Uji: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
m (→‎Character: redlink, think it was meant to be the star wars character?)
(→‎top: Updating Character template to reduce confusion, replaced: |type → |order)
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|type = Obelisk
|order= Force Disciple
|image= [[File:Uji_Tam.png]]  
|name= Rennek “Uji” Ughi
|firstname= Uji
|homeworld= Coruscant
|lastname= Tameike
|birth=5 ABY
|homeworld= [[starwars:Coruscant|Coruscant]]
|species= Human
|birth= {{Birthyear_and_Age|ABY|0}}
|species= [[starwars:Human|Human]]
|gender= Male
|gender= Male
|hair= Black
|hair= Black
|eyes= Brown
|eyes= Brown
|height= 1.85M
|height= 1.85m
|weight= 75kg
|weight= 70kg
|enemies= [[starwars:New Jedi Order|The Jedi]]
|cyber= Minor augmentation due to damage to heart.
|fightingstyle= [[K'tara]] [[Makashi]]
|father= Hantei Tameike
|profession= Assassin, Obelisk Templar
|mother= Mioko Tameike
|position= Arcona General Forces
|spouse= [[Satsi Tameike]]
|children= Samantha Tameike (daughter)
|allies= [[Satsi Tameike]], [[Turel Sorenn]], [[Arcia Cortel]], [[Atra Ventus]]
|enemies= [[The Collective]]
|saber= Yellow armoury issue (formerly Light of Arcona custom design)
|form= [[Makashi]]
|fightingstyle= [[Mandalorian Core]]
|profession= Tactician/Leader
|position= Magistrate to the DGM
|era= [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|era= [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation= [[Arcona]]
|affiliation= [[Arcona]]
|dossier= [[dossier:13561|13561]]
|ship= N/A
|masters= [[Sashar Arconae]]
|apprentices= [[Ruyn Myr]]

{{Quote|Bury it with everyone else you have failed with your incompetence and refusal to act.|Uji Taimeike}}

Uji is a former Jedi Knight, prior Magistrate to the Fist and currently assigned to House Galeres Battleteam Nighthawk.
Uji Tameike has served Arcona for the better part of five years, despite brief departures, having served as a Battleteam Leader, Aedile and Quaestor to House Galeres alongside serving as the Clan’s Proconsul under [[Atyiru]] during her tenure as Consul. His loyalty was once only to specific individuals, but as times change he has begun to realize the damage this mentality has caused to the Clan as a whole.

{{Quote|To serve the Galaxy as a Jedi, is to never compromise, to always serve the greater good, this is why the Jedi served the Old Republic, why Master Skywalker fought alongside the Rebels, and why the Order now works with the Galactic Alliance, we have and will always serve for the betterment of everyone.|[[starwars:Tionne Solusar|Tionne Solusar]] addressing Younglings at the Yavin 4 Praxeum.’}}
== Biography ==

Uji doesn’t speak to many of his past before the Brotherhood. Select individuals know of his history prior to joining Arcona through either personal retelling or intelligence gathered. When he arrived in Arcona, he was requisitioned at the time in service to the Brotherhood's Royal Guard where he has been a long-standing associate, serving twice as a Magistrate to the office.

===General Characteristics===
Within Arcona he has held nearly every position available, primarily within House Galeres until his eventual appointment as Proconsul where he served his longest tenure. His influence on the Clan has been tumultuous at best, his time as Proconsul ending with imprisonment and nearly being charged with betrayal as he directly disobeyed his Consul and acted against her wishes.
'''Name:''' Rennek “Uji” Ughi

'''Appearance:''' Uji appears in his mid-thirties, his attitude gives off the impression of emotionally detached until crossed. Slightly taller then average at six foot (1.85M) his body is well trained from years of combat. His focus on speed and silence keeps him from being as physically imposing as he could be, more lean muscle then overt bulk. He keeps his hair long enough to tie back into a top-knot when not tied back it rests around shoulder length. He is rarely seen in anything except for his Dervish Robes.  
He has been awarded a number of decorations and awards for his service to the Clan throughout its struggles. He holds the [https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/members/13561/award_events/6 Sapphire Blade] in the highest regard.

'''Other Names:''' Uji
== Physical Description ==

'''Titles:''' Templar, Obelisk Assassin
With sharp, slanted brown eyes too old for his face and a diminished frame, Uji has the look of a soldier forgotten by war. His body atrophied by time and lack of conditioning, the former Obelisk still strides straight-backed, assured in how he carries himself despite this. The stressed lines slowly appearing on his vital features are occasionally broken by the quick smirk, and he can often be found arching one of his dark brows in exasperation.

Uji's skin is a pale, oriental tan, marred by a multitude of scars and marks, particularly two long, thin twin scars across his sharp, straight nose, running from below his left eye to the other side of his face. His strong jaw and pronounced cheeks are covered by a neatly-kept, full goatee and framed by the occasional loose locks of dark black hair that slip from the knot he keeps it in. His strong posture is only slightly undercut by the slant of his step as he leans on a cane.

===Personal Characteristics===
== Personality and Traits ==

Virtues: Chastity, Diligence, Justice
Patience and intelligence are two of Uji's few virtues. He is a careful planner by nature, and is perfectly comfortable spending years weaving threads just how he wants them. This can make him appear reckless when his well-thought out plans lead to much intended chaos. This slow, cunning approach makes him a good tactician, impressive problem-solver, and careful manipulator. However it can also prevent him from recognizing when a different approach might be better, or from acting on the spur of the moment when it's needed.

Vices: Pride, Wrath
Uji's years of battle and hardship have left him all but physically crippled with a weakened heart. While the man had accepted this fact and was proud to instead use his considerable mind to solve problems, changes in circumstances have lead him to find new avenues of attack. He has developed more of a supportive role in combat, slowing enemies or suppressing powered individuals while teammates attack under his protection. If directly confronted with a situation he can’t avoid, he is all too aware that in a direct confrontation he has little hope against even a moderately competent opponent. His final resort is to release the rage inside of him, to fully embrace the Dark Side as his younger self once did, fully knowing the sacrifice would be just that: final. Any such attempt is knowingly suicidal.

Desires: Order, Development, Stability
== Powers and Abilities ==

Secrets: An extensive knowledge of the Jedi structure.
Uji is a disciplined and well versed user of Makashi. In his youth he developed the use of Makashi to ensure that each and every movement was precise and quite literally to the point. As he’s grown older and his physical health has failed him, this has become more of a necessity than a choice. He is physically incapable without drawing heavily on the Force to fight effectively over long periods or to push himself as he could in his youth.

Quirks: Sarcasm comes easily to him, as well as an elitist nature.
[[File:Uji and Satsi.jpg|thumb|left|Uji and Satsi fighting side by side]]

===Physical Characteristics===
His talents in the Force have changed as he himself has. Whereas he used to have a firm mastery of many disciplines he used to enhance his own physical prowess, as he has been forced to develop new methods of fighting this has led him to become a potent user of Suppression to even the odds against other Force Users, also ensuring that any combatants he is with (such as his partner Satsi) are able to combat any enemy they face on even footing.

Height: in 1.83M
== OOC ==
Weight: 75kg
Nationality/Species: Coruscant Native
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Long, typically tied back in a topknot
Eye Color: Brown
Scars: Many throughout his years of combat

Current song for inspiration = [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2o_wW-llz0 Judas]
===Mental Characteristics===
{{Quote|You think I am a monster, but you're no different from me, Drake. How many men have you killed? How many, just today? |Lazarevis, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves}}
Perception: A Guardian is nothing without a purpose, seek out only that which deserves your time and your dedication. Let all other distractions be forgotten. Passion and Desire rule the will of an Obelisk Guardian, without the desire to protect those in one's care, one cannot draw on the will or passion to succeed no matter the difficulty.
Savvies: Uji is first and foremost a duelist. Never having been much of a Soldier his skills lend him to assassination's more then the field of combat.
Ineptness: Uji is not charismatic, he has a dry sense of humor and it shows in his interactions especially with those he doesn't consider an equal.
Positive:Independent, self-confident, straight forward.
Negative: Aloof, obsessive, tactless.
===Intellectual Characteristics===
Logical-Mathematical:  Training in the Jedi Art’s taught Uji patience of thought and action. When given time he can be very analytical and calculating.
Linguistic:  Uji has never taken a keen interest in languages, while familiar with Basic and Old Galactic Standard he has spent years manipulating his voice and appearance to be bland and forgettable.
Bodily-Kinesthetic:  Uji’s reflexes are well trained, grace of movement comes easily to him after a lifetime of training in the Makashi form
Interpersonal:  Uji is not a manipulator, he tends to perform his work as an Assassin in a more direct manner. Subtlety is something he is capable of, but tends to avoid whenever possible.
Naturalistic:  The danger of being surrounded by the very type of people he used to hunt in his youth is not lost on the former Jedi. Though he has come to respect certain members of the Brotherhood he rarely drops his guard when near members of even his own clan.
===Supernatural Characteristics===
Ability: The majority of Uji’s Force abilities are internally focused, more of a Force Adept than a Sorcerer. Hence his initiation into the order of the Obelisk.
Strengths: Singular focus drives him to excelling in his chosen pursuit, at the detriment of well-rounded training.
Weaknesses: His power’s with the force are amplified by arrogance and pride have more then once led Uji to make poor decisions.
===Likes and Dislikes===
Likes: Old Coruscant Adventure Films (Think “The Adventures of Han Solo adaptations). Uji is almost OCD in his tendencies for things to be orderly.
Dislikes: The use of politics to influence stagnation, his personal belief in advancement through conflict means that whether in debate or in combat Uji seeks to drive progression and order in his actions.
===Social Characteristics===
Emotional Stability: A strong willed individual, it takes effort to drive Uji to anger or misery, on the opposite spectrum though it takes significant effort for him to smile or laugh. He is often too focused for much in the way of interaction.
Humor: Dry humor, sarcasm and wit will earn a smile from him.
Reputation: Uji has joined and left Arcona as necessary over the last year completing work for the Fist’s office, then personal business and finally out of frustration once before that he was not finding the path he required. The members of his fellow clan often look on him with disdain or outright anger for not following the blind loyalty many Arconans are known for.
===School and Work===
Degrees: No Shadow Academy Degrees completed as of this point.
Education: Uji has attended the Jedi Praxeum since his youth and more recently sought further knowledge and power from the Shadow Academy.
Study Habits: Consumed with passion for physical excellence Uji takes to training with almost unmatched zeal. As for educational study of history, mathematics, or science he lacks passion for the subjects and avoids them outside of a basic understanding.
Learning Type: Kinesthetic
Occupation: Assassin, Dark Jedi
Boss: Battleteam Leader Arcia Cortel is Uji’s direct superior outside of Galeres summit.
===Interpersonal Connections===
Immediate Family: Uji is unaware of any family still living
Allies: None currently
Enemies: None currently
Friends: {{Quote|...I think...no, I ''am'' very glad that you’re here, Uji.”
“Oh? And why is that?"
:''”Because you remind me of all the good in the Galaxy. And I needed that.”''
“Hmmm...we may be even more alike than we’d thought.”
:''”And why is that?”''
“Because I needed you to remind me of the good, too.|Atty and [[Uji]]}}
[[starwars:Padawan|Padawan]] and [[starwars:Jedi Knight|Knight]], [[Priest|Priestess]] and [[Templar]], [[starwars:Near-Human|Near-Human]] and [[starwars:Human|Human]], Atty and Uji had, throughout their history, always been similar but different, complementary opposites, fitting together like puzzle pieces. In the past, they were both Jedi, one a greenhorn, one a veteran, one rebellious, one obedient, one willing to endure whatever it took, one willing to enact whatever it took; and when they went their separate ways, one was warm, where the other was frozen.
After recovering from the initial shock of seeing his old, former friend again, Uji approached Atyiru in private. Their conversation set thing as straight as possible between the two, Atyiru had forgiven him for the death of her lover and had come to understand that without his actions. She would not be where she was surrounded by those she loved.
Uji and Atty fast became good friends again. Both still retained their like-minded tendencies for helping others and compassionate, yet battle-tested demeanors. More than anything, however, was their almost symbiotic dynamic. Uji, afraid of ever becoming as emotionless as he once had again, was relieved by Atyiru's constant efforts to "brighten" his life, much as she did with her other friends. Meanwhile, Atyiru, exhausted and traumatized by the [[Dark Crusade]], found solace in the elder Templar's wisdom, charm, and well-rounded philosophical outlook. Atty tends accept Uji's darker actives as one of the [[Fist of the Brotherhood|Fist's]] staff, despite her disapproval of such, while Uji is tolerant of her often-conflicting behaviors.
Frequently, Atyiru and Uji can be found joking, training, debating, or generally completing assignments together, if they can manage as much. Atty considers Uji one of her most trusted and closest friends, even within her circle of acquaintances, and often calls upon the assassin-turned-deadly guardian as her right-hand man. This reliance and affection soon grew deeper, and the pair became romantically involved. However, both were very aware of their duties and ambitions for a "better world", and were realistic about the fragility of their relationship despite their care for one another, particularly because of Uji's frequent--if not permanent--wanderings from the Brotherhood. Their relationship, like many of Atty's other romantic involvements, eventually dissolved. They remain friends, if often at a distance.
{{Quote|Well, you know how it is. Every Priestess needs her Templar, right?|[[Uji]] to Atty}}
* Sashar Erinos
* Teroch Erinos
* Cethgus Arconae
* Marick Arconae
- Though he looks up to these individuals of Arcona who have attained power through the Obelisk path, he considers them less his Heroes and more examples of what he can become.
===Story Information===
Archetypes: The Guardian: Uji has always dedicated himself to a charge, a mission, or a person. He has always been capable of pushing himself to the very limits of his power when he strives for someone or something greater then himself.
Tropes and Clichés:
Role: Guardian, Assassin, Shadow
Significance: Little to none currently
Anima: Passionate, Driven, Impatient
Persona: Stoic, calm, quiet
The time before he was part of the Jedi Order is something Uji has never really considered. His life began with the Order: his mentors, his peers and those he interacted with there are his first memories. Uji was part of the first class of Younglings to undertake training by Skywalker and Tionne Solusar. His youth was something he remembers fondly, learning, training, and practicing from the moment he rose, until four hours after dark, when they were expected to sleep.
During this time he would develop few close friends, but would find an understanding from the Order that the Jedi existed to serve the greater good, whether that be in serving the Alliance, the Rebels, or further back when they served the Old Republic. The Jedi exist to create peace, balance, and harmony: a teaching that would one day lead to Uji turning his back on the Jedi.
Uji found himself taking an interest in many of the Heroes of the Jedi Order who had turned rogue at some point, and the order of the Jedi originally used to stop said individuals, the Jedi Shadows. When concerns were raised, he was brought before his teachers, and before Master Skywalker. Even as a youth, Uji understood the destruction the Jedi were capable of, and assembled before the Council as an Apprentice, explained his reasoning. To understand how to stop a Rogue Jedi, one would have to understand their motivations.
Taking notice of the young Jedi, his teachers began to mold the path for him, using a direction the new Order had not yet incorporated: one of the oldest orders of the Jedi, the Shadow Sentinels. Years later, Uji lost his Jedi Master while hunting down a Dark Jedi. By defeating his master’s killer, Uji was accepted as a Jedi Knight and tasked with continuing his work as a Sentinel.
During the latter parts of his time among the Jedi, Uji would be befriended by a younger Miraluka girl, Atyiru Araave, a woman he would later unknowingly betray, and eventually come to serve.
Service to Alliance Intelligence:
Once Knighted, Uji was assigned to work alongside Galactic Intelligence recovering artifacts, confronting and eliminating threats to the Order, and any other mission the Order deemed important to keep under wraps, yet couldn’t afford to risk having exposed. Over the years, the missions began to become more brutal, and tactics changed from rescue and recovery to elimination, threats, and assassinations.
Uji began to have doubts that the Order was capable of using him in such a capacity, but often found himself placed in situations where contacting the Order was impossible without going through Alliance intelligence.
Given orders to eliminate a smuggling operation and leave no trace of the Alliance or Jedi’s involvement, Uji gathered together a group of smugglers, pirates, and murderers and provided them the resources and tools necessary to do the job. The Alliance wanted a group of smugglers known as the Red Ladies eliminated, as they had been an unresolved issue for the Exchange for quite some time.
The Alliance decided to deal with the Smugglers in exchange for a trade agreement with the Exchange. When Uji tracked and found a location on the ship piloted by the Red Ladies’ leader, Arraas, he sent his crew after the woman.
It wasn’t until after the conflict, when his team had failed, that Uji came to understand what had happened: how a better armed, better outfitted force had been defeated after reporting they had taken the ship. Atyiru Araave, a rogue Jedi padawan and his former friend, had been aboard the ship. The apparent lover of the captain, she had lead her remaining crew to retake the ship, and eliminated the mercenaries he had hired.
Uji questioned the orders of his mission to eliminate the smugglers, disagreeing with the need for extreme violence, and questioning when it became the role of the Jedi or Alliance to work with the Exchange. But the more he pressed the issue, the harsher the response he received: over the course of the next several months, he was thrown into more and more dangerous missions, and his contact with the Jedi order went from minimal to nonexistent.
It wasn't long before the betrayal was complete. Alliance Intelligence sent him on a mission to assassinate a planetary leader stirring rebellion in the outer reaches of Alliance territory. When he attempted to carry out the assignment, he found himself facing off against a squad of Bounty Hunters attempting to seize him for “Crimes against the Alliance”.
Narrowly escaping the attempt, Uji attempted to contact the Order, only to discover that his handlers among the Alliance had framed his last missions as him going rogue. Standing orders were for him to return to Alliance space and turn himself in. Uji was unable to contain his anger as he realized for how long he had been being duped by his handlers, when he realized that the Order had forgotten about him and let him be used to cause so much harm.
Sending a single message through to the Order, Uji explained his actions, explained in detail the missions he had been ordered to carry out, and ended the missive by informing the Order that he would no longer be serving them, or the Alliance they upheld. Uji took transport further out, and began trying to find a life for himself outside of Alliance space. Traveling where he could to find work, he began to orchestrate ways to use his training to do what he had always believed to be the right thing.
To strive for the greater good, no matter the actions necessary, he began to seek out something that could replace what he had lost: a group, an organization that could give him the tools he needed to carry out his desires. During these months, he began channeling his anger towards the Order, his desire for order to the chaos leading him to begin down the path of the Dark Side, seeing the potential for him to be so much more than the Jedi ever let him become.
Seniority: (What was your character's life like from age 55 until death?)
[[Category:DJB Characters]]

Latest revision as of 16:05, 29 July 2024

Uji Tameike
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

0 ABY (age 42)

Physical Description













Minor augmentation due to damage to heart.

Personal Information

Mioko Tameike


Hantei Tameike

Known Children:

Samantha Tameike (daughter)


Satsi Tameike


Satsi Tameike, Turel Sorenn, Arcia Cortel, Atra Ventus


The Collective

Lightsaber Color(s):

Yellow armoury issue (formerly Light of Arcona custom design)

Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):

Mandalorian Core

Chronology & Political Information



Magistrate to the DGM


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era



Personal Ship:


Known masters:

Sashar Arconae

Known apprentices:

Ruyn Myr

[ Source ]

"Bury it with everyone else you have failed with your incompetence and refusal to act."
―Uji Taimeike

Uji Tameike has served Arcona for the better part of five years, despite brief departures, having served as a Battleteam Leader, Aedile and Quaestor to House Galeres alongside serving as the Clan’s Proconsul under Atyiru during her tenure as Consul. His loyalty was once only to specific individuals, but as times change he has begun to realize the damage this mentality has caused to the Clan as a whole.


Uji doesn’t speak to many of his past before the Brotherhood. Select individuals know of his history prior to joining Arcona through either personal retelling or intelligence gathered. When he arrived in Arcona, he was requisitioned at the time in service to the Brotherhood's Royal Guard where he has been a long-standing associate, serving twice as a Magistrate to the office.

Within Arcona he has held nearly every position available, primarily within House Galeres until his eventual appointment as Proconsul where he served his longest tenure. His influence on the Clan has been tumultuous at best, his time as Proconsul ending with imprisonment and nearly being charged with betrayal as he directly disobeyed his Consul and acted against her wishes.

He has been awarded a number of decorations and awards for his service to the Clan throughout its struggles. He holds the Sapphire Blade in the highest regard.

Physical Description

With sharp, slanted brown eyes too old for his face and a diminished frame, Uji has the look of a soldier forgotten by war. His body atrophied by time and lack of conditioning, the former Obelisk still strides straight-backed, assured in how he carries himself despite this. The stressed lines slowly appearing on his vital features are occasionally broken by the quick smirk, and he can often be found arching one of his dark brows in exasperation.

Uji's skin is a pale, oriental tan, marred by a multitude of scars and marks, particularly two long, thin twin scars across his sharp, straight nose, running from below his left eye to the other side of his face. His strong jaw and pronounced cheeks are covered by a neatly-kept, full goatee and framed by the occasional loose locks of dark black hair that slip from the knot he keeps it in. His strong posture is only slightly undercut by the slant of his step as he leans on a cane.

Personality and Traits

Patience and intelligence are two of Uji's few virtues. He is a careful planner by nature, and is perfectly comfortable spending years weaving threads just how he wants them. This can make him appear reckless when his well-thought out plans lead to much intended chaos. This slow, cunning approach makes him a good tactician, impressive problem-solver, and careful manipulator. However it can also prevent him from recognizing when a different approach might be better, or from acting on the spur of the moment when it's needed.

Uji's years of battle and hardship have left him all but physically crippled with a weakened heart. While the man had accepted this fact and was proud to instead use his considerable mind to solve problems, changes in circumstances have lead him to find new avenues of attack. He has developed more of a supportive role in combat, slowing enemies or suppressing powered individuals while teammates attack under his protection. If directly confronted with a situation he can’t avoid, he is all too aware that in a direct confrontation he has little hope against even a moderately competent opponent. His final resort is to release the rage inside of him, to fully embrace the Dark Side as his younger self once did, fully knowing the sacrifice would be just that: final. Any such attempt is knowingly suicidal.

Powers and Abilities

Uji is a disciplined and well versed user of Makashi. In his youth he developed the use of Makashi to ensure that each and every movement was precise and quite literally to the point. As he’s grown older and his physical health has failed him, this has become more of a necessity than a choice. He is physically incapable without drawing heavily on the Force to fight effectively over long periods or to push himself as he could in his youth.

Uji and Satsi fighting side by side

His talents in the Force have changed as he himself has. Whereas he used to have a firm mastery of many disciplines he used to enhance his own physical prowess, as he has been forced to develop new methods of fighting this has led him to become a potent user of Suppression to even the odds against other Force Users, also ensuring that any combatants he is with (such as his partner Satsi) are able to combat any enemy they face on even footing.


Current song for inspiration = Judas