Cimozjen Kurios

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
New Order era.
Cimozjen Kurios
Biographical Information

Sepros, Orian system

Date of Birth:

presumably 2 BBY (age 45)

Physical Description





1.90 meters


94 kilograms





Personal Information




  • R3-D6 Astromech "Hex"
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Clan Naga Sadow

Known masters:




[ Source ]

"If it means fighting for freedom or if it means backing your Brotherhood, that's fine. I just want to go home."
―Cimozjen Kurios

Cimozjen Kurios is a Dark Jedi who joined up with Clan Naga Sadow about 10 months following the Clan's exodus from their home system. He is an intense man, with a slightly whimsical sense of ease. He will ofttimes pivot between a carefree attitude and a marked melancholy, but when the chips are down on the table he will keep by his own code of ethics. Hells or high water, Cimozjen is a man of principle over loyalty. After the experience of a Collective presence on Sepros and in the Orian system, Cimozjen was committed to an eventual victory for himself and the Sadowans. In the present day, the man has committed himself to acting as an independent agent to help the common man.


Early Life

The early life and teenage years of Cimozjen Kurios are of little consequence. Despite attempts to dig into his past, few if any officials have been successful in coming up with a paper trail on the man. The man himself often jokes that he was born full-grown from a crack in his father's skull. The joking confused and bewildered many watching him from across a cantina but otherwise seemed of little consequence.

Adult Life

Attempts at a Family

Drunken Squallor

Although he lived on the planet occupied by the Sadowans and a Force User, Cimozjen tried to keep under the radar across the world. Living in a hut he had built by hand years ago to live off the grid, he often shuttled between various planets in the system. To make ends meet, he spent a period of time as a freelance investigator. His particular specialty was in regard to tracking down missing persons. However, his success in the field led to him hunting for other forms of employment. He hopped from employer to employer, never managing to settle down long enough to set down roots.

Lacking the discipline of a Jedi or the focus of a Sith, the man was little more than a constant drifter, despite his inherent skills. The occupation of the system by the Collective did not change a great deal immediately for the clandestine Force User. It was once the Collective had seized a firm control of the system and had begun to indoctrinate the populace in their anti-Force rhetoric that Cimozjen Kurios took flight from his home.

Of Home and War

As luck would have it, his hunt for the Sadowans was not long and drawn out. He would meet up with the Clan near the Yavin system, just in time to experience the events of Rebels and Ruins and the following Great Jedi War. For the Force Disciple, it was a simple matter: he would see his home liberated again, or he would die in the effort. Nightmares tormented the man for months leading up to the planned liberation of the Orian system. He found an illusion of solace in the bottom of a bottle once again. He would eventually take a quiet role in the liberation of Aeotheran. While the others were tied up in the violence and the pain inherent in fighting insurgents, the Augur manned communications and served intelligence from the streets to the rest of the Sadowans. As the system was retaken, Kurios decided to return to a more simple time. He choose a quiet life of meditation away from the noise of city, retreating to the familiar hut he had built on Sepros a few years ago.

Service to the Orian Empire


"I saw many things. Our job today will be to see how long we will manage to defy the Force's providence."
―Cimozjen Kurios, Great Jedi War XIV

The call to action would come in 38 ABY, where the Sadowans were called to aid the Dark Council in Arx. Cimozjen linked up with Tytus O'Baieron and Seydal Reyara to combat Collective Hive Marines. Though the trio were cornered by the Collective forces at the Brotherhood's Shadow Academy. Through a mix of luck and his companion's skill, the task force was successful in repelling the Collective long enough for the Grand Master's greater plan to come into play.

Many lives would be ended with the destruction of Collective soldiers at the end of a lightsaber or a slugthrower. The exact events of that day are not the sort that Cimozjen prefers to speak about. Instead, he has taken to heavier drinking and began to engage in more whimsical activities when he is not serving some function for Clan Naga Sadow. Between the damages caused by the local Clan and the Collective, Cimozjen chose to become more reclusive following the events on Arx. He was not going to turn his back on the galaxy, though. He just needed some time.

Cimozjen on the case in Markosian City

Inquisitor Turned Investigator

Following the return to the Orian system by Clan Naga Sadow, Cimozjen found himself again listless. When he was engaged in work of various sorts, he found himself a purpose of sorts. Having spent a period of time as an Inquisitor for Grand Master Pravus, the man had once been tasked with securing the interests of the Dark Brotherhood as a whole. His role, while not glorious, had ensured order. One thing that it had not done was it had not settled the man's conscience. While it was true that Kurios had not turned in his badge or turned from his position, he found his services less needed by the Grand Master following the rules of Grand Masters Telaris and Darth Nephalem.

It was a time for him to start righting some wrongs. There were the lot like the Sadowans' Warhost who could keep order. Instead, he would start to work to fill the cracks and to right some of the *"minor"* wrongs in the greater galaxy. To this end, Cimozjen became a private detective of sorts. He started to seek out cases that the authorities could not be bothered to touch or were not able to devote resources to. He began to use resources and connections afforded to him from his rank and experience to try to unravel the darker things going on in cities and planets within the Orian System. In time, he hopes to expand his operation to further systems and planets, but for now he hopes to give some sense of justice for those that the governments and administrations have failed.

For a period of time, Cimozjen served at the pleasure of Overlord (Naga Sadow) Darkhawk. He spent some time leading House Shar Dakhan before a restless spirit settled into him again. He fled Aeotheran, taking to a small home on Tarthos. He plotted and observed the happenings of the system. Nightmares started to plague his slumber, though whether they were mere illusions of the mind or the Force whispering, he could not tell. He chose to become a free agent once again, keeping his links with the Inquisitorius and Brotherhood, but working towards a cause closer to his heart.

Personal Data


There are few occasional companions nearly as notable as the astromech that normally follows Cimozjen Kurios during his work. He has had no less than six droids so far follow him, with the sixth, "Hex" being his most recent resource. The droid, being painted black in order to allow it to blend in with the shadows. Being outfitted with an improved sensor suite, this allows the droid to act as a lookout for the detective. This ensures that if some less-than-legal means are needed to resolve a case, Cimozjen can avoid arrest or capture.


Cimozjen Kurios is an relatively average humanoid. His pale skin and silver-blue eyes contrast with his unkempt head of black hair. His sharp features are framed by trimmed beard. On the shorter side of average height for a human, most beings could look easily in the eyes. The Adept typically eschews fancy clothes, equipment, or armor in exchange for a firearm, a set of robes, and his wits. This can cause him to come across very unassuming at a glance.