts directly.  While she managed to accomplish the goal, the Black Sun was able to trace the flow of credits back to Dhig, and cornered him in the Outer rim.  Faced with a severely damaged ship and a boarding party of particularly brutal Black Sun members, Dhig surrendered his ship, the cargo, and Leena in order to escape with his life.   
As Leena became a teenager, Dhig pushed Leena's skills, eventually encouraging her to slice into the Black Sun's computers to shift credit accounts directly.  While she managed to accomplish the goal, the Black Sun was able to trace the flow of credits back to Dhig, and cornered him in the Outer rim.  Faced with a severely damaged ship and a boarding party of particularly brutal Black Sun members, Dhig surrendered his ship, the cargo, and Leena in order to escape with his life.   

Taken to the slave markets of Nar Shaddaa, Leena was auctioned off, commanding a premium price due to her rare violet skin tone.  She was sold to a wealthy Clawdite who only saw her as a dancer for his harem
Taken to the slave markets of [[starwars:Nar Shaddaa|Nar Shaddaa]], Leena was auctioned off, commanding a premium price due to her rare violet skin tone.  She was sold to a wealthy Clawdite who only saw her as a dancer for his harem.   
A few terrible years later, the Clawdite had brought a shipment of rare spices and textiles to a planet in the Tingel Arm.  As he brought his entire harem for the extended stay, the clawdite met with one of the nobles on the planet.  Sensing something about the black-eyed noble, Leena made sure to be seen.   

The noble made the clawdite an offer that he could not refuse, credits and immediate withdrawal from his world, or quick and painful death at the point of his lightsaberLeena, for the first time in her life, was freeThe Grand Master offered an apartment in the capital and training at the academy, where Leena honed her skill with slicing.  Graduating with honors, Leena was given employment and additional training in the Nephilim, a group of highly specialized soldiers that supported the Grand Master and the Star Chamber.   
A few terrible years later, the Clawdite had brought a shipment of rare spices and textiles to a planet in the [[starwars:Tingel Arm|Tingel Arm]]As he brought his entire harem for the extended stay, the clawdite met with one of the nobles on the planetSensing something about the black-eyed noble, Leena made sure to be seen.   

The noble made the Clawdite an offer that he could not refuse, credits and immediate withdrawal from his world, or quick and painful death at the point of his lightsaber.  Leena, for the first time in her life, was free.  The Grand Master offered an apartment in the capital and training at the academy, where Leena honed her skill with slicing. Graduating with honors, Leena was given employment and additional training in the Nephilim, a group of highly specialized soldiers that supported the Grand Master and the [[Star Chamber]]. 

Fighting on New Tython witht he Nephilim, Leena found herself fighting a Jedi that carved through several others of her unit, his saber carving a deep wound in her left lekku.  The pain unleashed a torrent of power that had laid dormant in her, and the Force uncoiled from her in self defense before falling into a coma for several weeks.  When she awakened, she left the Nephilim and became an apprentice to the Dark Lord himself, learning the ways of the Krath and delving deep into the ancient secrets of Mechu-Deru.   
[[Tenth Great Jedi War|Fighting on New Tython]] with the Nephilim, Leena found herself fighting a Jedi that carved through several others of her unit, his saber carving a deep wound in her left lekku.  The pain unleashed a torrent of power that had laid dormant in her, and the Force uncoiled from her in self defense before falling into a coma for several weeks.  When she awakened, she left the Nephilim and became an apprentice to the Dark Lord himself, learning the ways of the Krath and delving deep into the ancient secrets of Mechu-Deru.   

Building a prosthetic to help compensate for the damage to her lekku, she found her calling in the fine area between technology and the mystical aspects of the Force.  Choosing to keep her Force sensitivity somewhat hidden, Leena found herself able to slip under the radar and avoid much of the internal politics of the Dark Brotherhood.         
Building a prosthetic to help compensate for the damage to her lekku, she found her calling in the fine area between technology and the mystical aspects of the Force.  Choosing to keep her Force sensitivity somewhat hidden, Leena found herself able to slip under the radar and avoid much of the internal politics of the Dark Brotherhood.         
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== Demeanor ==
== Demeanor ==

[[image:leena.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Leena'Shylow]]Leena prefers the company of droids to most sentients and is a touch paranoid. She is socially awkward, and masks this with sarcasm and sometimes scathing iconoclasm.  She is not a particularly trusting person, but once one has earned her trust, her loyalty knows no bounds.   She keeps her circle very small, considering them as the family she never had a chance to know.  As a freed slave, Leena harbors a deep resentment toward slavers, which complicates her work with droids, who she often finds as somewhat sentient.
[[image:leena.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Leena'Shylow]]Leena prefers the company of droids to most sentients and is a touch paranoid. She is socially awkward, and masks this with sarcasm and sometimes scathing iconoclasm.  She is not a particularly trusting person, but once one has earned her trust, her loyalty knows no bounds. She keeps her circle very small, considering them as the family she never had a chance to know.  As a freed slave, Leena harbors a deep resentment toward slavers, which complicates her work with droids, who she often finds as somewhat sentient.

=== Abilities ===
=== Abilities ===

Leena'Shylow is a Dark Jedi Master and Techweaver, a master slicer and an excellent mechanic.  Her skills with her blasters outpaces her skill with a lightsaber, which suits her preference to keep enemies at a distance.
Leena'Shylow is a Dark Prophet and Techweaver, a master slicer and an excellent mechanic.  Her skills with her blasters outpaces her skill with a lightsaber, which suits her preference to keep enemies at a distance.

She is considered a crew member of the Fallen Spear, where her skills as a mechanic and as a combat slicer has proven invaluable time and time again.  She can often be found tinkering with droids in the onboard lab or in the comms room, probing the recesses of the HoloNet.  
She is considered a crew member of the [[Fallen Spear]], where her skills as a mechanic and as a combat slicer has proven invaluable time and time again.  She can often be found tinkering with droids in the onboard lab or in the comms room, probing the recesses of the HoloNet.  

Despite her preferences to avoid close combat, her apprenticeship with Muz has afforded her some substantial skill in Sokan and with the traditional Clan Naga Sadow specialty of Telekinesis.   
Despite her preferences to avoid close combat, her apprenticeship with Muz has afforded her some substantial skill in Sokan and with the traditional Clan Naga Sadow specialty of Telekinesis.   
[[image:fscrew.gif|thumb|200px|right|Members of the Fallen Spear's crew]]
HK-81 ''Hekate'' is an HK model assassin droid that has been subject to Leena'Shylow's work with Mechu Deru.  Over years, the droid began to consider itself a fellow apprentice to Leena's own Master, to the point of accompanying him on missions at times.  Pushing the edges of what Mechu Deru can accomplish, Hekate's personality has progressed to the point where it doesn't seem to acknowledge that it is an artificial life form, which can prove confusing to those it encounters.  Hekate wears old knight robes from the Krath Order, and eagerly seeks out new tidbits of knowledge about the Force.  Painted black and with bits of chrome accents, Hecate has an almost skeletal appearance.  A consistent glitch within the vocalization circuits causes the droid's voice to sound like three distinct female voices at once, even after repeated repairs.  In combat, the droid is aggressive, somewhat risky, and uses a BlasTech DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle and a sword that has been treated using Sith Alchemy, using the excuse that it has yet to find a suitable lightsaber crystal to craft it's own saber with. 
===BT-R3 "Beater" ===
R3-N3e ''Renee'' was an R3 Astromech that has been a project for Leena'Shylow over the years, constantly tinkering with the sensor packages installed on the droid.  As a result, Renee was exceedingly useful for covert slicing operations and data extraction and decryption.  Tasked with assisting Leena in the field, the droid had developed a bit of a superiority complex, which lead to strained relationships with Hekate as well as any other droids it encountered.
Following a particularly harrowing mission, R3-N3e was damaged beyond the point of repair, with prize little aside from memory banks and most of it's personality matrix remaining intact.  Leena, feeling bad for the droid's sacrifice, managed to install these circuits into a new BT-1 chassis, marking the registration as BT-R3.  Disturbed somewhat by the lack of technical ability afforded by the new chassis, Renee started calling itself "Beater" as a dark joke referring to its new roles of security and combat.  Considerably more sarcastic in tone and much more prone to irritation, 'Beater' still maintains its sense of superiority, albeit with a newfound sense of rivalry with Hekate.
=== AD72-4G "Forge" ===
A long-worked project of Muz's, Leena has helped procure and install the final missing parts of this modernized Old Republic-era Architect droid.  Starting with a damaged personality matrix from Muz's original astromech droid, Leena's tinkering helped ease the conversion to a body more suited to handle Muz's needs in the field and workshop. As a result, Forge seems rather contemplative, often taking time to pick the best words before speaking them. Having added in data from several of Muz's logs and data crystals, the valet has a deep knowledge of lightsabers and forms as a result, carrying two sabers from Muz's collection in case he should need them. Acting as a 'genleman's gentleman', Forge is well-mannered, capable, and methodical. Forge keeps his silver chassis spotlessly polished, wearing a pristinely kept apron and broad sash bearing embroidered symbols showing his affiliation with the Keibatsu. 
===KX-Y4N6 "Huyang"===
'Liberated' from an imperial remnant facility, the KX-series security droid was critically damaged during the firefight that ensued.  After the rebuild, multiple reformats were required to purge the original programming.  Without a template file for the KX-series, Leena'shylow constructed a new intelligence matrix using backup files similarly acquired by Muz over the past few years.  The backup was corrupted, causing voice artifacts and even occasional repeated dialogue, but the information gleamed from even a partial and corrupted backup of the ancient lightsaber expert was considered highly valuable to Muz.  The personality developing from the interplay of a security droid hardware running ancient tutor software has proven to be fairly stoic and practical thus far, devoid of humor.  Painted matte black and coated with a additional armor plating, Huyang is often left on the Fallen Spear to assist Darius Blackwind.  This droid was damaged beyond even Leen's capable repair skills, and has since been retired.
===ZR-4ND "Rand'===
Initially issued from the Aurora Collegium to assist Muz's research into the ascendant crystals of the Children of Mortis, "Rand" was eventually found himself working on various other projects with Leena.  Continued exposure to the Techweaver's latent mechu-deru has imbued the droid with a particulary emotional personality, bordering on clingy toward its fellow droids and Leena.  Rand's refusal to 'leave my new family behind' was initally met with resistance and a wipe order from the Aurora Collegium, but they were shortly convinced otherwise after the course of the war.  Leena has since found and removed the obscured automatic uplinks to brotherhood servers and inhibitor chips, officially bringing Rand 'into the family'.

[[Category:Naga Sadow NPCs]]
[[Category:Naga Sadow NPCs]]

Latest revision as of 13:03, 6 September 2024

Exodus era.New Order era.
Biographical Information

Nal Hutta

Date of Birth:

6 ABY (age 37)

Physical Description





1.6m (5'3")


49kg (108 lb)




Partial lekku replacement

Personal Information

Keibatsu, The Nephilim, Nihilgenia, Darius Blackwind, Nisha Kenvon

Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):



Blaster pistols, lightsaber

Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information



Communications Officer


Keibatsu, Krath

Known masters:

Muz Ashen

Character Sheet:

Character Sheet

[ Source ]

Leena'Shylow is an apprentice of Muz Ashen, an accomplished slicer, and techweaver.

Brief History

Born into slavery on Nal Hutta, Leena was torn from her parents and sold to a Devaronian pirate and smuggler by the name of Soklaath Dhig to balance a debt. Finding an underage slave more or less useless, Dhig trained her to slice, starting off with basic code and cyphers, before progressing to larger systems and technologies. Demonstrating a raw talent for slicing, Dhig used Leena to access systems and collect secret information for sale on the black market, turning tidy profits.

As Leena became a teenager, Dhig pushed Leena's skills, eventually encouraging her to slice into the Black Sun's computers to shift credit accounts directly. While she managed to accomplish the goal, the Black Sun was able to trace the flow of credits back to Dhig, and cornered him in the Outer rim. Faced with a severely damaged ship and a boarding party of particularly brutal Black Sun members, Dhig surrendered his ship, the cargo, and Leena in order to escape with his life.

Taken to the slave markets of Nar Shaddaa, Leena was auctioned off, commanding a premium price due to her rare violet skin tone. She was sold to a wealthy Clawdite who only saw her as a dancer for his harem.

A few terrible years later, the Clawdite had brought a shipment of rare spices and textiles to a planet in the Tingel Arm. As he brought his entire harem for the extended stay, the clawdite met with one of the nobles on the planet. Sensing something about the black-eyed noble, Leena made sure to be seen.

The noble made the Clawdite an offer that he could not refuse, credits and immediate withdrawal from his world, or quick and painful death at the point of his lightsaber. Leena, for the first time in her life, was free. The Grand Master offered an apartment in the capital and training at the academy, where Leena honed her skill with slicing. Graduating with honors, Leena was given employment and additional training in the Nephilim, a group of highly specialized soldiers that supported the Grand Master and the Star Chamber.

Fighting on New Tython with the Nephilim, Leena found herself fighting a Jedi that carved through several others of her unit, his saber carving a deep wound in her left lekku. The pain unleashed a torrent of power that had laid dormant in her, and the Force uncoiled from her in self defense before falling into a coma for several weeks. When she awakened, she left the Nephilim and became an apprentice to the Dark Lord himself, learning the ways of the Krath and delving deep into the ancient secrets of Mechu-Deru.

Building a prosthetic to help compensate for the damage to her lekku, she found her calling in the fine area between technology and the mystical aspects of the Force. Choosing to keep her Force sensitivity somewhat hidden, Leena found herself able to slip under the radar and avoid much of the internal politics of the Dark Brotherhood.



Leena prefers the company of droids to most sentients and is a touch paranoid. She is socially awkward, and masks this with sarcasm and sometimes scathing iconoclasm. She is not a particularly trusting person, but once one has earned her trust, her loyalty knows no bounds. She keeps her circle very small, considering them as the family she never had a chance to know. As a freed slave, Leena harbors a deep resentment toward slavers, which complicates her work with droids, who she often finds as somewhat sentient.


Leena'Shylow is a Dark Prophet and Techweaver, a master slicer and an excellent mechanic. Her skills with her blasters outpaces her skill with a lightsaber, which suits her preference to keep enemies at a distance.

She is considered a crew member of the Fallen Spear, where her skills as a mechanic and as a combat slicer has proven invaluable time and time again. She can often be found tinkering with droids in the onboard lab or in the comms room, probing the recesses of the HoloNet.

Despite her preferences to avoid close combat, her apprenticeship with Muz has afforded her some substantial skill in Sokan and with the traditional Clan Naga Sadow specialty of Telekinesis.


Members of the Fallen Spear's crew


HK-81 Hekate is an HK model assassin droid that has been subject to Leena'Shylow's work with Mechu Deru. Over years, the droid began to consider itself a fellow apprentice to Leena's own Master, to the point of accompanying him on missions at times. Pushing the edges of what Mechu Deru can accomplish, Hekate's personality has progressed to the point where it doesn't seem to acknowledge that it is an artificial life form, which can prove confusing to those it encounters. Hekate wears old knight robes from the Krath Order, and eagerly seeks out new tidbits of knowledge about the Force. Painted black and with bits of chrome accents, Hecate has an almost skeletal appearance. A consistent glitch within the vocalization circuits causes the droid's voice to sound like three distinct female voices at once, even after repeated repairs. In combat, the droid is aggressive, somewhat risky, and uses a BlasTech DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle and a sword that has been treated using Sith Alchemy, using the excuse that it has yet to find a suitable lightsaber crystal to craft it's own saber with.

BT-R3 "Beater"

R3-N3e Renee was an R3 Astromech that has been a project for Leena'Shylow over the years, constantly tinkering with the sensor packages installed on the droid. As a result, Renee was exceedingly useful for covert slicing operations and data extraction and decryption. Tasked with assisting Leena in the field, the droid had developed a bit of a superiority complex, which lead to strained relationships with Hekate as well as any other droids it encountered.

Following a particularly harrowing mission, R3-N3e was damaged beyond the point of repair, with prize little aside from memory banks and most of it's personality matrix remaining intact. Leena, feeling bad for the droid's sacrifice, managed to install these circuits into a new BT-1 chassis, marking the registration as BT-R3. Disturbed somewhat by the lack of technical ability afforded by the new chassis, Renee started calling itself "Beater" as a dark joke referring to its new roles of security and combat. Considerably more sarcastic in tone and much more prone to irritation, 'Beater' still maintains its sense of superiority, albeit with a newfound sense of rivalry with Hekate.

AD72-4G "Forge"

A long-worked project of Muz's, Leena has helped procure and install the final missing parts of this modernized Old Republic-era Architect droid. Starting with a damaged personality matrix from Muz's original astromech droid, Leena's tinkering helped ease the conversion to a body more suited to handle Muz's needs in the field and workshop. As a result, Forge seems rather contemplative, often taking time to pick the best words before speaking them. Having added in data from several of Muz's logs and data crystals, the valet has a deep knowledge of lightsabers and forms as a result, carrying two sabers from Muz's collection in case he should need them. Acting as a 'genleman's gentleman', Forge is well-mannered, capable, and methodical. Forge keeps his silver chassis spotlessly polished, wearing a pristinely kept apron and broad sash bearing embroidered symbols showing his affiliation with the Keibatsu.

KX-Y4N6 "Huyang"

'Liberated' from an imperial remnant facility, the KX-series security droid was critically damaged during the firefight that ensued. After the rebuild, multiple reformats were required to purge the original programming. Without a template file for the KX-series, Leena'shylow constructed a new intelligence matrix using backup files similarly acquired by Muz over the past few years. The backup was corrupted, causing voice artifacts and even occasional repeated dialogue, but the information gleamed from even a partial and corrupted backup of the ancient lightsaber expert was considered highly valuable to Muz. The personality developing from the interplay of a security droid hardware running ancient tutor software has proven to be fairly stoic and practical thus far, devoid of humor. Painted matte black and coated with a additional armor plating, Huyang is often left on the Fallen Spear to assist Darius Blackwind. This droid was damaged beyond even Leen's capable repair skills, and has since been retired.

ZR-4ND "Rand'

Initially issued from the Aurora Collegium to assist Muz's research into the ascendant crystals of the Children of Mortis, "Rand" was eventually found himself working on various other projects with Leena. Continued exposure to the Techweaver's latent mechu-deru has imbued the droid with a particulary emotional personality, bordering on clingy toward its fellow droids and Leena. Rand's refusal to 'leave my new family behind' was initally met with resistance and a wipe order from the Aurora Collegium, but they were shortly convinced otherwise after the course of the war. Leena has since found and removed the obscured automatic uplinks to brotherhood servers and inhibitor chips, officially bringing Rand 'into the family'.