Dorimad Sol Battle Team Roles

Obelisk Positions
Lead Team *BTL01 - "Obelisk Sergeant - Team Leader (Fire Team Leader)* *BTM02 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Communications* *BTM03 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Medic* *BTM04 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Slicer* Assault Team *BTM05 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Point Man (Fire Team Leader)* *BTM06 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Rover* *BTM07 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Commando* *BTM08 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Commando* Ranged/Support Team *BTM09 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Scout (Fire Team Leader)* *BTM10 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Sniper* *BTM11 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Support* *BTM12 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Demolitions*
Team Leader - The leading individual of both Fire Team and Battle Team; the Team Leader is responsible for understanding his objectives and completing them. He is responsible for the entire 12 man team and utilizing them properly to complete his assigned objective.
- Communications - Tasked with keeping the Team Leader in contact with the necessary people, the Communications Officer has the necessary equipment to do so. It remains his task in battle to get the necessary messages to the Fire Teams, House and Clan Summit members while under battle duress.
- Medic - While not necessarily a doctor, this individual is tasked with the chore of ensuring the prolonged health of those in his Battle Team. He is to act as a healer, fixing any of the team's ailments; often he is the last line of defense from death for severely wounded warriors.
- Slicer - A technology savvy individual that is blessed with the ability to recognize, understand and break through any type of technology. This man/woman is usually assigned to getting in and out of Computer Main Frames without detection; may also use this ability to turn the automated defenses against their enemy.
- Point Man - The 'Next In Command' to the Team Leader, the Point Man is charged with the task of directing the Assault Team. In Combat, this individual acts as an Elite Commando providing heavy support, often leading the charge.
- Rover - This individual enjoys the same physical prowess in battle as the Point Man, but is not tasked with the obligation to 'lead'. A workhorse of a warrior, this soldier often can carry on battle without the assistance of others.
- Commando - A Heavy Support persona, this soldier fulfills the traditional 'Rifleman' spot. However, with enhanced skills in the Force he becomes more than a soldier, she/he becomes an agent of Chaos and warfare.
- Scout - The Scout is a ranged infantryman with the prowess and understanding of sneaking in and out of enemy territory to report their current status and possible weaknesses. Often dubbed the 'Recon' man, this person provides the Team Leader with invaluable information that is paramount to strategy.
- Sniper - The 'Crack Shot' on the team, this individual will often be called upon to make difference making shots that influence an oncoming battle. With a properly trained soldier, large conflicts can be avoided and objectives cleanly finished by the bullet of a sniper rifle.
- Demolitions - Designated to handle all things 'explosive'; this persona fills the traditional role of 'Grenadier'. If used properly, Demolitions can create entrances/exits were none were previously found. Also, with proper materials, you can prepare a defensive perimeter or lance out on the offensive.
- Support – This member uses heavy weapons to lay down covering fire keeping the heat off the Sniper and Demolitions man. Heavy Carbines are his specialty and can mow down whole units in a matter of seconds.
Krath Positions
Diplomats *BTL01 - "Krath Tetrarch" - Emissary (Group Leader)* *BTM02 - "Krath Tyro" - Advocate* *BTM03 - "Krath Tyro" - Ghost* *BTM04 - "Krath Tyro" - Lore Master* Scholars *BTM05 - "Krath Tyro" - Erudite (Group Leader)* *BTM06 - "Krath Tyro" - Alchemist* *BTM07 - "Krath Tyro" - Scribe* *BTM08 - "Krath Tyro" - Master of Rituals* Warfare *BTM09 - "Krath Tyro" - Weapon Master (Group Leader)* *BTM10 - "Krath Tyro" - Avenger* *BTM11 - "Krath Tyro" - Assassin* *BTM12 - "Krath Tyro" - Invoker*
- Emissary - The lead Diplomat of a Phyle; an Agent sent on missions with the primary objective to represent or advance the interests of Phyle, House and/or Clan. He uses his discretion to lead the entirety of the team.
- Advocate - Tasked with understanding the laws of each government and system of law; the Advocate will be consulted in any event that one must argue for a cause that pleads in another's behalf. An intercessor and/or defender of members within the Phyle or House.
- Lore Master - The Keeper of Lore is challenged with memorizing the Lore of Phyle, House and Clan. His/her knowledge must also encompass the histories and understandings of each culture the group comes into contact with; a historian/scholar.
- Ghost - An elaborate name for a 'Spy'; the name betrays one's task of infiltration and collecting items, information and otherwise priceless materials. The Ghost's primary objective is to give insight to the Emissary about the dealings of foes and allies.
- Erudite - The lead scholar, this individual has a profound understanding of all things scientific and arcane. The leader of the Research Division, the Erudite is in charge of directing the development of items, knowledge and productivity.
- Scribe - A challenging position, the Scribe must keep 'minutes' of all Phyle meetings, research reports, and accounting. Also tasked with the deciphering and etching of Sith and Krath runes; this individual can also use power runes in conjunction with Alchemy to create truly significant items.
- Master of Rituals - A profound expert in Krath magic and ritual; this individual will lead the rituals that Krath are known to perform in unity to perform great feats through the Force. This persona will also be tasked with reaching out through experiments to find new powers within the Force.
- Alchemist - A scientist and mage of great power; an alchemist focuses on chemical philosophy having as its asserted aims the transmutation of base metals or components. It is a seemingly magical power or process designed to craft unique, powerful items.
- Weapon Master - Most powerful families possessed a persona of great skill in all manners of weapons and strategy/tactics of warfare. The Weapon Master of a Krath Phyle is infamous for their ability in battle, but often finds themselves dictating the strategy of battle for the House/Clan.
- Assassin - Possessing the same skills as a Ghost; the Assassin can infiltrate any secure location with wraith like skill to acquire their objective. If a person or persons requires 'elimination' . The target is set or dictated by the Emissary.
- Avenger - Similar to the Weapon Master in arms training, the Avenger takes it a step further by continuously training in forms of weapons and martial arts. The 'lead' soldier of the phyle, this persona dictates the flow of battle. May also be used as an Elite bodyguard for important missions or meetings.
- Invoker - A caster of sorts, the Krath sorcerer calls upon a higher power for assistance, support and power. With the Dark Side of the Force as their ally, they can bring forth greater power in form of ranged attacks or enchantments.
Sith Positions (In-Flight)
Flight One *BTL01 - "Sith Commander" - Tactician (Flight Leader)* *BTM02 - "Flight Member" - Executive Officer (XO)* *BTM03 - "Flight Member" - Ace* *BTM04 - "Flight Member" - Ace* Flight Two *BTM05 - "Flight Leader" - Communications (Flight Leader)* *BTM06 - "Flight Member" - Pilot #6* *BTM07 - "Flight Member" - Pilot #7* *BTM08 - "Flight Member" - Pilot #8* Flight Three *BTM09 - "Flight Leader" - Navigation (Flight Leader)* *BTM10 - "Flight Member" - Droid Engineer** *BTM11 - "Flight Member" - Pilot #11** *BTM12 - "Flight Member" - Pilot #12**
- Dog fighters and/or Bombers
- Tactician - Lays out the strategy and directs his pilots to complete their given objections. Often the best pilot in the squad he also is tasked with the paperwork and administrative duties of the Squadron. Formulates space warfare strategy for star fighters and capitol ships.
- Executive Officer - Also known as the 'XO', this persona is the 'Next In Command' to the Sith Commander. Best described as a 'Supply Sergeant' the XO maintains the proper ammunitions, supplies, etc. for the Squadron to run at full capacity.
- Ace - A hot hand on the 'stick' the title of Ace is given to only the most proficient of fighter pilots within a squadron; it is possible to have an entire squadron of 'Ace' pilots. Though the chances are severely limited due to the demands of perfection.
- Communications - Tasked with long range transmissions and tight beaming messages, the Communications Officer is expected to keep open lines of communication with the Squad Commander to his/her pilots, Capitol ships and any forces kept in reserve. Also, there will be times where the person tracks a signal to its source.
- Navigation - While there are highly powered Nav Computers aboard most star fighters, there are instances when a pilot can course a more precise course that will save time and fuel. The Navigation pilot will be tasked with making these calculations in the heat of battle or before a long excursion or patrol.
- Droid Engineer - While all star fighters do not include astromechs, those that do require or have the feature, will be maintained and updated by the onboard Engineer. This could also come in handy if pilots are grounded in enemy territory, the droids may be 'configured' to fit the team's mission parameters.
Use in the Battleteams
These roles are designed for use in House Dorimad Sol's Battleteams. The roles are divided into Orders, and each set of roles suits the purpose of the Order. For example, the Obelisk roles tend to lead towards heavy combat, which ties into their role as an Order, while the Krath roles are more of a tactical basis, as this suits their Order.
Furthermore, these roles are meant to give more 'depth' to the Battleteam, and gives everyone on the Team a speciality and this stops the Battleteam from getting boring and redundant.
Battleteams That Use These Roles
- Banshee Brigade - The 'police' force of House Dorimad Sol.
- Blades of Chaos - The 'Second Team' of House Dorimad Sol.
- Shadow Brigands - The 'Older Team' of House Dorimad Sol.(Closed)