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| {{Eras| new|njo|djb }} | | {{Eras| new|njo|djb }} |
| {{Character | | {{Character |
| |type= Krath | | |order = Sith |
| |image= | | |image= [[File:KorVaal.jpg|250px]] |
| |firstname= Kor | | |firstname= Kor |
| |lastname= Vaal | | |lastname= Vaal |
| |homeworld= Unknown | | |homeworld= Unknown [[starwars:Dorin|Dorin]] |
| |birth= Approx 8 ABY | | |birth= 8 ABY |
| |species= [[starwars:Kel Dor|Kel Dor]] | | |species= [[starwars:Kel Dor|Kel Dor]] |
| |gender= Male | | |gender= Male |
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| |height= 1.7 m | | |height= 1.7 m |
| |weight= 69.8 kg | | |weight= 69.8 kg |
| |saber= Green | | |saber= Light Blue |
| |form= [[Form Zero]] | | |form= [[Niman]] [[Djem So]] |
| |fightingstyle= [[Dulon]]
| |
| |profession= *Slave | | |profession= *Slave |
| *Scholar | | *Scholar |
| *Antiquarian | | *Antiquarian |
| *Fortune Teller | | *Fortune Teller |
| |position= Battleteam Member of Acclivis Draco
| |
| |era= [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]] | | |era= [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]] |
| |affiliation= [[Scholae Palatinae]], [[Acclivis Draco]] | | |affiliation= [[Rogue]] |
| |dossier= [[dossier:1340|1340]] | | |dossier= [[dossier:1340|1340]] |
| }} | | }} |
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| :''"Within every truth, a lie. Within every lie, a truth. The wise can discern the truth from the lie. The powerful decide which is which."''
| | {{Quote|Do what I will shall be the whole of my law.|Kor Vaal}} |
| :-Kor Vaal
| | *Extensive rewrite in progress* |
| A [[Protector]] of the [[Krath]] order and member of [[Scholae Palatinae]], the [[starwars:Kel Dor|Kel Dor]] known as '''Kor Vaal''' awoke in adulthood with little memory of his previous life, but with a strange knowledge of the religions, legends and artifacts of the galaxy which he can to this day not explain. A mysterious and closed off individual, he spent many years as a slave, before breaking free of his bonds and earning a living as a traveling mystic, fortune teller and something of a con man before eventually finding the Dark Brotherhood and realizing where his powers stem from. He is obsessed with all things occult and esoteric, whether they are the philosophies of Force users or the superstitious practices of primitive species, as he believes that all idea's of religion and magic hide truths pertaining to mastery of the Force. For all his scholarly leanings, his anger and hatred can overpower him, greatly strengthening him but reducing him to nothing more than a bloodthirsty killer. Sometimes this rage comes unbidden, but at other times he seems to allow himself to lose control, as if he revels in the unbridled anger and bloodshed.
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| == Character History == | | == Character History == |
| ===Pre Dark Brotherhood=== | | ===Pre Dark Brotherhood=== |
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| ====Rude awakening==== | | ====Early Years==== |
| '''Kor Vaal''' awoke sat in a cave in front of a fire at roughly age 20, knowing only his name and species, but could remember little else. Although disorientated, he felt at ease, like he was definitely meant to be there. On the other side of the fire was a pendant composed of a small clear crystal wrapped with bronze coloured wire on a chain of fine dull silver. Again, recognition flared in his memory, and he put the piece of jewellery on. There were two well read books in the cave with him, one a book of lore and ritual of the Baran Do sages, the other a small study of Sith history and philosophy, along with a small satchel with some food, water and a stack of what he assumed to be local currency. Seeming safe for the moment, and hoping his memory would return, Kor stayed in the cave and read for a time, feeling some sense of familiarity with both books. Although no memories resurfaced, he felt as though he had read the words in the books a thousand times before, as if they were locked away in some part of himself. After a time he packed the books in the satchel and found his way out of the cave. He was halfway up a mountain, on a dusty grey planet dotted with barren white trees. Seeing a town in the distance, and with no other real options, he set on his way to find answers.
| | In which Kor is orphaned and buries his sadness in books... |
| | | (In progress) |
| ====Capture====
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| When Kor arrived in the town he headed to the nearest cantina, ordering a drink and trying to establish where he was with the bartender, discovering he was in the outer rim territories. After divulging about his amnesia, the bartender told Kor that there was a man in town who could help him, and told him to go to his address and tell him that the bartender sent him. Upon arriving at the address and mentioning the bartender, Kor was taken prisoner by the man, who was a Twi'Lek slaver and smuggler by the name of B'kahn. On the way to a sale, Kor recognized and identified an item one of the other slaves had on them, a valuable religious artefact. B'Kahn took the item and found a buyer, making double what he would have sold the slave for. When asked how he knew what the item was, Kor was unable to answer, he just somehow knew. B'Kahn took ownership of Kor for himself, and gave him bed and board on his ship, provided that Kor identified and helped him find valuable artefacts to sell.
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| ====In Servitude, In Chains==== | | ====In Servitude, In Chains==== |
| Kor Vaal was granted a room aboard the ship and allowed to keep a handful of possessions, these were mainly books and data slates regarding various religions and magical practices and items, the better he could identify items for B'Kahn. Initially he would inspect any meagre items B'Kahn's newest stock had in their possession so that these could be taken from them and sold seperatly, but soon enough B'Kahn saw how lucrative trading in ancient artefacts and books could be. In addition to slaves, he began to deal in artefacts, always finding buyers and sellers in the many crime dens he visited. Kor Vaal's knowledge grew as he studied each artefact and tome, his understanding of ancient cultures and practices allowing him to spot forgeries with ease (and, on occasion, make them himself). No more of his memory returned to him, but he was at least content to continue his studies. After a couple of years B'Kahn decided to expand his operation, and he began to explore ancient ruins he heard of, taking Kor Vaal to identify anything of value. B'Kahn allowed the crew to teach Kor Vaal the basics of hand to hand combat in case they ran into trouble, and he learned something of the use of explosives from the need to break into ancient tombs and other sealed off places. | | Kor is captured and forced into servitude... |
| One particular client requested a particular book on history and philosophy of the sith, the book Kor Vaal had awoken with in the cave. Kor Vaal refused to part with one of his most treasured possessions, but B'Kahn had him beaten and took the book from him. He made Kor Vaal watch as he arbitrarily began destroying random items and books in Kor's room. After this was done he clasped an iron collar round Kor's neck and told him that from now on he would be lead on a leash, to remind him that he was nothing but property to B'Kahn.
| | (In progress) |
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| ====Unheeded Whispers==== | | ====Unheeded Whispers==== |
| :''''"You're nothing but an animal, fit for one purpose alone, and I am your master!"''''
| | Kor's Force abilities begin to manifest... |
| :-B'Kahn to Kor Vaal
| | (In progress) |
| The indecent almost broke Kor Vaal. Where once he considered the crew as something close to friends, he now realised he was nothing more than an asset to them, and he learned to hate them, for their betrayal, for the beating and for destroying what unique items that may have been the only source of the knowledge they contained. But most of all, he hated B'Kahn, he hated that he had been reduced to a dog on a leash, subservient to the whims of another. Just a few weeks after the beating, as he sat in his cabin, brooding on his hatred, he heard it for the first time. A faint voice that rang like nails on glass. He couldn't make out the words, but he discerned where it came from; the pendant around his neck, the one he found in the cave when he first awoke. In a moment of surprise and panic he tore it from his neck and threw it across the room. Slowly, he approached the place where it had landed, amongst a pile of scrolls. He picked it up by the chain and studied it carefully. To his visored eyes the pendant seemed as it always had, but as he stared he thought he saw a faint glimmer, like a shadow passing in the crystals core. He heard the whisper again, but this time he did not panic. He concentrated on the voice, a cold and faraway sound. Eventually, he managed to discern one word. The crystal said ''''learn''''. Suddenly the chain of the pendant slipped through his grasp and the crystal landed on a book that he hadn't realised was on the floor. Picking up both, he stared in wonder at the book, a small dog eared thing, almost a pamphlet. It was titled ''''Forgotten Magics of the Sith Empire''''. Understanding dawned on '''Kor Vaal'''. He knew what he had to do.
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| ====Unbound====
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| For the next year Kor Vaal continued to do as he was bid, being led through ancient ruin's on a chain 'sniffing out value' as B'Kahn put it. But now, instead of studying his tomes and artefacts as a scholar, he began to practice what he read. He learned all he could of the rituals and rites of ancient powers, performing such as he could in his confined quarters with limited resources, he studied the properties of crystals and various other substances. He practised many methods of divination, various runes and cards of a myriad different cultures and religions. He also studied the philosophy's of force users in attempt to find correlations between the various paths he was now studying. But overhanging all this he studied the philosophies of the Sith Empire and the Krath cult, for he knew that the power he sought was hidden in these. He attempted to coax more from the crystal pendant, but it rarely spoke again, and the times it did it merely certain books or certain cards in reading. Almost a year to the day that the crystal first spoke he was performing a reading of the future, when he was struck by a vision: his hands bloody, a broken chain at his feet. When he came back to his senses the crystal had fallen from its chain and landed on a certain card in his reading, a card of cataclysmic change and death. He picked the crystal up and it spoke, but with such clarity that Kor Vaal nearly fell backwards in shock. It said ''''The time is coming''''. With that his room communicator buzzed into to life to inform him that they would soon be departing the ship. Kor Vaal packed away his things and put the crystal back on the cord around his neck, and awaited to be collected.
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| B'Kahn was going to a slave market on the planet they were on, while some of the crew were to take Kor Vaal and travel to a local ruin to search for anything of value. Once there, they discovered nothing of value except a peculiar carving on one of the walls. Kor Vaal wished to study it but his [[starwars:Trandoshan|Trandoshan]] handler Drosk demanded they return to ship. An argument ensued and Drosk fired his blaster at the carving, destroying it. To see more valuable knowledge destroyed before his eyes pushed Kor Vaal over the edge. His anger and hatred roiled to the surface and he flew into rage, ripping the chain he was being led on from Drosk's hand and managing to break it from the collar round his neck. Swinging wildly he used his makeshift weapon as part whip and part bludgeon, and moved with a supernatural speed, felling all the others in the small group. In a final act of vengeance, he took a dagger from the broken but still living form of Drosk and plunged it into his neck, finally ending the trandoshans life. When his senses finally returned to him Kor Vaal looked down to see his hands covered in blood and a broken chain at his feet, exactly as had been in his vision. Though exhausted from the incident, he felt powerful. He realised that his feats of supernatural strength and skill were proof that he was studying on the correct path. Though this was a raw display of his new power, he knew through careful study he would be able to control it, and become like a god. Picking up the chain that used to be his leash and a blaster from Drosk, he made his way back to the ship on the speeder he arrived on. When he arrived at the ship the guards were stunned at the sight of the bloodied and exhausted Kel Dor. He told them that the group had encountered some form of ancient trap and that the others were dead. One left to tell B'Kahn what had befallen the group. The other escorted Kor Vaal back to his quarters. As the guard opened the door, Kor Vaal tried to bring forth his anger as he had before, and through an effort of will lent himself the strength to strangle the guard from behind with his chain. He could not muster the same strength as before, but it was enough to accomplish his task. Not wanting to take on B'Kahn and the rest of the crew in his now weakened state, Kor changed his clothing, found the key for the collar around his neck, found a handful of local currency but most importantly gathered as many of his books and artifacts as he could. After all the 'business' meetings that B'Kahn had taken him to, Kor Vaal had a good understanding of how to travel without attracting attention, and he set off to put as much distance as possible between himself and the slaver. He vowed to continue his learning, gather his strength and take vengeance on B'Kahn.
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| ====Road to Power==== | | ====Road to Power==== |
| For the next few years, Kor Vaal travelled through the outer rim, offering his services as a mystic and fortune teller to nobles, criminals or anyone with credits, all the while acquiring tomes and artefacts to further his own powers. His abilities of divination and prophecy grew and became quite accurate for smaller matters, but he also learned the value of lying during a divination to manipulate people to his own ends. He also began to develop his innate Kel Dor telepathy, and plant minor suggestions in the minds of the weak willed. He began to experiment with the powers of telekinesis, and while he found this difficult at first, he eventually began to be able to lift small objects. If his travels led him to a slave pit or other fighting arena, he would participate, and gained an affinity for using his chain as a whip, whilst beginning to be able to control the abilities that had helped him free himself from Drosk in the ruins. Sometimes however his rage would build up beyond his control and he would kill not only his opponent but sometimes those unlucky enough to be within reach until he regained his senses. Occasionally he drove himself to this state, feeling a sense of euphoria in the release of pure rage. All the while the crystal whispered to him, simple words and guidance, though what or who the crystal was and its motives were, were questions that remained unanswered. Kor Vaal's obsession for practicing rituals grew, and he began to cut symbols of power and magic into the left side of his body. Eventually he fell into the employ of a superstitious crime boss on the planet [[starwars:Khubeaie|Khubeaie]], and became an adviser and fortune teller to him, in return for seeking out ancient texts and artifacts. He also became skilled in the arts of poisons, producing them for the crime boss to sell and testing them against opponents in the local fighting pit.
| | Having begun to control his abilities Kor escapes his captors and begins a life of travelling. He makes his way as a fortune teller, antiquarian and con man. He goes to great lengths to seek out ancient artefacts and writings of the Sith, Jedi and many Force using cults and religions of the galaxy... |
| | (In progress) |
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| ====Vengeance==== | | ====Vengeance==== |
| Eventually Kor Vaal's past caught up with him. B'Kahn walked into the crime bosses den with a large compliment of armed mercenaries, determined to reclaim his 'property'. The crime boss attempted to calm the situation, but Kor Vaal had been waiting a long time for this day. Letting his hatred bubble to the surface, he made the first move, throwing a pair of small grenades into the mercenaries, and then launching into the fray with his whip, his more powers turning him into an instrument of death. The room erupted into a frenzied close quarters battle, and soon no-one knew whose side they were on. In the ensuing chaos, few in the crime den escaped with their lives. B'Kahn lay dead and broken at Kor Vaal's feet and the crime boss had been killed by a stray blaster bolt, but Kor Vaal had triumphed, he had gained power and taken his revenge. The survivors had already began to loot the dead, and Kor Vaal began to walk to his chambers to gather his things and move on again, when the crystal pendant once again fell from his neck and landed on the corpse of a pale, white haired human in tattered black robes. Having learned to trust in these signs, he began to look through the dead man's pockets, and found an unusual data slate which contained details of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Kor Vaal knew what this sign meant. Alone there was only so much he could learn, but this Brotherhood could help him to further his knowledge, to guide him further along the path the power. Putting the crystal back on the chain around his neck, he gathered his things and made his way to the [[Antei system]].
| | Kor's captors catch up with him but he eliminates them. Finds cryptic details about the DB on the body of an unlucky bystander caught in the crossfire, and feels that destiny leads him to the Brotherhood... |
| | (In progress) |
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| === In the Dark Jedi Brotherhood === | | === In the Dark Jedi Brotherhood === |
| | ====Magick, in Theory and Practice==== |
| | Upon joining the Brotherhood Kor Vaal spent a great deal of time in the [[Shadow Academy]], longer than most do before joining a Clan. He hungrily soaked up the superior and more complete knowledge housed within the academy, his fascination with the Sith Empire and philosophies of the various Force using cults throughout the galaxy growing into an all consuming obsession, his rituals becoming ever more complex, his Force abilities more powerful. Eventually, and with more than a little ''persuasion'' from the Shadow Academy staff, Kor Vaal departed to [[Judecca]] to join the ranks of [[Scholae Palatinae]]. Kor Vaal quickly acclimatised to life in [[House Scholae Palatinae]], rapidly ascending through the [[Journeyman]] ranks and putting his knowledge and skills to good use. He was seen infrequently in social circles, spending a great deal of time in his own quarters researching ancient secrets and practicing esoteric rituals. Eager to put his knowledge to practical use and satiate his desire to release his rage, he requested to be placed in [[Battleteam]] [[Acclivis Draco]]. His first true test would come soon after. |
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| | ====The Art of War==== |
| | [[File:Caina.jpg|125px|thumb|right| Caina]]Shortly after Kor Vaal joined [[Acclivis Draco]], Fias Zhan, the mastermind behind the [[Antenora Rebellion]], turned his attention to the world of [[Caina]]. The forces of [[House Scholae Palatinae]] mobilized to take the world back from Zhan's dark Jedi and the civilian uprisings they had instigated. Although he was no stranger to combat, this was Kor Vaal's first taste of real warfare, of great warships and vast armies, and he became enthralled by the experience. For the first time in his life he began to feel part of something greater. The sight of the armed forces of the house willing and eager to carry out the commands of their dark Jedi masters ignited within him the desire to command. His new found enthusiasm saw him highly decorated in the war (a surprise to all, including himself) and in the aftermath of the [[Cainian Strikes]] he began to study the finer points of leadership, determined that one day he would be in command of great ships and legions of men eager to carry out his will, earning himself the position of Battleteam Sergeant in [[Acclivis Draco]]. Unfortunately for Kor it was at this time he had a vision which shook him to his core; his own death. He foresaw himself standing before the Grand Masters Iron Throne, the seat empty, when the crimson blade of a lightsaber burst through his chest. Kor's somewhat fragile sanity started to crack as his mind tried to process the vision, and without warning he took his belongings and departed suddenly, keeping his vision and his destination secret to all. |
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| | ====There and Back Again==== |
| | Kor returns to the Brotherhood, believing the circumstances of his vision to be unavailable but that the outcome can be changed, and though it may seem he is rushing headlong to meet his fate he knows that nowhere but the Brotherhood will he be able to gain the power he needs. He is determined to see more of his vision, the circumstances leading to it and the identity of his murderer. His obsession with ancient lore has not dwindled, and he firmly believes the means to his salvation (greater foresight to change his fate or, preferably, immortality) are spread between the teachings of the old masters. |
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| | ==Profile== |
| | ===Appearance=== |
| | Kor Vaal's slight frame and gaunt appearance have led many to believe him physically weak, when in fact his frame is almost entirely composed of whipcord musculature giving him a strength and power not at first thought possible. His skin is a dusky red in color, and like all [[starwars:Kel Dor|Kel Dor]] he has large extrasensory organs which frame his head and culminate in a pair of black tusks below his chin. Due to the unique conditions of his species home planet [[starwars:Dorin|Dorin]] Kor Vaal must always wear a breathing mask and eye protection, which are made of a shiny black metal. His is rarely seen without a hooded cloak or black cowl. Most of the left side of Kor Vaal's body and head are covered in a mass of scar tissue. At first glance these scars look like the result of a horrific accident or a mad butcher, but they are in fact a large number of individual scars in the shape of various runes and sigils from a myriad different cultures and beliefs which Kor Vaal has carved into his skin over the years during some of his stranger rituals. |
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| | ===Personality and Beliefs=== |
| | He is a follower of the theory of the [[starwars:Unifying Force|Unifying Force]], and believes that all deity's, religions, magickal practices and philosophies stem from the same single point, that they are at once true and untrue. To this end he obsessively pours through ancient manuscripts, practices occult rituals and prays to various deity's and ancient Sith lords and Jedi Masters in an attempt to reconcile these various systems within the [[starwars:Unifying Force|Unifying Force]] theory and discover the power in each. This research has given him a good grounding in the fields of history, philosophy and ancient artifacts. He has also extensively studied and practiced a verity of lightsaber combat forms, believing it to truly be the pinnacle of combat in the galaxy.<br> <br> |
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| == DJB Facts ==
| | The vision of his own death has, unsurprisingly, had a profound effect on Kor's personality. While still mostly as arrogant and selfish as ever, he has found a great deal of the rage that once almost consumed him begin to subside, replaced with a grim resolve and determination to cheat his fate. In combat he is cocksure, believeing that whatever situation he finds himself in he won't meet his end until he stands before the Iron Throne. This is not to say he recklessly throws himself in to danger, as he still feels pain as all beings do, and is always conscious that any injuries could make him less effective at dealing with his unknown 'would be' murderer (and, though he'd never admit it, there is still a small part of him that worries his vision might be wrong). |
| === Positions Held ===
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| | Kor has had some basic training in piloting starships. Unfortunately he is still a terrible pilot, and is reliant on others to ferry him from planet to planet. |
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| === Outstanding Achievements === | | ====Divination==== |
| | Divination is one of Kor Vaal's most studied subjects, and he uses a variety of methods to amplify his powers of foresight through the Force. His main method is by using a [[starwars:Sabacc|Sabacc]] deck, laying the cards out in a certain sequence and reading future events depending on what cards are in a certain position. This is his preferred and most accurate method, however he also makes use of small stones carved with [[starwars:Sith runes|Sith runes]], the bones of small animals and even mists like those used by the [[starwars:Findsman|Findsmen]] of [[starwars:Gand|Gand]]. <br> <br> |
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| | Between Kor's Farsight and his powers of Precognition he can sometimes build up a fairly clear picture of immediate future events, or be able to work out subtle changes that can alter an outcome in his favour. Many have questioned Kor's abilities, and some have accused him of simply being a superstitious mad man who spouts random thoughts as prophecy. Whether they are right or not remains to be seen, but Kor utterly believes in his abilities, and mostly believes in his sanity. |
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| | ===Weapons and Combat Style=== |
| | Kor prides himself on being a studied and practiced saberist, and focuses on the styles of [[Niman]] and [[Djem So]]. He will often use Niman as a means to learn his opponent, relying on the Force and his knowledge of lightsaber forms to keep him safe. Once he is confident he has figured out his adversaries fighting style and identified their weakest point he will switch to Djem So, enhancing his abilities with the Force where necessary to batter through where his opponent is weakest. <br> <br> |
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| | Kor counts his telekenises as his second weapon, and has become quite proficient at pushing and pulling his opponents and their surroundings to unbalance them. His abilities to terrify his opponents and create invisible barriers are usually his next go to abilities. <br> <br> |
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| | Without his lightsaber or Force abilities, Kor would have to rely on his very basic abilities with [[Teras Kasi]], though he learned this purely as a back up should he have no other options. He refuses to use blasters, believing they are beneath him and a weapon only used by those unable to master a lightsaber. |
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| == Trivia == | | == Trivia == |
| *Spent many years in the [[DB]] in [[Arcona]] under the names Karan Callidus [[Entar]] and Valnir Kayvaan Tiberian, but after an absence of over seven years I requested to get demoted to Novice and to completely start afresh with a new character. The corpse that Kor Vaal finds the information for the Brotherhood on is in fact this other character.
| | Spent many years in the [[DB]] in [[Arcona]] under the names Karan Callidus [[Entar]] and Valnir Kayvaan Tiberian. |
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| [[Category: DJB Characters]]
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- "Do what I will shall be the whole of my law."
- ―Kor Vaal
- Extensive rewrite in progress*
Character History
Pre Dark Brotherhood
Early Years
In which Kor is orphaned and buries his sadness in books...
(In progress)
In Servitude, In Chains
Kor is captured and forced into servitude...
(In progress)
Unheeded Whispers
Kor's Force abilities begin to manifest...
(In progress)
Road to Power
Having begun to control his abilities Kor escapes his captors and begins a life of travelling. He makes his way as a fortune teller, antiquarian and con man. He goes to great lengths to seek out ancient artefacts and writings of the Sith, Jedi and many Force using cults and religions of the galaxy...
(In progress)
Kor's captors catch up with him but he eliminates them. Finds cryptic details about the DB on the body of an unlucky bystander caught in the crossfire, and feels that destiny leads him to the Brotherhood...
(In progress)
In the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Magick, in Theory and Practice
Upon joining the Brotherhood Kor Vaal spent a great deal of time in the Shadow Academy, longer than most do before joining a Clan. He hungrily soaked up the superior and more complete knowledge housed within the academy, his fascination with the Sith Empire and philosophies of the various Force using cults throughout the galaxy growing into an all consuming obsession, his rituals becoming ever more complex, his Force abilities more powerful. Eventually, and with more than a little persuasion from the Shadow Academy staff, Kor Vaal departed to Judecca to join the ranks of Scholae Palatinae. Kor Vaal quickly acclimatised to life in House Scholae Palatinae, rapidly ascending through the Journeyman ranks and putting his knowledge and skills to good use. He was seen infrequently in social circles, spending a great deal of time in his own quarters researching ancient secrets and practicing esoteric rituals. Eager to put his knowledge to practical use and satiate his desire to release his rage, he requested to be placed in Battleteam Acclivis Draco. His first true test would come soon after.
The Art of War
CainaShortly after Kor Vaal joined Acclivis Draco, Fias Zhan, the mastermind behind the Antenora Rebellion, turned his attention to the world of Caina. The forces of House Scholae Palatinae mobilized to take the world back from Zhan's dark Jedi and the civilian uprisings they had instigated. Although he was no stranger to combat, this was Kor Vaal's first taste of real warfare, of great warships and vast armies, and he became enthralled by the experience. For the first time in his life he began to feel part of something greater. The sight of the armed forces of the house willing and eager to carry out the commands of their dark Jedi masters ignited within him the desire to command. His new found enthusiasm saw him highly decorated in the war (a surprise to all, including himself) and in the aftermath of the Cainian Strikes he began to study the finer points of leadership, determined that one day he would be in command of great ships and legions of men eager to carry out his will, earning himself the position of Battleteam Sergeant in Acclivis Draco. Unfortunately for Kor it was at this time he had a vision which shook him to his core; his own death. He foresaw himself standing before the Grand Masters Iron Throne, the seat empty, when the crimson blade of a lightsaber burst through his chest. Kor's somewhat fragile sanity started to crack as his mind tried to process the vision, and without warning he took his belongings and departed suddenly, keeping his vision and his destination secret to all.
There and Back Again
Kor returns to the Brotherhood, believing the circumstances of his vision to be unavailable but that the outcome can be changed, and though it may seem he is rushing headlong to meet his fate he knows that nowhere but the Brotherhood will he be able to gain the power he needs. He is determined to see more of his vision, the circumstances leading to it and the identity of his murderer. His obsession with ancient lore has not dwindled, and he firmly believes the means to his salvation (greater foresight to change his fate or, preferably, immortality) are spread between the teachings of the old masters.
Kor Vaal's slight frame and gaunt appearance have led many to believe him physically weak, when in fact his frame is almost entirely composed of whipcord musculature giving him a strength and power not at first thought possible. His skin is a dusky red in color, and like all Kel Dor he has large extrasensory organs which frame his head and culminate in a pair of black tusks below his chin. Due to the unique conditions of his species home planet Dorin Kor Vaal must always wear a breathing mask and eye protection, which are made of a shiny black metal. His is rarely seen without a hooded cloak or black cowl. Most of the left side of Kor Vaal's body and head are covered in a mass of scar tissue. At first glance these scars look like the result of a horrific accident or a mad butcher, but they are in fact a large number of individual scars in the shape of various runes and sigils from a myriad different cultures and beliefs which Kor Vaal has carved into his skin over the years during some of his stranger rituals.
Personality and Beliefs
He is a follower of the theory of the Unifying Force, and believes that all deity's, religions, magickal practices and philosophies stem from the same single point, that they are at once true and untrue. To this end he obsessively pours through ancient manuscripts, practices occult rituals and prays to various deity's and ancient Sith lords and Jedi Masters in an attempt to reconcile these various systems within the Unifying Force theory and discover the power in each. This research has given him a good grounding in the fields of history, philosophy and ancient artifacts. He has also extensively studied and practiced a verity of lightsaber combat forms, believing it to truly be the pinnacle of combat in the galaxy.
The vision of his own death has, unsurprisingly, had a profound effect on Kor's personality. While still mostly as arrogant and selfish as ever, he has found a great deal of the rage that once almost consumed him begin to subside, replaced with a grim resolve and determination to cheat his fate. In combat he is cocksure, believeing that whatever situation he finds himself in he won't meet his end until he stands before the Iron Throne. This is not to say he recklessly throws himself in to danger, as he still feels pain as all beings do, and is always conscious that any injuries could make him less effective at dealing with his unknown 'would be' murderer (and, though he'd never admit it, there is still a small part of him that worries his vision might be wrong).
Kor has had some basic training in piloting starships. Unfortunately he is still a terrible pilot, and is reliant on others to ferry him from planet to planet.
Divination is one of Kor Vaal's most studied subjects, and he uses a variety of methods to amplify his powers of foresight through the Force. His main method is by using a Sabacc deck, laying the cards out in a certain sequence and reading future events depending on what cards are in a certain position. This is his preferred and most accurate method, however he also makes use of small stones carved with Sith runes, the bones of small animals and even mists like those used by the Findsmen of Gand.
Between Kor's Farsight and his powers of Precognition he can sometimes build up a fairly clear picture of immediate future events, or be able to work out subtle changes that can alter an outcome in his favour. Many have questioned Kor's abilities, and some have accused him of simply being a superstitious mad man who spouts random thoughts as prophecy. Whether they are right or not remains to be seen, but Kor utterly believes in his abilities, and mostly believes in his sanity.
Weapons and Combat Style
Kor prides himself on being a studied and practiced saberist, and focuses on the styles of Niman and Djem So. He will often use Niman as a means to learn his opponent, relying on the Force and his knowledge of lightsaber forms to keep him safe. Once he is confident he has figured out his adversaries fighting style and identified their weakest point he will switch to Djem So, enhancing his abilities with the Force where necessary to batter through where his opponent is weakest.
Kor counts his telekenises as his second weapon, and has become quite proficient at pushing and pulling his opponents and their surroundings to unbalance them. His abilities to terrify his opponents and create invisible barriers are usually his next go to abilities.
Without his lightsaber or Force abilities, Kor would have to rely on his very basic abilities with Teras Kasi, though he learned this purely as a back up should he have no other options. He refuses to use blasters, believing they are beneath him and a weapon only used by those unable to master a lightsaber.
Spent many years in the DB in Arcona under the names Karan Callidus Entar and Valnir Kayvaan Tiberian.