- An Apprentice of Ki-Adi-Mundi? An Apprentice of Count Dooku? A servant of the then-hiding Darth Sidious? A duel with Kyle Katarn? No offense, but it seems a bit unlikely. -- RevengeX Palpatine 19:38, 24 October 2007 (MDT)
Not to mention that if you were born in 62 BBY, you'd be 90 years old now (28 ABY). 3/4 Human 1/4 Firrero still makes you pretty old. --Tron 13:38, 12 November 2007 (MST)
Probably late to interject, but if you read his history, in 19 ABY his spirit located in a holocron was placed in a 19 year old clone of himself on Risban. His spirit may be 90, but his physical body is 28. --Dismal 19:11, 27 February 2008 (MST)
- I think that just adds to the "huhwhabuh?" aspect of it all --Halcyon 20:01, 27 February 2008 (MST)
Project Realism
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This page has been added to Category:Project Realism Manual Checks because your age is 94 and a closer inspection by Wiki Staff is required to ensure Star Wars realism.
-- Vexxtal 05:49, 1 December 2009 (UTC)
Confirmed, dude your getting old are you sure this is correct? --Windos 00:31, 2 December 2009 (UTC)
Update on Questionable
Please rework your article:
So, you were stolen from your home, by a Jedi Knight, even though your family controls and dominates a whole planet, corporation, culture, agriculture, almost another planet, lives a rich, wholesome life, in a mansion, and a simple Jedi merely penetrated all that and took you off planet? That seems a little bit difficult, even for a Jedi.
“Given his ties with and knowledge of Chandrila, Jedi Knight Scorpius was placed on the team. This would turn out to be a major mistake.”
This would not happen. The Jedi would not allow Anakin to go to arrest Palpatine because of his affiliation with Palpatine. They certainly would not allow you to go to Chandrila because of your affiliation with the government there. It would create an emotional situation.
I also did some searching and Ki-Adi Mundi didn’t become an officially Master until he took A’sharad Hett as his Padawan.
You also killed your Jedi friend randomly? If you were so unstable, the Jedi would not let you go on this mission at all. Ki-Adi Mundi was considered as one of the top ten duelists of the Jedi Order. You would’ve been mince meat within seconds. A duel with Ki-Adi Mundi is highly unlikely.
Dooku approached you? And told you he was a Dark Sith Lord? No. I’m sorry, but some of this stuff is just too unlikely that is goes beyond improbable. I think you should really rework your article. Just because you killed a fellow Jedi Knight doesn’t mean Dooku and Palpatine think the world of you. You also say you fought Ki-Adi Mundi several times and got away.
Palpatine’s secret Order? This is also highly unlikely. Vice-Admiral of the Imperial Fleet?
So, when the Empire fell, instead of going and trying to defeat Luke Skywalker (whom would’ve been easy for someone who fought against the Jedi so many times, trained by Dooku, and killed many Jedi over the course of the Clone Wars) you ran?
You really need to rework this. This is truly not an acceptable piece. It involves way too much canon and god-modding. It's like you killed a Jedi Knight, and now suddenly everyone thinks you are the coolest person in the galaxy, and they all want you. It's just not possible.Scyrone 20:08, 19 December 2009 (UTC)