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{{Eras| new|njo|djb}}
|type = Sith
|order = Sith
|firstname= Nicolai "Rod"
|firstname= Nicolai "Rod"

Latest revision as of 16:11, 29 July 2024

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Nicolai "Rod" Rodell
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

18 ABY (20 years old)

Physical Description





6' 2" (1.88m)


200lbs (90.7kgs)


Light Brown



Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

Sith Red

Lightsaber Form(s):


Chronology & Political Information



Clan Arcona

Known masters:

Turel Sorenn



[ Source ]

Nicolai "Rod" Rodell is a Human Male Sith Marauder. Rod was born Nicolai Andre Rodell on the planet Almania in the year 18 ABY. He was a child during the Yuuzhan Vong War, which skipped over his Outer Rim world. In the year 35 ABY he left his homeworld for Coruscant, where he enlisted in the Galactic Alliance Army. He was recruited to the Galactic Alliance Special Forces and served with them during the Swarm War. It was during this time that he picked up the nickname "Rod" which he eventually adopted as his only name. He was injured during the Battle of Tenupe and later discharged from the service. Upon his discharge, he sought out the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and joined the Order of the Sith. After completion of his initiation at the Shadow Academy, he was placed in House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona.

Character History

Early Life

Rod was born Nicolai Andre Rodell on the planet Almania in the year 18 ABY, not long after the Battle of Armania. Son of Joseph Rodell and Myra Rodell, he grew up in a middle class family. Unlike most children in this time frame, Nicolai did not have to experience the horrors of the Yuuzhan Vong War, as Almania was entirely skipped by this conflict. Instead, he grew up hearing stories of the feats of great heroes of the war, especially Luke Skywalker and his Jedi Knights. In the year 35 ABY, when Nicolai turned 17, he boarded a freighter to Coruscant intent on enlisting in the Galactic Alliance Army and becoming a war hero like those he worshiped as a child.

Galactic Alliance Army

When he arrived at Coruscant Nicolai quickly found a recruiting station. The recruiter noticed that he was young, in good shape, and desperately wanted to see combat. The recruiter talked Nicolai into going out for Special Forces, telling him he would see more combat there than anywhere else in the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. Nicolai agreed, and the next day was on a shuttle to basic training. After a few months of rigorous training and slight brainwashing, Nicolai emerged a new man. He even went by a new name, Rod, short for Rodell. Rod was not the young naïve boy that Nicolai had been, he was now a trained killer who was ready to use his skills. He was in luck, because almost immediately after his training ended the Dark Nest Crisis turned fully into the Swarm War.

The Swarm War

Rod was assigned to Battle Team Alpha, one of the most elite Special Forces teams in the GAA. Alpha team was attached to the Star Destroyer Megador, the flagship of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. Rod saw combat at the battles of Nickle One and Sarm, but his life would forever change after the Battle of Tenupe.

Battle of Tenupe

Megador arrived to the Battle on Tenupe while it was already underway. The original intent was to help the Chiss with the complete annihilation of the Killik Fleet. However, Luke Skywalker convinced Grand Admiral Paelleon to settle for taking the Admiral Akbar. Rod was disgusted by the weakness his childhood hero showed by shying away from an all-out massacre, and his opinion of the Jedi was forever changed. Battle Team Alpha was sent on a small shuttle to the planet’s surface to assist the Chiss ground units in their retreat. During the fighting on the ground, Rod was gravely injured by a stray grenade. His life was saved when his squad-mate Cassius tackled him and laid over his body, taking most of the impact and killing himself in the process. The rest of his team was able to drag him out and keep him alive, however his left foot was severely injured.


After his injury, Rod was sent back to Coruscant to recover. He underwent multiple reconstructive surgeries, by the end of which he had more metal than bone/flesh in his foot. After his surgeries, he had to do daily physical therapy for months before he was able to walk without a limp and eventually run. By this time, the war was over, and the GADF had begun downsizing. Rod was medically discharged once his rehabilitation was complete. He received a large disability pension and spent the better part of the next year drinking it away.

The Brotherhood

Sometime towards the end of 37 ABY Rod found himself bouncing from planet to planet along the Outer Rim, living off his pension and frequenting every cantina he could find. One day, he heard a group of young men talking at the other end of the bar about how they couldn’t wait to become Dark Jedi. Apparently they had applied to some brotherhood and were taking a shuttle to start their training first thing in the morning. In his inebriated state, Rod told them he would go with them. He awoke a few hours later on a shuttle to Lyspair with no idea what was in store for him.

Shadow Academy

Rod arrived at the Shadow Academy with no idea what to expect. He didn’t know anything about the force and had only heard rumors of the Sith. He did however have an edge over most of his fellow initiates in that he was able to endure physical and psychological punishment for long periods of time, a skill he developed in Basic and Special Forces Training. Rod spent his first few weeks regretting his decision to board the shuttle, feeling like he was back in the GADF. However, once the instructional portion of his training began everything changed. Rod was like a sponge when it came to information. He couldn’t learn enough, and could be found every day after training in the library studying up on something he had heard about during his lessons that day. He spent a good amount of time studying the orders, and at the completion of his initiation training chose to join the Order of the Sith.

House Qel-Droma

After his initiation was complete, Rod was assigned to House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona. He quickly rose through the first few Journeyman ranks and with every passing day he grew fonder and fonder of his decision to join the Brotherhood. Shortly after being assigned to house Qel-Droma Rod reached the rank of Protector, at which point he was assigned a master. Rod’s master also happened to be the House Aedile, Turel Sorenn.

DJB Facts

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Positions Held

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Outstanding Achievements

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