The Mirror Mirror Saga was a trilogy of member–hosted events, ran by Eludajae “Lynx” M’Nar and her wife Impetus, with assistance from Kara

Rohana and Inarya. The events would begin with the theft of The Mirror of Anor, with the main antagonist being the Crime Lord High Lady Vexon, though further analysis by the participants reveals there is much more at work.
Part 1 - The Theft of the Mirror (Clan run-on)
It didn’t take long for the word to travel through the ranks of Clan Plagueis when it had been confirmed that the Mirror of Anor had indeed been stolen. Within moments all the ports on Kapsina were locked down to prevent the mirror from leaving. With an ongoing investigation of Vault Security Detail, one particular Guard stood out as to having his credit bolstered, his debts wiped clean, and a lump sum of nearly 10,000 Credits deposited into his account by a company named Diverse Limited.
The investigation soon pointed to the leading suspect being none-other than Kara Rohana, this however would soon lead the clan to be torn in two, half siding with Kara and the other half believing the innocent have nothing to hide. A background search conducted on all members in Plagueis would reveal Kara to have the only one to be affiliated with Diverse Limited prior to her joining the Dark Brotherhood. Kara, having learned of this, found help in Inarya while working on tampering with plagueis records. This would be short lived as they were soon discovered by Cethgus Kuga.
Meanwhile, in the Red Sector, Vorn Kyrth and Sanguinius Tscyra had been conducting their own investigation which had unfortunately led them into a situation where they discovered a connection with the Tapani Section, barely escaping the grasps of death with the help of Mograine’s timely arrival.
With the Clan in Crisis, another attempt on a prized possession of the Clan, the Jawadar’s Spears, was made. This attempt was thwarted by Gatrie Naon, who had slain a Force User wielding a blue lightsaber.
After a failed interrogation attempt by Cethgus Kuga to extract information from Inarya and Kara, Vivackus Kavon had taken over the job. Though Vivackus’s extreme methods of interrogation would soon lead to a duel between the Rollmaster and the former. The Rollmaster would soon emerge victorious and the demanded the release of the two women.
The lockdown on the citys ports was short-loved however, as the City Council of Ellesmeria had voted to lift the port lockdown due to the threat of an economic downshift caused by a halt in trade. This would yield as catastrophic had the Plagueis Dark Jedi not discovered a source of information within a bothan who knew of the whereabouts of the Mirror.
The information provided by the Bothan revealed that the Mirror of Anor was to be in a wine crate, held at a local dock. The clan moved quickly to raid the dock in an attempt to reach the Mirror before it was moved off world but was unsuccessful as Vexons forces had already occupied the dock. With impeccable timing, a security team was able to plant a tracking device on the ship as it departed.
During Unification (interlude fiction)
High Lady Vexon, the mastermind behind the theft of the Mirror of Anor
All thoughts of the mirror evaporated as the Clan was dragged into the Ninth Great Jedi War. With most of the Clan dispersing to assist in the retaking of Antei, a small team of Intelligence operatives were ordered to stay behind on Kapsina, their mission was to locate and recover the Mirror along with the Apprehension of the individuals responsible. The Clan Summit had put Koor’fen in charge of the team leading the investigation.
Weeks of searching had yielded no results and with the capture of Crask, Koor’fen knew the Ninth Jedi War was soon coming to a close. With a renewed sence of urgency, he discovered an article on a Crime Lord calling herself High Lady Vexon operating from the Tapani Sector. The article mentioned that the criminals latest acquisition was indeed the Mirror of Anor.
High Lady Vexon’s empire spanned multiple planets, with a nearly infinite supply source funded by theft and extortion. She had recently taken to selling Jedi and Sith artifacts, with helped fund the Jedi Mercenary group she had hired, going by the name of Twilight.
With the information gathered from the Article, the team was able to conduct an extensive investigation which yielded both the location of the Mirror and the itinerary of the High Lady herself. The Intelligence Officials pinpointed the Mirror to being held within her gallery, though with security as tight as it was, there was no possible way to confirm this. The itinerary had revealed that the thief was due to attend an auction in the Or Antalaha City of Fort Divin. Two teams were despatched, one to bring back the mirror and the other to find and capture High Lady Vexon.
Part 2 – A Clan’s Revenge (Clan RPG)
Team A
Cethgus, Kara, Sanguinius, Mograine, Cassandra and Inarya, with Soren as their support operative and operation commander, were the team sent to the tower gallery of High Lady Vexon, their mission simple, to locate the Mirror and take it back to the Jusadih System. Kara's piloting expertise landed the group safely in the jungle a couple of miles from Vexon's gallery.
With a failed infiltration attempt, the group soon came under fire. Although the superior marksmenship of Mograine managed to get them safely to the door, it wasn’t long before the alarms inside the gallery to be raised. After intercepting a radio from a fallen guard, they were able to obtain the location of the Mirror. The group was able to fight their way to the mirror, dispensing several Force Users on their way. While the group covered her, Inarya was able to snatch the Mirror and they made a break for the ship.
Before the group could make it safely back to the ship they were confronted by Vexons sovereign Twilight members, Valkyrie and Reaver. The group dueled famously against the 2 Mercanaries, though not without taking Cethgus’s vybernetic arm and wounding Mograine severely. Kara pulled out her best and was able to dispatch Reaver. Cethgus requested honorably to stay behind and fight Valkyrie so that the group could safely return to Kapsina.
Although Cethgus fought valiantly, he was unable to best Valkyrie and was taken prisoner by Tarnis
Team B
Alaris, Viv, Octavia, Eludajae, and Lady Aerwin, were dispatched by the Plaguies Intel Branch to secure the "master mind" behind the Mirror's theft. While Team A was recovering the Mirror from the Gallery, their mission was to find and capture High Lady Vexon.
Alaris receiving a report
Alaris took command over the team, arranging for the meet with the Plagueis Contact ‘Lady Aerwin’. Alaris and Vivackus dressed as guards with Octavia and Edludajae taking up the roles of ladies in waiting shortly before they met with the contact, with whom they moved to infiltrate the opening of the gallery, hoping to capture her. Within the gallery one had a who’s who guide to the worst of the worst of the Tapani Sector, who fell under the distraction provided by Vivackus and Eludajae.
With the distraction caused by Viv and Lynx, the rest of team was able to confront Vexon. The group had been a little taken back as the High Lady revealed herself to be a skilled Jedi, though not skilled enough to stop Octavia from injecting a feign death serum while she was distracted. This would allow her to show up as deceased on vital scans.
After a quick escape, the group would infiltrate and recover Vexons body from the morgue. They were able to return with their prisoner to the Jusadih system without any further problems.
Part 3- A Greater Force
Cethgus and Valkyrie agree to one final duel, but as the plagueian shuttle fired at shot at the Jedi, he had gone against reason and tackled her out of the way. After she had healed him, in return for saving her, they prepared for the duel of fates. In the end it would turn out that Valkyrie bested him and he was taken prisoner. With Denton pulling Valkyries strings, the plot would soon begin to thicken. One by one they were isolating Jedi and offering them lucrative amounts of money to defect to Tarnis. After monumental amounts of torturing, Cethgus had finally accepted that he had to defect.
Cethgus soon returned to Kapsina, fighting against his Sorens forces he had to continuously remind himself who he was doing this for. With Valkyrie waiting for Alaris in his quarters, she encountered none other than Sanguinius. As the two dueled, Eludajae and Vivackus quickly swooped in on the Jedi. With Death imminent, the Jedi quickly retorted with an offer to save her life. Valkyrie had given up the location of the NSD Conspiracy. The clan soon moved in position to collect Tarnises prized ship. Meanwhile, in Dentons grasp, Cassandra had locked into a dual with Aeshi, threatening to kill her should she not turn against plagueis.
With Cethgus firmly back within the ranks of Plagueis, he led the clan in an attack on NSD Conspiracy). The Plagueis fleet quickly out fought the Nebula Star Destroyer, and succeeds getting a boarding party within its hangar. Dark Jedi quickly fought their way through to the bridge and seized it into their own hands. The “Conspiracy” now belonged with Plagueis and was aptly renamed Ascendancy. Though the fighting seemed to be over a threat of a bomb in the Dark Tower was sent to Impetus, sending the Clan into a state of panic. Though with further interrogation of Vexon, she revealed the bomb to be a lie and the Clan finally came to rest.
With the rumors of a bomb spiraling through the ranks of the Clan, the interrogations of Vexon increased with the hope that it would yield
The Dark Tower some manner of solution. Finally Impetus was able to extract that there was no bomb, it was a lie. A last ditch effort. With that the Mirror Mirror saga came to a conclusion.
Cethgus Kuga
Kara Rohana
Alaris Jinn
Vivackus Kavon
Octavia Kuga
Important NPCs
The Bothan Thief – Name unknown. The thief, or an accomplice of the thief of the Mirror of Anor was found and interrogated, revealing the mirror’s location.
High Lady Vexon – The mastermind of the theft of the Mirror of Anor, a crime lord with an Empire spanning many planets. Captured by Team B of part two, and then tortured repeatedly to provide Plagueis with Intel.
Reaver – Ruthless Dark Jedi, joint-commander of Twilight, he wields a crimson staff. Killed by Kara Rohana during part two.
Agent Denton
Valkyrie – Peaceful Light Jedi, joint-commander of Twilight, she wields two cyan blades. Defeats Cethgus in combat, and then joins him in the purge of the Dark Tower after he defects to Tarnis. One of the remarkable things about Valkyrie as joint-commander of Twilight is she has a strange loyalty to her personal recruits, regardless of the tactic used to get them to join, once they are part of it, they are "HER" people. She attaches a strange type of universal loyalty to them. Unlike Reaver who attached a strange level of contempt for them.
Agent Denton – An Agent sent by Tarnis Enterprises to bribe Plagueis’ Jedi to their cause. Agent Denton is the sole Contact of Twilight and the Senior Partners who make up the insidious Committee that runs the Tarnis Corporation the front company for an organization that has its fingers literally nearly everywhere. Its public face is that of a Corporation specializing in revitalizing Vong-formed worlds, and devastated worlds from the war with the Vong. Giving a magnanimous face to the galaxy while becoming one of the most powerful organizations in the galaxy.
The Senior Partners or the "Committee" The most powerful faction within Tarnis is the Committee led by the shadowy figure simply called the Executor. These are the policy makers and the overlords of Tarnis and all its public and actual activities. They meet by holovid with their many Agents like Denton to issue edicts and approve funding for various projects. The corruption and recruitment of Plaguies Jedi is part of "Project Pegasus", ran by Agent Denton.