Operation: Supremacy
Operation: Supremacy | |||||||||||||||||
Information | |||||||||||||||||
Conflict: A sudden and massive military operation meant to reassert Tarentum dominance over the Yridia system. | |||||||||||||||||
Date: 32 ABY | |||||||||||||||||
Location: Yridia II, Eden City | |||||||||||||||||
Outcome: Tarentum Dominion reestablished; feudal system abolished | |||||||||||||||||
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- " For too long you have lived under the corrupt and petty rule of crime lords, foreign corporations, and theocracies that have perverted your traditional faith into something to preserve their own power"
- ―Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Occurring during the third tenure of Anshar Kahn Tarentae, Operation: Supremacy was a well planned and coordinated move by Anshar to reassert the dominance of House Tarentum over the various criminal syndicates and theocracies that had arisen in the shaky governance of the Yridian Kratocracy.
The operation was swift and brutal, but all of its objectives were met. However, before any real adjustments could be made, Tarentum found itself swept up in the events of Horizons.
After Anshar's departure as Consul of Clan Tarentum, the success of the clan continued for awhile under the leadership of Oberst and Ronovi. However, with the departure of Ronovi, Sith Bloodfyre returned to lead the clan. Bloodfyre's reign, also his third, was marked by a retreat of sorts, allowing the Yridians to rule themselves while the Jedi of Tarentum focused on their own goals and private ambitions.
During this lull in active leadership, criminal syndicates on Yridia IX and theocracies on Yridia II rose to prominence. Though the specifics were different, in both case, the groups came into conflict with each other- politically, socially, and economically.
Upon Anshar's return to leadership in House Tarentum, he desired to reassert Tarentum's control over the entire system. To this end, he concocted Operation: Supremacy with the assistance of his close friend, Dranik. It was not until most of the preparations had been made that Anshar finally let one other member of Tarentum in on the plan: his aedile, Jason Hunter, who agreed to participate in the operation.
Setting the Stage
Unknown to anyone, Anshar's plans for Operation: Supremacy began back when he led an expedition into the fortress of De’hnaalia. Though the expedition encountered more than anticipated, its original purpose was to explore the fortress and investigate its usefulness. Falling within the domain of Messina, Anshar utilized the fortress as a training ground and headquarters for the Messinian Guard.

Another aspect of Anshar's plans involved reaching out to the summit of House Plageuis and borrowing the services of Primus Pilus. The members of Primus Pilus were assigned to gather intelligence on the criminal syndicates of Yridia IX. Anshar chose not to utilize active Tarentum members as they may have been recognized. In the meantime, Anshar had instructed the Tarentum military to blockade Yridia IX in preparation for the invasion. He refused to give specific details to the commanders, only asking that they follow directions and that all would become clear soon. Before its arrival, the Magnus Kaerner was diverted to Yridia IV to retrieve the Messinian Guard, though at that time, it was not revealed what the cargo was.
While Anshar planned the total elimination of the criminal syndicates, he dispatched Dranik to the island of Varkana on Yridia II. There, in the town of Regulus, the two competing theocracies were holding negotiations in hopes of avoiding a civil war. Dranik was ordered to spark a conflict between the two sides.
Invasion and the Firestorm
At Anshar's notice, Jason released a pre-recorded message across the entire Yridia system. Simultaneously with this message, the Tarentum military descended upon Yridia IX, quickly seizing control of all strategic points and then pressing on to completely eliminate the criminal syndicates. Thanks in part to the intelligence gather by the members of Plageuis, the Tarentum forces were often waiting at the various safe houses before the criminals arrived. Very few criminals were arrested, as most died trying to fight their way to safety. Though the Tarentum navy was positioned in orbit of Yridia IX, there are no records of any vessels escaping.
Meanwhile, on the island of Varkana on Yridia II, Dranik had succeeded in sparking a major fight between the two competing theocracies. After two days of fighting between the two militias, Anshar had another message broadcast, threatening destruction if the two sides did not lay down their arms. At the same time, he ordered the Magnus Kaerner into orbit over the island. When the two sides refused to acknowledge the broadcast, Anshar ordered the bombardment of the island of Varkana. An unknown number of militia fighters from both sides died, and the town of Regulus was wiped off of the map.
The entire operation took only a total of two weeks, though the overwhelming majority of the action was done in the first few days. The remainder of the time was spent in clean up operations, including Anshar forcing a peace on the two theocracies. Anshar also moved the capital of the Yridia system to the city of Issa, the major port city on Yridia IV and a part of Messina.
Anshar was summoned before the Tarentae, but stood his ground on his decisions. No recording of the meeting was ever made, so only those present know what was said. The only decision that was announced publicly was the transfer of the Messinian Guard from Anshar's private control to the Tarentum military.
The full repercussions of this operation have yet to be felt due to the arrival of the Horizons Plague and the subsequent events resulting from it.