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The Founders Holocron | |
Production Information | |
Type: |
Jedi Holocron |
Culture: |
House Odan-Urr |
Discovered: |
35 ABY |
Known Locations: | |
Physical & Technical specifications | |
Shape: |
Dodecahedron |
Chronology & Usage | |
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Affiliation: | |
[Source] |
A lone figure approaches the holocron. A deep blue light erupts from the uppermost face of the polygon taking the form of a miniature Gand Jedi.
- "Hey Dude!"
- ―Ji’s Gatekeepers Welcome Message
The Founders Holocron is a Holocron containing the core tenets of the three Jedi Orders (Consular, Guardian, and Sentinel), the philosophies of three Jedi Masters as well as two unique Force powers adapted for use by the Disciples of Odan-Urr. It was created between 34 and 35 ABY by the Founders of House Odan-Urr, Ji and Solari. This holocron stands as the heart of all knowledge of the Jedi Order on New Tython.
The Founders Holocron itself lies hidden away within the subterranean caverns deep under Ooroo Abbey in the New Tythonian capital of Menat Ombo. This holocron remains a source of clear contention with the outbreak of the Tenth Great Jedi War as Brotherhood forces seek to collect this Jedi Compendium.
Description And Use
Physical Description
The dodecahedral Founders Holocron acts as a massive storage device commonly used by Force-sensitives such as Jedi and Sith. This particular holocron is comprised of a complex crystal and metal lattice structure. The holocron itself is a stunning display of craftsmanship as it is inherently aesthetically pleasing, a true work of art. Decorative words in the language of the Harakoans adorn the beams of metal and crystal both supplying vital information for activating the Holocron and fulfilling decorative embellishments.
Gaining Access
In order for the Holocron to interact with its users the compendium was built to distinguish between Light and Dark Jedi, which acts as a safeguard ensuring that only members of the Disciples of Urr are able to benefit. Should a non-Odanite attempt to access the trove of information the device will permanently lock from inside. Realizing that the person is unauthorized, the Holocron shifts its calm blue light and glows white, emitting immense heat until the responsible party departs from its range.
Upon successful activation the Founders Holocron glows a deep sapphire blue as it unleashes one of two possible Gatekeepers (highly sentient hologram personas) in the form of either Ji, House Odan-Urr's first Quaestor, or Solari, the House's first Aedile. The Gatekeepers then test the prospective learner in varying degrees of difficulty as a means of gauging their capabilities, so as to customize an appropriate lesson. Only if the user proves themselves to the Gatekeepers will they be able to navigate the Holocron.
As users explore the comprehensive knowledge they are escorted and guided by the Gatekeepers responsible for creating that particular entry. One Gatekeeper will lead the student on through their lesson while intermittently another Gatekeeper will assist.
Being that Solari is inherently a member of the Brotherhood, he has seen to it that the Grand Master has private access to the knowledge of House Odan-Urr.
Inside the Founders Holocron
- " Humble yourself Padawan. Know that you are not just one individual but a component of a larger entity. Humble yourself and know your size in the scope of the history of our galaxy. Do you know yet of where we came from? Let me show you."
- ― Ji’s Gatekeeper relaying the history of the Disciples of Odan-Urr.
This Holocron is notable as it deviates from a traditional device. Solari, being the Brotherhood's trusted ‘inside-man,’ has secretly imparted the ability of his Gatekeeper hologram to fully communicate with the Grand Master, through secret holo-channels or telepathically alerting him to all the information that becomes stored within the device, both public and private. In other words, the Brotherhood has an active surveillance on House Odan-Urr through this device.
While the Founders Holocron is relatively young in age, the information stored within its databanks is thousands of years old. For 36,000 years the teachings of the original Jedi Order on Tython have greatly evolved throughout the passage of time, having been supplanted by modern day incarnations. These incarnations, while progressing from archaic, have remained relatively unchanged. The core value is ‘Ashla’ or the light side of the Force. This in turn has diverged into three harmonious branches of discipleship.
Through the Purge (22 BBY- 19 BBY)
The spontaneous birth of the Galactic Empire brought with it the onslaught of the Great Jedi Purge in 19 BBY, devouring the entity that was formerly the Jedi Order. During this abrupt transitional phase the Jedi Archives upon Coruscant and many other worlds came under assault as the newly christened Imperial forces decimated the Order. Thousands of Jedi and others sympathetic to them were massacred, and the knowledge of the Order in the various archives was seized.
Although their extinction was nigh, scores of Jedi Archivists sought to secure and safeguard the knowledge of the Order

, though they often failed. One such Jedi Master, going by the name of Ylenic It'kla, managed to procure enough valuable information from the archives of his Jedi Temple, fleeing before Imperial troopers descended to bring with them death and chaos. Perhaps the most important of Master It’kla’s preservation efforts were the living and breathing carriers of the Jedi Order itself, the students.
An influential Jedi Master in his sector during the Clone Wars, Master It’kla gathered quite a following of students throughout his career as a Jedi Master in hiding. In the years following the rise of the Empire, Master It’kla could feel the purging of other Jedi through the Force. Realizing that the knowledge in his archives and the few students under his tutelage were in great danger, he decided to remain in hiding.
Rebuilding the Order (19 BBY- 3 ABY)
Along with several other surviving Jedi Masters, a small Praxeum was established on the peaceful world of Alderaan. Supported by private backing from the government of the planet, the existence of the Praxeum thrived, albeit in a veiled nature. There trained numerous of Jedi hopefuls who upon approval of the Councilors. They were issued roles in conjunction with the up and coming Rebellion.
The outbreak of the Rebellion's active resistance against the Empire had already brought with it numerous victories of both small and wide-scale consequence as well as immeasurable defeats. Specifically, the Rebellion lost a key asset in 0 BBY when the Death Star space station completely annihilated the entire planet of Alderaan in one iconic battle. Unfortunately the entire population of the planet, civilians, the government, the Praxeum, even Jedi Master Yetic It’kla perished in the tragedy. Disheartened as they were, the remaining students of Master It’kla led by a young Gand named Ji carried on with their fight alongside the Rebellion. These Jedi Knights and Acolytes however concealed to the best of their abilities their nature as Force sensitives from everyone.
Acolytes of Odan-Urr (3 ABY- 34 ABY)
Over the next three years this group participated in various battles. Their combat roles culminated in defeat at the Battle of Hoth after which the Force sensitives decided among themselves to permanently split from the Rebellion for the time being. They fled into deep space heading towards the Outer Rim. They took with them all the knowledge of the Jedi Order that they still had. These Force sensitives declared themselves the Acolytes of Odan-Urr soon after

they arrived at a terrestrial world, which they called New Tython in homage of the original world of the Jedi.
As in the tradition of the Jedi, the Acolytes of Odan-Urr immersed themselves into the goings-on of the various factions of the planet, becoming mediators between the native Harakoans and the Colonists, groups of off-world settler bands. All the while the Acolytes continued to educate themselves and each other in the ways of the Jedi Order. Over the next 20 years this new Praxeum grew its roots deep into New Tython. By this time many of the most senior Consulars of the Order managed to successfully control the ancient powers of Force Aware and Influence Alignment.
Much like his Master Ylerik It'kla, High Councilor Ji begun his work on a holocron. The holocron he envisioned would serve as a marker storing all the knowledge of the surviving Jedi Order. No sooner had the Jedi Knight begun his archival quest that strange ships descended from the sky.
Mercy from Above (34 ABY)
Believing that the Imperial Armies had located their Order, the Jedi of Odan-Urr immediately took a passive stance, realizing they possessed very little in terms of military arms. Immediately emissaries from the fleet overhead came forth, meeting with the government heads of New Tython. Expecting a declaration of war against them, the Acolytes found they were the subject of interest towards the annexation of New Tython and all assets therein.
With their backs against the wall, the Acolytes of Urr were brought into the conglomerate Brotherhood of Dark Jedi as the newly christened House Odan-Urr. So as to represent the Brotherhood's interests, in the House was placed a Shard Jedi by the name of Solari, into the House's Aedile position, a second in command to the new Quaestor Ji.
The Founders Holocron (35 ABY)
The Founders Holocron at this point became a joint effort between the extraordinarily intelligent droid-bodied Shard Solari and the Gand High Councilor. Ji, having already compiled all of his own and his master's knowledge of the Jedi Order and their Odanite
Force techniques (Force Aware & Influence Alignment) into the dodecahedral holocron,

had little choice but to allow the Brotherhood's Solari to assist in the construction of the device.
Being an exquisitely intelligent archivist in his own right, Solari, in a bid of confidence to the House, imparted his accumulated knowledge into the holocron, filling in both the historical and philosophical gaps the Acolytes were missing into the new Jedi Compendium. Unbeknownst to the Order of Odan-Urr, Solari also deposited an arcane ability by which the Grand Master of the Brotherhood could have access both remotely and directly to the Holocron.
The Founders Holocron had been completed and was placed within Ooroo Abbey. To this day the Holocron serves as a bastion of knowledge for the growing House Odan-Urr and rests deep within the cavernous labyrinth, well below the foundations of Ooroo Abbey.
Current Events (35 ABY--)
By the time the The Nephilim infiltrated the inner walls of Ooroo Abbey in 35 ABY the Jedi Order had already relocated their headquarters elsewhere. The elite Brotherhood troopers combed through the abbeys rooms while the elite commandos seeped down into the narrow caverns beneath the abbey. They emerged from the waters to a cave bathed in sapphire light whereupon they were witness to a glowing Holocron resting on the stump of a broken stalagmite.
The elite commandos retrieved the Holocron and brought it before the Great Grandmaster Ashen. Upon activation the Grandmaster was greeted by the Gatekeeper Solari. Muz, fully confident the Gatekeeper would relinquish to him its knowledge bid the hologram its orders.
Promising to relay all of the information held within the Holocron Solari began an onslaught of dirty jokes, slanderous insults, tongue in-cheek jabs and various hand gestures of a questionable nature before videos of a wanton quality began to stream repetitively. Infuriated, the Grandmaster telekinetically crushed the Holocron dud flinging it toward his puzzled Nephilim.
The actual Founders Holocron remains unseen to this day. Rumor has spread throughout the ranks that the holocron was probably evacuated into the hills, or had probably been smuggled off-world, most likely by Habib given his prolonged absence. Whatever the case, the Founders Holocron containing the knowledge of the Jedi Order of Odan-Urr remains as elusive to the Dark Brotherhood as it ever was.
The Three Jedi Orders
- "Hello. You’re lost! Not physically, but you are wandering. I believe I can help you with that. You desire information and knowledge about your order, I can tell. Understand yourself before you understand your order."
- ―Solaris Gatekeeper

Jedi Consulars are the scholars, medical staff and diplomats of the Jedi Order. What Jedi Guardians achieve through combat and violence, Jedi Consulars achieve through reasoning, negotiation and diplomacy. Consulars spend a lot of their time in study, learning the mysteries of the Force. Consulars have the opportunity to pursue many different avenues within the Jedi Order. These avenues, paths, and careers include Jedi Ambassador, Jedi Artisan, Jedi Diplomat, Jedi Healer, Jedi Lore Keeper, and Jedi Researcher. While there are many paths that the Jedi Consular can take, the most skilled and learned Jedi Consulars and Jedi Masters are given the title of Sage Master. It is believed that two Sage Masters, along with two Warrior Masters, founded the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Although Jedi Consulars try to avoid conflict as much as possible, they still carry a lightsaber; usually with a green blade to symbolize their commitment to peace throughout the galaxy.

Odan-Urr was born circa 5,000 ABY and served as a Jedi Master and a Jedi Librarian. Though Master Odan-Urr had many accomplishments, his most notable ones are the creation of the revised version of the Jedi Code and the founding of the Great Jedi Library on Ossus. Master Urr strongly believed in studying the Force, both light and dark side. His old Master, Ooroo, actually stated that Odan-Urr would be content to spend his entire life in the company of scrolls and documents. Master Urr founded the Great Jedi Library on Ossus and became its Keeper of Antiquities for centuries. Odan-Urr was, and is, considered one of the most influential Consulars that have ever lived. His teachings, known as the Teachings of Master Odan-Urr, laid the foundation and ground work for the Jedi Order, right up until the Jedi Purge of 19 ABY. Among these teachings were the ways that Jedi are supposed to act in public, teachings that a Jedi should never lie or manipulate, that one should never use the Force to satisfy their curiosity, that a Jedi should make time to learn other skills that are unrelated to their Force abilities, and, arguably the most important of Odan-Urr's teachings, to "Honor the Jedi Order." Odan-Urr believed that the policies and procedures of the Jedi Order were in place for a reason, and that if one Jedi acted inappropriately in public, the public might believe that this is normal for all Jedi, throwing them into disrepute.
Jedi Guardians are a branch of Jedi within House Odan-Urr whose skills and talents revolve around martial prowess and combat. Concentrating on martial training and combat, Guardians engage in combat more than either of the other two classes of Jedi, the Consulars or the Sentinels. Descended from the Jedi Order's founders on Tython, whose role in the galaxy was to defend the weak and uphold the laws of the Galactic Republic, the Guardians were often seen as representative of the Order and the classic Jedi weapon: the lightsaber. Focusing all their time and effort on honing their martial skills, Jedi Knights who chose to pursue the role of Guardian often built their lightsabers using a blue crystal; symbolizing solidarity and uniformity amongst this branch.
Ulic Qel-Droma
Excerpt from Vima Sunrider’s recordings in the Great Holocron. Detailing the lessons of her master Ulic Qel-Droma, Jedi Guardian
“If you prefer heroics to standing around, becoming a Jedi Guardian is the way for you. While I do not want to discredit the work of our Consulars, it is a fact that our Guardians are the first line of defense against the countless enemies that seek to destroy us.

We are the heirs of the first Jedi Knights. When the followers of Ashla first left Tython, they did so with the purpose of making the wild galactic frontier safe for the innocent—and with the same principles we uphold today.
It is also this branch that is identified with lightsabers. They are our weapons and our symbol. We are associated with a blue-bladed lightsaber, though carrying one is more a sign of fraternity than a mandate. I know for certain that you would want to replace your original apprentice saber. We’re warriors, so your lightsaber will see plenty of action. There are many paths to follow within the ranks of our Guardians, the ways of war are many, no single Jedi can be the best in all of them"
A Jedi Sentinel is the name given to one of the three Jedi Orders, and is considered the middle ground to the other Orders. The philosophies behind this Order are often closely linked with Bastila Shan, a Jedi Sentinel famous for her use of Battle Meditation, who was also closely associated with the Dark Lord Revan, whom she managed to both capture and redeem. Jedi Sentinels receive adequate knowledge in both combat skills and knowledge of the Force, utilizing both skills when necessary. This Order is also unlike the other two; they realize that the Force has limitations and they are not blinded by faith. Where a Guardian would break down a door, or a Consular would simply knock, a Sentinel would use their skills and ingenuity to pick the lock. Oftentimes, it was common that they may learn a series of non-Force associated skills such as security, demolitions or stealth techniques, as well as ingenuity. Jedi Sentinels often take on tasks not well suited to the other Orders, preferring to stay in one place for a long period of time. Jedi Sentinels also practiced specialized techniques in the Force. A favored Force technique was a special form of Force Immunity that, combined with their increased mental conditioning, protected against outside mental influences, even Force-based attacks to guard them from effects such as fear or paralysis. Although not often lit unless necessary in a situation, most Sentinels utilize a yellow blade in their lightsaber, although like the other Orders, they are free to choose whichever color they feel best suited to. Most sentinels believe that nobody deserves death and that everyone deserves a shot at redemption.

Jedi Sentinels also apply their mixed training in the Force and combat with their other, non-Force related abilities, to specialize in different, unique paths that granted them titles in the Order. Jedi Investigators worked closely with law enforcement as spies and specialized trackers to discover the truth behind crimes; they often went undercover for extended periods of time. One who tracked down and assessed whether or not a Force-sensitive belonged in the Order were referred to as a Jedi Recruiter. Jedi Watchmen worked alone on a planet or system in the oversight of peace and were a vital liaison between planetary government and the Jedi High Council.
Bastila Shan
Bastila held many qualities that set her apart from her peers and set her on the path to greatness. However, these traits also led to her eventual fall to the dark side. Bastila was brash, overconfident and impulsive, she often acted as if invincible, even while constantly aware of her responsibilities. She followed the Jedi Code as strictly as possible, expressing even more radical views than that of her peers, believing that everyone deserved a chance at redemption, Revan included. Although she trusted the judgement of her masters, she often felt that they were secretive, self-absorbed and overly critical. However, she questioned the idea that love should be forbidden by Jedi, often unable to control her emotions. These traits also somewhat relate to the philosophies of the Order of the Sentinel.
Force Techniques
- " Shh! Calm your mind. Listen to the emptiness of a mind free of thought. Breathe and feel the life within you and the life around you. Feel through your senses, you are not one, but all. Everything is infinite.” "
- ― Ji’s Gatekeeper teaching a base lesson in Force Aware.
Force Aware

The Force permeates all that surrounds us, it flows and eddies around every living being (with a few exceptions) and it connects every entity and event in the galaxy. A Jedi can use this universal perfusion to attune themselves with the environment around them, so that for a period of time their mind functions in harmony with the flow of the Force in their vicinity. This allows the Jedi to become supremely aware of all that occurs in their surroundings, much more so than if they were using just their bodily senses. In this attuned state the Jedi will also be able to react to any disturbance in the Force much more quickly than they would normally be capable of.
Since Force Aware draws solely on the light side of the Force, using this power near a dark side nexus will greatly reduce its effectiveness.
In addition, this connection puts a large strain on the mind of the user. Depending on the Jedi's experience, they will be able to maintain this Force awareness for a finite period of time. When they let go of the connection, they will feel mentally drained and their ability to draw on the Force will be severely impaired.
First Tier (Jedi Knight)
A First Tier user of Force Aware has just begun to open the doors to feeling the galaxy through the Force. When utilizing this Force power they typically expend an enormous amount of energy and are left drained and unable to function properly for several hours to a day when the ritual has been completed. While focusing with Force Aware this lowest rung of practitioners is able to feel the ebbs and eddies in the Force which result from the movement of all creatures and objects within the immediate vicinity. The Jedi's reflexes in the Force will be somewhat faster than normal when reacting to these movements. However, by reacting they will very easily break their hold on the Force Aware power.
Second Tier (Jedi Equite)
The Second Tier of Force Aware sees both increased benefits and lessened consequences for using the power. While practicing Force Aware an Equite can sense not only movement, but also very generalized moods in the atmosphere. For example, several hostile beings could elicit a generally oppressive sense of anger in the Force a Second Tier student could detect, while a single creature would remain practically undetectable. Their Force reflexes will be improved significantly by this power, and they are better able to hold their concentration while reacting to what they sense. The radius of awareness is also significantly extended and recovery time is lessened to three or four hours.
Third Tier (Jedi Elders)
Third Tier practitioners of Force Aware rival the skills of Odan-Urr himself. They are able to fully submerge themselves in the Force during the ritual and detect individual creatures and objects over great distances. Additionally, moods and attitudes of individual entities can also be felt very clearly by the Elder. The speed with which they react to the slightest disturbance in the Force is incredible, and only the greatest disturbances will break their concentration. Third Tier users are able to recover quickly, typically in under an hour, though residual effects may be felt for some time.
Influence Alignment
Influence Alignment is an offensive power targeted toward Dark Jedi. It represses the strong emotions that are required to draw on the dark side of the Force, effectively suppressing the target's ability to use the Force. The magnitude and duration of the suppression is dependent on the user's rank: an inexperienced Jedi will only be able to reduce the Dark Jedi's ability to use Force for a short time, while a powerful Jedi may be able to prevent any interaction with the dark side of the Force for very long periods of time.

While dark side suppression is the power's main practical effect, Influence Alignment may also change the target's behavior, who, deprived of any intense passions, may be more easily swayed away from the dark side. This is, of course, a generalization which may not apply to all Dark Jedi.
Furthermore, an experienced Jedi can use Force Aware to increase considerably the effectiveness of Influence Alignment, because they will be more attuned to the flow of the Force around the Dark Jedi's emotions.
First Tier (Jedi Knight)
The First Tier of Influence Alignment allows Jedi Knights to mildly suppress interactions with the dark side from all Dark Jedi below the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Though Influence Alignment might lessen a fatal blast in the Force to merely a wounding one, it cannot prevent attacks altogether. The suppression of the dark side lasts mere seconds, requiring a great aptitude for timing on the part of the young Jedi utilizing the power. Additionally it has no effect on the alignment of enemies.
Second Tier (Jedi Equite)
The next level of Influence Alignment, used by the Equites, can actually short out the connection between the dark side and a user. Though it does not last longer than the First Tier, a user of the dark side will experience a full disconnection from the Force when he or she next attempts to draw upon it. As with the First Tier, the Second Tier of Influence Alignment has no effect on the alignment of dark siders.
Third Tier (Jedi Elders)
This final tier of Influence Alignment functions exactly the same as the Second Tier, except for when used in combination with other Jedi. A group of powerful Elders can either disconnect a Jedi from the dark side for a short time or disconnect a Force user from the light side for significantly longer (up to a day). A similar group of Elders may actually be able to influence a user of the dark side away from their evil ways and back toward the light.
The lone figure departs from the Founders Holocron.
Moments of silence pass and the blue light diminishes into a faint glow.
"Solari..."- The blue glow of the holocron flickers at the timbre of the cold voice.
"Yes my Master?"
"Where are you?"
"...I am transmitting the coordinates now, My lord."